Chapter 718

The real world, Azure Federation.

Polaris wakes up from his sleep pod.

The device detected that his sleep was interrupted, and automatically disconnected the data link behind the ear. The data cable, like a living snake, fell off the data interface and retracted meanderingly.

With a puffing sound, the cabin door slowly opened, and the shirtless young man wiped the nutrient solution on his face, stood up from the sleeping cabin, and walked out.

There is a deep melancholy in the brows of Polaris, which is difficult to dissipate.

He absently wiped his body with a towel, put on his uniform, and immediately glanced at the hundreds of sleeping cabins neatly arranged in the cabin.

The key members of the Extraordinary Section are still lying in it, linking to the game world of "The Age of Mysteries", and their consciousness manipulates the characters to move around on the Yanita Continent.

This is actually what Polaris requires.

For some reason, his spiritual intuition told him that the teacher might need the help of these "immortal strangers"...

Although uncertain, Polaris chooses to trust her instincts.

He sighed silently, without waking up the rest of the Polaris team, he walked out of the cabin door alone.

When we came to the lobby on the first floor of the Chaofan Branch Building, the staff members were in a hurry, and everyone's faces were full of worry and uneasiness. Even after seeing him, the minister, only a small number of people squeezed out a smile to say hello .

Polaris resisted the depression in his heart, smiled and nodded in response.

He can actually understand the mood of these people.

Because the entire real world has undergone terrible changes since last week, and everyone in the Federation has fallen into panic...

Polaris stepped out of the gate and looked up—

I saw that over the city full of tall buildings, the clouds were moving rapidly, as if an invisible big hand was passing by... The sun was moving across the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye, rising in the east and setting in the west. The sun under the sun changed from shining to dim, and then entered the night!
The face of Polaris alternated with light and shadow until it was covered by darkness.

Can't see his expression clearly.

Similarly, the night only lasted for 1 minute, and the rising sun was glimpsed from the east again, and the cycle began again and again.

This phenomenon started to happen last Monday.

The speed of day and night is getting faster and faster!

From the original 24 hours, it became twelve hours, and then it became six hours, three hours, one hour, half an hour...

Until today, 1 minute is a day!
This incident is too abnormal, too weird, and it subverts people's three views!
Scientists at the Federal Scientific Research Center at first thought that this was because the rotation speed of the blue star had increased, but later through various investigations and tests, they found that this was not the case... because if the rotation speed is increased, the centrifugal force will increase accordingly, resulting in Gravity is reduced.

But the result is that the gravity of each region of Zhanlan Star has not changed... Even other aspects such as climate, crust, ocean currents, and water levels are the same as before.

Only the magnetic field has changed slightly, causing the communication to be interrupted.

Originally, federal scientists planned to observe the Zhanlan star through satellites and space stations to see what was going on.

However, the worst thing happened.

Thousands of satellites launched by Zhanlan Federation were all paralyzed due to unknown reasons, completely turning into cosmic garbage... Even the space station was disconnected from the ground.

So far, the entire Federation seems to have fallen into a situation of "isolation", and the atmosphere of fear and anxiety spreads and boils.

Looking at the light and dark changes in the sky, no one knows what terrible things will happen next.

The top executives of the Zhanlan Sacred Church and even Polaris all thought of one thing...

The prophecy may have come true.

Zhanlanxing is about to usher in the end!

Pope Su Hong of the Holy Church also held an extremely secret meeting yesterday morning. Polaris still remembers the anxious and dignified expressions on the faces of senior federal officials and members of the Holy Church.

Before the meeting ended, the Pope said only one sentence:

"The supreme existence waiting silently outside the solar system is ready to start enjoying his dinner... The Federation and the Holy Church, there is no way to escape this catastrophe, just resign yourself to fate."

The despairing words of the strongest person in Zhanlan Star are equivalent to pronouncing the ultimate fate of mankind.

Powerless to resist, no way to escape.

In the eyes of Pope Su Hong and even the senior leaders of the Holy Church, even the eternal "King of Cang Yi" who once descended may not be able to stop all this.

Zhanlanxing can only wait for death.

But Polaris doesn't think so.

"Teacher... You have become a god in the Yanita Continent, and the two worlds are now facing the same fate. Your faithful student and devout believer Su Bei, I hope you can break this fate and let us be redeemed." .”

He raised his head, looked at the strangely changing sky, and slowly closed his eyes.

I prayed silently.

With the same hope as him, there are also the fairyland gods in Yanita's world, and Floy who stares at the sky and waits silently...

Maybe most people don't know it.

There is a person who is going out of the starry sky alone, facing many terrifying existences, trying the hopeless salvation...

Chen Lun kept rising and flew towards the sky.

After the circumnavigation ceremony arranged by Duke Huan in the early years was destroyed, there was no obstacle between the starry sky and the earth... From his overlooking, the continent of the world of Beletania became smaller and smaller in sight, and the whole process went smoothly.

But when he completely left the atmosphere and reached the starry sky, he suddenly felt a very strong heart palpitation——

Boom!Boom! !

His heartbeat was as heavy as a thousand junctures, beating violently in his chest.

