Chapter 706 Dusk
the present.

Dawn Empire.

Originally, the Cuisul royal family ended the war, unified the continent, and gained unimaginable fame and love. People are looking forward to a peaceful and peaceful new life.

But the "Pale New Calendar" has just opened a chapter, and in less than two months, the empire has ushered in various disasters and bad news one after another.

First, there was a tsunami in the north, which flooded [-] cities along the coast and destroyed countless ports. The terrifying storm brought violent winds and torrential rain, as well as deafening lightning and thunder.

The storm spread to the entire northern border at an extremely fast speed, and then spread to the central part of the empire, causing disasters in hundreds of cities, and countless people fell into a long sleep, unable to wake up...

And this storm disaster has just passed not long ago.

People in the western region discovered that the crops and various crops in the field were all reduced, and even weird changes occurred.

For example, the scarlet stench of corn growing on the corn stalks, the fibrous hairs on the top suddenly turned into hair, and the grains of fruit that should have been golden, turned out to be white and deformed teeth.

The wheat is withered and oozes disgusting pus, the melons and fruits are full of blood, all kinds of vegetables are like waxy and wrinkled skin, and the veins and fibers are like blood vessels and muscles.

Not to mention eating it in the mouth, just looking at it from a distance will scare people to death.

Pieces of farmland turned into muddy blood swamps, and even some livestock and wild animals were deformed, and their muscles and bones grew wildly, which was unreasonable and manic and frightening.

As if overnight, the familiar environment quietly turned into a purgatory of flesh and blood.

People panicked and were forced to move away.

Even if the imperial government sent the asylum and extraordinary people from various churches to investigate and solve the problem, it had little effect.

Gradually, a rumor spread.

The establishment of the Dawn Empire offended the gods!

But soon this statement evolved into that the "King of Cangyi" believed by the royal family of Cuisul was originally an evil god, and it was this existence who blasphemed the original seven righteous gods, so that the world manifested a corresponding disaster.

If this continues, the end of the world will come.

As for the "Dawn Church", which the royal family relies on and trusts the most, it is naturally defined as a "cult" by many people. Of course, this is only for the main god they believe in, "The King of Cangyi".

After all, Scorching Sun is the most admired hero in the minds of countless empires.

As a result, demonstrations and even various small-scale riots began to appear in various parts of the Dawn Empire. Their appeal was to hope that the royal family would reorganize the Orthodox Church, and ordered the Dawn Church to enshrine Arnold the Sun as the main god.

But these, Cuisul royal family will naturally not pay too much attention.

Queen Anna and even the top officials of the empire knew very well that those so-called natural disasters were caused by the old seven gods.

And His Majesty the King in Green Clothes is hunting them...

But it was just one day in mid-February.

The whole world suddenly fell into a scorching dusk.

It was clearly morning in the last second, but it was evening in the next second. The half-white sun that people were used to, turned completely black!

The entire sky is sprinkled with blood-like residual sunlight.

Flooded in every corner of the continent.

The deep and dark sun, like a huge round black hole, hangs quietly above people's heads, like a hole in a red tablecloth, or a gap in the world.

A scarlet-black straight vertical line extended from the bottom of the sun and fell to the end of the sky... It was like the sun had shed a tear of blood.

The earth-shattering changes caused panic among countless people.

The entire empire, whether it was ordinary people, nobles and wealthy businessmen, or extraordinary people in the mysterious field, was all horrified by the drastic changes in the sun.

"The end of the world is coming!!"

"Hot! So hot!"

"What the hell happened to this world?!"

In the Imperial City, Amber Speight, the streets are chaotic and crowded, and people are hurrying to and fro, holding full of food and supplies, rushing to their homes.

Some people stopped and stared at the sky with despairing expressions.

"Even the sun has deserted us..."

"This is God's punishment! It's the punishment for the inaction of the Trisur royal family!"

"Damn it! I knew it! The existence of the Dawn Church will bring boundless suffering to the world. Dear Sun God, please forgive us for our crimes!"

"No...we will be roasted alive! Who will save us?!"

On the street, people prostrated themselves on the ground, praying towards the black sun in the sky.

An atmosphere of fear is spreading, and helpless people can only pray to the gods.

The current temperature is extremely abnormal.

Under the dusk, the high temperature reached [-] degrees Celsius throughout the empire. The heat was so unbearable that many ordinary people fainted.

Even low-sequence transcendents feel extremely uncomfortable under such high temperatures.

The earth was scorched, and the high temperature caused the death of animals and plants in batches.

And such a high temperature does not seem to be declining at all, but is gradually increasing... It is foreseeable that if this continues, ordinary people on the surface will be roasted to death.

In the depths of the royal city, at the entrance of the Scorching Sun Palace built on the top of the mountain.

The spacious stone platform was boiling hot, and the air was distorted. Queen Anna and a group of high-level officials stood by the guardrail, looking solemnly at the city and the land in the distance.

As far as the eye can see, it is all dazzling residual sunlight.

Between breaths, I only felt a burning pain in my lungs.

"Your Majesty, please drink some water."

Beside Anna, the aged Chief Babaye was holding an umbrella for the queen, and he didn't care to wipe off the sweat from his head, so he handed over a delicate water glass.

