Chapter 72 Saving Connie
"Mrs. Caroline, we are just doing business as usual, so don't mind your own business."

A look of apprehension flashed across the guard's face.

The flower shop Viscount Pompeii named and took care of was also known to patrolling guards in the outer city.If it wasn't necessary, they didn't want to offend Viscount Pompey.

Connie didn't know about the relationship between Mrs. Caroline and Viscount Pompeii, so she didn't want to involve Mrs. Caroline. She just shook her head silently.

The two guards looked at each other, knowing that they couldn't drag on like this any longer.

"Okay, let's all disperse!"

One guard dispersed the pedestrians, while another guard was holding a sword and preparing to escort the three of them away.

At this time, the coachman tied the carriage to the lamp post and walked over quickly.

He sees that something is wrong and Miss Connie seems to be in trouble.At this time, he thought of his boss, Mr. Jack, who had explained to him.

"Miss Connie."

The coachman came to Connie and quietly handed over a silver badge.

"Mr. Jack says use this when you're in trouble."

Connie took over, and she immediately showed joy.

"What are you talking about furtively?!"

The guard yelled.

Connie sneered, and slapped the silver badge on the guard's face.

"Are you sure you want to arrest us?"


The two guards couldn't help but startled.

On the silver badge in front of him, a family crest is engraved, and the words "Pompeii Bruce" are marked underneath.They will know each other, this is the identity of Viscount Pompeii.

No one dared to impersonate the name of a local nobleman in Amber City, and was caught because it was too easy to expose.

Being able to take out the family emblem of Viscount Pompeii shows that it has a lot to do with it.

The hearts of the two guards tightened, and they immediately knew that something was going to happen.

"Aha! It turns out that you know His Excellency Viscount Pompeii...why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

The guard wiped his sweat with a smile.

"I'm so sorry, we made a mistake...Okay, let's go then."

"You derelict bastards!"

Mrs. Caroline understood the cause of the matter, she said angrily.

Poor Connie has just lost her father, and has gone to the inner city with little Jack, and life is sure to be rough.Now that he came back to the outer city and was exploited by the guards, he really shouldn't suffer such grievances.

"I will definitely write a letter to the Public Security Bureau! Let you two scum suffer!"

Mrs. Carrolly scolded.

The two guards were a little annoyed, but there was nothing they could do.If you really want to fight harder, they must be the ones who suffer.After all, they were stabbed at the public security station and alarmed Viscount Pompeii, and their immediate superiors would definitely punish them.

So the two guards apologized and hurried away.

Mrs. Caroline was still cursing behind them, and Connie stepped forward to comfort her.

"Miss, thank you for your help."

Su Keying thanked you.

Connie turned her head, looked at the man and woman, and smiled.

"It's just a little effort..."

Polaris suddenly thought of the "Jack's Manor" that the girl said, and the ruthless man in Emerald Town who was wanted by the Red Apple Church was also called "Jack".

Will there be any connection between the two?
Polaris cast "Detective" on Connie calmly.

Name: Connie

Race: Human (eastern part of the continent)

Rating: 13
Life: 120/120
Occupation: [Craftsman LV10 (MAX)] [Butler LV3]


Skills: Creative Genius LV2 (passive), Eureka LV3 (passive), Mastery LVMAX (passive)——

Combat power: 12
[Dangerous degree: High]

【Favourability: Friendly】

[Comment: You don't want to know what weapon she is wearing, because when you see it, you are already dead!Warm reminder, her boss is not simple...]

Polaris was taken aback, he didn't expect this seemingly harmless girl to be so strong.

The dangerous degree of orange indicates that she is not easy to mess with.

As for the description in the evaluation, is the boss behind her really that ruthless person?If so, maybe this is a great opportunity!

"—Su Keying, this girl is an opportunity! Hug this thigh, maybe there will be surprises!"

Polaris sent a text message.

Su Keying was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Polaris and nodded slightly to express her understanding.

