Chapter 716


At this warm moment, the infinity symbol in Chen Lun's eyes suddenly flashed, causing him to see many pictures——

Four figures suddenly appeared on the Yanita Continent.

The gods of the fairyland launched a fierce battle with them, but Mr. Jingyao, who had fallen from the god position, and Miss Shengshu, who was greatly damaged, were hard to resist. The only King of Slaughter with full strength faced the four of them, but he could only fight against them. Do self-protection.

As the fighting continued, the gods of the fairyland, such as the scorching sun, the cat god, and the three ladies of pain, fell one after another until those four completely occupied the Yanita continent.

But it didn't take long for these four people to undergo extremely strange changes.

They all began to pray towards the starry sky in unison, and the appearance of their human figures was torn apart like a coat, revealing their "inner" mythical creature forms.

Four indescribably huge monsters twisted their limbs under the starry sky, chanting some kind of prayer in a strange language.


In the world shrouded in night, the starry sky is twinkling and exuding eerie colorful colors. Four crooked linear shadows descended from the sky and landed directly on the four of them. Immediately, they seemed to become some kind of medium, releasing a power beyond recognition. Knowing the deep darkness.

The world was then submerged, and all living beings were completely annihilated...

Chen Lun closed his eyes.

The picture of deduction of fate then disappeared, and the infinite possibilities were continuously developed in the mind and foreshadowed.

'The four gods of the Outer Continent...'

He opened his eyes again, his eyes indifferent.

In the picture just now, except for the Candlestick Goddess Stike, he had never seen the other three figures before, but as the God of Destiny, Chen Lun knew their identities instantly just by turning his mind a little.

That is the true god of the three paths of winter bell, noise and plague, the man in the mist, the woman of mourning, and the moth master.

Chen Lun frowned slightly.

He saw that something was wrong with the four true gods from the outer continent, and the weird changes in the starry sky at the end, as well as the scene of the world annihilation, also gave obvious answers.

'They have actually been influenced by the source of their respective pathways... This joint invasion of the Yanita Continent seems to have reasonable motives, but in essence, they are just acting as the "pawns" of the Outer Gods, as The first trial after the sun fell and the barrier around the island was destroyed. '

Chen Lun thought in his heart.

He sneered secretly, it seemed that the terrifying existence beyond the starry sky couldn't wait to "eat" this place.

'They must really want 'Never Return'... Apart from original sin, what else is worth the coveting of those old and foreign gods. '

Chen Lun's eyes were dark.

"It's time to leave... It just so happens that the "Face of the Holy Fire" is only the first sequence, since the Candlestick Goddess came to the door by herself, there is no need for me to go to the Outer Continent again, it's just..."

Thinking to himself, he couldn't help but lower his head and look at Floyd in his arms.

I don't have more time to spend with my wife, and I don't know if I will have a chance to come back and see my unborn daughter Sophie...

Looking at her husband's gentle eyes, Floyd inexplicably had a bad premonition. He couldn't help sitting up, and asked with a worried look on his face:

"Dear, what's wrong?"

Chen Lun just shook his head.

"It's nothing, there was a little accident, I need to deal with it."

After hearing this, Floy became even more worried. He frowned slightly with his pretty brows, and tightly held her husband's hand.

Resisting the uneasiness in his heart, he asked cautiously:
"Do you have to go?"

Chen Lun lowered his gaze, staring deeply at Floyd's purple eyes, as if he wanted to imprint them in his mind and never forget them.

He smiled slightly:

"must go."

No one has the ability to stop the threat lingering outside the starry sky.

'Only I... have a chance. '

But Chen Lun is determined not to tell Floyd what he said in his heart.

Floy fell silent, biting her lip.

He has actually seen something.

Because every time my lover said that he needed to go out for something, he was in a huge crisis, but he never wanted to tell himself.

Right now, the other party has become a true god, and it is still like this... It shows that this time, the things her husband will face must be even more terrifying.

It is absolutely impossible to be as light and light as he said.

Floy knew that she couldn't help her husband, all she could do was try not to cause trouble and not let her husband be distracted...

"Honey, you must come back soon."

Floy squeezed out a smile, buried her head in her lover's chest again, and hugged her tightly.

"Little Sophie and I are waiting for you..."

Chen Lun opened his mouth, but he felt a shadow of depression jumping from the bottom of his heart to his throat, blocking the words of saying goodbye.

He gently closed his eyes, calming down the reluctance in his heart.

Then he opened his eyes again and said with a smile:

"Don't think too much, it's just a little trouble, I'll be back soon."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and kissed Floyd on the forehead.

When Floy recovered and was about to respond to the kiss, she suddenly found that her husband in front of her had disappeared.

All around, only the remaining warmth and breath of the other party remained.

For some reason, Floyd felt an unspeakable sadness welling up in his heart, and in his stunned mood, two strands of hot tears rolled down the corners of his eyes.

