Chapter 663 Advent Ceremony
When Polaris woke up from his confused cognition, he found himself in a dark and spacious hall.

Hands and feet were restrained by special cold shackles, and a data cable was inserted into the data interface behind the ears. The strength of the whole person seemed to be taken away, and the extraordinary power was no longer difficult to display.

Beside them were Su Keying, Wei Yin, Pumpkin, Qingtian Xiaoyu and others, all of whom were also imprisoned on a metal bed tilted at 45 degrees.

Everyone's eyes gradually cleared up, and soon they all showed shock and panic.

"Brother Beizi, where is this?"

Pumpkin frowned slightly, and whispered.

Polaris twisted his neck with difficulty, endured the pain at the data interface, and looked around.

Hundreds of metal beds are placed in the dim hall, and in the center is a huge cylindrical glass jar, which is filled with a thick, transparent yellow-brown liquid, and a blue flame is constantly burning and dancing in the liquid.

At the head of each metal bed, complex mechanical structures extend data lines, all of which converge into the huge glass jar, as if to provide energy for the flame.

Farther away, at the end of the hall is a high platform on which hundreds of giant screens are hung, as well as holographic projections made of blue light.

Dozens of figures gathered on the high platform, seeming to study something.

"It should be the former warehouse area, the huge building in the middle, where the extraordinary players were all caught..."

Polaris said in a deep voice.

"What does the Federation want to do?!"

"Why are you arresting us..."

Pumpkin, Su Keying and others were talking anxiously.

At this time, only a burst of cheers came from the high platform.

Polaris looked over, only to see those figures excitedly dancing at the screen.

But the picture displayed on the screen is a vast expanse of land and several rocket launch centers.

A giant rocket ship with a sense of science and technology ejected several thick blue flames and slowly lifted into the sky.

Seeing the flickering Federation logo on the spaceship and the flame pattern representing the Zhanlan Holy Cult, Polaris was shocked and speechless.

"'Ark' launched?! How is this possible..."

The "Ark" developed by the Federal Research Center under the leadership of Zhanlan Shengjiao is no secret to the people of the Federation.

This plan has been steadily being implemented since hundreds of years ago.

The Holy Cult stated that it would create a spaceship to fly out of the azure galaxy with the fire of mankind, and go to the kingdom of God of the "Lord of the Great Sanctuary" to seek shelter, so as to prevent the azure star from being invaded by the coming doomsday.

However, with Zhanlanxing's technological level, although it is already extremely high, at most people can carry people in the galaxy, and it is impossible to leave the galaxy.

It is conservatively estimated that it will take at least thousands of years of development before it is possible for the rocket spacecraft to sail out of the solar wind and go to the unknown starry sky.

The picture of the Ark's liftoff was deeply imprinted in Polaris' eyes.

This fact came so suddenly that he was stunned and speechless.

The extraordinary players who were imprisoned on the metal bed all saw this scene and became restless.

Because they could easily think that the holy fire in the center of the hall was continuously drawing their own extraordinary power, which might have something to do with the "Ark".

"Zuo Nima's Federation! Gou Ri's consortium!!"

"Let go of me! Treat me like medicine, right?!"


Anger and panic boiled in the hall.

However, the figure on the high platform was indifferent, and was concentrating on the screen.

I saw that the "Ark" had reached high altitude and was about to leave the atmosphere. The monitoring angle was still capturing the figure of the rocket ship by unknown means.

Screen switching.

into the spaceship.

A middle-aged man in a blue spacesuit faces the camera with an excited smile and anticipation on his face.

"This is the cockpit of the 'Ark', the person in charge of the 'Fire Hunting Project', Lu Haiyun."

"This is the Zhanlan Star flame transmission station, Bishop Lu, how is the situation?"

A woman on the high platform asked a question.

"Everything is going well. Archbishop Xu Shou is sleeping. If something unexpected happens, there won't be any major problems with him."

The middle-aged astronaut laughed.

"The power of the Holy Flame is far stronger than we imagined. As long as we keep supplying energy, we will soon be able to leave the Azure Star and enter the universe... Then we will accelerate the entire 'Ark' beyond the speed of light, and even complete the expected The flickering jumps, breaking away from the blockade of the galaxy."

"The transmission station has received instructions, please rest assured Bishop Lu."

The woman on the high platform responded.

Then, she turned her head and whispered something to the people around her.

Polaris saw Le Fan come to the side of the high platform with his hands behind his back, moved some levers on the console, and operated them a few more times.

Only a miserable scream was heard.


On a metal bed not far from Polaris, the bound man suddenly straightened up like a big bow, his skin squirmed, his muscles twitched, and he rolled his eyes and screamed endlessly.

The data interface connected behind the ear even spattered blood, and the unspeakable invisible force poured into the central cylindrical glass jar through the data cable, and the azure blue flame suspended inside suddenly became stronger.

The man's miserable state didn't last long, and soon he became silent with a plop, his whole body twisted, and his ferocious expression froze.

"he died!!"

"Drained of life and extraordinary power, supplied to the 'sacred fire'!"

"Zuo Nima! I don't want to die!!"

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and the pot suddenly exploded.

Noisy scolding and terrified roars were mixed together, boiling back to the sky.

Polaris couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

In order to realize the creed, the Federation and the Holy Cult have done such a cruel and inhumane thing, forcing the capture of extraordinary players to extract life and power to power the holy fire!


