I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 78 2 against 1, no martial arts

Chapter 78 Two against one, no martial arts

"Unfortunately, my masterpiece is almost finished."

Dolly regretted.

"But it's not too late to continue after killing you."


Chen Lun looked at the brown-haired young man, thinking that his guess was correct.

The adopted son of Viscount Pompeii, Vigari, is really Dolly.How he turned into an ugly fat man in the next two years is not important now.

"It's really rare, the Transcendent of [Fate Faction] is just a [Sequence Nine]... You are doomed today!"

The masked male crow said coldly.

"Don't make a move yet, I'll play with him... I have to pay back the loss I suffered that night."

Dolly moved five fingers.

In the next second, his figure flickered, and he came in front of Chen Lun, with a big mouth in his palm printed straight over.

Dolly's strength and dexterity are well balanced. Chen Lun estimates that both are around 30. He can only compete with him in strength, and his dexterity is a bit short.

Using [Snake Body Incarnation] to surprise, you may be able to evade for a short time, but after being found out by the opponent, the situation will drop sharply.

Bang! !

The fist covered by the dark golden scale armor and the white exoskeleton collided with the big mouth in the palm, causing an explosion of anger.

Dolly's eyes twitched.

"It's this tough skin again!"

He opened his mouth suddenly, and the corners of his mouth were split to the base of his ears.

Immediately afterwards, Dolly's head swished closer, completing the gnawing action at an extremely fast speed.

click! !

Dolly bit off Chen Lun's hair, and the constantly wriggling teeth rubbed against each other like gears, making harsh noises.

He rolled his eyes and saw that Chen Lun's neck was bent at a strange angle, avoiding the blow.

"The snake... writhes like an earthworm and is disgusting."

Dolly turned into a ghostly face with a disdainful expression, and said in a weird voice.


As soon as the words fell, Chen Lun's left arm had already turned into a snake, and he climbed up, entangled Dolly's right arm, and locked it up!
In the next second, the right fist hit Dolly's left chest.

Bang! !

Dolly couldn't dodge and took the punch hard.

The impact of [Rhinoceros Impact] penetrated his sternal membrane and passed through his heart.


Dolly spat out a mouthful of blood.

He took a deep breath, and immediately his face became more ferocious.

"Nice punch, I like it."

Chen Lun narrowed his eyes slightly. The Transcendents of the [Flesh and Flesh faction] are indeed difficult to deal with, and their vitality is too tenacious... not to mention that they are a sequence higher than him.

A soft sound.

He drew out his repeating flintlock and pressed the trigger against Dolly's chest.

Boom!Bang bang bang! !

Dolly let out a cry of grief, and after being shot for the first time, he struggled to break free from Chen Lun's shackles.He dodged the next few shots and blocked the sporadic bullets with his hands.

"You should die!"

Dolly snorted, opened his mouth and bit off his thumb, chewing and swallowing in his mouth.

His hands were bleeding profusely, but he didn't realize it.

Immediately, the blood vessels all over his body burst out, his eyes were red, and he stepped forward again, his severed fingers and palms turned into meat saws, and the big mouth on the other hand stuck out a long tongue.

There are gusts of wind and pressure between every gesture!

The strength and dexterity have increased significantly!
call! !

Chen Lun used [Snake Body Incarnation] to twist, but he didn't completely avoid the knife, and a gash was drawn on his face.

When he wanted to retreat, his legs were entangled by the long tongue protruding from the big mouth in Dolly's palm.

The next moment Dolly's kick strikes!

Bang! !

Chen Lun flew upside down, smashing a depression on the wall, and countless cracks spread like spider webs.

The grotesque oil painting hanging on the wall crackled and fell to the floor.

Chen Lun slipped from the wall and staggered to his feet.Blood oozes from the corner of his mouth, fortunately he is protected by [Dace Carp Carapace], otherwise this blow might kill a lot of his life.

"What a disgusting defense..."

Dolly clenched her fists and sneered hoarsely.

"Crow, let's do it together, I don't want to waste time."

