Chapter 661
The real world, Azure Federation.

Central District, gorgeous city.

On the right side of the main road in the outer suburbs, in a remote alleyway, a bar named "Blood and Fire" has been closed for a long time, and even the transfer notice pasted on the anti-theft fence is in tatters, which shows that it has been abandoned for a long time.

The shops in the entire alleyway were closed, and even the lights of a few vending machines were turned off, and the goods inside were empty.

There are few people around and it is very deserted.

In the basement of the "Blood and Fire" bar, the lights were on.

The tables, chairs and bar counters that were originally covered with dust, after a simple wipe, everyone in the Polaris team is settling down here.

"I didn't expect you to find such a good place, Gouzi..."

The horse man opened the cardboard box in the corner familiarly, took out a dozen or eight cans of "Lvchuang Beer", pulled off the lid with a puff, took two gulps, and let out a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he tossed the remaining beer at will, and the aluminum cans flew and spun, and the six men including Polaris Dongyang reached out their hands tacitly, and caught them easily with a snap.

"My father and a friend started this business in partnership, but then they quit because of poor management, and have never been willing to sell it..."

Goutoujin sat down on the bar counter, drank beer casually, fiddled with his proud rooster head, and grinned.

"The Tumor Lane next to the 'Neural Avenue' is notoriously deserted. Opening a bar here is better than opening an electronic cemetery. It will close down sooner or later...but it's a good thing. Well, it's not a good time to be here. For the time being, we don't have to worry about being found by the guys from the Armed Forces Division."

"makes sense."

The centaur smiled.

Polaris walked around the basement of this bar twice, carefully inspected every corner, and after confirming that there were no surveillance or other hidden dangers, he turned around and said in a deep voice:

"Brother Dong, have you found a suitable place for the ceremony?"


Dongyang put the beer on the bar casually, adjusted his glasses, and nodded solemnly.

He glanced at Kuang Ben Kuang and Dragon King beside him, and said again:

"According to the requirements of the ceremony, try to choose a high place, the higher the better... Only the Federal Government Affairs Building and the headquarters buildings of the three major consortiums can meet this requirement in the Central District. We might as well choose the 'Flash Eagle Building', where the Heroic Spiritual Guild happens to be. In the top floor area, I have a way to avoid security and surveillance and reach the rooftop."

"Good guy, he should have turned against the guild just like me and Wang Wangwuji... It doesn't matter if you don't want to break the ground, look at the world, what benefits can you get by working for the consortium, and now the Federation is dispatching armed forces to hunt down We, the consortium are not willing to let a fart go, and I even suspect that behind this incident, there is their participation!"

Goutoujin said disdainfully.

Dongyang smiled wryly.

He is a married man, how can he be so free and easy.

Among the residents living in the Azure Federation, who can really escape the control of the consortium?
This is impossible.

"Since you have a way, it's fine. In this way, only Chenxi, Su Keying and the others are left... When the ceremony materials are in place, we will start to act."

Polaris breathed a sigh of relief.

He just opened the beer can and took a sip.

Immediately, there was silence for a while.

"In order to avoid monitoring and tracking, we have now disconnected all communication devices and positioning systems... I hope their families are safe and sound."

The scene suddenly became silent again.

An atmosphere of solemnity and anxiety began to spread.

But not long after, Polaris suddenly frowned, made a booing gesture to everyone, and then pointed to the top of his head.

Dongyang and the others immediately became alert.

Subtle footsteps followed, and immediately, there was the sound of fingers tapping on the iron door, four times fast and one slow, lasting twice.

"It's Chenxi and the others who came back, I'll go and open the door."

Goutoujin's complexion eased, and he said aloud.

He said, drank the beer, squeezed it into a coin-sized aluminum ball with one hand, threw it into the trash can, and walked out quickly.

Not long after, Chenxi came to the basement with three ladies, Honey Grapefruit, Tutu and Kucha Nana. Among them, Grapefruit was carrying two boxes, a sealed box and a pet cage.

There is a white snake in the cage.

"I found everything, seven kinds of metal ores including gold, silver and emerald, and an albino brocade snake."

With a hook of Chen Xi's long legs, she pulled a high stool, and immediately sat on it elegantly, opened a can of beer, and talked while drinking.

"Metals and ores are relatively easy to obtain, but this snake took a lot of work. I got it from someone on the black market."

"You won't be found here by following the clues, right?"

Goutoujin closed the door and asked cautiously.

Honey Yuzu put down the cage in her hand and rolled her eyes.

"Sister Chenxi is a top hacker, she handled her hands very cleanly, and she didn't show up during the whole transaction, how did she find her?"


The men present were a little surprised.

Chen Xi never said anything about it. For the past two years, everyone thought she was just the president of the Chu Xi Guild, a senior white-collar worker working in a commercial building.

Unexpectedly, he was still a top hacker behind his back? !

In today's era, this is an appalling profession... After all, every federal resident is forced to have a personal terminal chip installed in their brains from birth. If they are invaded, they are likely to become vegetative due to the self-destruct of the protocol.

