Chapter 677
The western part of the Sun Continent.

The former empire Xinbang is now the battle zone of Beelzebub.

A few years ago, here was a bustling modern city group, but now there are only ruins left, broken walls and ruins standing on the scorched earth, and the hail of bullets has not stopped.

One-third of Beelzebub's frontline headquarters belonged to the nobles of the Rose Royal Family, and nearly half of the soldiers in the army had been transformed by mysterious rituals.

The Flesh Path has always been good at this, and the Kingdom of Beelzebub has become more and more "crazy" after several years of fighting.

The addition of the two church forces, the History and Ceremony Association and the Hailing Regiment, greatly boosted the morale of the Kingdom of Beelzebub.

After hearing the news, all walks of life in the country publicized it and predicted that the Trisur Empire would be destroyed within a year, and Beelzebub would be unified by then.

It was just after noon.

An eerie half-black, half-gold sun hangs overhead.

Three figures suddenly appeared at Beelzebub's frontline headquarters.

Chen Lun, wearing a black hat and a white cane, strode inside the high iron fence wall, and led the hat boy and the earl of the tongue straight to a fortress-like building.

The Beelzebub soldiers around couldn't see the three of them at all.

The hat boy exchanged a glance with the earl of tongue-in-cheek.

They were very surprised, could Mr. Gudao be here?

The wall of the central building of the command center was several meters thick and could withstand the strafing and bombing. However, Chen Lun and the other three ignored it and walked in.

As soon as they entered, they saw many Beelzebub officers smoking and chatting, or drinking and writing reports.

In the corner, an unknown school-level officer was cleaning his flintlock gun, raised his head suddenly, and stared straight at the gentleman in black hat who was striding forward, and the two "weirds" following him .

"I thought I could avoid divination by staying in this world by avoiding the spirit world, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated you, King Cang."

The man said calmly, and put down the flintlock gun in his hand.

With a snap, the gun was placed on the table.

All around, the officers who were talking or writing stopped and looked at this corner in confusion.

"Major Titan, who are you talking to?"

A bearded lieutenant colonel frowned.

There was no one in front of Titan, but this man stood up seriously, with a ferocious, even cruel smile on his face.

"Ronan, Douglas, the two of you didn't die, you betrayed the stand of the ancient gods, and became King Cang's dog, it's really embarrassing..."

Neither the hat boy nor the earl of the gossip spoke, but their faces were ugly.

With a smile on his face, Chen Lun slowly took off his hat and handed it to the hat boy.

"Mr. Gudao, the reason why the worldly sect has existed since ancient times is not only due to strength, but also to keep a low profile... But you chose to act high-profile this time, and you were led by the nose by two idiots, Leonid and Garcia, What is the ending? It is beyond redemption."

"It's beyond redemption... Heh, this is not the spirit world, it's not your home field, and without the help of Maggie and Sid, you think you can kill me with just Ronan and Douglas?"

Mr. Gudao grinned grimly and said coldly.

"I know that your abilities are not weak, King Cang. You have just been promoted to an angel, and you can kill a god-level ancient god like the commander head-on... But I am different from all ancient gods. No matter whether it is a frontal attack or a sneak attack, you have no chance .”

"Major Titan! What the hell are you doing?"

The former lieutenant colonel looked ugly and scolded again.

The officers around were talking a lot, watching Major Titan talking to himself, with a ferocious look, wondering if he had gone crazy because of the pressure on the battlefield.

However, Mr. Gudao ignored these ordinary people from the beginning to the end.

His eyes froze suddenly, and his figure swelled up like a balloon, returning to its original three or four meter height. His body was covered with smooth and hard blue stone-like skin, and his veins bulged.


Just a normal exhale.

The surrounding tables, chairs, counters, and decorations were all torn apart by the airflow. The officers present couldn't even scream, and exploded into a cloud of blood mist on the spot.

Boom! !
The thick entire building instantly cracked, and dust rose high.

Beelzebub's frontline headquarters covers an area of ​​several square kilometers, but in the blink of an eye, it was turned into ruins.

Thousands of troops, completely unaware of what was happening, were killed by the horrific aftermath of the encounter.

Mr. Gudao revealed his own mythical creature form and turned into a giant whale head like a hill. When he stomped his feet, the ground cracked and the ground shook.

Even Beelzebub's army ten kilometers away can vaguely see his figure, fighting a slightly smaller but equally huge figure in pale clothes.


The army suddenly mutinied, and a few Sibu soldiers seemed to have seen something incomprehensible, and became mentally disturbed on the spot, shooting randomly and killing each other.

What's more, the body changes.

The skin, hair, and organs distorted and swelled in a few breaths, and crystalline snake scales grew out one after another, or the head bulged and exploded, ejecting countless fish eggs and internal organs of marine organisms.

Clang! ! !
Chen Lun entered the "King of Cang Yi" posture, holding an ivory white carved cross sword, and struck Mr. Gu Dao's iron fist, dazzling light burst out, the space folded, and countless dense cracks in the spiritual world were torn apart.

He has long seen that Mr. Gudao's mental state is not normal.

It was probably because during Tianyuan's first battle, the opponent consumed a lot of sanity, coupled with the lack of enough believers and anchors, so that he has not yet calmed down.

"You're going crazy, Titan."

The figure in Cang Yi spoke indifferently.

Under the fluttering long hair, there is a pair of eyes that are neither sad nor happy.

"Yeah, I'm going crazy, but so what?"

On Mr. Gu Dao's ferocious whale head, countless eyeballs are rolling around, and the eyes are full of madness and malice.

With the posture of giving up all defenses, he desperately punched and bombarded the pale figure, as if he had only one purpose, which was to kill the hateful enemy in front of him, even if the whole world was destroyed by the aftermath, it didn't matter.

