Chapter 721 Homecoming (Final Chapter)
For a long time.

In Chen Lun's empty eyes, there was a slight fluctuation.

'Even without Duke Huan, without father Chen Feng's schemes... Can I defeat the seven old foreign gods by myself? '

He's been thinking about it.

Although very unwilling and ashamed, the answer is almost no.

Chen Lun has already seen the terrifying existence beyond the sequence, and how powerful it is. With the personality and strength of his dual gods, he is no match at all.

The best result is just that he chooses to give up everything as a "human", sacrifice himself, break away from the sequence, and become the old days of the path of joy and sorrow...

But the cruelest reality is:
Even so, it is still difficult for him to fight against the four old days, the three outer gods, the fall of the King of Comedy back then, without thinking about it, it must be caused by the siege...

Duke Huan had expected this.

Sacrifice does not mean salvation.

That's why in the face of such a hopeless situation, Huangong exhausted his wisdom and energy all his life, and planned such a shocking layout, just to find that glimmer of life.

One of the most critical people is Chen Lun.

Only he has the opportunity to "backstab" the old "Blue Holy Flame" and become a more powerful dual-source sin old day, so as to complete the redemption and form an eternal deterrence!




The unique large pipe organ of the church played a solemn and monotonous melody, which came faintly from outside the research room.

"You are the door of a great chapter, the beginning of a grand epic..."

"You are the end of the supreme drama, the end of all myths..."

"You are the master of the fairyland and the spirit world, you are the great god of foreign lands, and you are Mr. Infinity who is in charge of destiny..."

Bursts of devout chants, with strong expectations and emotions.

Chen Lun showed pain, coughed, and spat out blood.


Looking at the glaring blood on the ground, his eyes were neither happy nor sad.

Chen Lun's current state is quite bad. It is not an exaggeration to say that the oil is exhausted, and the candle is dying in the wind. It is even worse.

Organ sounds and prayers echoed in my ears.

Holding a cane, he limped out of the door of the research room. In the process, his black hair quickly withered and withered, and his whole body seemed to have aged by dozens of years, directly becoming an old man who was dying.

Following the sound, he came to the newly built Dawn Church to the east of the Federal Scientific Research Center. It was full of believers, all of whom were panicked by the strange changes in day and night.

Chen Lun did not pay attention to these people.

The so-called doomsday is all a scam by Huan Gong.

These federal people of Zhanlan Star are actually not in any danger. They are essentially the family members of the old "Zhanlan Holy Flame", but they don't know it.

Really want to say "doomsday".

There is only one possibility -

Once Chen Lun chooses to transcend the sequence, turn into sorrow and joy, pass through the old days, and become an enemy of the "Zhenlan Holy Flame", in a real sense, it will become the doomsday of the Zhanlan star!

When he wants to find salvation, he will inevitably go against the two worlds and become the "ultimate villain" who bears the notoriety.

But at this moment, Chen Lun didn't care at all.

In the depths of the cathedral, Polaris is sitting on the stool in front of the big pipe organ, playing silently, directing the believers to sing and pray.

The top players of the Polaris team also all logged out of the game at the same time, came here, and gathered around Polaris.

All of them were looking at the "old man" approaching in shock.

Polaris suddenly noticed something.

He was about to press his fingers, and the majestic big organ stopped abruptly. When he turned his head, Polaris was taken aback.


A smile appeared on Chen Lun's wrinkled face.

He said in a low and hoarse voice:
"A Bei, I want to ask you to do me one last favor."

Polaris stood up abruptly.

Although he didn't understand why the teacher became like this, his intuition told him that the matter was quite serious.

"Teacher, please speak."

Polaris quickly and solemnly replied.

"Use all the power of the Federation and the Holy Church to let people enter the game."

Chen Lun lowered his eyes, and his voice was calm.

He has no extra strength, even the strength to fly away from the blue star and go to the starry sky again... So Chen Lun needs the help of "players", borrowing their values, to support himself through the last part of the journey.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Chen Lun is actually relieved.

Since you can't save yourself, then choose another path given by Duke Huan. At least, you can still let Floy, Zuo Fei, and younger sisters Chen Mo and Anomaji survive...

'Can not go back. '

Chen Lun knew it in his heart.

He turned his head to look in the direction of the starry sky and made up his mind.

Give up your ego, give up your humanity.

Then, grab that ray of redemption.

