Chapter 720 Fate
Warm and dry.

The crisp and pleasant chirping of chirping birds, and a hazy but rhythmic sound came through a layer of glass windows.

Chen Lun opened his eyes sleepily, and what caught his eyes was a rather old coffered ceiling, which gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Brilliant golden sunlight shines in through the windows, making the whole room bright.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up from the bed, looking around in a daze.

This is a cramped but tidy small room. The old desk is facing the bed and leaning against the corner. There are some books, stationery and game chucks on the table, and a dirty school uniform is hanging on the back of the chair. coat.

A wrinkled poster was pasted on the wall. Seven ferocious monsters were besieging a human hero wearing a cloak. Due to the passage of time, this poster was somewhat yellowed, and one corner was warped.

'This is……'

Almost in an instant, Chen Lun remembered.

'Isn't this exactly my childhood home? '

He was a little stunned.

Soon, he frowned again and tapped his head.

'As a child?Why do I think so?What a strange idea...'

He turned his head to look at the mirror inlaid on the wardrobe door on the other side, which reflected his own small bed and a boy in a white vest sitting on the bed.

Short black hair, immature face.

Only those black eyes revealed determination and wit.

Chen Lun suddenly felt a strong, dreamlike feeling... He felt like he had a dream last night, a long, long dream.

Many things happened in the dream. I seemed to have grown up, and went to a strange and dangerous world, met a girl named Floy, and even married her and had a child.

Even the child's name is already there, it's called Sophie.

At the end of the dream, I also became a big shot, a powerful hero, but I don't remember many details.

Chen Lun was a little embarrassed, and scratched his messy hair embarrassingly.

What about falling in love and having children, becoming a god, going to save the world, etc... In his opinion, these are really beautiful dreams that are difficult to tell others.

"Ah Lun, have you woken up yet? I'll come down to have breakfast soon, and I'm going to the amusement park soon..."

Outside the door, the voice of his father Chen Feng could be heard faintly.

Chen Lun was stunned.

"That's right, today is Saturday, school is not in session, my father promised to take me and Chen Mo to the "Glass Paradise" to play..."

His face was filled with anticipation and excitement, and he quickly shouted to the door with that immature voice:

"Get up! Come right away!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Lun quickly got out of bed, put on the short-sleeved shorts that he had prepared to go out last night, and immediately opened the door and went downstairs.

The house is actually not big, only more than 70 square meters, and it is divided into two floors, so the living room downstairs seems a bit crowded.

However, Chen Lun has long been used to it. He ran downstairs, raised his eyes and saw his father, Chen Feng, who was standing by the dining table holding a pot. He was wearing an apron, dressed like a housewife, and his short black hair was neatly combed. , looks quite handsome, with a pair of high-degree glasses on the bridge of his nose.

The younger sister, Chen Mo, was only seven or eight years old, sitting on a high stool by the dining table, looking up at herself with a smirk, and shouting crisply:
"elder brother."

There were some bread crumbs and ketchup on the corner of her mouth.

"Hurry up, eat while it's hot, your sister will finish eating."

Chen Feng said with a chuckle, first he raised his hand to wipe off the stains from the corners of his daughter's mouth, and then he used a spatula to put the fried rice into a bowl, calling Chen Lun to sit down and eat.

"Wow, it's my favorite fried rice."

Chen Lun climbed onto the high stool and saw the soaked hot milk again. He quickly picked it up and took a big sip, feeling very happy.

"Thank you dad."

"Eat quickly."

Chen Feng touched his head, turned around and went to the kitchen.

In the bright morning sun, Chen Lun and his sister happily finished their breakfast, and then followed their father out.

Along the way, his father held him with one hand and Chen Mo with the other.

Chen Lun looked excited and kept talking about the items that he was about to play in the "Glass Paradise", such as bumper cars, roller coasters, haunted houses and game halls, etc.

Father just smiled and listened.

When approaching the entrance of the amusement park, Chen Feng suddenly remembered something, raised his eyebrows, stopped and said to Chen Lun:

"Dad forgot to buy water. The water in the amusement park is too expensive. Let's not waste the money...Ah Lun, look at my sister. I'll go to the convenience store over there and I'll be back soon."

"Okay Dad! Take it easy!"

Chen Lun readily agreed.

Afterwards, he took sister Chen Mo's hand, and took her to stand by the side of the road to wait.

The figure of his father Chen Feng gradually drifted away, and soon disappeared in front of the convenience store not far away.

But after a while, my father still didn't come back.

Chen Lun was a little puzzled. He was planning to take his younger sister to have a look, but at this moment, a figure wearing a monster mask jumped out from behind the landscape tree next to him, picked up his younger sister Chen Mo, and ran away.

He was taken aback for a moment, until his sister Chen Mo's cry came, and Chen Lun came back to his senses.