There were screams one after another, and the Leshan agent on the high platform was expressionless, and kept flipping the lever of the metal bed to start the "extraction" of the highest gear.

The scolding in the hall gradually turned into wailing and begging.

Although these people who have been captured have inherited extraordinary power, they were just ordinary people before, facing the real life and death, and it is difficult to calm down.

"Brother Beizi! What should I do?!"

Looking at the screaming and struggling men and women on the metal bed, Pumpkin couldn't help but shudder.

And these people who were "extracted" seemed to be arranged according to the order of the beds, and it would be their turn soon!

Polaris' face was solemn, but there was a flash of weakness in his eyes.

He couldn't use his extraordinary power at this moment, and it was impossible to save himself.

After gritting his teeth and thinking for a moment, Polaris let out a long sigh.

I closed my eyes.

Seeing this, Su Keying, Wei Yin, Pumpkin, Sunny Rain and others also looked desperate.

Even Brother Beizi gave up...

Right now, we can only wait to die!
However, Polaris just prayed silently in his heart, praying to the sun continent that is so far away, and praying to the teacher Jack Speight...

"Teacher, Subei begs you to come, to save us poor people, and to punish Zhanlan Federation and the Holy Cult."

Bear! !

A group of pale flames suddenly ignited on the roof of the Flashing Eagle Building.

Mysterious and bright flames shone all around.

"Successful! We succeeded!!"

Dongyang was full of excitement and clenched his fists.

On the side, there are Gou Tou Jin, Wang Wang Wuji, Chen Xi and others. The ladies did not listen to Polaris, but came here together to help Dongyang complete the descent ceremony.

After several twists and turns, they finally found the remaining ceremony materials, and then led the way through Dongyang, bypassing the security and monitoring, and arrived at the rooftop.

Fortunately, the ceremony went smoothly!
Everyone looked at each other and saw the excitement on each other's faces.


However, there was a loud noise from the sky.

Dong Yang and the others looked up, but found that the sky began to be covered with dark clouds at some point, and thunder and lightning flashed high in the sky.

Farther away, a rocket took off and disappeared in a flash.

"That's... a rocket?"

Gou Tou Jin was puzzled.

Dongyang cursed secretly:
"How can it rain?! If the ceremony is terminated, it will be over!"

No matter what they said, under the terrified eyes of everyone, the heavy rain poured down, and the crackling rain slanted on the roof, splashing white misty water, covering the field of vision.

However, that pale flame was unaffected!
Still burning vigorously!

Dongyang and the others were shocked at first, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Huh... it scared me to death!"

Goutoujin was drenched in the rain and patted his chest.

In the pale flames, the albino golden snake was not burned to death, but stayed on the spot obediently, voicing letters comfortably.

Soon, at a speed visible to the naked eye, a bright crystalline substance slowly grew on the body of this albino snake...

"It's Jack's power!"

"That's right! The ceremony really works!!"

Dongyang and the others exclaimed.

The Sun Continent, the intoxicated winery in the rift of the other world.

Chen Lun was talking with the three true gods of Conrad, and suddenly his eyes froze.

Mr. Jingyao noticed his strangeness, but did not ask any questions.

Chen Lun lowered his eyes and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The Polaris Squad made it...

He just felt the call and prayer from the distant starry sky!

The eyes of Dongyang and others became more and more horrified.

Because the blue flames were gradually extinguished, and the albino brocade snake had completely turned into a crystalline snake, its body swelled and swelled, as if something was about to break out of its body...

Bang! !

The crystalline dust exploded, and the little snake was completely shattered.

This cloud of bright dust drifted wantonly in the rainstorm against the laws of physics, and under the gloomy sky, a flash of lightning flashed——

Unspeakable mysterious power is spreading.

A figure was gradually condensed by the dust and mist.

Dongyang and the others didn't dare to make a sound, and stared at the figure.

pat, pat...

The figure moved, stepping on the rainwater and walking slowly to the crowd.

She was dressed in a straight black dress, with a smooth and warm ivory white carved cane in her hand, and under the black top hat, was a face that was perfect and not like a real person, with those deep and dark eyes, smiling.

"I am honored to be able to come to your hometown..."

He breathed the refreshing breath in the rain.

In my heart, I added with a feeling of remembrance:
"Of course, this is also my hometown, finally came back..."

Dongyang, Goutoujin, Chenxi and the others took a deep breath, staring blankly at the figure in front of them, feeling unbelievable.

Jack, he really came to reality...

Bang! !

The gate of the rooftop was blasted open by a huge force!

A group of armed personnel from the Federal Armed Forces Division rushed in with heavy steps and surrounded everyone.

In the sky, three helicopters followed, shining dazzling lights.

"You are surrounded! Give up resistance immediately, put your head in your hands, and kneel down! Otherwise, we will take coercive measures!"

A cold, semi-mechanical warning came from the loudspeaker.


Dozens of armed personnel raised their rifles and pointed their black muzzles at everyone.

Several six-barreled heavy machine guns mounted on the three helicopters were also aimed at the roof, firing a storm of [-] rounds of bullets per minute at any time.

Dongyang and the others felt tense, but after glancing at the straight black figure from the corner of their eyes, they felt relieved...

The gentleman in the black hat slowly raised a hand.

"Warning! Don't act rashly!"

"Warning again!"

The gentleman remained indifferent until he aimed his palm at the armed people.

"Warning is invalid! Fire now!!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang! ! !
 Uh, unfortunate news, Chapter 658 was reviewed and deleted as expected...

(End of this chapter)

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