At this moment, the pale infinity symbols in the eyes flickered frequently.

He saw the future...

See what's next.

There are thousands of possibilities, all pointing to his own death.

Black is the final color.

Death is the only destination.

I can't see my fingers, I can't see any hope.

As if destined, he will fall into an irreversible abyss.

'Don't try to influence me, hinder me...'

Chen Lun's eyes were silent, without emotion.

He silently discarded all negative emotions, and his rock-solid determination drove him forward and continued to move forward.

Looking up at the vast expanse of starry sky——

Everything here is dead silent.

Everything here is dark and deep.

Even at the far end as far as the eye can see, there are only faint dots of starlight, as if the eyes of a dying person lingering.

"Where are those terrifying existences hovering outside the starry sky and beyond the sequence? Why can't I see anything..."

Chen Lun frowned slightly.

As he flew deep into the starry sky, he searched for traces of the old days and the outer gods.

However, everything is like his imagination.

There is no life at all outside the starry sky, only himself, like a ghost wandering in the lonely world, looking for unrealistic goals.

In this way, time passed by every minute and every second.

The glass giant snake is so huge that it can't see the whole picture at all, but in this boundless universe, it is like a grain of sand, small, helpless, and insignificant.

Chen Lun's search journey passed day by day.

He never got anywhere.

He didn't even see the enemy's shadow, but his own body became more and more uncontrollable. The gleaming glazed body gradually cracked, and the terrifying power of the holy fire dissipated and burned.

At the same time, Chen Lun's rationality of living beyond his means was burning.

The expression in his snake pupils became more and more anxious, more erratic, and more crazy...

In fact, Chen Lun himself knew in his heart that if he continued like this, he might lose control before he found the old days and the outer gods, and he would be lost in the starry sky forever.

But he can't help it.

Or rather, there is no better way.

The divination of fate cannot spy on the existence above the sequence, he can only search by this most primitive method.

Completely different from the original expectation, the old days and the outer gods are not floating outside the world of Beletania at all, but are hidden, or he can't see them.

Chen Lun even strongly doubted whether his previous understanding of the old days and the outer gods was wrong from the beginning...

Maybe they don't exist at all?
', they are real, they are the source of all supernatural beings, and the source of all disasters, and only by driving them away can everything I care about survive. '

Chen Lun gritted his teeth and insisted, his eyes forcibly regained clarity.

"I can't get out of control, I can't get out of control here, if I go crazy, there is no possibility of redemption..."

He couldn't accept that he hadn't even tried, and fell down halfway.

The pale flame drew a tiny trace in the dead darkness, like a snail crawling across the black curtain.

In this boundless solitude, time seems to have lost its meaning.

Chen Lun didn't know how long he had been looking for it.

A month, a few months, or a few years or ten years...

He himself forgot.

The passage of reason has brought his thinking to a near standstill, and all his memories have become blurred and confused.

For a moment, he even forgot where he was and what he was going to do!
When he came back to his senses, Chen Lun only had endless fear and despair in his heart!

The confidence that was originally the supreme existence of the dual gods collapsed at this moment!
He finally stopped.

Looking back, the world of Beletania has long disappeared, and I don't know where I am.

He was actually lost in the universe, and even couldn't find his way back.

All around, there is only boundless darkness and loneliness.

In this world, he was the only one left in the true sense.

At this moment, Chen Lun finally understood what is meant by the supreme existence above the detached sequence, what is truly powerful... In this endless starry universe, human nature is really meaningless except to drive people crazy!
The scales all over his body were broken and scattered along the way.

The eyes are gray, and the pale and bright infinity symbol has also lost its luster in the aimless search.


A pair of beautiful purple eyes flashed in Chen Lun's mind.

Just look at him peacefully and gently.


Chen Lun's thinking seems to have regained a little momentum from the "rusty gear" state, which reminded him of a key hole card that he had been "ignoring" all along.

"Not going home!"

He immediately activated the authority.

A huge and square white carved throne appeared behind him in an instant.

Chen Lun's giant snake bent into an infinity symbol and slowly landed on the throne.


Everything in sight was completely turned into white light.

Chen Lun only felt a shock in his head.

Suddenly opened his eyes.

The starry sky in front of me remains the same.

But looking back, there is the continent of the world of Beletania that is gradually shrinking in sight...

Chen Lun couldn't help being shocked.

I actually returned to the moment when I just stepped out of the starry sky!
'No, no... I should have been here. '

Raise your eyes and look--

At the end of the distant starry sky, there is a bright blue-yellow nebula!
One after another, the wriggling "soap bubbles" reflect the gorgeous and smooth flow of color, forming the incomprehensible spectacle of the universe——

'The "Old Days" Eternal Nightmare! '

Chen Lun realized that everything he had experienced before, the silence and despair, wandering and searching... were all hallucinations, nightmares and illusions!

It was the moment when I stepped out of the starry sky, I was affected by the eternal nightmare, and almost fell into it because of this, and lost my reason and lost control.


Chen Lun's pupils trembled violently, and he felt lingering fear.

In just a few tenths of a second, he was almost killed by this old man...

(End of this chapter)

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