Chapter 708 Despair
The situation of Yong Ye continued for another week.

People are more and more afraid of the dark.

This is derived from the desire for light from the instinct of life. The endless night will only make people feel uneasy and lonely. People keep praying, hoping that the sun will rise as usual and illuminate the world.

Even if it is the weird sun that is half white but not black, it is still the sun, able to bring light... People have long been used to all this, even if there are weird changes in him, people would rather endure such changes.

I also don't want to accept this endless night.

Due to the lack of light, problems such as reduced crop production, shortage of supplies, and disorder have emerged one after another... Pale New Calendar seems to have entered a dark age, and the name of the Dawn Empire has become a joke.

The scorching sun recedes, and the dawn is gone.

Only the long, dead night puts people in the melting pot of despair, tormenting and torturing, waiting for the final product called "destruction" to come out.

The royal and official prestige is gradually declining.

But people's devotion to the sun god Liefu is increasing day by day.

Just then.

The frequency of white light flickering in the night sky became faster and faster, and the number of cyan meteors passing by from time to time also increased day by day. In the No. 14 day when the night fell, a gorgeous but disturbing large-scale meteor shower appeared.

Wisps of bright blue light streaked across the sky, like the ripples of the black ocean, and the whole world was shrouded in a flowing blue light.

With loud noises, vibrations and strong winds, people even began to doubt whether this world was real or just a dream of their own.

Because it is just too absurd.

Shortly after the meteor shower ended.

A blinding daylight flashed—

It lasted for nearly 10 minutes before it subsided, and the world returned to the endless night again.

And countless people were quietly tampered with cognition in this white light.

"The sun god Liefu is being attacked by the evil god King Cangyi, the world is ushering in eternal night, and there will be no more light..."

"Only by praying to the great sun and singing devoutly, can the evil gods retreat and the light return..."

"Let's cast aside the evil King of Green Clothes, curse his real name, overthrow his faith, burn his church, and embrace the return of the sun..."

The supreme battle in the astral world is still going on.

And the martyr father once again used the power of "deception" among the stars to make the world hate the King Cang and make the world cherish the light...Although he has lost control, he still has an instinct for "anchor" and "reason" and launched an attack on the present world. mighty.

Even though today is different from the past, King Cang's personality is comparable to that of a true god, and he is extremely resistant to mystery... But as the strongest existence in Yanita Continent, Liefu still has a lot of power in his hands, which still affects the world's cognition.

Although this level is not deep, it is a blockbuster for people who are in an "atmosphere of despair" at this stage.

The public opinion of the empire is boiling!

Uneasiness and dissatisfaction are detonated!
Down to the common people, up to the powerful and wealthy businessmen, and even the mid- and low-level transcendents in the mysterious field, they all developed a feeling of disgust towards the empire and the Church of Dawn... As for the King in Cangyi, he hated it even more. to the bone.

If it weren't for this damned evil god, the sun would still rise, and the light and warmth would protect the world, instead of just endless darkness like now.

Everyone hides underground like mice, and it becomes a luxury to have a full meal, not to mention worrying about other people to avoid persecution.

All of this is due to the King of Cang Yi!
It was He who ruined everyone's happiness and beauty!

Just a few days.

The number of riots in the empire soared rapidly, and people even dared to gather and march in the dark, attacking the dawn churches everywhere, throwing torches, and even attacking the clergy.

The Church of the Sun, which had already lived in seclusion in the royal city of Amber Speight, was led by the three saints and gathered a large number of sun fanatics and rushed to the Palace of the Scorching Sun.

However, the Dawn Empire is currently supported by the four major Orthodox Churches. The remnants of the Sun Church did not cause much trouble at all, and were dealt with by the Generous Council.

But also because of this, the seeds of hatred took root and sprouted, and thrived on the soil of the empire...

"Brother Beizi, do you think the main storyline of this game is coming to an end?"

The Dragon King asked.

The Polaris team is sitting around a round table in the attic of a mansion in Wangcheng, looking at the night scene outside the window, with flashing white light and shooting stars reflected in their eyes.

Because Chen Lun has completely taken over the power of "Bubble" and became a "game administrator", the players' databases are protected by him and have not been tampered with by Lie father's cognition.

Similarly, the creatures in the fairyland, even the priests and Queen Anna who possessed the silver snake ring were not affected.

"do not know."

Polaris sighed and shook his head.

He stared at the night sky and said in a deep voice:
"The game forums are all arguing about this... As the world's most powerful seven gods, Seagod Eternal Sleeper and Blood God Madame Qiangwei died at the hands of the teacher one after another more than ten days apart, and now even the Sun God Liefather , has become the target of his hunting."

"Why did King Cang kill these true gods?"

Honey Yuzu was confused.

Polaris took a deep breath and expressed his guess:

"I suspect that the teacher's move to hunt the seven gods this time is probably a supreme ceremony of becoming a god."

"Becoming a god?!"

The rest of the team members were all shocked.

Polaris nodded.

"The teacher once said that not only in this game world, but also in the real world we live in, there are terrifying existences beyond the sequence outside the starry sky... I think, He probably wants to gain more powerful power. Set about solving this final great crisis."


The team's high-level players looked at each other, some in disbelief.

"Will this be true?"

"I don't think it's fake..."

At this time, the centaur showed hesitation and whispered.

"Did you forget that the 'Ark' spacecraft launched by the Azure Federation was destroyed when it passed through the solar wind. Jack said at the time that the entire solar system has long been blocked by terrorist existences, and we humans have no way of escaping."