'Human traffickers! '

Chen Lun was shocked.

Unspeakable fear and panic immediately filled my heart.

He saw that the trafficker was about to run away with his sister in his arms, and he stood there helplessly, but the courage in his heart suddenly drove him to shout:
"Don't run! Give me back Chen Mo!"

As he spoke, Chen Lun blushed and chased after him.

But he was just a child after all, even if the tall and burly trafficker was caught up by him because a truck blocked the road, Chen Lun couldn't subdue him, so he had to hug his leg and not let him go.

"Little devil! Do you want to die?!"

The masked man turned his head and said in a cold voice.

Immediately, he grabbed Chen Lun's neck.

The eyes under the mask were full of murderous intent, coupled with the pain and suffocation in the neck, all of a sudden made Chen Lun inexplicably terrified.

Tears welled up immediately, but he still bit the back of the man's hand, leaving a ring-shaped tooth mark.

"Let go...Chen Mo! Let her go!"

Chen Lun struggled to make a sound.

But after a while, when many onlookers gathered around, Chen Lun felt strange.

Because the human trafficker in front of him let go of his neck at some point, and did not threaten him again.

Look up.

Chen Lun was stunned.

Because this "human trafficker" has already taken off the monster mask, revealing the face of his father Chen Feng, who is smiling gratifiedly.

"Ah Lun, well done, you are already a little man."

Suddenly, an uncontrollable grievance and anger welled up in his heart, and he asked his father in tears:
"Why did you lie to me?! Why?!"

Father Chen Feng was only silent for a while.

Then he squatted down slowly, put his hand on his shoulder and comforted him:

"Ah Lun, Dad lost something very important because of his incompetence... What I can't do, you will definitely be able to do in the future."

Chen Lun couldn't understand what his father said, and still felt sad.

He gritted his teeth and said:

"But this is not a reason to lie to me..."

Chen Feng was startled, then shook his head with a smile.

"Sometimes, a well-intentioned deception is more gentle than the truth... Sorry, Dad has no choice."


wow wow...

Chen Lun still wanted to say something, but found that his father's face became blurred, and everything around him, including his sister Chen Mo, froze and distorted and dissipated...

Until everything turned into a vast expanse of white...

Chen Lun's consciousness was muddled, and some fragmented memories came one after another, which made him gradually remember time travel, Floy, and how he ascended to the throne of God step by step and went to the starry sky...

I even remember that I had already died in the vast and dark deep space.

But why...

At this time, only the voice of his father Chen Feng came slowly:

"Ah Lun, the truth is cruel. The creatures of countless worlds are nothing in front of the terrifying existence that transcends the sequence. I see the end points where all the fate lines converge, leading to the abyss of 'destruction'..."

"But as destiny itself, how can I be willing to compromise... Could it be that the so-called great existence of blindness, ignorance, disorder, and thoughtlessness is really the ultimate truth of the universe? Pointless, useless?"

"I do not believe."

"Humanity, imagination, wisdom and love...they are the weaknesses of human beings, but they are also the unique and only praiseworthy strengths of human beings."

"My whole life's plan, trying to plan the old days with the true god, the key to saving the world of Beletania, is you..."

"Aaron, you are my greatest hope."

Chen Feng's calm voice echoed endlessly in the white vision.

The screen turns.

Everything in front of him suddenly turned into pitch black.

The dead and dark scene of the universe came into view, and the solar system suddenly appeared in the center of the line of sight... Including the Zhanlan star, eight planets are constantly revolving around the sun.

From a bird's eye view, at the edge of the solar system, the azure blue "solar wind" is like a huge blue "tablecloth".

The luminous star in the center is like a candlestick, and the rest of the planets are food.

The huge distorted "figure" who couldn't see the whole picture just waited outside, silently gazing at the world.

Chen Lun's eyes were fixed, he was deeply impressed by this scene.

As early as when I came to the Azure Federation, I took the "Ark" halfway, and in the process of crossing the solar wind, I got a glimpse of the truth at the last glance.

'The solar system is a feast, and the "figure" outside is the old "blue holy flame", which is always ready to devour this place...'

Chen Lun knew it in his heart.

But in the next moment——

He felt his field of vision suddenly stretched farther and farther.

From a more macro perspective, he was suddenly stunned.

The picture he saw again made his thinking stop for a moment.

Because of the "tiny" solar system...

The distance between it and the old "blue holy flame" is actually not far away. More precisely, the solar system is actually located at the heart of the distorted "figure".

This can't help but make him doubt himself about his previous judgment.

'Could it be that the old "Zhenlan Holy Flame" has long devoured the solar system? ! '

Chen Lun's consciousness instantly recalled the last scene before his "death", which was the huge old "blue holy flame" whose body outline was composed of galaxies.

And the solar system is an insignificant part of those galaxies!