"Thank you."

After Anna took it, she couldn't bear the thirst and drank a big mouthful of water.

At this time, a high priestess of the natural sect spoke in a deep voice:
"Such a sudden natural disaster originated from the out-of-control of the martyr father, and it has been seriously affected in this world... If it is not dealt with in time, ordinary people will not be able to survive at all, and they will die one by one. This is a disaster that no church can prevent!"

"Only to ask the gods for help."

Queen Anna took a deep breath and calmed down.

She turned her head to look at the senior officials of the various departments of the empire, and ordered softly:

"Starting today, the empire has entered a state of emergency, strictly controlling supplies such as water sources, medicines, and food... Let the military, shelters, and various coordination departments maintain order and prohibit unrest."

"Yes, Her Majesty."

Seven or eight high-level empire officials bowed their heads and agreed.

Anna looked at the senior members of the Dawn Church again, and said softly:
"Sister Maggie, Bishop Noah, please report the situation in this world as soon as possible... I will also lead the members of the royal family to personally go to the Dawn Cathedral to pray to the gods and ask for help."

"The duty lies, Your Majesty."

Noah nodded and stroked his chest.

Only then did Anna turn her gaze back to the city below, her eyes determined.

Not long ago, she went to Cangwang Divine Kingdom and witnessed the wedding of God in "Abasye", the residence of the gods in the fairyland Tianyuan, and saw many angels and true gods with her own eyes...

Anna believed that even if the Sun God Liefather lost control, the gods of the Aurora Church must have a way to solve this crisis.

Fairyland Tianyuan, Abbasye's White Throne.

Chen Lun's face darkened slightly.

He can hear prayers from all over the world at all times, there are men and women, old and young, extremely dense, piety, sadness, pain, pleading...all kinds of emotions, just to pray for salvation .

Even swearing.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Lun blocked the prayer.

"Jack, Kingsley is out of control..."

Beside the throne, there are three high-backed chairs standing on a seamless white platform, on which Mr. Jingyao, Miss Shengshu and the King of Slaughter are sitting respectively.

It was Mr. Jingyao Angela who spoke solemnly.

"It was originally expected to take another ten years, but it got out of control earlier... I speculate that this is most likely caused by the mud man Montgomery."

"I've done divination, and it's true."

With a calm expression, Chen Lun nodded slightly.

He had just locked the position of Ni Weng not long ago, and was planning to leave to carry out the hunting plan.

But Lishen was obviously frightened by the two successive death knells, so he took extreme self-rescue measures... That is, he used all means to force the martyr's father to take action, thereby imposing the last straw that broke the camel's back, causing him to lose control in advance.

The purpose of doing so is self-evident.

"Montgomery is playing for time."

Conrad leaned against the cold and hard white high-backed chair, looking a little uncomfortable. He changed his sitting position, crossed his legs, and said softly while holding a wine glass.

"He is very clear that the loss of control of the martyr father will definitely lead to the destruction of this world. If we don't deal with it in time, then the anchor points of all high-ranking people will collapse."

Chen Lun's expression was indifferent, and he said softly:
"Well, the mud man was right on this point, so he detonated the pollution of Liefu. He wanted to drag everyone into the water, because if he didn't do this, my next target would be him... now The martyr father has become the greatest danger, and the mud man can hide behind him and have more time to breathe."

As he spoke, his eyes flashed coldly.

"But He still underestimated me too much."

The action of Ni Weng really disrupted Chen Lun's original plan.

To be on the safe side, Chen Lun originally planned to put his father at the end, and then face the strongest true god when his "holy face" had accumulated enough firewood... But this does not mean that he is now afraid of his father .

"I suspect that Ni Weng has other intentions. As the God of Calendar who knows everything about the past, he must not be stupid enough to think that my father alone can stop my determination to kill him, so he must have other backhands."

Chen Lun said lightly.

He looked at Miss Sacred Tree and the King of Slaughter.

"Ms. Mia, Mr. Conrad, in order to avoid more accidents, I need the two of you to hunt and kill Mud Weng according to my divination results, and Mr. Angela and I will immediately leave for the Star Realm to fight with Lie Father will fight to the death."

"Of course, Jack."

Conrad shook his wine glass and said with a chuckle.

The ice cubes collided with the glass wall, making a crisp sound.

Mia Mevis, who was sitting on the high chair beside him, also nodded in agreement.

"Montgomery is suspicious by nature, and has endless methods, and he is extremely good at escaping... At the beginning, I also relied on Clough's divination results to hunt him down, but the process was not smooth. He escaped several times, and Clarence was even plotted against. , was accidentally seriously injured and lost control.”

Mr. Jing Yao warned.

Chen Lun thought for a while, the Eternal Sleeper was dead, and Oscar, who was in charge of guarding the seal, was naturally "released" as well. Now he was just loafing around in Tianyuan all day. If he was not allowed to do something, it would seem a bit wasteful...

So he raised his hand, turned his index finger into a little white snake, and handed it to Conrad.

"Give it to Oscar. With this snake, his personality will be enhanced, which is enough to carry out divination and positioning on the mud man continuously. In this way, it will not help Montgomery even if he can run."

Conrad took the little snake with great interest, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"It's really yours, Jack."

(End of this chapter)

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