Top hackers can even tamper with the memories and databases of ordinary people, which is quite terrifying.

Therefore, "hackers" are not only a group that the Federation hates, but also the main criminal target of the Armed Forces Division.

"I used to be at a third-rate level, as a hobby...Since inheriting the extraordinary power in the game, completing the extraordinary qualitative change in reality, and being promoted to Sequence Seven [Magician], my brain power has been developed, and my level has suddenly improved."

Chen Xi flicked her gradually changing purple hair, and said with a faint smile.

The men looked at each other in amazement.

"Great, with Sister Chenxi here, our actions can go more smoothly..."

The Dragon King flattered him.

Polaris also had to admit this fact, nodded and smiled:
"When Su Keying and the others get the materials back, they will start to act."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

After chatting a few words, Chen Xi suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, I took some pictures on the way back, you'd better take a look..."

Everyone cast their eyes.

Chenxi raised her arm, operated a few times on the personal terminal of the simple watch style, and a holographic image was projected.

In the picture is a video, several suspension vehicles of the Federal Armed Forces Section surrounded a high-end apartment, and then the walls and glass of the apartment shattered, explosions and gunshots sounded, and there seemed to be fierce conflicts.

After waiting for a few minutes, the armed personnel aggressively escorted the three seriously injured young people into the car, and then quickly evacuated.

"The one who was caught was Gao Wan who inherited extraordinary power, just like us."

Chen Xi explained in a deep voice.

When everyone heard this, their faces became serious and their brows frowned slightly.

"This should be a large-scale operation. Combined with the information I inquired from secret channels, it is almost from this shutdown update that hundreds of similar arrests have occurred in various places in Hualian City in recent days."

Chenxi continued.

Everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

What is the federation trying to do? !

Polaris looked contemplative, and spoke out:
"According to what Mr. Jack said, if the Federation had premeditated, then they knew from the very beginning that they could bring out extraordinary power from the game... They haven't done it before, maybe the timing is not yet ripe, and it is difficult for players to improve until now. It was stuck in the saint ceremony, so the Federation chose to close the net at this time."

After listening to his words, everyone felt that it made sense.

At the same time, the atmosphere became more tense.

Chen Xi took a backpack from Bald's hand, opened it, took out a small laptop, put it on the bar, and tapped the keyboard, then pulled out the data cable behind her ear, and connected it to the interface of the laptop superior.

She raised her hand, and another holographic projection appeared in front of everyone.

The screen is divided into dozens of regional grids, corresponding to the homes of everyone present, apartments and communities in various streets of the gorgeous city, and even high-end villas.

From a point of view, it should be Chen Xi who hacked into the surveillance cameras in the area.

"Fortunately, the Federation hasn't frantically dispatched armed officers to arrest our family members and use them to threaten..."

Chen Xi said.

But Polaris found something and narrowed his eyes.

"However, there are secret sentries and ambushes from the Armed Forces Division nearby. Once we show up, we will be rounded up."

"What the hell!"

Goutoujin couldn't help being rude.

The resentment in everyone's hearts was also hard to suppress.

Chenxi then showed a series of the latest notices from the Federal Security Bureau, which were the wanted orders of everyone in the Polaris Squad!
In addition, there are hundreds of arrest warrants, all of which are played by major guilds and even casual people, and are famous guys on the game rankings.

The reasons given by the Public Security Section for arrest are suspected of illegal organization and behavior, participation in cult activities, etc.

"For ulterior purposes, they have torn their skins apart."

Polaris said coldly.

"This is just a city in the Central District. If you look at the entire Federation, this is definitely going to wipe out all the high-level players in the game!"

Everyone's faces were ugly, and the men couldn't help but clenched their fists.


At this time, a message was sent from Polaris' personal terminal.

He looked down and his face changed slightly.

"What's wrong? Brother Beizi?"

The Dragon King observed his words and couldn't help asking.

Polaris raised his head and said in a low voice to everyone:

"The three of Su Keying and the others have been exposed and are being hunted down by the Armed Forces Division!"


Everyone was shocked.

The impatient Goutoujin jumped off the bar.

"Let's hurry to save people!"

With that said, he opened the door to the basement.

But Polaris stopped him first.

"I go!"

He looked back at the rest of the team.

"As a [magician], I am highly mobile, which is convenient for saving people...Brother Dong, you are now going to collect the remaining materials, and the ladies of Chenxi stay here and always pay attention to the actions of the Federation."

"Brother Beizi, you are alone and weak, and I am also a [magician], so I will go with you."

The Dragon King said quickly.

Polaris shook his head and said seriously:
"The predicament at hand can only be solved by getting together the materials and arranging the ceremony for Mr. Jack to come. This is the most important thing... It is more convenient for me to move alone, that's it."

As he spoke, he pulled the hood behind the high-necked jacket over his head, turned and left without looking back.

Seeing this, everyone took a deep breath.

Dongyang packed up his things, put on his backpack and walked to the door.

"Listen to Ah Bei, the current situation is really urgent, we must collect materials as soon as possible..."

(End of this chapter)

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