Chapter 65 Cats and Fish


A small meow sounded in the backyard of the manor.

Chen Lun followed the sound and saw a white kitten hiding under a tree and calling.It looked malnourished and trembling.

Chen Lun walked over and gently picked it up.

Looking into the amber eyes of the little white cat, he felt a hint of longing and pleading.From the weak cry, he got some intermittent pieces of information.

This is a cub born to a stray cat, who was abandoned by his mother because of the hardships in life.Struggling to survive under the hunger and cold, after sneaking in through the cracks in the guardrail of the manor, seeing Chen Lun, inexplicably developed a great affection for this human being, and wanted to get close to him and rely on him.

"As luck would have it, I just happened to be in the mood for something to eat."

Chen Lun put it in his trouser pocket, turned and left.

in the afternoon.

After teaching Rebecca, Chen Lun got into the study of the villa and continued his "treasure hunting journey".

Butler Binoz specially ordered the maid to prepare a bowl of milk for the little white cat.After eating and drinking enough, it regained its energy, so it jumped up and down on Chen Lun's table.

"Have you finished what I told you?"

Chen Lun looked away from the page in his hand, looking at the little guy beside him.

The little white cat tilted his head suspiciously, as if he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Well... so small, it's hard for you to be a spy."

Chen Lun pouted.

He originally wanted the little white cat to investigate the situation in the villa and confirm whether Viscount Pompeii had obtained [Philip's inheritance], but it was obviously too young to understand too complicated instructions.

"Play your game."

He got up and continued to rummage through the books.

There are a lot of books in the study room, but under Chen Lun's efficient search, more than half of them have been handled.

When it was evening, he still hadn't gained anything.

Looking at the last remaining wall of books, Chen Lun secretly sighed.

"Extraordinary knowledge is indeed scarce. Even in the Viscount's study, only one copy has been found so far..."

At this time, Binoz knocked on the door as usual, announcing that it was time for dinner.

Chen Lun put down the book in his hand and left with the little white cat.

On the table.

"Mr. Jack, I specially asked the cook to prepare a dish for you, hehe!"

Rebecca Road.

She turned her head and looked at Chen Lun expectantly, her cheeks flushed.

Originally, he planned to keep it a secret, and when Mr. Jack saw his favorite dish, he would remind him aloud, and then leave an impression in his mind.

But Rebecca couldn't hold back.

"Oh? Thank you for your concern, Miss Rebecca."

Chen Lun smiled.

Rebecca cheered in her heart, and couldn't wait to call the maid to open the lid.

"Mr Jack, here's a good haddock."

Binoz said aside.

He understands Miss Rebecca's little thoughts, and specially joins in.

"Oh, I like it very much... Thank you very much, Miss Rebecca, you are a very understanding lady."

Chen Lun cut a little bit of fish, forked it into his mouth, and coordinated with the chewing movement, showing a look of enjoyment.

In fact he swallowed it.

Rebecca was immediately elated, and cast a grateful look at Floyd beside Chen Lun.

If it hadn't been for Miss Floy, she would not have known that Mr. Jack liked to eat fish.Thanks to her telling herself this secret, she won the praise of Mr. Jack.

Come on Rebecca!
We must deepen our relationship with Miss Floyd, and sooner or later we will take down Mr. Jack!

Floy turned her head slightly, feeling Chen Lun's bitter emotions, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Mr. Jack, eat quickly, it will affect the taste if it is cold..."

Rebecca urged.

"Well, of course."

Chen Lun secretly thought that something was wrong, and slightly hooked his fingers under the table, emitting light.

The little white cat jumped up, onto the table, and took the fish on the plate away.

The movements are done in one go, completely treating other people as air.


Rebecca was stunned, as were Butler Binoz and Viscount Pompeii.

"Aha! It seems that Miss Rebecca's intentions can't be resisted by even a kitten..."

Chen Lun chuckled, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Hearing what he said, Rebecca's depressed mood improved slightly, but she felt sorry for herself.


A week passed quickly.

A sensational news spread throughout Amber City——

Congressman Daniel was assassinated!

Countless residents were outraged that such a good man who dared to speak out and do things for the common people was brutally murdered!
"Protest! The Amber Sheriff's Office is doing nothing!"

"Member Daniel's proposal and proposition must have touched the interests of the nobles, and they sent someone to assassinate your Excellency! The murderer must be severely punished!"

A large number of residents held signs and marched and demonstrated on the street like a long dragon.

Many workers even went on strike, wearing dirty uniforms and joining the ranks, shouting at the top of their lungs.

But most of this happens in the outer city.

The inner city was still peaceful. Although the death of Councilor Daniel was shocking, it only frightened the rich and powerful, and many middle-class people clapped their hands and applauded.

Some time ago, there was an incident at the Garden Hotel, in which the son of Congressman Lawson was killed, and now there is another assassination incident, which resulted in the death of Congressman Daniel.

The dignitaries felt uneasy, so they put pressure on the Sheriff's Office, hoping to improve the safety of the inner city.

A large amount of tax money supports the police officers and guards every year. How can the high-ranking people like them live in fear all day long?
Only a very small number of dignitaries learned of some unknown inside stories through the channel of the shelter of the special department.

They secretly breathed a sigh of relief and spoke cautiously. As long as the matter has nothing to do with them, they are actually safe.

outer city.

Xiashuitan Flower and Bird Tavern.

It's very abnormal here today, it's empty without a single guest.

The proprietress, who was heavily made up, leaned against the corner, her eyes widened, she spat out blood, and a big hole was opened between her chest and abdomen.

Apparently she had been killed.

The ground in the inner courtyard was full of corpses, all of them were members of the Iron Fist Gang.

A brown-haired young man stood straight at the door of the building, kneeling at his feet was a headless corpse with a burly figure.

On the neck of the headless corpse, the wounds were uneven, as if the head had been bitten off by a giant beast.

"First... sir, I don't know! I really don't know the identity of that person!"

A boy from the Iron Fist Gang crawled in front of the young man, terrified.

This strange man broke in and started killing without saying a word, even Boss Gary was instantly killed by him.At that time, it was just a glimpse, and the other party seemed to just raise his hand, and Boss Gary's head disappeared!
Fear spread in his heart, he didn't dare to lie, and told everything he knew.

"This is the person who killed Daniel's housekeeper and took away some craftsmen...?"

The young man murmured while looking ahead.

After killing Daniel, Sir Oil Paint asked him to take over Daniel's unfinished business, so Vigari came to Xiashuitan.

He shifted his gaze lightly and placed it on the headless corpse at his feet.

"Take control of the gang leader and get news of Viscount Pompeii and 'Dolly'?

It seems that the extraordinary person in the Pompeii manor is him..."

The young man showed thought and killing intent.

"When did I expose...? It shouldn't be, is it a divination-like extraordinary method?"

He pondered for a moment, and finally decided to go back to the Pompeii manor.

Everything there has long been regarded as his own, no matter who this unknown enemy is, he is not allowed to covet it.

(End of this chapter)

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