I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 675: King Cang's Liquidation

Chapter 675: King Cang's Liquidation

'Everything is going according to plan...'

On the Tianyuan White Throne, Chen Lun propped his chin with one hand, half-closed his eyes, and lazily overlooked the world.

There is a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

On the Sun Continent, he sent the Aurora Church to help Arnold end the war. As for the Outer Continent, Diani's promotion went smoothly as expected.

As a fictional character in his writing, Diane Lucius is proficient in all the knowledge of Sequence Nine to Sequence Three of the holy fire pathway, and Chen Lun can give her a huge amount of experience points at any time, it is difficult for Diani to upgrade slowly.

What made Chen Lun most gratified was that the promotion ceremony of the holy fire path was far "simpler" than that of the top ten paths of gods...

Of course, this "simpleness" is only for him personally.

Because of the promotion of the holy fire path, the biggest difficulty lies not in the harshness of the ceremony... but in the "finding" of the power of the non-primary path!
Especially starting from Sequence Five [Blame Worshiper], if you master the knowledge of other paths, mysterious substances and even the only divinity, then trekking on the path of the holy fire will become very easy.

These are precisely what Chen Lun lacks most!
'Now I have become a "game administrator", mastering the data of all players, and can arrange tasks at will, so that they can be used by me... There is such a large army of extraordinary people who are not afraid of life and death, whether it is Sun Continent The "Unification Ceremony" or the "Separation Ceremony" of the Outer Continent will receive a huge boost. '

Chen Lun was in a happy mood.

He took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes slowly.

"Now that [Ouroboros]'s promotion ceremony is progressing steadily, I can also free up my hands to do other things..."

At the beginning, the scroller and Dagon colluded with the ancient gods of the esoteric sect to attack the fairyland, trying to destroy the angel's promotion ceremony and seize his power.

If it weren't for the help of angels such as the God of Cats, the Three Painful Ladies, and Xi Ke, Chen Lun might have suffered a lot.

This revenge must be reported.

'Although the "leader brother" Leonid, the scroller, is dead, Dagon "run away" with Mr. Gudao at the beginning... As the incarnation of the true god of the earth, the scavenger may not be easy to deal with for the time being. Let's deal with those two guys first. '

Chen Lun was thinking, his eyes were deep.

"There is no need for the existence of esoteric religion in the world. I have mastered eight copies of the only divinity of heretics. Mr. Gudao must also become my favorite..."

He rose slowly from the white throne.

Taking one step forward, he appeared under the holy tree.

Maggie, the god of cats, is in the form of a white cat, napping on a thick tree root like a train.

Sensing Chen Lun's arrival, he just half-opened one eye and said lazily:

"King Cang, it's rare to come to me, what's the matter?"

"Miss Maggie, I want to ask you a favor."

Chen Lun stroked his chest politely.

"Ha-yes, tell me."

The white cat arched up, stretched its limbs, and yawned vaguely.

"I hope that 'Scorching Sun' will gain the support of the natural sect."

Chen Lun said softly.

Maggie licked her paws, and was taken aback for a moment.

He looked at Chen Lun carefully, thoughtfully.

"Okay, I'll let Aisha know."

Aisha is the real name of Mrs. Elk, and the cat god said that this matter is almost certain.

"Thank you."

Chen Lun saluted again.

After bidding farewell to the cat god, he went to the branch of the sacred tree high above his head to visit Ms. Frederick in the Meteor Tower.

In the same way, ask him to help convey the message to King Byron William Lev, hoping that the northern border can stop the attack on the empire and join hands with the alliance instead.

As a person that Mr. Jing Yao valued.

With Chen Lun's current status and strength, it is impossible for King Byron and even the Madman School not to give King Cang this face.

Ms. Frederick readily agreed to the request.

Chen Lun thanked you again.

Back on Tianyuan, he snapped his fingers.

"Ronan, Douglas."

Two figures, one tall and one short, appeared.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

A flattering voice came from the hat boy's large pointed hat.

"Come with me to visit your old friends."

Chen Lun smiled lightly.

"Old friend?"

The Earl of Learning Tongue repeated it with a puzzled tone.

"Mr. Gudao, the only remaining ancient god of the esoteric sect, or should he be called 'Titan'?"

As Chen Lun spoke slowly, the faces of the hat boy and the earl of the tongue changed.

"You two can't let the water go. If he runs away again this time, you two will die for him... I like the number '10' very much. The only divinity of heretics can't make up ten parts. You can figure it out .”

Chen Lun smiled and raised his hand.

The four seasons bookmark "Nianjing" slowly emerged in the palm of the hand, and immediately turned into 54 dark gold playing cards, spinning and tumbling non-stop.

At this moment, the role of a person comparable to that of a true god, the simplest "divination" was performed, and these golden cards were finally combined and arranged in front of Chen Lun in a certain mysterious order.

With a sweep of his eyes, he confirmed the current position and state of Mr. Gu Dao.

"follow me."

Chen Lun glanced at the dumbfounded hat boy and earl, and said indifferently.

"Yes... yes, Your Majesty the Great Cang Wang."

In the present world, the city of Amber, the jewel state of the former Trisul Empire.

The Sun Royal Family is having an extremely grand meeting.