"Zhuo! Stop talking, the more you talk, the more terrifying it will be!"

Goutoujin rubbed the goosebumps on his arms, and quickly stopped the topic.

However, the hearts of everyone in the Polaris team were shrouded in clouds.

They looked out the window tacitly.

The flashing white light and meteors in the night sky are still there, and everyone is very clear that it is an ongoing supreme battle in the star world, but they don't know the specific situation, and they don't know when it will end...

In a flash, half a year has passed.

And Yong Ye lasted for half a year.

The public opinion in the empire has already boiled to its peak, and the government had no choice but to dispatch the army and shelters to suppress it, and martial law was imposed everywhere.

For a while, the atmosphere was oppressive, and the contradictions became more acute and intense.

In the mysterious field, no one knows the situation of the astral world.

But judging by the flickering white light in the night, the battle seemed to be still fierce, and even several times, people saw the sky was cut open by the pale sword curtain, revealing the dazzling golden red vision.

Some people were burned by the light, some people spontaneously burned on the spot because they looked directly at the truth, and some people saw clearly what happened inside.

Even if it was only fleeting, the gods of the fairyland, who were always paying attention to this matter, still captured the flashing figures and silhouettes.

"Mr. Jingyao seems to be injured..."

The gatekeeper, Frederick, is located on the observatory in Abbasye, Tianyuan, and saw the night sky of this world through the void.

He looked worried, smoking a cigarette frowningly.

Meanwhile, Scorching Sun, the Three Painful Ladies, and the God of Cats all had solemn faces, because they all saw the scene of a figure in pale clothes fighting against a golden figure alone.

It's just that the situation doesn't seem to be optimistic.

"Father Lie is too powerful, and he is at home in the Star Realm. I am afraid it will be difficult for Jack to win this battle..."

Maggie said with a sigh.

"Impossible! Do you know how many copies of the only divinity that Jack has burned? It is the resurrection of Sebastian Pardo and Marialena. Both of them can't be his opponent!"

The dim lady Judelia glared at the cat god and said firmly.

"No matter how powerful the father is, it is impossible to win! He will definitely die! If you don't believe me, let's wait and see!"

All the angels were silent, they knew that Judelia was Jack's younger sister, that's why they said such words... But the truth is not as optimistic as he said.

Maggie, the god of cats, glanced at the girl in the red skirt, and didn't say much, but continued to cast her eyes on the present world, staring at the changes in the night sky.

Why don't they want Jack to win...

It's just that Father Sun God has already left an ancient and powerful impression in their hearts. It may be extremely difficult for Cangwang Jack, who has come to where he is today in just a dozen years, to defeat him.

The eastern part of the empire, Peacock City, Yanbang.

In the city shrouded in darkness, only the street lamps on the main road are burning. The faint light shines through the lampshade on both sides of the road. Countless local residents are kneeling on the ground, interlaced with light and shadow.

They were bowing their heads, reciting the prayers of the Aurora Church.

It's not because of pious faith, but because the nuns of the Aurora Church are distributing food and fresh water along the way... If you don't show respect to the Aurora Gods, you won't be able to get the supplies you need to survive.

"You are the door of a great chapter, the beginning of a grand epic..."

"You are the end of the supreme drama, the end of all myths..."

"You are the lord of the fairyland and the spirit world, the protector of the strangers, the king of the innocence..."

A team of hundreds of nuns walked through the street in an orderly manner. They wore loose gray robes, white cloth hats on their heads, and held woven baskets containing rice, milk, bread and water bottles.

These nuns looked pious, lowered their eyes, and chanted prayers about the King in Green in unison.

The holy and solemn singing echoed in the silent street.

Give people spiritual baptism, like spring breeze.

Walking at the front of the line was a woman in a black nun's attire, with pale golden hair coiled up, and also wearing a white cloth hat. It was Floyd...but today he is no longer the pope, but As the nun of God and the wife of King Cang, lead the nun team to rescue the common people.

"Distributing communion."

Floy stopped in her tracks, and spoke in an ethereal voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty Floyd."

The team of nuns bowed their heads in agreement, and immediately walked towards the crowd with baskets in their hands.

Immediately, the common people on the street crawled forward one after another, scrambling to take the food from the nun's hands. Some wolfed down the food on the spot, while others suppressed their hunger and thirst and hid the food in their bosoms, as if planning to take it home and keep it. to loved ones.

At this time, someone suddenly threw stones at the nuns from the crowd.

call out--

A stone the size of a fist was about to hit a young nun in the face, but the nun still maintained a pious and calm appearance, with her eyes downcast, as if she couldn't see the coming attack.

Suddenly, the stone seemed to touch something invisible in mid-air, and was immediately burned to ashes by a black flame.

Ashes drifted down the side of the nun's cheek.

The crowd exclaimed, terrified of the commotion.

Attacking the clergy of the Dawn Church is a felony, let alone at a time when the nuns are distributing food and helping civilians...

"The King of Cang Yi is an evil god! Don't be fooled by them anymore!"

A young man stood up with a look of resentment and unwillingness.

He slammed the food in his hand on the ground, ignoring the looting of the people around him, and then stretched his arms and shouted:
"The existence that the Dawn Church believes in is killing our great sun god! That humble king in black blasphemed the light and brought us disaster and darkness! Stand up! Pray to the sun and call for the light!"

(End of this chapter)

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