Chapter 717 Double Gods

'The mythical curse of a very large area...'

Chen Lun looked at the distorted monster playing the bone flute in the distance, and malicious sound waves came out through the bone flute, layer upon layer, like substantial ripples rippling toward the entire dark sky.

He shook his head.

This method is still threatening to ordinary true gods, but to him, it has no meaning.

Chen Lun looked calm, and while tampering with his own fate line to avoid it, he raised his hand and stretched five fingers toward the front left, with a false grip, the cane in his right hand turned in a circle, and then pointed to the front right.

The mighty power of the supreme fate descended in an instant.


A special hippopotamus was fictitious, turned into a dull entity and emerged out of thin air, and appeared so conspicuously in front of the three Candlestick Goddesses.

The sound waves of the curse reached the hippopotamus, distorting its body on the spot, but it couldn't be killed because of the "fate restart".

Whenever it dies, the fate line will be reset, so that it will always be alive.

In the vigilant eyes of the Candlestick Goddesses, a group of invisible beings was grasped by Chen Lunxu, and his fate line overlapped with the imaginary hippopotamus...


Immodi Andy, the man in the fog, was cursed by the hippopotamus and let out a miserable cry.

The True God of Dongzhong was first burned by the blue fire, and now he was "injured by friends", and was severely injured immediately.

"Even the fate of the true god can be manipulated at will?!"

The moth master couldn't help but speak.

He watched helplessly as the flute played by the mourning girl hurt the man in the fog through the medium of the "hippopotamus", but Mr. Infinity could not be seen in the entire dark high-altitude area.

The other party is like a dramatist hidden behind the scenes, who is arranging this stage performance, and their four true gods are both audience and actors.

This feeling of being manipulated is really bad.

Seeing this, the moth lord Yevmeris also revealed his own mythical creature form. He was like a monster emerging from a cocoon, his crooked body torn from the middle, and a large group of endless moths came out of this body. Gushing out of the "skin bag", it soared into the sky and gathered into a huge moth that covered the sky and the sun.

Thousands of pairs of colorful scaled wings are layered on top of each other, and in the center of each pair of scaled wings is a pattern of round and wide eyes, showing a fierce look that hates everything.

His head was deformed, covered with large and small dense black compound eyes, like tumors.

The two tens of kilometers long black tentacles are covered with hair nodules and burrs, like a hideous and dense forest.

These "fluff" hide the most terrifying disease factor in the world, if touched, even the eternal existence will be sick and die miserably.

But I haven't waited for the moth master to do anything.

An indifferent voice sounded faintly:

"Fates overlap."

The moth master trembled all over, and let out a painful scream:


The curse suffered by Hippo first hit the Man in the Mist hard, and now it was "reprinted" on the Moth Lord.

Play the supreme curse of the mourning girl, and hurt the friendly army again.

I saw the moth lord Yevi Melis trembling non-stop, the countless scales and wings on his back fell off like rain, and under the colorful halo of the blue fire, it looked colorful and breathtakingly beautiful.

"Stop blowing!"

Seeing this, the Candlestick Goddess had an ugly expression, turned her head and scolded the twisted monster playing the bone flute.


The weird and low flute sound stopped abruptly.

At the same time, the expression of the Candlestick Goddess Stike froze, and immediately revealed a look of pain.

"Why even me...?!"

He couldn't help snorting, and suddenly colorful pillars of fire burst out from his body, which was a stress response after being traumatized.

Chen Lun was in a "hidden" state of "untraceable", standing upright in the dark night, waving his cane calmly, relying on his supreme position, wantonly superimposed the curse on the hippopotamus on the body of the Candlestick Goddess.

"Damn fate!"

Stike resisted the weakness and pain caused by the curse, gritted her teeth and gave a cold drink, and completely entered the mythical creature form.

An ethereal figure whose face could not be seen clearly rose from the ground holding a twisted and strangely tall candlestick. The colorful flames burning on the candlestick were in the shape of a tornado, swaying endlessly.