Under the quick action of the Polaris team, Pope Su Hong, together with other high-level executives, held on to the last hope and used the resources of the entire federation at all costs to call on people to enter the game "The Age of Mysteries" through the sleeping cabin.

There is no need for people to do anything concrete at all.

There is only one requirement, just enter the game.

Money, benefits, promises and even deceit, the Federation and the Holy Church will do everything they can. Under such a premise, countless people have poured into the game.

In 15 seconds, the sky changed seven times day and night.

Chen Lun sat on the guardrail of the roof of Chaofanke Building, with his head down, light and shadow intertwined on his body, as if his thoughts were switching between hope and despair...

In the background "database", more and more resources can be used.

at last.

Chen Lun moved.

He took a step towards the front of the guardrail, and the whole person disappeared in mid-air.

With the support of the player's data, Chen Lun took his last breath, flew out of the blue star, and entered the dark and dead starry sky again.

The stars flickered, flying across the sides.

Enduring the pain and suffering, he crossed the long solar wind, left the solar system, and entered a wonderful horizon.

The azure blue creeping flames filled the field of vision.

Chen Lun knew that this area was actually the "tablecloth" at the end of the galaxy that he had seen.

In the key message of Duke Huan, he also clearly told him that the original sin of the old "Blue Sacred Flame", the "Best of Bliss Feast", is hidden in it.

His heart was like a burning flame.

Burn everything about him.

Chen Lun wandered in the terrifying heat, looking for it.

The body was burned again and again, and restarted.

The expression on his face has never changed since he recovered.

'Sure enough, even though I have come to the core area of ​​the old "Blue Sacred Flame", He didn't pay attention to me... Perhaps in His eyes, I am a part of His body and would not regard me as an enemy. '

A thought flashed in Chen Lun's mind.

In the depths of the dead eyes, there was a hint of madness.

'very good!very good!very good! ! '

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, he sensed an incompatible area.

Teleporting tens of thousands of kilometers, Chen Lun came to a twisted vortex with upside down, overlapping spaces, and no concept of time.

In the center, there is a group of blue flames that will never be extinguished.

The flame originally had no form, but after Chen Lun arrived, it turned into a dining table according to his own perception.

White wood, clean and simple.

His favorite fried rice and milk are also placed on the table.

Chen Lun seemed to be inspired, approached the past, and immediately said in his heart:
'Do not return home. '


The White Throne instantly appeared behind him, and then transformed into an ordinary white wooden chair.

Chen Lun immediately sat down.

He smiled slowly, a relieved smile.

For some reason, Chen Lun had an absurd idea at this moment, thinking that "Bliss Feast" and "Never Return Home" fit so well.

One represents joys and sorrows, and the other represents hot and cold.

"From now on, Chen Lun will not exist."

Tears dripped from the corners of his eyes and down his smiling face.

"Only the old 'Lord of Fallen'—"

He suddenly spread his arms, exhausted all his strength, and shouted:

"Detachment! Detachment!!!"


Chen Lun digested the power of the path of sorrow and joy, and the personality of the true god, instantly melting and converging like steel ingots in a furnace, wrapping his body, and merging with the source sin "Never Return Home".

During this process, Chen Lun's body changed from tangible to invisible.

An instant of shattering, an instant of nothingness—

There is no more "Chen Lun" in this world!
Or the man "Jack Speight"!

Everything about his "person" is also stripped off, lost, disappeared, and ceased to exist in this process.

Chen Lun's consciousness also disappeared.

He doesn't remember everything.

Forget Floyd, forget daughter Sophie, forget everyone.




in a macro perspective.

In the azure solar wind at the edge of the solar system, there is a sudden expansion, and there is a "cosmic spectacle" that can only be seen by the existence of more than 999.

It is a Möbius ring-shaped galaxy composed of pale stars. These galaxies have both light and dark sides, forming a larger infinity symbol, like a galaxy.

If the personality and insight of a living being are high enough, it may be possible to obtain the extraordinary knowledge of the path of sorrow and joy by observing the one-billionth of his dissipated power, and learn about this great existence of blindness and ignorance.

He is called, Lord of Destiny and Fallen.


This pale galaxy suddenly moved.

In an instant, the entire solar system was engulfed... The connection between the original sin "Bliss Feast" and the old "Blue Holy Flame" was severed!

