I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 66 Inexplicable Hostility

Chapter 66 Inexplicable Hostility

A ball of flame rolled black smoke and impacted on the steel plate, instantly burning it black, and the scorching air wave pushed away.

boom! !

Then came another burst of flames, this time the flames condensed into a basketball-sized fireball, which hit the steel plate with a bang, sticking to it like tarsal maggots and burning continuously.

After a few minutes, the flame was extinguished, and the steel plate was burned red, leaving some potholes and melting marks on the surface.

"Nice job, Connie."

Chen Lun looked at the mechanical glove he was wearing and praised it sincerely.

Connie's apprehensive expression instantly turned into joy.

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Jack. This is the first replica I tried to make based on the drawing, and I thought it failed."

The entrance to the warehouse of the small manor.

Chen Lun is experimenting with the new weapons produced by Connie.

Its appearance is slightly different from the previous Mad Hand, with more textures on the surface, and many sophisticated gears and some small mechanical devices can be seen under the reinforced glass.

【Untitled-Mechanical Gloves】

Item description: A very talented craftsman imitates the manufactured weapon based on the oil painting painted with [Tricky Thing].

It can emit flames, or in high power mode, fire high-temperature fire bombs.With special synthetic fuel, it can attach to the target and cause continuous burning damage.

Flipping the brilliant sparks, covering the hands and destroying the torch.

"No, it was a success, Connie."

Chen Lun took off the gloves with a smile and handed them back to Connie.

"Since it's your work, it's up to you to name it."

Connie looked surprised, and then said with a little excitement:
"Mr. Jack, let's call it 'Connie One'! The famous creations in history are all named after their creators. I also want to..."

Speaking, Connie was a little embarrassed, and her voice became smaller.

Chen Lun couldn't help smiling.

He nodded, agreeing to the name of the new glove.Although it doesn't sound very nice, it is the greatest respect for Connie.

【Connie One-Mechanical Gloves】

"Very well, Connie, you can accept the money, it is the reward you deserve."

Chen Lun took out a small purse containing more than a dozen gold pounds.Connie still wanted to decline, but was forced into her palm.

"Your sweat and hard work shouldn't be wiped away, Connie."

Chen Lun smiled at her, and continued:
"I've already made arrangements for the Yellow Iris Academy, and you'll be able to study there in a few days...

Next, if you have time, take the time to arrange for craftsmen to continue to build 'Connie One', and the trumpet gun and ammunition also need to be produced..."

Chen Lun gave an order and left the small manor.

Connie looked at his back, and touched the purse tightly.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down, Mr. Jack!"


Walking on the road, Chen Lun saw more police officers patrolling than usual.

This was caused by the death of MP Daniel.

Chen Lun was thinking with a sullen face.

Things seemed to be moving in a direction he hadn't expected. Representative Daniel, who was supposed to die two years later, was assassinated ahead of schedule.

Who is the murderer?Will it still be "big eater" Dolly?

What caused the butterfly effect...?
Did he inadvertently flap his wings?

There are too many missing clues and puzzles, and it is difficult for Chen Lun to deduce the whole picture for a while.

But he knew that this matter had nothing to do with the Iron Fist Gang.I still remember what Mr. Daniel’s butler, Feldman said before he died...

Perhaps it was because of myself that the people behind the scenes had no control over the Iron Fist Gang and the group of craftsmen, which affected the subsequent series of events.

After all, this is what he is involved in, and the thing that connects him the most with Representative Daniel.

"The soldiers will come to block it, and the water will come to cover it."

Chen Lun let out a long breath.

It can be seen from his choice to save Floyd that Chen Lun is not afraid of the butterfly effect.

In order to ensure the direction of the plot, it is a coward's performance to hold on to the advantage of "omniscient".Now that you have traveled to this world and chose to follow your heart, you must move forward fearlessly.

Chen Lun can benefit from his familiarity with the plot, and he is not afraid that the world line will be shifted due to his own intervention.

Because he believes in himself.


Rebecca doesn't want to go to class today.

She pestered her parents for a long time, and finally persuaded them to take a day off.

On the lawn in the backyard of the manor.