"Must come back..."

Floy unconsciously clenched the clothes on her chest with both hands, praying in a low voice.

Over the Yanita Continent.

A horizontally folded ladder appeared out of thin air in a spiral shape in an abnormal shape, forming an infinite symbol connected end to end, like a bottomless kaleidoscope abyss.

pat, pat...

The straight figure walked out on the stairs.

Chen Lun held the brim of his hat with one hand, and the pale short cloak fluttered like waves on his shoulders. With the other hand, he held a white cane and looked into the distance.


The four figures arrived as scheduled according to the prediction of fate.

When they saw the man in the black hat standing in front of them, they stopped immediately.

"A strange true god?"

The mourning girl Flirola parted her red lips slightly and spoke.

The Moth Lord and Candlestick Goddess on the side were expressionless.

"When we meet for the first time, you can call me 'Mr. Infinity'..."

Chen Lun said calmly.

"Mr. Infinity?"

The four gods of the Outer Continent have never heard of this name.

The disheveled moth lord Yevi Melis said indifferently:
"It appears to be a new god."

He grinned an eerie grin.

"So that's how it is... The previous five 'God's Death Knells' did not mean that five true gods fell, but four, including your becoming a god."

The candlestick goddess stared at the paleness in the man's eyes.

The dazzling brilliance of the infinity symbol reflected endless possibilities, which made him feel a little palpitation.

"Don't underestimate the enemy, this guy is Fate Path Sequence Zero."

Stike said in a low voice.


After hearing this, the other three gods couldn't help raising their vigilance secretly.

"Destiny" is the unique path of God in the Yanita Continent, and it is the oldest and mysterious path. In their cognition, the former true god of this path, "Huan Gong", is an extremely terrifying existence.

Now that the true god of destiny has appeared again, they have to pay attention to it.

"The sun has fallen, and Yanita is now in my care."

Chen Lun said lightly.

His deep eyes scanned the menacing four gods from the Outer Continent, and the white square on the top of the cane spun slowly, exuding a palpitating invisible power.

The deep voice asked coldly:

"Who allowed you to set foot in this field?"

"It's just a new god, dare to shout."

The mourning girl Flirola's voice was cold.

Immediately, he raised his index finger and flicked it, as if he had plucked a non-existent silk string, and a beautiful but deadly harp string sounded immediately.

Ding Ding——

The night was high in the sky, and the voice that could easily curse and kill angels, accompanied by the singing of thousands of people, and the thousands of vicious whispers under careful listening, instantly penetrated the position of the man in the black hat.


However, Zuo Ai Nu let out a little surprise.

Along with the three people in the mist, the moth master and the goddess of the candlestick, they were all suspicious, because the other party was still standing there, still in the same plain appearance, as if the temptation of the mourning girl just now had no effect.


The moth lord Yewi Meris sneered, followed by waving his sleeve robe.

Numerous micro-level epidemic factors shrouded the black hat man overwhelmingly, and the level of myth pollution soared instantly... Whenever an eternal being is beside the other party for a few seconds, it will cause a vicious disease, decay on the spot, and lose its power.


The man in the black hat stood still.

The so-called supreme plague, to him, was like a breeze blowing on his face.

Only the pale symbols in those black eyes flickered.

"The supreme power of fate...he reverses the order of things!"

The goddess of candlesticks, Stike, is the strongest among the four gods, and she soon discovered the clue, reminding her in a deep voice.

The Man in the Mist, the Girl of Compassion, and the Moth Lord were startled.

Reverse the order of things?

What a treacherous power this is!
Chen Lun couldn't help but glance at the Candlestick Goddess.

The other party was right, but he only saw the surface.

In fact, the reason why he was not harmed was that he had already seen the development of all destiny. No matter how or when the Four Gods made a move, Chen Lun knew it all.

He only needs to intercept his own fate line in advance, eliminate all possibilities of "injury", and then compile an established fact of "successful avoidance", and replace it...

The final picture was that others saw him not dodging or evading, but just stood there in a daze, and even the attack obviously touched his body.

But it turned out that he was unharmed.

Because the process of evasion actually happened, but only after the result happened, and no one could see it.

Reversing cause and effect may sound counterintuitive, but it is the truth.

What you see is not necessarily true.

But the predetermined result of fate must be true.

Of course, to achieve this level, it is inseparable from Chen Lun's supreme personality, as well as the increase of Yuan Sin's "non-return home"... If it weren't for the crushing of personality, Chen Lun would not be able to ignore the attack of the true god.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Lun found that there were only three of the four true gods in front of him.

Among them, the fluttering white robe disappeared, completely disappeared from the field of vision and even all perceptions.

Chen Lun frowned.

Calmly and secretly in my heart, I did some divination, but it was still fruitless.

Even he couldn't see the whereabouts and location of the people in the fog.