The huge Candlestick Goddess glanced around, but couldn't find Mr. Infinite at all. A cruel smile rose from the corner of her mouth, and she glanced down...

Whoohoo! !
Stike suddenly blew towards the tall candlestick, and the terrifying colorful flames immediately dragged out a long trajectory, igniting the entire high altitude. Immediately, bright sparks fell like rain, covering the sky above the Yanita Continent.

If these terrible fire rains hit the ground, it will inevitably cause a devastating and monstrous fire. Except for a few high-ranking people and lucky ones, all other creatures will be burned to death!

This is the destructive power of the strongest true god in the Outer Continent!
Obviously, the Candlestick Goddess can't do anything to Mister Infinity, so she has to adopt the tactic of "encircling Wei and saving Zhao" to force the other party to return to aid... Yanita Continent is not the anchor point of the four gods. Although they covet this land, if they encounter the current situation If it is not available, it will not care about its survival at all.

On the contrary, many angels and true gods are "bound" in the Yanita Continent, and Mr. Infinite will never watch the rain of fire fall.

as predicted.

Chen Lun narrowed his eyes as he watched the rain of colorful fire falling from the sky.

Pale symbols flickered in his eyes, and he waved his hand.

The development process of this fate line was immediately erased by him.

I saw densely packed innumerable sparks, which gradually became translucent in the process of falling, until they disappeared completely and ceased to exist.

"Got you!"

The Candlestick Goddess sneered.

As the strongest existence among the four gods of the Outer Continent, he has extremely high insight. Through the moment his own holy fire was wiped out, he followed the clues to find the position of Mr. Infinite.

He held out the candlestick in his hand, and a swaying colorful fire tornado arrived in an instant, enveloping the man in the black hat... The flame directly cut off the space, making it impossible for the man to escape through teleportation.

At the same time, the injured Man in the Mist revealed the form of a mythical creature at some point, and turned into a huge twisted vortex. The center was deep and dark, and thousands of deformed eyes could be faintly seen. Stop, make a gurgling sound.

Including him, the moth master and the daughter of mourning also gathered together, forming a square position with the candlestick goddess, and surrounded Mr. Infinite tightly.

"New God of Yanita, I have to admire your strength and courage, but you and I are both existences standing at the end of the mysterious field. Even if there is a gap in strength, it is limited... With one against four, you have no chance of winning .”

The voice of the moth lord Yervi Melis was thunderous.

It seems that countless insects are neighing and resonating, making a strong and uncomfortable human voice.

However, under the gaze of the four gods.

The "tiny" figure shrouded in colorful flames remained silent.

half an hour.

The other party's deep and magnetic voice whispered:
"Kill you guys, go to the starry sky..."


That indifferent tone couldn't help but surprise Sishen.

Where does Mr. Unlimited get his confidence?

Even the strongest sun god in Yanita in the past, in the face of the siege of the four of them, I am afraid that he can barely resist... What's more, he is just a new god.

hum! ! !
A huge, deep and distorted "white hole" suddenly emerged.

In an instant, the surrounding colorful sea of ​​flames was engulfed and collapsed, and everything returned to darkness immediately.

In the next second, it suddenly expanded again.

boom! ! !
A channel that seems to extend infinitely is connected end to end in a Mobius ring, forming a spectacle of two "white holes" emitting dazzling firelight.

Two "Mr. Infinity" walked out from one left and one right respectively!
They seemed to be unfocused phantoms in their sight, their actions and demeanors were consistent, and they overlapped after they walked out of the "white hole" completely.

In the next second, it turned into an infinite glass giant snake!
This is the mythical biological form of Chen Lun after he became a god——

Infinity Snake!

The whole body of the giant snake exudes colorful glass luster, the links are twisted and twisted, and the scales are shining brightly. It is always burning with an eternal pale flame. In the bottomless eyes, there is an infinite symbol shining, as if it can swallow people. , Feel the development and ending of the fate of the ages.

