Chapter 676 Rapid Progress

Feelings of astonishment spread in the silent conference hall.

Many high-level people present did not expect that the Natural Sect, the Generous Council, the Madman School, and even the Byron Kingdom would join Trisul's camp one after another and give them help like timely help.

Not to mention that the driving force behind it would be the "King of Cang Yi"!
At the beginning, King Cang planned to assassinate Emperor Andrei, single-handedly provoked the war of the century, forced the empire to split, and caused the world to be in turmoil... Now, he is hiding behind the scenes, pushing all forces to come to help Cuisul to end the war and unify mainland.

What exactly is he trying to do? !

Looking back now, King Cang's main motive for killing the Sun King may have been to start the angel promotion ceremony.

But this time, what purpose does he have...

No one knows the answer.

After all, no one expected it, and King Cang's move was also for the promotion ceremony.

After all, how long has he been promoted to Sequence Two?
Less than a year.

About eight months, to be precise.

Completed all the accumulation of Sequence Two to Sequence One in eight months, and started the last promotion ceremony before becoming a god?
Even if the truth is told, no one will believe it!

When the promotion ceremony from god-level angel is a play? !

In the mysterious field, even the first promotion ceremony from low-sequence to mid-sequence stopped an unknown number of people. Most of the senior transcendents who successfully promoted to Sequence Seven spent several years here.

From Sequence Two to Sequence One in eight months, even if Duke Huan is reincarnated, he might not be able to do it!
To be more exaggerated, throughout the ages, no, it is impossible for anyone to do it like never before...

Anna, McCawlin, Alonso and other senior members of the Church of the Sun, as well as individual dukes of the royal family, all set their sights on the seat of the Church of Dawn.

It seemed that he wanted to see something from Pope Floyd's face.

However, this stunningly beautiful lady always had a calm expression.

The scene fell into a dead silence that lasted several minutes.

In the end, it was Martin Gustus, the current archbishop of the Dawn Church, who "answered" everyone's confusion:
"His Royal Highness Cangmian and His Royal Highness Annuo are best friends... His help this time is to completely complete the 'Resurrection Ceremony'."

"Resurrection ceremony?"

Anna turned her head to glance at her elder brother, and immediately asked with concern.

Martin touched his shiny bald head, his face serious.

"Yes, to be precise, His Highness Arnold's current state is not a real resurrection..."

He paused for a while, but did not explain in detail that the "Arnold Trisul" in front of him was fabricated by King Cang based on Arnold's previous fate line, and it was not the real "Scorching Sun" in the strict sense.

"Only when His Royal Highness Annuo ends the war and unifies the continent like the Sun King in the past, can he digest the feedback from the 'Resurrection Ceremony', thereby regaining power and restoring the identity and strength of the previous 'Scorching Sun'."

Martin's words echoed in the conference hall.

Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"So that's how it is..."

Anna has a complicated expression.

The higher-ups on Cuisul's side also didn't expect that all that King Cang did was just to completely revive his best friend.

Remembering that he once assassinated Trisul's emperor and forced the empire to split, and now he is helping Trisul to revive his best friend...

Should it be said that Cang Wang is cold-blooded and ruthless, or should he value love and righteousness?

No one can judge.

Maybe King Cang didn't care about their opinions at all.

"Also on my thank King Cangmian."

Anna said in a low voice.

Floyd glanced at her and nodded slightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty Anna."

Outer Continent.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Dai Ni led the players to leave Baiwang City more than ten days ago and officially embarked on a journey.

And during the half month of the journey, the players' impression of her has once again undergone earth-shaking changes.

Use the best word to describe it.

That is "unbelievable".

There is no other reason.

In just half a month, Daini Lucius completed a magnificent turn from an ordinary person to a mid-sequence transcendent...

She is already the seventh [arsonist] of the Holy Fire Pathway Sequence!
As personal guards, the Polaris team rode tall horses, followed closely beside Diane's horse, casting surprised and puzzled gazes at her from time to time.

"—Hey, how do you think Diane did it... It's not so exaggerated to start and hang in half a month, right?"

"—I'm more concerned about how she completed the promotion ceremony. Didn't she stay with us these days, and I haven't seen her do any big things. She's either in a daze or sleeping..."

"—Perhaps this is the key character in the main line. Like the previous Jack, she can be called the 'Chosen Daughter'."

"—The problem is that Jack wasn't so outrageous back then!"

Everyone in the Polaris team communicated in a private chat channel.

Putting aside the curiosity about Diane, in fact, the players' playing experience in the Outer Continent is quite good.

Although there were no battles along the way, some scenery and humanities that were different from those of the Sun Continent were quite new.

The most important point is that the time flow in the Outer Continent is slower!
The ratio of the Sun Continent to reality is five to one, while the outer continent has reached an exaggerated 25 to one!

The activity time is five times longer than that of other players. From another perspective, players from the Outer Continent can be considered to live longer.

The posts on the game forum about the different speed of time are still hotly discussed. Many players who did not choose Dani's camp regret it.


