Chapter 71 Exploitation
Connie came back from class.

Today is her first day of study at Huang Yuanwei Academy. The teacher's lectures are very good. Although she has already mastered some knowledge, she re-understands it from another angle.

In addition, there are many knowledge that cannot be learned in the outer city, such as equestrianism, chess, music and dance, etc... There is also a special etiquette teacher every month to teach them various etiquette in the upper class. Most of the students who graduated from Iris College can find a decent job in the inner city.

These manners are essential skills for surviving in the inner city.

There are many middle-class and even wealthy businessmen in the inner city, and their alma mater is this college.

But the only thing that frustrates Connie is that her classmates seem to look down on her.I don't know which lady it was, but after learning that she was from the outer city, they nicknamed her "Miss Oil Pollution".

Even Mrs. Judy, the life administrator, took her to persuade her alone, asking her not to wear clothes stained with oil to class next time.

Connie put down her bag distressedly, wondering if she should take some time to go out and buy new clothes.Mr. Jack rewarded himself with a huge sum of money, and it was time to change out the old clothes he had worn for many years.

She glanced at a letter on the table, and her expression suddenly changed.

"Oops! I forgot what Mr. Jack explained!"

With a cry of surprise, she picked up the letter and rushed out of the room.

Mr. Jack wrote this letter a few days ago, please send it to the Iron Fist Gang and hand it over to Gary, the boss there.It's just because I'm busy working in the warehouse these days, and I'm looking forward to today's school, I forgot about it for a while.

Speaking of the Iron Fist Gang, Connie has always been surprised.

Back then, she and Miss Floyd were almost kidnapped, but it was Mr. Jack who saved them.Unexpectedly, the entire Iron Fist Gang became Mr. Jack's vassal later, and the boss Gary also obeyed Mr. Jack's orders.

Going down to the second floor, he pushed open the door of the coachman, preparing to let him drive the carriage to take him to the outer city.

Seeing Connie open the door, the coachman lying on the bed shoved the book in his hand under the pillow in a panic, and then stood up awkwardly.

"What are you looking at, Mr. Coachman?"

Connie looked at this suspicious man with suspicious eyes.

"Ah... nothing, some miscellaneous books."

As the coachman spoke, he turned sideways and said solemnly:
"Do you want to go out? Miss Connie, I'll prepare it for you!"

Connie was in a hurry, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Just glanced at the corner of the magazine exposed under the pillow, the cover seemed to be the long legs of a black silk girl.

Connie blushed a little, turned and left the room.

"By the way, Mr. Jack wouldn't like to read this type of magazine too... Probably not, he's an upright gentleman."

Connie thought.

Wait until the carriage reaches the outer city.

When passing by Denton Street, Connie opened the curtain to see if Mrs. Caroline was busy in the flower shop, and said hello by the way.

As a result, she saw two men and women who looked like low-level civilians being questioned by patrolling guards.

Seeing this scene, Connie frowned slightly.

She suddenly thought of Mr. Jack and Ms. Froy. When they first came to Amber City, they must have encountered such a thing, right?
Connie, who has lived in the outer city for many years, is well aware of the greed of these patrolling guards.They will not actively catch criminals, but often embarrass the low-level civilians and ask for cards.

Connie stopped the carriage and got out of the carriage.

"...If you don't want to go to prison with us, it's fine. I'll let you off today with a deposit of 20 silver nobility."

The voice of the guard's righteous words came from afar.

"Can it be less? We don't have that much money on us."

Su Keying showed a pitiful look, but the guard didn't agree with this, and instead sneered.

"It's okay if you don't have money, you go with us and let the man leave."

"He's not my man! And what do you two old bastards want to do!?"

Su Keying was suddenly furious, and cursed directly.


Polaris didn't even have time to stop it, so things got serious.

If the guards are angered, they have no room for maneuver, and may be directly imprisoned for this, or even killed on the spot if they resist.Even if they are resurrected, most of them are wanted on their backs, and they are struggling in the outer city.

"Very good! Come with us!"

The corner of the guard's eyes twitched, and he raised his sword and put it on the shoulders of Su Keying and Polaris, threatening them.

Su Keying still wanted to resist, but the guard was about to hold her with a sword to make her suffer.


Connie stopped talking.

The four of them cast their gazes at her one after another.

The guards looked at the girl. She was dressed in a dirty uniform, a typical commoner girl from the outer city.

"I advise you not to meddle in your own business, little girl."

he said viciously.

"They are the newly hired servants of Jack's Manor. You have misunderstood... This is 20 Silver Earls. Let them go."

Connie took out a handful of silver coins from her pocket, nodded and handed them over.

Su Keying and Polaris looked at this stranger girl in surprise, they didn't expect to be willing to help them.

The two guards were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect to meet such a fool.

The guard at the head looked at Connie again, but he couldn't tell that this girl was quite rich.

"You heard me wrong, what I said is 20 silver nobility for one person, and 40 silver nobility for two people together."

The guard smiled.

Greed flashed across his eyes, and he glanced at Connie's money pocket.

Connie suppressed her anger, remained silent for a few seconds, and took out 20 silver bars from her pocket again.

"Wait, how do you, a commoner in the outer city, have so much money? I suspect that you are involved in a crime, taking illegal property... Show me your ID card."

The guard no longer looked down on the silver medal in Connie's hand, and he stared straight at Connie's money pocket.

Inside, there are at least dozens of silver nobility, and maybe there are gold pounds!
"Miss... don't forget, let's go with them."

Su Keying gritted her teeth and said.

Although she knew that this was just a game, all of this was too realistic, and Su Keying didn't want to see good people being implicated because of herself.

In the worst case, commit suicide and waste a chance of resurrection.

But because I haven't joined any forces yet, haven't received any missions, and haven't contacted people or things on this map, so the resurrection point may not be in Amber City.

Missing this closed beta at most, she is just a small anchor, and her desire to chase the first opportunity is not strong.Anyway, this time, I also recorded some material along the way, enough for her to cut out a good video.

It's just that Polaris' loss will be much greater. As a lone ranger, he missed the opportunity of this internal test, and the difficulty of entering the first gradient has been greatly increased.

I'll figure out a way to make up for it later.

Su Keying sighed inwardly.

"Hey! It's up to you to decide whether it counts..."

The guard sneered.

He pointed the dagger at Connie.

"What Jack's manor, I've never heard of it! The two of them are unknown and suspected to be suspects. Now you are most likely their mastermind, and you must go with us!"

At this time, a lot of onlookers have gathered around, pointing and pointing here.

But most of them have already seen it, shook their heads and left.

"Oh! Connie!"

Mrs. Caroline's voice came, scissors and a flower still in hand, hurrying through the crowd.

"What happened?!"

(End of this chapter)

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