Chapter 77 Full Video
The studio is downstairs.

The three players of the horseman group are mixing with the team of the younger brother of the Iron Fist Gang.

They stood in groups of several people and stood guard at the stairway leading to the studio.

This street is relatively remote, and it is a corner of the inner city. Most of the shops here are empty, and the residential buildings are unoccupied.

"Horses, we are so lucky. We received a C-level mission as soon as we joined the 'Iron Fist Gang'."

Goutoujin was smoking a cigarette, and then tsk-tsk, praising the realism of the game is indeed very high, the feeling of entering the lungs is almost the same as the reality.

"Yeah... what's more important is that the mission rewards actually have extraordinary knowledge. If we complete this mission, we will reach the sky in one step and directly step into the ranks of extraordinary people.

At this speed, we can be said to be the first batch of players to become superhumans in the closed beta! "

The horse man laughed.

There was excitement in his tone, and then he changed his voice and said seriously:

"But we can't take it lightly, the reward is so generous, the difficulty must be extremely high!"

"It shouldn't be a big problem. 'Mr. Dolly' is very powerful. With him at the front, we can just paddle...As novices, we can never give unsolvable tasks."

Forget Wuji clasped his elbows with both hands, with a relaxed expression.

"It's just a pity that Polaris and that woman insisted on going their own way and didn't come to us, and missed such a rare good thing..."

The centaur smiled and shook his head, gloating a little, the dog-headed gold snorted and stomped out the cigarette.

"I'm really looking forward to their expressions when we become superhumans..."


The horseman suddenly showed surprise.

Gou Tou Jin and Wang Wang Wuji cast puzzled looks at him and asked him aloud.

The horseman chuckled twice and explained:
"Polaris sent me a message..."

Goutoujin sneered.

"It's because you can't get along in the outer city. This is the problem with casual players. They have high eyes and low hands... I thought that this Polaris is an old-fashioned player. What skills do you have, that's all?"

"You guessed it right."

said the horseman.

"Let me let them come over. That woman is a small anchor. Asking her to record the process is also a kind of publicity for our two guilds."

"—Brother Polaris, we are at the end of Lanhuan Street, come here now. We are just doing a mission. You ask the female anchor who is with you to start a video and make a promotional video for us. After the end, we recommend you to join us. help."

The horseman sent a text message.

Soon he received a reply:
"—Okay, I'll be there soon, and I'll let Su Keying start the video for the whole process."


Bang! !

A burst of flame came out from the trumpet gun, and countless steel balls sprayed on the centaur.

A lethal red wound popped out from above his head.

[You were killed by player Polaris! 】

The centaur stared wide-eyed at the man and woman, and then turned into a white light and dissipated.

Bang! !

Another shot.

Su Keying excitedly took the trumpet gun and shot Goutoujin to death.

In the end, the oblivious Wang Wuji was left, staring at the two in a daze.

"You... what do you want?!"

"Do the task!"

Polaris grabbed a handful of steel balls and stuffed them on the musket, aiming at him and pulling the trigger.

Bang! !

Wang Wang Wuji turned into a ray of white light and left with his companions.

【You killed the player and forget about it!Get 1 contribution point! 】

Polaris smiled.

"Is it all recorded?"


Su Keying nodded heavily.

"There are enemies!"

The other Iron Fist gang members reacted at this time, and they took out the old versions of Mad Hand and Violent Fire, and started chasing the two of them.

"Go! We just need to lure them away!"

After Polaris finished speaking, he ran into an alley first.Su Keying turned her head towards the younger brothers of the Iron Fist Gang, stuck out her tongue, then turned around and followed Polaris away.

Half an hour ago, the two of them were found by Mr. Jack.

Mr. Jack issued a mission to them, requiring them to find their companions and kill them.In front of the task reward, Polaris accepted it without hesitation.

Not to mention players who have just cooperated for a short time, even if they are friends for many years, as long as the rewards are sufficient, Polaris will kill you.

Of course, if such a thing really happens, Polaris will still make up for friends afterwards.

After all, he is a shark who has no feelings but knows how to share.

"—Polaris! Why are you crazy?! What good will it do you to kill us?!"

The centaur sent an exasperated text message.

Polaris glanced at it, and immediately deleted the friend.


The horse man uttered a foul language. He was standing in the courtyard of the Iron Fist Gang's residence. Goutoujin and Wang Wangwuji also came out of the building afterward.

Here is their resurrection point.

"What the hell! Ruin our good deeds! When the public beta arrives, we must make these two mouths look good!"

Gou Tou Jin was cursing, Wang Wang Wuji also had a dark face.

"Don't wait for the public beta, let's go now!"

The horseman said in a low voice.

"We can't just let it go, our mission hasn't failed yet, there's still time to rush over!"

Angry, the three left Xiashuitan quickly and headed towards the inner city.

Fortunately, they had the identity certificates given to them by Mr. Dolly, allowing them to enter and leave the inner city, otherwise it would be really difficult.

Wait until Polaris and Su Keying lure the Iron Fist Gang boy away.

A carriage was parked on the side of the street, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a person stepped out.

It was Chen Lun.

He ordered the coachman to leave first, then went straight up the stairs, and looked up at the wooden door of the studio on the second floor.

After checking the equipment on his body, he put the two ink bottles on the stairs, and pulled out a transparent silk thread to fix them.

He kicked open the wooden door.

Whoosh-! !

A sharp knife stabbed from behind the door.

Chen Lun frowned, and raised his hand five times to direct the flick. His pitch-black fingers hit the tip of the knife, making a crisp clang.While sparks were flying, a man in a masked black robe appeared in front of him.

The masked man kicked.

Chen Lun responded blankly with a knee.

【Rhino bump】!
Bang! !

The two are evenly divided.

The masked man let out a sound of surprise, and immediately turned his hand, another short knife appeared in the palm of his hand, and he slammed it down.

Chen Lun came first, turning his knees into kicks.

[Scorpion Tail Needle]!
The tip of the knife was only half a palm away from his face, then stagnated and flew upside down.

The masked man jumped back, clutching his abdomen, and staggered.

His eyes narrowed.

"Extraordinary toxin!"

With a click, the door closed by itself.

The young man who was painting stopped and stood up.

He glanced at the masked male crow and chuckled.He had been fooled by this trick before, and now seeing someone else suffer in the same way, he couldn't help gloating.

"Here you are, Jack."

The brown-haired young man turned his head to look at Chen Lun, and dropped the paintbrush in his hand.

"I thought you wouldn't come. It seems that I underestimated your courage and arrogance."

The Pompeii family is like a smiling statue, but with sad eyes.

Their eyes shifted to Chen Lun, from surprise to hope, and from hope to worry.

Rebecca's eyes were the hottest, and two tears fell from her eyes again.

he came!
He really heard my call and came to save us!

(End of this chapter)

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