Under the mysterious perspective of a more macroscopic and higher latitude.

will find out.

A distorted figure made of countless galaxies, so huge that it cannot be understood by eternal existence, a group of pale stars in the shape of an infinite symbol bloomed on his chest, which was also made of countless galaxies.

Two unknown existences suddenly intertwined.

From this moment on, the universe burst into a dazzling white light that lasted for a long time, comparable to the explosion of countless stars!

Also from this moment.

The terrifying beings above the detached sequence outside the world of Beletania suddenly realized some kind of "danger".

The old "Cosmologist", "Eternal Nightmare", "Lord of Filth"...

Even the Outer Gods "Wind of Winter Bell", "Shadow of Chaos" and "Lord of Plague", a total of six cosmic wonders, began to escape towards the unknown end of the universe almost at the same time.

Because, a "pillar class" of dual-source crimes was born in the past...

The blind and ignorant old alien gods, following their survival instinct, stayed away from the world of Beletania as soon as possible, and walked far away.


The "Pillar Level" Old One who was just born did not intend to let go of these old Outer Gods. He also followed the instinct of longing for mysterious power and followed the "Law of Extraordinary Fusion"——

The Lord of Sinking Fate, the God of Sorrow and Joy in All Things, chased after the escaped six former Outer Gods...

This pursuit is a distance of hundreds of millions of light years.

In contrast, 30 years have passed quietly.

The world of Brettania.


The city of cats, which has been expanded more than ten times, is already an extremely vast and prosperous country with many residents, peaceful and happy.

A round of scorching sun rose slowly and sprinkled bright and warm sunshine.

This is the incarnation of the sun god "Scorching Sun" Anotrisul. His body is located in Abbasye, the God of Heaven. The light and mighty power that escapes every day will illuminate the present world and bring light to the world.

In the heart of Cat City.

White cat residents and ordinary humans live and work in peace and contentment, chatting, laughing and hawking constantly. From time to time, some clergymen of the Dawn Church in gray robes will pass by, and the residents will stop to salute and cast respectful glances.

Because every fairyland resident knows it.

This happy home was bought by the efforts of the gods. Among them, the greatest "Mr. Infinity" went outside the starry sky to fight against the doomsday crisis, and never returned.

But every Sunday in the church, there will be clergymen who will tirelessly teach believers that it is the sacrifice of "Mr. Infinity" that makes the world stable.

People are all grateful and respectful.

Therefore, every Sunday, believers will pray to "Mr. Infinity", sing hymns, and eat communion rice and milk to remember and commemorate.

Of course, a large number of people in Wonderland firmly believe that "Mr. Infinity" has not fallen, and he is still floating outside the world, guarding him all the time.

Because the God of Calendar, Sid Mitchell, never acknowledged such a history, it is impossible for "Mr. Infinity" to fall.

In the center of Abbasye, the Tianyuan Shrine, stands a [-]-meter-high white crystal obelisk under the sacred tree. It is called "Infinite Monument", and it is a miracle creation when "Xi Ke" became a god. It records Every great thing "Mr. Infinity" has ever done.

Among them, it includes the deeds of Jack Speight going to the starry sky to fight against the terrifying existence above the sequence.

Thirty years have passed, and although He has gone forever, the world is still peaceful. This fact all shows that "Mr. Infinity" has succeeded.

Everyone, including the gods in Wonderland, firmly believes that "Mr. Infinity" is not dead, and he will definitely come back someday in the future...

Dawn Cathedral.

An old woman with gray hair, wearing the Pope's costume, was silently cleaning a painting on the wall.

In the painting, a group of people are eating together at a long table, laughing and applauding. In the central open space, a man and a woman are dancing, men wearing black top hats and women wearing black tulle skirts.

Archbishop Alexis played the harmonica, and Archbishop Antonio, the cow, hummed to the beat. In the corner, a little girl with freckles was smiling happily.

"The original painting "Dawn" crowned by Angel Noah, after so many years, is still moving..."

The old woman looked at the girl in the corner of the painting and smiled gratifiedly.

Tears flowed down unconsciously.

"Mr. Jack, where are you now? Everyone misses you very much, and Miss Froy is also waiting for your return..."

Thirty years later, Connie, who was once a little girl, seems to have succeeded Floyd as Pope.

Miss Froy lived in seclusion on the moon and was promoted to "Moon God".

