I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 76 The Eternity of Blood and Love

Chapter 76 The Eternity of Blood and Love

"what have you been doing?!"

Binoz roared hoarsely.

Chen Lun ignored it, he took a step forward and waved his hand.

Black sharp fingers slashed across the throats of Viscount Pompeii and Mrs. Pompeii.


The Pompeii couple's eyes widened, they clutched their throats and fell down, bleeding all over the ground.


Binoz fell to his knees, shouting the Viscount's name.

"Why?! Why did you kill them?!"

He was very emotional, his old face was flushed, his eyes were like bloodthirsty beasts, staring at Chen Lun.

Chen Lun glanced at the old housekeeper and sighed secretly.

"Butler Binoz, take a closer look, they are not the Pompeii family."


Binoz turned his head and saw that the three corpses on the ground had disappeared.

Only three blank canvases fell on the ground, and various oil paints were scattered all over the place, like abstract paintings.

Binoz was stunned.

Chen Lun stood quietly and glanced at the mess on the ground.

As early as Rebecca greeted him, he felt that something was wrong.

When the Pompeii couple showed up, he finally discovered the problem——

The family has no heartbeat at all.

And if there is nothing on the body, there is a special smell of paint.

"Did anything happen before I came here?"

Chen Lun asked.

Binoz's mind was blank now, he took a few breaths to calm down.

"...Your Excellency the Viscount received a letter in the morning, and then took the lady out for a trip."

"Go out for a trip? Where did you go?"

Chen Lun continued to ask.

Binoz stood up slowly, and he also realized the seriousness of the matter.

He thought for a moment, then said:
"Your Excellency the Viscount said that he received an invitation to take his family to Barney Barney's house to appreciate a painting..."

"Lord Barney...Sir Painter..."

Chen Lun probably colluded with the matter in his heart.

He asked Butler Binoz for the address of Barney's house, and then left quickly.

"Your Excellency Jack, are you going to find the Pompeii family?"

Binoz asked loudly behind him.

Seeing Chen Lun stop, turn around and nod, the old housekeeper solemnly bowed to him:

"Your Excellency Jack, please be careful, the safety of the viscount's family is up to you!"

"Don't worry, I'm Rebecca's teacher."

Chen Lun said with a smile.

"I won't look at my students and her parents in danger."

After finishing speaking, he turned away under the grateful eyes of Butler Binoz.


A studio in a corner of the inner city.

"Dolly, how much longer do you have to go?!"

Barney asked impatiently.

"Patience is the fuel to create a masterpiece, please let me embellish it carefully."

The brown-haired young man was sitting on a low stool, painting with a paintbrush.

In front of him, Rebecca and the Viscount Pompeii were sitting together. The three of them were smiling and sitting in a dignified posture, acting as his most qualified models.

But the eyes of the Pompeii family were full of fear. They stared straight at the young man in front of them, flashing unbelievable emotions.

The body was out of control and was firmly fixed on the chair, but the mind was still able to function.

Viscount Pompeii did not expect that his adopted son Vigari would join forces with his good friend Barney to harm his family.

These two familiar people suddenly became strangers.

"I'm going to name this painting—"The Eternity of Blood and Love"."

Dolly stood up with a small knife between her fingers.

He came before Viscount Pompeii, cut open his adoptive father's chest with a knife, and cut off a piece of skin the size of a palm.

Blood flowed out, but Viscount Pompeii still kept a smile on his face, only pain and anger were revealed in his eyes.

"Oh, father, don't look at me like that...I'm just leaving a reputation for you."

Dolly hummed a little tune, and came to Mrs. Pompey again.

In her frightened gaze, a phalange was picked out from her finger.

"Father's skin, mother's bone..."

Dolly ignored the nearly collapsed eyes of the Pompeii couple, and walked up to Rebecca.

"Oh, of course the daughter's blood is also added. Such a painting material can create a stunning masterpiece!"

He showed a slightly crazy smile, gently brushed Rebecca's pretty face, and wiped away the tears that fell down.

"My dear Rebecca, don't cry, it will hurt my brother."

Doro used the knife to lightly stick to Rebecca's lips.

Cold and sharp.

Rebecca was inexplicably terrified, she called out the name of that knight in her heart.

Mr Jack!

Please help me!

Please save Rebecca, and Mom and Dad!

Dolly took Rebecca's hand and swiped the knife across her palm.

Blood gushed out, and Dolly licked excitedly.

"Hmm—the fragrance of a virgin."

He then opened his hand, and the big mouth in the palm devoured Viscount Pompey's skin, Mrs. Pompey's bone and Rebecca's blood.

Dolly clenched her fists violently, her cheeks flushed with joy.

As if he had taken a strong medicine, he turned around and came to the easel, painting quickly.

"When the work is finished, my family members will remain in the painting forever and become real puppets... I will give half of the property of the Pompeii family to the Sir of Oil Paint, and the title of Viscount will be placed on my head .”

Dolly talked while drawing.

"What about my share?"

Baron Barney was slightly taken aback, smoking a cigar.

Dolly suddenly stopped painting and turned around with a dazed expression.

"I forgot to tell you that someone wants your share."

Before Barney could understand the meaning of this sentence, a dagger suddenly stabbed out of his chest.

A masked man appeared behind him at some point, poking his head out.

"An ordinary person also wants to get involved in this kind of thing, um..."

He gave it a little push, and Barney fell face down on the ground.

Baron Barney felt severe pain spreading all over his body, and a pair of black boots came before his eyes.

"What an idiot..."

The masked man was dressed in a black robe, wiped the short knife on Barney's blue shirt, and put away the knife.

He looked at Dolly with emotionless blue eyes.

"Sir Oil Paint told me that you need help here."

"Yes...but you don't necessarily need to do it, crow, you are just insurance, understand?"

As soon as the crow turned around, the black robe was raised, and he disappeared in the next second.

His voice echoed in the studio:
"It's up to you, as long as my share is given to me on time."

Dolly continued to paint without looking back, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

"The 'Circus' organization... After completing this mission, Sir Oil Paint should recommend me to join."

Inner City Third Avenue.

Chen Lun came out of a villa.

On the wall beside the gate, the words "Third Street, [-]st, Barney" are marked.

He turned his head and glanced, and saw a young maid slowly closing the door from a distance.

"not here……"

 Thank you for the beautiful woman - a monthly ticket for Dong Yong and Shi Yu Cangxia!
  There are also recommended tickets from all the beauties!

  I love you guys, whata(ω`)

(End of this chapter)

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