Chapter 662

A small bird with reddish-brown feathers flew between the tall buildings.

Flapping its wings, it dexterously shuttled through the alleys, and finally landed on the shoulder of a man wearing a hooded jacket, chirping and chirping.

"Finally found……"

Polaris heaved a sigh of relief.

The place where he was standing at the moment was the place where Su Keying's distress signal appeared for the last time.

Based on the information observed by Red Bird, Polaris took out his poker for divination, and soon tracked down the whereabouts of Su Keying, Wei Yin and Pumpkin.

Polaris threw out a checkered thin cloth from his pocket, his figure was covered, and with a shake of the thin cloth, the whole person disappeared in place.


He appeared in a giant warehouse area near the Federal Research Center.

Countless huge containers are scattered in a patchwork manner, and dozens or hundreds of suspension vehicles of the Armed Forces Division are parked in the open space. Farther away, armed forces come in and out of the warehouse gate.

Polaris hid behind a blue container and looked at a van-type suspension vehicle of Armed Forces.

The divination pointed to this place, and the three of Su Keying were probably in the car.

At this time, two members of the Armed Forces Department got off the suspension vehicle. They were tall and big, with serious faces. They were fully armed and the metal mechanical structure on their arms and necks made them always exude an aura that strangers should not get close to.

Polaris once again divination for his own safety.

The poker cards swished across, and three cards popped out as a herald.

"There is a certain risk, but within the acceptable range..."

He whispered.

"It seems that the hunting team from the Armed Forces Division did not come back. Only these two people are responsible for escorting... Their physical fitness is completely comparable to that of a Sequence Seven Extraordinary. With the addition of special firearms and black technology equipment, even players who have inherited extraordinary power And hard to resist."

At this point in his thoughts, Polaris did not miss the opportunity, and immediately threw several card throwing knives.



The two armed men turned their heads abruptly.

Their neural networks have been remodeled, and their reactions are quite fast, just grab the submachine guns on their waists and shoot them.

Da Da Da Da! !
With a few jingling sounds, the bullets accurately shot down the playing cards in mid-air. Only one card escaped the bullet screen and shot straight into the neck of one of the armed men. It collided with the metal mechanical structure, and sparks sparked out with a bang. But it didn't hurt the other party in the slightest.

"Heh, the guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

The armed man sneered with a semi-mechanical voice.

The modified prosthetic limb on his leg ejects a stream of air from the "pores" of the bionic skin, and the internal lever moves. Under the powerful force, the sole of his foot crushes the ground, driving him across a phantom like lightning, and within a few tenths of a second After arriving at the container, he grinned grimly and grabbed Polaris.

However, it caught a blank!

A poker fell down!

Polaris exchanged positions with the thrown poker by using "Big Transformation", and immediately pulled out a "switchblade", with a buzzing sound, a section of blue translucent high-frequency tremor suddenly popped out from the black and silver handle. Light blade.

With a cold face, he waved his hand.


Relying on surprise, Polaris instantly cut the armed man in front of the hover vehicle in half.

The other party looked stunned.

Immediately furious.

Even though he was chopped off at the waist, the armed man did not lose his fighting power. He raised his arm, and holes were exposed at the fingertips of his five fingers, ejecting high-frequency flames.

Bang bang bang! !
Dense bullets came overwhelmingly.

This power surpasses the flintlock gun in the game by many times.

However, Polaris' hand danced like a butterfly piercing flowers, and the blue light blade was at its peak, forming a blue curtain to cut all the bullets in half.

Immediately, the handle of the knife was reversed, and a metal swinging stick was ejected, which suddenly landed on the opponent.

There was a bang, and white smoke suddenly appeared.

The armed man then turned into a brown pig.

The hand raised the knife and fell, the pig's head flew around.

Blood and various nutrient fluids and oils were spilled, and the armed personnel returned to their original state again, but the neck was empty, and sparks burst out from the data lines hidden next to the spine.

The expression on the head that fell to the ground was frozen, and the eyes were covered by a black film, with four red dot matrix words "lost link" flashing.

Polaris knows that the other party is not completely dead, because the database and memory bank of the Armed Forces Division personnel are backed up in the Federation. At that time, they only need to pair another "body" to be able to "resurrect" again.

At this time, the armed man who was initially thrown into the air turned his head angrily when he saw this, and attacked Polaris again.

"Fugitive No. 01 'Subei'! I have the right to kill you on the spot!"

"Then try."

Polaris said coldly, holding the arm-length blue light blade.

As a result, Polaris solved the opponent without much effort.

Although for most high-level players, the armed forces are extremely difficult to deal with, but Polaris, as the No.1 game, has no doubts about its strength.

His actual combat level is quite high, and the opponent is only two armed men, which is not a problem for him.

Polaris picked up the keys of the two armed men and remotely opened the door of the hover car.

Sure enough, three ladies, Su Keying, Weiyin and Pumpkin, were lying on the back seat, unconscious, wearing special shackles on their hands, neck, and feet, and were bound to the car seat, and the shackles were still flashing with blue lights.

Besides the three of them, there were six or seven unconscious men and women, all of whom must have been arrested.

Polaris knew that the thing could not be dismantled by force, otherwise it would explode, so he operated the palm-sized key a few times, and with two beeps, everyone's shackles were released.