His mission is to bring darkness and twilight to the world, comfort and consolation... But he is lonely, but no one can hug him.

The moon, the sea of ​​flowers.

On the pale ground, among the colorful flowers, two figures, one big and one small, are playing.

The girl is not big, only about seven or eight years old.

She has long black hair and a shawl, wearing a long off-white dress. Just as she plucked a white rose, she happily turned her head to look at the mature lady in the black dress, and shouted crisply:

"Mom, look, this flower is so beautiful."

The girl's face was perfect, with exquisite features, deep black pupils exuding innocence, and between the brows, she was six to seven points similar to the lady in the black dress.

"Sophie, come here."

Floy smiled and opened her arms.

The girl laughed like a bell, threw herself into her mother's arms, and inserted the white rose into her mother's light golden hair.

Floyd stroked her daughter Sophie's head. Although there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, there was deep melancholy and sadness in her eyes.

Because the daughter is the "Son of God", Sophie was born after 22 years of pregnancy... and once she was born, Sophie was a demigod.

If it wasn't for her husband's lack of divinity, Sophie might have become an angel directly.

During these 30 years, there was not a day when Floyd did not miss her lover.

But no matter how time passed, there were still only him and his daughter Sophie on the moon, and the figure who had been thinking about it day and night never came back.

"Mom, today I heard Aunt Maggie from Tianyuan talking about my father's deeds with Uncle Oscar... When will He come back?"

Sophie lowered her head and played with the corner of her clothes, and asked a little sadly.

"Little Sophie hasn't seen her father yet... The residents of Wonderland all say that her father is the benefactor of this world, leaving one legend after another, but little Sophie just listens to others..."

"Come on, I'll be back soon."

Floy showed a doting smile and comforted softly.

At this time.

Little Sophie turned her head sharply suddenly, and shouted:

"Aunt Judelia is here!"

Floy looked lightly at the end of the sea of ​​flowers, a girl in a red dress and ponytails came over with a small parasol.

Sophie seemed to be very familiar with her, trotted over, and threw herself into the girl's arms affectionately, the two laughed for a while.

Not long after, Judelia took Sophie's hand and walked in front of Floyd.

"Ma'am, go to Abbasye, Tianyuan Shrine. You haven't shown up for more than ten years... the rest of the gods are very worried about you."

There was concern in Judelia's eyes.

Floyd just shook his head slightly.

"I'm going to wait for him..."

With that said, he turned around and walked towards No. [-] Denton Street without looking back.

The voice came:

"Little Sophie, go to Tianyuan for a few days with your aunt."


Sophie became playful, and a smile appeared on her delicate face.

Only Judelia sighed heavily in her heart.

His eyes also couldn't hide the grief, knowing that his brother probably won't come back...

Floyd went back to the flower shop.

Looking at the seat by the floor-to-ceiling windows, it was empty.

"I love the person whose soul is so rich that he forgets himself and combines all things into one body, and all things perish for him, and Floye is no exception..."

He finally couldn't bear it anymore, and murmured, tears streaming down his face.

In the boundless darkness of consciousness...

I don't know how long has passed...

A quiet and ethereal female voice sounded:

"Honey, where are you?"

The darkness is still dead silent, there is no response...

A pair of lavender eyes, shining like stars, full of love.

I don't know how long it has passed.

A childish voice sounded:

"Dad? Little Sophie and Mom miss you very much..."

Darkness remains forever.

Time lost its meaning, and another female voice sounded:
"Brother, everyone in the world thinks you are dead, but I don't believe it... Come back quickly, Chen Mo doesn't want to lose you..."

Darkness, endless darkness, no response.

a long time later.

An old male voice filled with relief echoed in the darkness:

"Ah Lun, always remember, stick to your heart..."

"From now on, you will live happily ever after, this is Dad's last promise to you..."

"Love is the most expensive anchor. It cannot defeat death, but it can anchor the soul. Let the dead soul no longer wander, and let the living soul find its home..."

"Wake up, go back..."

Floyd suddenly stopped crying.

Because he suddenly felt a solid, broad, warm and thick embrace, hugging him tightly.

Sniffing the familiar breath, Floy raised her head in disbelief.

Hot tears burst out again uncontrollably.

His voice trembled and choked up and said:

"You're back……"

A deep and magnetic voice responds:

"A place with you is called a hometown. I'm back."

(End of text)

(End of this chapter)

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