After the fall of Emperor Andre, his corpse was infected by the crystallization power of King Cang, and turned into a huge agate meteorite, turning Tourmaline Kloster and the area within a hundred kilometers into a forbidden area of ​​pollution.

Queen Anna had no choice but to temporarily move the royal city here.

In the center of Amber, a magnificent palace was newly built.

In the hall, the royal family, the Church of the Sun, and the Church of the Aurora are all sitting at the round marble conference table.

Anna wears a crown on her head and dresses in fine clothes, and sits on the throne.

Beside her is her elder brother Arnold.

Arnold was also wearing luxurious clothes and a crown, with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, Prince Arnold, the Lord of the Dawn Church is the 'King of Cang Yi', and that existence is the murderer who assassinated Emperor Andre..."

On the seat of the Church of the Sun, an elderly saint said in a deep voice.

He has a sad expression and a sincere tone.

"The Trisur family absolutely cannot accept their help! Only the sun knows what kind of intentions these people are hiding!"

The Church of the Sun suffered several massacres by Jack in the past, and the high-level leaders have long since withered. Now there are only a handful of three saints left, and the rest are just some elite mid-ranks.

As for the imperial jury, only one presiding judge, Mecox Lane, lived alone. At this time, he sat at the table with a blank face and did not say a word.

Queen Anna lowered her eyes.

She had a good relationship with Jack at the beginning, but later Jack's strength and power became higher and higher, and he even became the "King of Cang Yi" who made the world fear and fear, and even murdered his father Andre himself.

It is impossible not to hate.

But when she learned that her elder brother Anuo was resurrected by King Cang's mighty power, this hatred became complicated again.

She didn't speak, but looked hesitant.

"Under Alonso's crown, the revival of Trisul cannot be achieved only by the royal army, the jury and the Church of the Sun... To end the war of the century, follow the example of the father, unify the continent, create a new empire and Order, then we must rely on the help of the Church of Dawn."

Arnold smiled and spoke gently.

Pause for a while.

He stopped laughing.

"Please remember, Father, He did not choose... His fall was the fate of God as the sun. If you want to hate, you can only hate the fierce sun."

Arnold's words were faint.

Except for the Aurora Church, the faces of everyone present changed slightly.

Prince Arnold directly blasphemed Father Sun God!
But no one dared to refute.

The old saint named Asolon showed unwillingness.

He glanced at the people in the Dawn Church. Pope Floyd was sitting upright with a calm face. Beside him were the former Pope Martin Gustus of the Church of the Sun and the gray-haired Carmen.

Three demigods!

There are also saint-level combat powers such as Noah and Anton.

Asolon opened his mouth. He didn't dare to curse Martin as a traitor, nor did he dare to challenge the authority of the Aurora Church.

In the end, he just bowed his head slumped.

Another Sun Church saint on the side gritted his teeth and said:

"However, His Royal Highness, the Hailing Regiment and the History and Ceremony Association, which originally supported us, have now turned around and joined the Beelzebub camp because of the joining of the Aurora Church..."

"Even if we don't come, with the virtues of those two forces, they will betray Trisur sooner or later."

Floyd said lightly.

He glanced at the Sun Saint who spoke.

"If Church of the Sun doesn't want to work with us, get out early."


The sun sage just wanted to say something.

Suddenly, he discovered that the cold eyes of the two demigods, Martin and Carmen, had locked on to him.

Cold sweat fell from his forehead, and the man had to swallow his words back.

At this time, a member of the jury quickly walked in from the outside.

"Your Majesty the Queen, Your Royal Highness, the kingdom of Byron sent envoys to convey the personal letter and message from William Lev, the King of the North - He expressed his willingness to stop the war with Trisur and join hands to defeat Bessie. Divination and Shuo Li."

The messenger looked excited.

When everyone present heard this, they couldn't help being taken aback.

Queen Anna beamed with joy.

"Give me the letter! Quick!"

The messenger hurriedly handed it over.

Anna opened the letter, the more she looked at it, the more joyful her expression became, and she immediately handed the letter to her elder brother beside her.

"If King Byron joins forces in good faith, then this is a great thing for Trisur!"

"Your Majesty! Please be alert to the conspiracy of the King of the North!"

Asolon, the old sage of the Church of the Sun, warned cautiously.

After Queen Anna heard this, she couldn't help but also smiled, thinking it made sense.

However, it didn't take long.

Two more members of the jury walked into the conference hall almost at the same time.

"Your Majesty the Queen! Your Royal Highness the Prince!"

"The Pope of the Natural Sect, Mrs. Elk wrote a letter, expressing his willingness to join Trisur's camp and help us end the war..."

"The speaker of the generous parliament, His Majesty Azgirro sent a messenger to convey the message, willing to join Trisur's camp..."

Queen Anna, Presiding Judge McCawlin, and all the senior officials of Church of the Sun who were present all looked dull.

In the end, it was Arnold who spoke softly, breaking the silence:
"Please tell the messenger to thank Ms. Aisha, Mr. William Lev, Mr. Azgielo...and King Cang for their friendship."

The expressions of Anna and the others changed from dull to shocked in an instant.

Wait, King Cang? !

 sorry for the lateness

(End of this chapter)

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