Chapter 80 Closing
Dolly froze and fell to the ground.

The huge figure shrank like it shrunk, loose and loose, and the muscles and bones all over the body were destroyed by the intensive blows.The protruding blood vessels turned black, and the supernatural toxin had spread throughout the body, and death was certain.

In a few seconds.

[Kill Sir Oil Paint's assistant Vigari (Dolly) [Sequence 8-Gourmet] (Flesh faction), get 3500 experience points! 】

A prompt box popped up, but before Chen Lun had time to catch his breath, the pupil in the painting was almost fully opened.

boom! !

He only had time to throw the last fireball.

Seen from the flames through the hot and twisted air, that eye is fully open.

The three primary colors of the pupils rotated, and Chen Lun only felt that his heart was slammed.

Boom! !

Chen Lun took two steps back, blood overflowing from his mouth and nose.

[You have received a mental shock from [Confusion], sanity -2, health -100! 】

Pululu rolled his pupils in the painting, and after glancing at him, it seemed that his strength was not strong enough to continue attacking.Immediately, the "eyelashes" around the eyes - countless fingers stretched out from the incomplete and charred scroll, dragging Dolly's body into the scroll.

Then the scroll was burned to ashes in the flames, and everything drifted away with the wind.

[The behind-the-scenes Baron Barney and Vigari (Dolly) are dead, complete the C-level mission: cloudy! 】

[Quest rewards: 1500 experience points, 2 gold pounds, Pompeii's favorability, and [low-sequence flesh and blood faction mysterious book]*1]


Chen Lun stood where he was and let out a sigh of relief.

The continuous high-intensity combat consumed a lot of his physical strength, and his injuries were not serious, and his life value had bottomed out.

Hua Zhongtong's last glance almost stared him to death!

"That's the ability of [Star faction] [Sequence 7-Heart Thief]... Mid-sequence extraordinary!"

His heart sank.

Now Dolly has been killed by him, but he did not get the expected [high-sequence flesh and blood faction mysterious substance], and his body was dragged away by Hitomi Huazhong...

The painted knight behind Dolly is probably a middle-sequence transcendent, and the [high-sequence flesh and blood faction mysterious substance] is most likely in his hands.

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense, how did Dolly in the previous life possess this mysterious substance.

"Jazz Paint..."

Through this period of contact, those oil paintings that contain extraordinary power should come from the hand of this oil paint lord.

"A mid-sequence transcendent with an unknown path..."

Chen Lun suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

A higher sequence can still make gestures, but a higher level is a bit whimsical.

Promoted from [Sequence 8] to [Sequence 7], one has entered the level of a mid-sequence transcendent, and the overall strength will undergo a qualitative change.The weaknesses that many mortals have are no longer weaknesses, and they are also difficult to kill by conventional means.

And judging from the current clues, the abilities exposed by Sir Oil Paint include [Moon faction] [Sequence 9-Psychic] and [Star faction] [Sequence 7-Heart Thief]. With any other abilities, he doesn't know what specific sequence path he is.

"Let's finish the matter at hand first..."

Chen Lun sighed secretly.

He walked towards the steps, intending to rescue the Pompeii family in the studio.

Suddenly he stopped and saw a flash of light where Dolly's body was originally located.


Quickly came to the place where the light was, bent down and picked up a small black skull pendant.

【Token - Association Ornament】

Item description: It seems to be a token of a mysterious association. Presenting it can indicate the identity of an insider and successfully participate in association activities.

The designer of the hanging decoration seems to be partial to the dead, so it is used as a symbol.

"Hmm... I don't know what kind of gadgets are used by birds for the time being."

Chen Lun put it in his pocket casually, turned around and went upstairs.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, followed by a man shouting:

"Polaris! Our mission failed! You sand... er?!"

The three centaur players froze in place as if they had been immobilized.

They saw Polaris and Su Keying hiding in the corner, and turned to look at the three of them with strange expressions.

I also saw a dozen or so Iron Fist gang members gathered at the other end, staring at them with admiration on their faces.One guy even gave them a thumbs up, as if to compliment.

Finally, he saw the dark-haired young man on the corridor, leaning on the parapet, looking down at his party with a blank expression.

The surrounding area was in a mess, like a parking lot blown by a tornado.

Goutoujin threw a "probe" secretly, then trembled all over, and sent the message to the two companions tremblingly.

The other two trembled when they saw it.

"—I knew this task was not that simple."

Bang bang bang!
Three shots were fired, and the three centaurs turned into white light and disappeared again.

The Iron Fist boys didn't seem surprised by this scene.

[Kill the players Centaur, Goutoujin and Forgotten Mowgli!Get 300 experience points and 1 attribute point! 】

Chen Lun frowned.

So the rewards for killing players are so generous? !

His eyes shifted to Polaris and Su Keying. The two of them were excited, and the next second they shrank back like gophers and disappeared by the wall.

"Forget it...wait for the public beta and try again, there will be a lot of people then."

Chen Lun secretly said, put away the flintlock gun.

Continue upstairs.

Polaris and Su Keying panted heavily. Just now, they almost thought that they were going to be killed by Mr. Jack.

That indifferent look in his eyes and his easy-going demeanor are simply the style of a typical villain.

"Mission accomplished! Did you get the reminder?"

Su Keying asked.

"Received... We are one step closer to the extraordinary knowledge of the hidden path!"

Polaris took a deep breath.

Su Keying watched the replay of the video, picked out a few wonderful clips, and showed them to Polaris.

"Hey, don't you think Jack is handsome?"

She poked Polaris with her elbow and laughed twice.


Polaris gave her a strange look, as if looking at a fan.

"Well, it's alright."

he said casually.

Su Keying rolled her eyes, and closed the panel in disappointment.

"You know what a fart... When I edit the video and send it out, this NPC will definitely gain a large number of female fans!"

"Just don't reveal his secrets."

"Got it! Annoying!"

When Chen Lun came to the second floor, the "red ink" had blown away the steps, and the parapets on both sides were broken, exposing the bricks and steel bars inside.

"Sure enough, it was blown to pieces..."

Chen Lun found the crow's precipitate among the scattered debris on the ground.

Three copies of [Low Sequence Conspiracy Faction Mysterious Substance].

Although it's a pity that I didn't get the complete [Trickster], but these spoils are not bad.

He received the mysterious substance into the panel and entered the studio.

"Mr. Jack!"

Rebecca looked towards the door, with surprise on her face, and then a look of anxiety.

"Please, save my father and mother!"

 Thanks to the beautiful woman—oldestduck, another monthly ticket full of 1 a day!Heaven's Punishment Endless 2 Monthly Tickets!I miss your tip of 500 points!
  Thank you for your support! mua!(*╯3╰)
(End of this chapter)

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