No matter how you look at it from any angle, you can't see where the tail of this glazed giant snake is... It seems that it doesn't have a tail, or that the tail is endlessly extending to another dimension.

The distorted monsters transformed by the four gods couldn't help raising their heads in unison, looking at the huge monster "surrounded" by themselves in front of them.

The dark high-altitude sky here seems to be covered and filled by the opponent's figure. In comparison, the four gods on our side are small, humble bugs!



Round after round of flames, in the form of infinite symbol ripples, radiated towards the entire starry sky, diffused, and rippled towards the invisible end.

The terrifying and strong sense of fate made the four gods feel threatened from the bottom of their hearts on the spot, and the "fear" emotion they hadn't experienced in many years made their bodies tremble uncontrollably.

The original killing intent of the four gods gradually faded away, and completely turned into a retreating intent.


No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the power of a true god...


The glazed giant snake moved its body, and its boundless snake eyes looked down. The indifferent and cold eyes wrapped around the body of the four gods like substance.

Candlestick Goddess only felt her scalp tingling.

"His strength far surpasses the true god! Let's go!!"

Stike couldn't help screaming in horror.

However, just as the four gods were about to evacuate, the pale infinity symbol in the pair of snake pupils above their heads suddenly froze.

On the chests of the four twisted monsters, a "Cang Seal" was imprinted.

"It's over..."

In the hearts of the Candlestick Goddess and other four gods, an idea emerged inexplicably.

boom! ! !
Four "white holes" expand and bloom!

In an instant, the four gods suffered millions and tens of thousands of fires, and the speed of restarting their fate exceeded the limit of cognition. Even the four true gods could not understand or perceive them.

The people of Yanita Continent, no matter where they are or what they are doing, can't help but look up at the night sky.

"Four suns?!"

Someone uttered in disbelief.

But no one can answer this question.

The world couldn't help staring at the spectacle in the sky, four bright white spheres lined up one by one, hanging quietly.

Because the "white hole" expands and collapses so fast that the eyes of the world cannot capture the process of high-frequency flickering at all.

Even the gods in the fairyland can hardly see the whole picture... Even if they observe it for a long time, the incomprehensible mighty power will hurt their brains and spirituality.

So much so that the God of Scorching Sun Cat and the others could only glance at it cautiously, and then waited silently.

Fortunately, this scene was far away, and was isolated by Chen Lun's fate.

Otherwise, just staring at the "white hole", all the creatures in Yanita Continent will be blinded in an instant, and then their brains will spontaneously ignite and die.

Half a month passed quickly.

During this period of time, people discovered that the four "suns" in the sky disappeared one by one along with the mourning bell that resounded throughout the universe...

The glazed giant snake twisted its body high in the night sky.

Twenty light clusters were taken away by him, and the giant snake disappeared immediately.

"The four gods of the Outer Continent are indeed harder to kill than ordinary true gods..."

Chen Lun thought to himself as he traveled through the spirit world.

During the half month of burning, the four true gods kept struggling in the "white hole". The first to fall were the Man in the Mist and the Girl of Compassion. They persisted for five days, and the Moth Lord lasted for seven days, and The Candlestick Goddess burned for fifteen days, and even almost escaped from the "white hole" during the process.

Fortunately, Chen Lun's current strength has already surpassed that when he fought against Liefu. Although it was hard to fight against the four gods, he didn't have too much pressure.

The more important point is that the Four Gods are deeply influenced by the "superior boss", which is so serious that it interferes with their own judgment and combat experience.

'The existence of the mysterious source has supreme control over the power of the path. Even the true gods who are expensive as sequence zero still cannot escape their influence... Sebastian Pardo, the eternal sleeper, was completely wiped out by that wisp of remnants. Occupy, leaving only the mad instinct. '

Chen Lun shook his head.