It has long been part of the old "Blue Holy Flame"!
next moment.

In his consciousness, there was a crucial secret message left to him by his father Chen Feng, or the Duke of the ring, Clough.

Chen Lun was startled again and was deeply shocked!
'Zhanlan Star, and even the entire solar system, is not the food or prey of the old "Zhanlan Holy Flame". Everything is my cognitive error from the very beginning? ! '

From the key information given by Huangong, we can know:

The essence of Zhanlan Star is a planet created by the source sin "Bliss Feast", a piece of land... just like the spiritual world created by "No Return", the astral world created by "Cosmic Lighthouse", "Tibetan" The Nether World created by the "Kosoku" is the same as the Dream World created by the "Tomb of Dreams"!
There is only one meaning for the existence of Zhanlan Star.

It is the most critical component of the old "Blue Holy Flame".

This is also the true meaning of the name "Zhanlanxing"...

'How could this be, how could it be... It turns out that my hometown was originally a "cell" of the old "Blue Holy Flame"?One of the most important "cells"? '

Chen Lun was stunned and couldn't believe it.

As for the "doomsday prophecy" that the Zhanlan Federation and the Holy Church have always believed in, in fact, it is just the handwriting of Duke Huan... The purpose is to secretly push the people of the Federation to enter the game "The Age of Mysteries".

"Black Chuck, Doomsday Prophecy, Games, Fictional Avatar Chen Feng, Getting Married and Having Children, Sister Chen Mo, and Me..."

Chen Lun's consciousness shook violently.

'Everything is just the design and layout of Huan Gong...'

Its ultimate goal is, of course, as Duke Huan himself said, to use the true God to calculate the old days and find a glimmer of life for the world of Beletania——

"Ah Lun, you, who were born as the Zhanlan Star, are essentially the family members of the old 'Zhanlan Sacred Flame', so you will not be noticed by him if you do any activities in the solar system..."

Father Chen Feng's voice came last.

Its tone is solemn and solemn, and at the same time implies strong expectations:

"This will be the greatest self-rescue, and also the most tragic salvation-only when you ascend to the position of the new God of Destiny, will there be a slight possibility of cutting off the "Blue Holy Flame" and the original sin "Bliss Feast" Therefore, I have to die in order to reserve a seat for you and create this opportunity."

"At the same time, only if your 'Holy Flame Face' is also god-like, can you take the opportunity to turn against the guest and steal the original sin."

"Only relying on joys and sorrows to pass through one of the old days can't compete with the seven old gods and protect the world of Bretania. The failure of the king of comedy back then is a lesson from the past..."

"So you must become the old day of dual-source sin!"

"Everything, the endless years of several epochs, is for this moment, allowing you to approach the source sin of the 'Blue Holy Flame' as a 'Family', and execute a fatal blow from the inside, killing him, be He-"

Father Chen Feng's voice stopped abruptly.

Chen Lun's consciousness fell into an unprecedented sluggishness, and the words repeated countless times kept echoing:

"Ah Lun, always remember, stick to your are my greatest hope, what I couldn't do back then, only you can do it, only you."

Only I can do it...

No wonder...

Because I am a native of Zhanlan Planet...

No wonder...

Huangong wants to keep the last bookmark of the four seasons and the authority of "Bubble" in the Azure Federation, because it is not only used as the energy and hub of the "game", but also for me to keep an avatar after I get it In Zhanlan Star...

This is the last hole card I overlooked...

At the same time, it is also the ultimate gamble of breaking the boat...

Betting on my own soul and flesh, humanity and reason...

win redemption...

Chen Lun felt a deep awe, the awe of Mr. Clough the Ring, and at the same time, a kind of sadness and sadness that was still deeply trapped in fate.

He seemed to see a thin but lonely figure from behind.

The figure turned around slowly and cast an inexplicable stare at him.

'Did He really love me? '

Chen Lun couldn't help thinking.

"Did Ring Lord Clough, or father Chen Feng, really love me... Does he regard me as a 'chess piece', or as a 'son'?"

In my heart, I already had a vague answer.

'He is a God first, and a father... For the sake of redemption, He is willing to give up his own life, let alone a "foreign heir" deliberately born on Zhanlanxing to achieve his goal? '

Chen Lun's consciousness dissipated amid extremely complicated emotions.

When he returned to reality again and opened his eyes.

What came into view was the laboratory of the Federal Scientific Research Center.

The huge supercomputer stands tall, but there are no researchers in white coats around. It is empty and silent, only the beeping sound of the machine accompanied by the flashing green light.

Chen Lun's eyes were dead silent, and his breath was long.

He's reborn from the incarnation he stayed here as a medium for the game.

In my heart, my father Chen Feng's words kept echoing.

The torment and torment in his heart entangled him, making him extremely painful...

(End of this chapter)

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