Chapter 707

High altitude in this world.

Two figures stood out of nowhere, staring at the dark sun in the sky.

Time seemed to be frozen at dusk, and the blood-like brilliance sprinkled on the world, exuding increasingly terrifying heat.

The setting sun fell on the shoulders of the two, and Mr. Jing Yao said:

"Kingsley's authority and power are so powerful that the mighty power escapes from the astral world to the present world, manifesting visions and natural disasters... Within a few months, most of the mortals in this world will die, and the angels from the gods will be killed. Forced dormancy to reduce consumption, even in the near future, we true gods will be no exception."

"So he must die."

Chen Lun nodded, his tone indifferent.

"This battle is inevitable, but it's just a little earlier."

"Jack, Kingsley, as the most powerful existence among the old Seven Gods, don't take it lightly..."

Mr. Jing Yao turned his head and asked.

"I know."

Chen Lun took a deep breath.

"Go ahead, Mr. Angela."


Mr. Jingyao nodded.

Immediately, he waved his hand, and a mysterious and complicated magic circle appeared in front of the two of them, as if overlapping with the sun in the sky.

The densely packed various small seals changed positions in the magic circle, nested layer by layer, and finally moved to the correct position, emitting a bright turquoise light.

"Let's go, this will be a battle that will determine the fate of Yanita Continent."

Mr. Jing Yao opened the door to the star realm and said in a deep voice.

Without saying a word, Chen Lun stepped out holding the brim of his hat, and disappeared into the magic circle first.

Mr. Jing Yao followed closely behind.

After the two left, the magic circle closed and dissipated by itself.

When Chen Lun entered the astral world, his first feeling was heat.

Unparalleled heat, at least thousands of temperatures.

The dead star realm that was originally shrouded in the starry sky is filled with distorted and noisy air currents at this moment, humming, and everything you can see is a blurred golden red color. Disappeared without a trace.

Only a piece of gold and nothingness remained.

Nothing but light and heat.

Chen Lun and Mr. Jing Yao are suspended in the air.

Directly ahead, there is a huge sun that is so huge that it fills the entire field of vision. It is dark and deep, covering the true face underneath that cannot be seen directly.

The outline of the sun's edge rises and distorts the blood-like rays of light, interlaced and overlapped, converging at the bottom, and a dazzling straight spot of light hangs down.

After the out-of-control martyrdom broke out the terrifying pollution that had been accumulated for countless hours, the light and heat that permeated the astral world contained pollution and malice that could instantly kill a saint.

Chen Lun stared at the sun expressionlessly, his eyes reflected a golden red.

In the darkness, a figure slowly came.

Can't see His face clearly, or He has no face.

This person was more than two meters tall, without any clothing or decorations, and his body was in perfect golden proportions. The lines and outlines of his muscles could be vaguely seen. His whole body was only covered with a layer of dazzling golden light, radiating terrifying light and heat all the time.

The moment he appeared, it seemed that he was the only one left in this world.

Light and heat are focused into one point, silently singing praises to this pure white god.

"Father of the Sun God, Kingsley Wordswall."

Chen Lun murmured.

Clang! !

The next moment, a ray of light burst out.

Father Lie appeared beside Chen Lun at some point, holding a golden cross sword and slashing at his head, but was blocked by an ivory white cane in time.

After the ear-piercing clang, the shock wave even wrinkled the horizon.


Tens of thousands of afterimages bloomed from that golden cross sword.

Waves of pure white light and heat dissipated in all directions, and the temperature soared again.

Everything seemed to be blurred and distorted.

Chen Lun's clothes, skin, muscles and bones were burnt to ashes at this moment, and his whole figure seemed to be melted into pure white.

In the first fight, Chen Lun was instantly killed by one blow!

Mr. Jingyao on the side was also covered by light and heat. He cast the supreme magic, causing a layer of dark blue crystals to appear on the surface of the body, refracting the light and heat... But even so, he was still covered by this unparalleled force. The power blasted out.

next second.

boom! !

A tattered blue robe twisted and bloomed, revealing a huge figure.

The ivory white carved cross sword slashed at the father.

Clang! !

In comparison, the "tiny" golden figure actually used the one-meter-long golden cross sword in his hand to support the pale sword curtain that covered the sky and the sun.


Every ray of light and heat is the supreme power of the sun in the world, below eternity, if you touch it, you will die, and there is no possibility of survival.

Clang clang!
Clang clang clang! !

Chen Lun, who entered the "King of Cang Yi" posture, waved the cross sword indifferently, and launched a fierce attack on Liefu at a cutting speed of hundreds of swords per second.

However, the opponent easily blocked it without any effort, even faster than Chen Lun.

It can be said that among the top ten paths of gods, the sun should be the fastest in terms of speed.

In the pure white field of vision, only the outline of high-frequency flickering can be vaguely glimpsed.

The terrible pollution radiation is extremely dense.

At this moment, even if the angels were present, they would not dare to approach easily... Even if they were watching, their eyes or perception would be burned by the light.

Because this battle of gods has surpassed the ordinary level of true gods.


A cyan columnar laser beam, as bright as the starry sky, came in the blink of an eye, as if a blue mark had been cut through the white paper, right in the middle of the golden body of the father!
Like a meteor hitting the sun!

boom! !