At this time, the gray-haired girl on horseback suddenly spoke.

Seeing this, Pascal and the other four direct descendants of the White King City quickly grabbed the reins, stopped the horses, and immediately turned their heads and shouted:
"Stop marching! Wait here!"

Their extraordinary physical fitness made their voices so loud that nearly [-] players stopped after hearing the order.

"What are you doing?"

Some players showed dissatisfaction.

After driving for more than ten days, not every player can endure loneliness, they are more eager to participate in exciting activities.

"There is still a long way to go to the border of the nearest Ripple Empire, and this is too slow."

Diani turned her head and said to Pascal, Polaris and other personal guards.

"What are you going to do, Miss Diane?"

Pascal lowered his head and asked as he carried his father's former saber, the British Lion Sword.

"I will take a step first, and you will lead the 'Blue Snake' mercenary group, and then meet in the 'Shiwan City' of the Ripple Empire..."

As Diane said, Pascal and the others suddenly changed their expressions.

"Miss Diane, this is too dangerous... I will follow my father's order to protect your safety to the death, and I will never leave you half a step!"

Pascal said quickly.

Dai Ni quietly rolled her eyes, and immediately said to the Polaris team:
"Mr. Polaris is the deputy head, then you will lead the mercenary group to move forward. Pascal and the others will leave first with me."


Polaris was very surprised.

Gao Wan of the team looked at each other, and was also worried that Diane would encounter an accident, so that their main mission would fail.

But no matter how much she persuaded, Diane remained indifferent.

In the end, she raised one hand, and the whole arm turned into a crystal. Immediately, Polaris and the others were shocked to find that on Diane's panel, the most neglected "faith" among the basic attributes directly soared. To more than 200!
Cang Wang Divine Art!

Even Polaris is the first time I have seen it, not to mention the many players present, they all showed surprised expressions.

Diane waved her hand calmly.

Including the horse under the seat, she and Pascal disappeared immediately.

"Brother Beizi, could this be?"

The Dragon King was in doubt.

Polaris took a deep breath and nodded.

"It's 'Cloud Leap'..."

"It's getting more and more outrageous. Fuck it, the upgrade is almost over, and the belief can still soar two hundred in place, and the ability to use the destiny path through divine magic!"

Goutoujin's expression hardened.

Polaris seemed to be numb to Diane's magical methods, shrugged his shoulders and stopped looking into it, but turned his head to look at the crowd of players.

He spoke on the public channel, explained the situation, and led the team to continue on their way.

two months later.

When the two sides met in "Shiwan City", they discovered that Dai Ni had recruited a large number of players at some point, and joined the Ripple Empire as the "Blue Snake" mercenary group to help them attack the brilliant and Mela on both sides.

Not all of the millions of extraordinary players came to the White King City, most of them were scattered around the Outer Continent, among the nine empires.

Apart from joining Diane's command and assisting her in breaking up the order of the Outer Continent, their main quests are all kinds of chaotic side quests.

Players had a great time in Outer Continent.

Unlike the original version of the game, those who did not obey the rules in the Cuisul Empire would be forcibly imprisoned in the Immortal Prison, which is equivalent to a title...

Now that their strength has risen, coupled with the characteristics of immortality, they are free to wreak havoc on the outer continent.

This is the version that countless players carnival.

It is even affectionately called "4.0 Liberation Era" by them.

In just two months, the Nine Great Empires became a mess.

The Abbasiyah, the Pain, and the Church of Redemption are miserable.

Even Klein, the Holy Land, couldn't sit still. Pope Lan immediately ordered to send most of the priests in the Lanyan Trial Office, but it still had little effect.

The arrival of the undead strangers was sudden and scattered.

The local forces in the outer continent were caught off guard.

The number of these "extraterrestrial demons" is too large, and there is an invisible and imperceptible "secret communication method" among them, so it is very difficult to encircle and suppress them.

Although the major local forces hate it, they lack effective means of containment.

For a time, the Nine Great Empires were in dire straits.

The original order is being pried away and torn apart little by little.

And Dai Ni took the opportunity to play the name of the "Blue Snake" mercenary group, and wantonly recruited the players in the Ripple Empire, which suddenly reduced the pressure on the Ripple Empire... and this chaotic power turned into a sharp blade in Diani's hands, frequently Help the Ripple Empire crush Brilliant and Meera's armies.

This made the royal family of Lianyi pay more and more attention to the "Blue Snake" mercenary group.

During this period, Diane herself was promoted to Sequence Six [Self-immolator].

Such a promotion speed has left countless players speechless.

"Our advantage lies in the fact that the undead people are all over the nine empires, and they can be used as a help at any time, cooperating with the inside and outside, making the empires exhausted... Next, we only need to use the banner of the Ripple Empire to drag them all into the quagmire of war."

On the frontline battlefield, Diane stood on the hill and said so.

The pale dress and gray hair danced in the wind, giving people an indescribable sense of beauty and confidence.

Everyone in the Polaris team looked at each other, feeling that the development of all this was too fast, making them dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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