"Miss, we are farmers...from a foreign country, unfamiliar with the place, and looking for a job to earn a living... May I ask what you call 'Jack's Manor', is there any shortage of people there?

Don't worry, we don't need wages, as long as we have a place to eat and live! "

Su Keying said to Connie pitifully.

These are the words Polaris told her in private.

Connie showed a embarrassed expression. Although she wanted to help the two young men and women, she didn't feel that she could make the decision for Mr. Jack.

"Oh, it turns out that Little Jack has established himself in the inner city?"

asked Mrs Caroline.

"Yes, Mrs. Caroline...Mr. Jack has purchased a large manor, and is now providing family counseling for Viscount Pompeii's daughter, Miss Rebecca."

Connie spoke of Mr. Jack with great pride.

She briefly talked about what happened after she went to the inner city, and Mrs. Caroline repeatedly sighed that Little Jack is not an ordinary person, and he will definitely become famous in the future.

Mrs. Caroline thought of something again, she was silent for a while, and then smiled and invited Connie to the flower shop.Even Polaris and Su Keying were invited.

Connie was a little embarrassed when she thought that she still had to deliver a letter for Mr. Jack.

"Let's go, Connie, just come in and have a cup of scented tea... After you're gone, I miss you very much."

Facing Mrs. Caroline's gracious invitation, Connie finally nodded.

She glanced at Polaris and Su Keying, smiled and said:
"Then follow me first. I still need to ask Mr. Jack about work, and I can't give you an answer for now... But Mr. Jack is a kind and upright gentleman. I think he will help you."

Polaris and Su Keying were immediately overjoyed.

Everyone entered the flower shop and sat down, and Mrs. Caroline made a cup of scented tea for them.

"Wait a minute, Connie..."

Mrs. Caroline said softly.

Then she left the flower shop and went up the corridor on one side.

Polaris took a sip of scented tea and suddenly received a text message.

"—Polaris friend, I am a horseman. We found an opportunity in Xiashuitan in the outer city. There is an underground force called 'Iron Fist Gang' here. There are many benefits, come quickly.

In addition, let me tell you a secret, the boss here, 'Mr. Dolly' is an extraordinary person! "

Polaris was slightly taken aback, turned to look at Su Keying, and found that she also had a surprised expression, and it seemed that she had also received a message from the horseman.

"—how? Shall we go?"

Su Keying asked.

Polaris frowned slightly, he didn't want to let go of the opportunity at hand.

"—Wait a minute."

The three horsemen represent the two great guilds, and they cannot give themselves any benefits for no reason. When the time comes, they will probably have to pay some price.

If it was before, Polaris might go, but now that he meets Connie, he has a choice.This kind of opportunity that you find yourself is the best.

After a while, Mrs. Caroline came down with two letters.

She handed one of them to Connie.

"Connie, please help me deliver this letter to Little Jack, and ask him to pass it on to Mr. Pompey... and give me another word. I don't blame him. Henry has always regarded him as his best friend."

Connie shook the letter in her hand, and there seemed to be a metal object inside.

"Yes, Mrs. Caroline."

Mrs. Caroline breathed a sigh of relief, as if letting go of years of frustration.

She smiled, raised another letter in her hand, and looked at the three young men.

"Don't worry, I will definitely report those two guards who made things difficult for you!"

Connie was a little dumbfounded, but she also felt the warmth.

She thanked her, drank the scented tea in her cup, and stood up to say goodbye.

At this moment, Polaris and Su Keying suddenly received a mission reminder——

[Trigger D-level mission: Save Connie! 】

Mission description: Entrusted by her boss, Mr. Jack, Connie went to Xiashuitan Iron Fist to deliver a letter.But time has passed and the Iron Fist Gang has changed hands. If Connie sets foot in the Iron Fist Gang's residence, she will be in danger!

Whether it is reasonable to persuade Connie to stop sending letters is up to you.

Mission rewards: 200 experience points, 1 silver nobility and Connie's favorability.

  Love you guys! ()
(End of this chapter)

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