The golden light and the blue light blend, distort and overflow.

It collapsed to a point and then exploded.

The loud bang was deafening, and the star world was in chaos.

Mr. Jingyao, the true god of magic, is famous for his destructive power. Back then, he shattered the entire spirit world into three layers with just one finger.

And this blow is full of Mr. Jing Yao's ultimate understanding and application of magic, through the supreme wisdom and knowledge, the supreme magic condensed.

The horrific explosion lasted about half an hour.

The astral world seemed to be turned upside down by the aftermath.

The figure of Lie Fu emerged in ripples, as if he was indeed affected by magic, but this still failed to seriously hurt him.

Only a buzzing sound was heard.

Lie Fu's glowing body suddenly swelled, like a ray of sunlight illuminating the world, and his whole body instantly grew bigger, covering the sky and the sun.

With a wave of the cross sword in his hand——

Thousands of rays of light projected towards Chen Lun and Mr. Jing Yao indiscriminately!

boom!boom!boom! !

The figure in Cang Yi once again turned into nothingness in the light and heat.

There is no resistance.


Chen Lun's status was reset, and the fate line returned to a second ago.

But the light filled every corner of the astral world, making it impossible for him to avoid it.

And die again.


The figure in Cang Yi appeared again, and was killed by light and heat again.



Destiny restarts and repeats itself.

It wasn't until nearly a thousand times of death that the power of Liefu's sword diminished.

Chen Lun raised his head and stared at the incomparably huge golden figure, his heart trembled.

Lie father is worthy of the strongest true god!
The sense of oppression he gave himself was far stronger than all previous opponents!
In the perception, thousands of miles away, a crystalline star with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers floats in the golden light, no matter how the light and heat invade, it can't hurt it at all.

Chen Lun knew that Mr. Jing Yao had already revealed his own mythical creature form in the face of such a powerful enemy as his father.

He took a deep breath.

The initial stage of probing is over, and it's time for me to take out my hole cards and have a real fight to the death!

"Liu Li!"

With a wave of Chen Lun's hand, the blue fire exuding a colorful halo rose.

He was bathed in fire, and the "face of fate" and the "face of holy fire" overlapped and combined.

The ivory white carved cross sword in his hand turned into a glazed spiral sword in the blink of an eye, and he cut it without saying a word!


The twisted and swaying colorful blue fire left a deep sword mark in the pure white world...



Suddenly, a strong wind blew up in this world.

No, to be precise, it was a scorching hot air wave!
Within the empire, countless civilians endured burning pain and looked at the sky in horror.

The scarlet sky, which was originally at dusk, was fading rapidly, and gradually, it completely entered the night.

And the pitch-black sun hanging in the center of the top of the head disappeared.

"The sun... the sun is gone!"

"In the end what happened?!"

Crowds around the world were shocked.

The sun disappeared, but the high temperature still existed, as if invisible light and heat were still scorching the earth.

Under the command and guidance of the relevant departments of the empire, people have already hid in the basement of their homes, or in the underground shelters temporarily opened by the government.

But even so, the temperature is still frighteningly high.

Resources are increasingly scarce, especially fresh water.

At such a critical moment, a sip of water is often more precious than a gold pound, and it is precisely because of this that various chaos emerge in endlessly.

Even with the suppression and control of the military and the church, it still cannot be eradicated.

Many old people and children couldn't bear it, and died of dehydration. Those who survived, if they stayed on the surface for a while, their skin would crack and peel, and then blisters would grow.

The night continued for several days, and the sun still did not rise.

It was as if the whole world had entered eternal night.

Fortunately, the high temperature began to subside.

This is like a ray of hope for people in the dark.

The empire, the top leaders of various churches, and the extraordinary people in the mysterious field are always paying attention to the sky, because these people know that all these changes are caused by the existence of the mysterious end, and a series of battles are unfolding.

Only when the battle has a result, the natural disaster will be truly over.

Don't know when to start.

Someone discovered that the night sky began to flicker with white light at a high frequency, and at the same time there were one after another cyan meteors passing across the night sky, often accompanied by dull loud noises, which lasted for a long time.

In an unknown corner, a long-haired man in a khaki cloak is recording this history on a scroll with a quill pen.

He is none other than the Earth Angel, Shek Sid Mitchell.

"——On February 1, 2st year of the Pale Calendar, after killing the sea god 'Eternal Sleeper' and the blood god 'Mrs. Going to the star realm, fighting endlessly with the out-of-control sun god 'Father Lie', the world has fallen into eternal night..."

Xi Ke had a serious expression on his face, and hope flashed in his eyes.

A complete record of this important history is part of his ascension ceremony, and he will maintain the most objective position and attitude, and will never intervene.

At the same time, this history must be announced to the world——

Ever since, everyone in this world, and even every living being, has heard the calm and indifferent narration of Xi Ke.

The content is about the many major events that have happened since the first day of the Pale Calendar, the Cang King's wedding, the fall of the Sea God and the Blood God, and the ongoing supreme fight...

"The Sun God, is he fighting the King of Cang Yi?!"

Countless people looked up at the white light and shooting stars in the night, speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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