Rebecca sat on the swing, staring at Mr. Jack who was reading a book.Floy was teasing the little white cat at the table, and from time to time she could hear the chuckle of her interacting with the cat.

The bright but not glaring sunlight casts a leisurely scene in the manor.

[By reading carefully, you have gained 195 experience points]

[The mysterious book "Please Observe Patiently" (progress 100%) has been read through! 】

[You have gained 1 additional skill point and 1 attribute point]

Chen Lun let out a long breath and put down the book in his hand.

This is the second book containing extraordinary knowledge that he found in the study room these days through a blanket search.

Although he couldn't find evidence that Viscount Pompeii obtained [Philip's inheritance], the acquisition of extraordinary knowledge relieved his depression a bit.

"The only two copies of extraordinary knowledge in the study, I have already used up the proceeds..."

Chen Lun was secretly happy.

In addition to experience points and skill point attribute points, he has mastered a new sequence path, [Star Faction] [Sequence 9-Hunter].

Counting the extraordinary knowledge in his hands, he had already reached four copies before he knew it.

The stars, the earth, nature and destiny...

Two Sequence Paths of the Seven Great Gods and two Hidden Sequence Paths will give players more options to choose from.

Chen Lun thought to himself, when other players are struggling to pursue the path of transcendence, the players who meet him are struggling to choose which one to choose.

Really looking forward to that scene.

"Miss Rebecca, Master Vigari is back, the Viscount let you go."

Butler Binoz came to the backyard, bowed to Chen Lun's Floyd, and then said to Rebecca.

"I see, Mr. Butler."

Rebecca said.

She declined Binoz's help, looked at Chen Lun, expecting to ask:
"Mr. Jack, can you push me over there?"

"Happy to be of your service, Miss Rebecca."

Chen Lun packed up the books, walked over and gently carried Rebecca into the wheelchair.

Mr. Jack is so strong!
His arms are so warm too!
Rebecca's face was intoxicated, and Floy came over with the little white cat in her arms, and her tail accidentally brushed Rebecca's face.


Rebecca sneezed, then covered her face in shame.

God!Grandma Moon is here!
I... I actually behaved so rudely in front of him!
So embarrassing!

Mr. Jack won't laugh at me! ?
The expected laughter didn't come, and Rebecca felt the wheelchair begin to push under her seat.

Turning her head to look quietly, she found Miss Froy showing herself an apologetic expression.


Everyone came to the Viscount's villa.

After Chen Lun entered the hall, he saw the Viscount Pompeii and his wife chatting with a young man on the sofa.

"Rebecca, don't you say hello when you see your brother?"

The brown-haired young man got up and walked over, smiling at Rebecca.

"Ah... Brother Vigari."

Rebecca Road.

The young man turned his head to look at Chen Lun, and stretched out his hand.

"You are Rebecca's governess, Mr Jack?

I heard my father talk about you, thank you for teaching Rebecca and helping me at Cuidi Zoo. "

Chen Lun shook hands with him, his eyes fixed.

Immediately, he smiled politely as usual:
"That's what I should do, Mr. Vigari."

After the two sat down, Viscount Pompeii introduced to Chen Lun:
"I told you before, my adopted son Vigari. This time is a regular vacation, so come back and have a look."

The young man smiled and nodded at Chen Lun.

Chen Lun's heart turned on a warning light.

The moment he shook hands just now, he received a reminder——

[Vigrei's favorability towards you has decreased, and he is currently hostile to you! 】

Not only that, he also felt a strong threat from this young man.

He is a transcendent!
The brown-haired youth looked at Chen Lun and thought the same way.

He sneered secretly.

"It's you..."

When he came back this time, he clearly felt that the Viscount Pompeii was far less enthusiastic towards him than before, and even Rebecca was a little alienated.

This made him angry, as if his own things had been taken away by others.

"Is Mr. Jack temporarily living on the manor now?"

Vigari smiled.

"I'll call on you after dinner...to ask you some literary advice."

 Thanks to the beautiful woman—a monthly pass for Zhujie Baimao Duanzi and a reward of 1 points for Wutongshu!
  love you(`)

(End of this chapter)

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