"It should have been like this... Rough-skinned and thick-skinned opponents are my favorite, heh."

said the masked man.

Chen Lun's sense of crisis rose sharply.

In the one-on-one battle with Dolly before, he always paid attention to the masked man on the side. In order to prevent his sneak attack, he had spare power, and his own strength was only seven or eight.

Originally, one Dolly was difficult to deal with, but now that one more extraordinary person joins in, I am afraid that I will fall into a huge disadvantage.

Two fight one, no martial arts!

Dolly strikes again.

In the process of moving, his body swelled up, turning into a little giant like inflated, almost reaching the ceiling.

The palm of the hand turned into a sawing knife, from top to bottom, a vertical chop!
Woohoo! !
In such a form, Dolly's strength is probably more than 40, close to 50 points.This is already the threshold of the attributes of a low-sequence transcendent, and Chen Lun is unwilling to face it head-on.

Dodging sideways, dodged Dolly's attack.

But the next moment, there was a sharp knife in front of him!

call out!
The space was occupied, so Chen Lun had no choice but to raise his hand to protect his throat, and covered his whole body with 【Dace Carp Armor】.

The blade cut across the scales, creating a dazzling spark.

Chen Lun took the opportunity to wrap the snake arm around the masked man's hand, took advantage of the situation, and rushed out of the encirclement from his side.

But Chen Lun's intentions seemed to have been seen by his opponent, the masked man sneered and struck back.

He stretched out a finger and chiseled into Chen Lun's back like an iron chisel. The hard dark golden scales were useless and were broken by it.

Immediately, with a flick of his finger, a large piece of flesh and blood flew from Chen Lun's back.

Chen Lun snorted, rolled forward, and opened the distance.

"Hidden path [conspiracy faction] [Sequence 8 - Locksmith]...!"

He murmured to himself.

This is the advanced sequence of [Sequence 9-Thief], possessing the extraordinary characteristic of "unlocking the lock", the extraordinary sequence of special skill and assassination.

"It's not good... the speed is completely crushed."

Chen Lun was half kneeling on the ground, his back was in burning pain, and the blood gushed out and slid down, soaking his shirt.

He turned his back to the Pompeii family, and the bloody wound on his back was shocking. After seeing it, the three couldn't help their hearts beat faster.

Viscount Pompeii did not expect that not only his closest adopted son, Vigari, is also a superhuman with mysterious power.Even Rebecca's tutor, Mr. Jack, is also a supernatural being.

But Mr. Jack seemed to be at a disadvantage at this time. He wanted to speak, but he couldn't do anything.

Viscount Pompeii closed his eyes, hoping that Mr. Jack would not die because of it.

The eyes of Mrs. Pompey and Rebecca showed anxiety, especially Rebecca. She wished that Mr. Jack would beat the white-eyed wolf to the ground as soon as possible.

Don't worry, Mr. Jack!

Come on Mr. Jack! !
Dolly and Crow, one big and one small, turned to look at the half-kneeling black-haired youth.

"Nothing to struggle with, Jack."

said Dolly.

While he was speaking, the crow on one side had crossed the phantom and came to Chen Lun.

Take a stab at the head!

This knife contained the characteristic of "unlocking", and cruelty flashed in the crow's blue eyes, as if he had seen the short knife like a key, lifted Chen Lun's turtle-like layers of protection, and cut him in two!



Chen Lun said calmly.

With a flick of a finger, all the 17 attributes in reserve were assigned to the dexterity column.

[Current attribute: Dexterous 38! 】

 Thanks to the beauties—Anzhe-sama, Puwuqiren, Zixiao Weeping Willow, and Swordsman for a monthly pass!Sweet glutinous rice balls are rewarded with 1 points, and God said that there must be 100 monthly tickets and 4 points reward for the light czh!The beauty is spent!Thanks!

  Thank you for your votes!

  In addition, good news, beauties, they have advanced again!

  thank you all!ヾ(≧≦Thank you≧≦)ノ!
(End of this chapter)

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