Polaris looked around and found that the armed personnel standing guard in the distance seemed to have noticed something was wrong and was approaching this way, so he hurriedly stepped forward and patted Su Keying and others on the cheeks.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

After some whipping, the players in the car all came to life.

"Hey! It hurts!"

"Where am I?!"

"I didn't break the law! What the hell is the Armed Forces Department trying to do?!"

A burst of excited noise followed.

Seeing this, Polaris quickly drank in a low voice:

"I'm 'North Star'. I just killed the escorted armed men. If you don't want to be caught again, just shut up!"

Hearing this, everyone fell silent for a moment.

Polaris? !

First high play? !
"Thank you, Brother Beizi."

Pumpkin came back to his senses at this moment, and said gratefully to Polaris.

On the other side, a mature, beautiful Yujie with short silver-white short hair had bright eyes.

"Polaris? What a coincidence, I didn't expect to see you offline!"

She said with a smile on her face.

Polaris frowned, he didn't know this woman at all.

The other party rolled his eyes, and said with "resentment":

"Even your junior sister?"

"Sunny and light rain!"

Polaris couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

At this time, Su Keying, Wei Yin and Pumpkin looked at each other with gossiping expressions. Is this Brother Bei Zi's "little girlfriend"?

Looks and figure are really great...

"Now is not the time to chat, hurry up!"

Polaris took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"I suspect that this warehouse area is a place dedicated to detaining extraordinary players. The defense force is definitely not weak. If it continues, more members of the Armed Division will come soon!"

"Okay! Get out of here first!"

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Su Keying and the others quickly got out of the car.

Immediately, Polaris led them through the "aisle" between the containers, avoiding the sight of the armed personnel, and quickly approached the high wall outside the warehouse area.

Everyone is a transcendent, and climbing over the wall is a trivial matter for them.

Yet at this moment.

A loud whining wind came from overhead.

Everyone looked up, their faces changed slightly.

I saw a helicopter flying straight over, shining down with dazzling lights, covering Polaris and the others.

A handsome man in a slim blue uniform jumped off the helicopter from a height of more than ten meters, and lightly stepped on a container with a thud.

On his chest, there is also a unique badge of Zhanlan Shengjiao.

"Federal Ether Section Agent?!"

Seeing this, everyone felt their scalps go numb.

The Ether Division agents are the most mysterious group in the Federation. If the Armed Division is feared, then the Ether Division is hopeless.

Being approached by them is equivalent to a death sentence!
A handsome man with his hands behind his back, his perfect facial features showing a smile.

The silver-white eyes scanned for a week, and finally landed on Polaris.

"Meet you again, Brother Beizi."


Polaris stood ready and looked at each other with a frown.

He was pretty sure that he had never seen this person before.

"Forgot to introduce myself."

The handsome detective kept smiling and looked down.

"The leader of the God's Choice team, Le Fan, we fought against each other."

"It's you!"

Polaris' pupils shrank, and he suddenly remembered.

The opponent is a top player who walks the path of stars...

Unexpectedly, Le Fan's real identity turned out to be an agent of the Federal Ethernet Division!
"I may not be your opponent in the game, but it's different in reality... Before entering the "Age of Mysteries", I was already a Sequence Five Transcendent of the Holy Cult. After inheriting and devouring the power of the stars, the current The strength can even be ranked in the forefront of the etheric department."

Le Fan said softly.

A trace of luck flashed in his eyes.

If it weren't for the difficulty of the saint ceremony, he would definitely be unable to resist being promoted to a higher position in the game, Sequence Four [Witch]. At that time, his body in reality would definitely not be able to swallow this power, so he would be forced to turn.

Things are just right now.

Relying on the ability of his own Holy Fire Sequence Five [Blame Worshiper], he can barely absorb the power of Star Sequence Five [Summer] while maintaining his masculine characteristics.

The only thing that makes Lefan dissatisfied is that his appearance is becoming more and more feminine and handsome, which does not conform to his aesthetics.

"Sequence five..."

Polaris pupil shrinks.

Although he guessed that the Federation and the Zhanlan Sacred Church had extraordinary power, the strength of the other party still exceeded his expectations.

The hearts of all the high-level players present sank.

They are very clear about the gap between Sequence Five and Sequence Seven.

Even if they go together, I am afraid there is no chance of winning.

With a sound of bear, Le Fan raised his hand, and a silver flame ignited from the palm of his hand, instantly dazzled the players present.

The firelight shone on his face, and he couldn't help feeling a strong attachment and trust in Le Fan.

"You can't escape, why don't you go back with me."

Le Fan's lips opened and closed, and he spoke softly.

"The Federation just wants you to cooperate with the investigation, and it won't hurt you..."

His voice seemed to have a magical power, and everyone present believed it.

Even Polaris is included!
His face twisted, and after struggling a few times, he was still affected by Le Fan's power and was forced to go forward.


Le Fan looked at the crowd who had been misled, and smiled lightly.

He jumped off the container and led the way towards the warehouse area.

Polaris and others followed silently like walking dead.

"Another group of mid-sequence players taking the path of the top ten gods. After the 'Great Holy Flame' eats them, more and stronger energy will be born, supporting the 'Ark' to fly farther..."

Le Shan murmured, with a slightly excited smile on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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