"Crazy is the only way out. All angels and gods, all mythical beings, will eventually go crazy... Living in this world and living by ordinary beliefs, what kind of god is that? It's just a poor thing, a waste, a god The dregs of the world are the food of the old days and the Outer Gods! Hahaha, they will all go crazy and die!!"

Mr. Island's snarls and laughs are hoarse and distorted and grotesque.

boom! ! !
Another punch came out.

The figure in Cang Yi swung the cross sword to block, but was knocked back dozens of kilometers by the blow, and arrived at another battle zone.

I don't know how many soldiers of Beelzebub and Trisur saw him, causing the spot to be polluted and died suddenly out of control.

The sound of gunfire stopped suddenly, and hoarse screams followed one after another.

The two sides were even forced to cease fighting.

On the battlefield, some mid-sequence executives raised their heads in a daze, looking at the gray-clothed figure with fear on their faces, and tremblingly murmured the name "King of the pale-clothed".

"Mr. Gudao's strength is definitely above 3000, which is much higher than mine... I have to admit that I don't have the advantage in a head-to-head competition. '

Chen Lun was expressionless, staring at the big hole in the curtain from a distance. The cracks spread around like spider webs, like the wallpaper being torn off, revealing the blue vision of the spiritual world below.

This is the trace left by Mr. Gu Dao's punch just now.

"The spirit world... you want to trick me into it? You want to trick me!"

Mr. Gudao looked at the big hole in space that he had shattered, feeling very angry. He circled around this area, moving sideways like a meteorite, and flew towards the distant figure in pale clothes.

The ancient god, who inherited the power of the King of Giants, became more and more insane. The land, buildings, and even the vegetation on the hills along the way were all crushed into powder by brute force, leaving only tattered pieces.

I don't know how many human beings and creatures were crushed directly because of Mr. Gudao's passing by, and the wreckage could not be seen.

When he was only a few hundred meters away from the figure in black, the whale-headed giant opened his mouth wide. He was laughing wildly, and he was about to crush the opponent with a punch.

However, a black shadow like a hamster quietly lay on Mr. Gu Dao's right leg, blocking it for a moment.

And he swung his fist, only to find that a mirror appeared in front of him at some point, and the figure in pale clothes was clearly himself!
In the mirror, there is also a giant whale head like a mountain, punching him.

Two fists--

Bang! ! !
The mirror shattered with a click.

Mr. Gu Dao's entire dark blue arm was distorted and deformed, and a large piece of flesh and blood was "stolen" from his right leg, with bones visible.

"Two bastards, get out!!"

He roared like a bolt from the blue, and the roar could be heard in a radius of tens of kilometers.

Boom! !
In a few tenths of a second, the hat boy and the earl of the tongue each received hundreds of punches.

The mirror shattered into particles all over the sky, and the black centipede hamster-like figure was distorted into irregular shapes, and screams that didn't sound like human voices resounded all around.

A bang.

The giant whale head froze.

A slender and straight ivory white carved cross sword pierced through the back of his head, protruding from between his eyebrows, and the entire head was split in two.

Mr. Gu Dao's countless eyeballs looked back in unison.

A figure in pale clothes floated behind him, holding a sword in both hands, expressionless.

"I am the descendant of the king of giants, I am the heir of the first generation of Hydera, I am the ancient god of eternal power standing on a mysterious island..."

"You are my collection."

King Cang spoke indifferently, interrupting the other party's words.

There was another bang, and the pale sword curtain shot out, and the whale-headed giant was divided into countless pieces, and blue crystals were scattered all over it like rain.

The last ancient god of the esoteric sect in the world has fallen!

Chen Lun picked up three copies of the only divinity of heretics on the ground, namely "strength", "physique" and "standing".

Immediately, he turned his head to look at the hat boy and the earl of the tongue.

These two ancient gods were seriously injured and dying at this moment.

They are not the opponents of Mr. Gudao at all, and they were able to sneak attack successfully just now, a large part of the reason is that Mr. Gudao has little sense.

"Cang...Your Majesty Cang, I"

A group of irregular black shadows issued a subtle plea.

The fragments of mirrors scattered around also trembled and resonated, repeating the words of the shadow:

Chen Lun watched calmly, and after a while, he smiled lightly.

"It's because you didn't release the water."

Immediately, he waved his hand.

The reserved life and sanity were divided into a very small part, like colorful and rich light, shining on the two of them.

The hat boy and the earl of the gossip were soon back to normal.

They were overjoyed at first, and then they leaned over, nodding and bowing.

"Thank you for the grace of King Cangmian, in the endless time to come, we will serve you wholeheartedly!"

The top management of Beelzebub and Trisur soon got a piece of news...

King Cang came to the world and fought with unknown angels in the western battle zone. In the end, King Cang won, successfully hunted down his opponent, and quietly left with the only divinity.

It's just that the land within a range of hundreds of kilometers was turned upside down by the aftermath of the confrontation, with ravines like rifts all over the place, leaving behind strong traces of pollution.

The crystallization is even spreading outward, and it is unknown when it will end.

High-level executives from both sides held emergency meetings for this purpose.

They all coincidentally fell into a long silence at the meeting.

In the end, Beelzebub and Trisur made corresponding arrangements.

The battle was still to be fought, but in a very tacit understanding, they chose to avoid the war zone, and at the same time blocked the truth of this matter, so as not to cause unnecessary panic.

But what these higher-ups don't know is.

Chen Lun has already set off for the eastern seaboard. If there is no accident, Dagon is absolutely unwilling to set foot in the spirit world. The final battlefield is likely to be the world...

(End of this chapter)

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