At the same time, he secretly rejoiced that the old "King of Comedy" of the path of joy and sorrow had long since fallen, otherwise he might have been influenced and manipulated by him.

If it weren't for the influence of the Outer Continent's four gods, this battle might not have been resolved so quickly... But it was always because of the crushing of strength, they would undoubtedly die.

It's just the difference between early death and late death.

Moreover, Chen Lun had already made up his mind to eliminate all unstable factors before going outside the starry sky.

'I didn't expect that the goddess of candlesticks, Stike, only digested five copies of the unique divinity, so it seems that I still have to go to the outer continent. '

The pair of snake pupils of the glazed giant snake are faint.

With a flash of his figure, he has traveled thousands of distances, even from the broken area of ​​the spirit world, to the outer spirit world, which is the "hell" full of lava and sulfur.

As the master of the spirit world, there is no place Chen Lun can't go.

What he did was the remaining three unique divinities of the holy fire pathway.

Over the next few days.

Under the supreme personality, fortune-telling is always unfavorable, no matter where the holy fire angel hides, Chen Lun can easily find it.

Soon it was a crushing massacre.

The Sequence Two Angel didn't even notice Chen Lun's sudden arrival, and was enveloped by a cloud of blue fire on the spot, burning into nothingness.

Done with this.

Chen Lun immediately let the "Sacred Fire Face" digest the eight unique divinities, and made up ten of them, becoming the most powerful true god in the holy fire path!

Over the Outer Continent.

A majestic sea of ​​pale flames covered the sky.

Countless people in the outer continent were shocked by it, but they didn't know the truth... Only a very small number of high-ranking people guessed something, and almost died of fright on the spot.

"The Face of the Holy Fire" has finally caught up with the progress of the "Aspect of Destiny" and has become Sequence Zero [Candle Officer]...'

Chen Lun revealed a faint smile.

Fortunately, the promotion ceremony of the sacred fire path is not necessary, otherwise he would have to spend a lot of time and energy on preparations.

Immediately afterwards, he took advantage of the opportunity to digest the three magic unique divinity and two natural unique divinity given by Mr. Jingyao and Miss Shengshu.

The joys and sorrows path authority has also reached ten shares.

So far, Chen Lun has digested a full 20 powers, and has become a "dual god" existence that has never been seen before or since.

This is also a trick, because the two faces can transform into reality and reality, so in essence, he did not violate the rules of the mysterious field.

As for the firewood burned in the holy fire, it was a full 50 shares.

Sacred Fire Sequence Zero [Candle Officer] can accommodate three more paths, taking the opportunity, Chen Lun put the complete knowledge of the three starry sky into it, allowing Canghuo to complete the last step, completely consummated.

boom!boom! !boom! ! !

The blue fire was burning endlessly, and Chen Lun felt his own power and state that were so powerful that he couldn't fathom, and he had an extremely strong desire to destroy.

Destroy everything, destroy yourself.

He uncontrollably revealed the mythical creature form of the glazed giant snake, with a pair of snake pupils deep and dark, full of madness.

The rationality of all the players in the "database" can't even keep up with his consumption. Presumably, Chen Lun will completely lose control in a short time.

'wide awake!wide awake! ! '

Chen Lun keeps switching back and forth between rational and crazy states.

He knew that this was the necessary price for extreme power.

"This is not beyond the sequence, I have difficulty controlling myself, if..."

Chen Lun regained his sanity a little bit, and couldn't hide the depression in his heart.

After taking a long breath, I felt urgent.

'There is no time, we must act now! '

Taking advantage of being able to control himself, Chen Lun planned to face the final enemy——

Those old days and outer gods wandering outside the starry sky!

He took a last glance at the world below, collectively known as "Beretania", and flew straight out of the starry sky without looking back...

Next, it will be a doomed difficult contest.

Of course, there may also be a struggle that is beyond our capabilities.

(End of this chapter)

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