'Amazing... As expected of the true God of the Outer God Path, even the divination of fate can't lock him in, is this the power of Winter Bell? '

Chen Lun secretly said.

But he wasn't worried.

The pale infinity symbols flickered in his eyes, and in an instant, the infinite possibilities about himself were deduced and developed in his mind.

Dozens of hundreds of future fragments indicate that his left arm, left leg and head will be damaged, and there are even three possibilities that he will fall on the spot... The reason is that the people in the fog used extremely strange power to forcibly parasitize In your own spirit!

''injured' removed, 'trapped' removed, 'dead' removed...'

The pale symbol in Chen Lun's eyes flickered tens of thousands of times in a single breath, and the development of his own destiny, and even the fate of the "man in the fog" Aimudi Andy, was determined.

From the time the two sides met to the present, it was only 30 seconds.

But the confrontation happened more than once.

The Candlestick Goddess, the Moth Lord, and the Goddess of Compassion suddenly saw that the man in the black hat finally made a move.

I saw that the other party changed the white cane from his right hand to his left at some point, lifted it up and waved it to the left, a pale flame suddenly burst out from the block at the top, spreading in a fan shape.

In an instant, the sea of ​​flames spread like a star river, shining with colorful halos, and almost in the next second, it was submerged in a group of silhouettes that did not exist—


Aimudi Andy, the man in the fog, suddenly screamed like a howling wind.


The Candlestick Goddess's eyes froze and her face changed slightly.

"How is it possible - why does he have the power of the 'Holy Fire'?!"

"The Man in the Mist has been found..."

Moth Master and Zuo Ai Nu couldn't help being stunned.

As the four gods of the Outer Continent, they are each other's old enemies, and they know each other's details... Although the destructive power and survivability of the man in the fog are not the strongest, it has to be admitted that once he "enters the fog", he will The body will be completely thrown away, and the true god will not be visible.

But now, the strange God of Destiny "Mr. Infinity" found Him with ease, and cast the "Sacred Fire" that only the Candlestick Goddess Stike had, and burned it horribly!

Even if the appearance and color of the "Holy Flame" are different, the mighty power pollution that can be emitted is exactly the same!
You can never go wrong!
In an instant, the four gods of the Outer Continent were all shocked by Mr. Infinite's hand.

"Shoot, Aimudi Andy can't die yet."

Stike made a decisive decision and reminded in a cold voice.

After finishing speaking, he raised the candlestick in his hand, and the carved candles of different heights were burning with colorful flames. When he blew gently, he dragged out a long pillar of fire and rushed towards Mr. Infinity.

Yewei Meilisi and Flirola reacted quickly, almost at the same time when Stike spoke, they all made a move.

The moth master spread his arms, and the air around him was rotten, and the mourning girl took out a carved flute with dark purple luster, slightly parted her red lips, and played it——

Hundreds of millions of mythical moths formed a terrifying air wave amidst the noisy and piercing sound of the flute, instantly submerging the man in the black hat.

But next second.

The four gods present felt that their horizons were stretching rapidly!
In the blink of an eye, the battlefield came to a high altitude farther from the land. Looking down, the Yanita Continent was no bigger than a palm, surrounded by fog!
And the man in the black hat disappeared at some point!

"Mr. Infinity used his great power to teleport us... This is the last pass outside the starry sky, and if you go further outside, you will witness your own destruction."

Candlestick Goddess said solemnly.

The moth master and the son-in-law were in shock.

"Are you kidding me?! It's a terrifying person who can forcefully send our four true gods here without us noticing!"

They then turned their heads to look again.

The attack just now must have been in vain, but Mister Unlimited, like the man in the fog, couldn't perceive it either...

The surroundings were dark and silent, and farther away, there was a starry sky that could not be seen directly, which made them palpitate endlessly.

"Not only can He use the 'Holy Flame', but he can even use Aimudi's 'Into the Mist'... How did he do it?! Could it be that the Path of Destiny also has the authority related to 'Stealing'?!"

The mourning girl drank anxiously.

"No, this is the unique ability of fate...Mr. Infinity should have erased and covered up his own fate line. In this way, he escaped our insight."

Candlestick Goddess said in a deep voice.

As he spoke, the uneasiness in his heart grew stronger.

A new God of Destiny was able to handle the siege of the four true gods with ease, and it can even be said that he played with them in the palm of his hand... Right now, the life and death of the people in the fog are even more unknown!
"Shoot! I don't believe there is such an unsolvable power in this world!"

The mourning girl sneered coldly.

Immediately, His slender figure swelled up, and the "skin" was instantly torn apart, revealing the form of a mythical creature.

It was a twisted mass of flesh tens of kilometers in diameter, with countless tentacles entwined with a spiral bone flute. The ring-shaped mouthparts locked the bone flute, and the body agitated, blowing a terrifying sound wave that enveloped the entire sky .


 Just one chapter today;
(End of this chapter)

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