I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 81 The Viscount's Collection

Chapter 81 The Viscount's Collection

"What's the matter, Rebecca?"

Chen Lun stepped forward.

"No matter what I call them, they won't wake up, woo..."

Rebecca wept and knelt on the ground.

Chen Lun found that the Pompeii family was out of control, but the Pompei couple were lying on the ground at this time, motionless.He went up to check and found that the wounds of the two were deep and seemed to have spread to the arteries, and they fell into a coma due to excessive blood loss.

At this time, their faces were pale, their breathing was weak, and they looked like they were dying.

Rebecca knelt beside her parents, helpless.

"Don't worry, Rebecca, Viscount Pompeii and his wife will be fine..."

Chen Lun comforted him.

Fortunately, the wound on Rebecca's palm was not deep, and she is fine now.

She nodded, seeming to trust Chen Lun very much.

Chen Lun thought for a while, and immediately took out two copies of [low-sequence flesh and blood faction mysterious substance] from the panel, and stuffed the two bloody "meatballs" into the mouths of the Viscount and his wife.

The mysterious substance of the [Flesh and Flesh faction] contains extremely strong life force. It is different from the "fruit honey" of the Red Apple Church. This mysterious substance is much purer and more advanced, and the two are not of the same grade.

Not only has no side effects, but also prolongs life.

It is more than enough to cure the bleeding symptoms of two ordinary people.It is a bit wasteful to use it so roughly, like using aerospace fuel as firewood for cooking.

But Chen Lun has no better way now, so he can only use it as an emergency first, saving people is the most important thing.

The Pompeii couple who had taken the mysterious substance immediately turned red on their faces, and their weak state slowly returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The wounds on their bodies also began to heal, and even Mrs. Pompey's severed finger miraculously grew back.

Seeing this scene, Rebecca was immediately overjoyed, and looked at Chen Lun with closer and more admiration.

[Rebecca's affection for you has increased!Currently in reverence! 】

Chen Lun frowned.

He didn't expect that Rebecca's favorability for him was already so high.

The degree of favorability from low to high is immortality, hatred, hostility, disgust, indifference, neutrality, friendliness, closeness, respect, reverence, and worship.

Generally speaking, the initial favor is indifference.

In less than a month, he had raised Rebecca's favor to reverence.If "Secret Age" is butter, he may have reached the final stage of that by now.

As the Viscount Pompeii woke up Yoyo, they were surprised at first, and then slowly calmed down.

When he found that he was in a safe state and his injuries were intact, he asked aloud.

Rebecca excitedly told her parents how Chen Lun defeated the bad guys with great power and used magical means to save the two of them from life.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Jack, you saved our family once again."

Viscount Pompeii got up and saluted Chen Lun by touching his chest.

[The Viscount Pompeii's favorability for you has increased!Present for respect! 】

Mrs. Pompey on the side also showed gratitude and bowed to him.

The prompt box for the increase in favorability came again, and like the Viscount, he had reached respect.

Chen Lun raised his hand to signal, stopping the Viscount from continuing to thank him.

"Your Excellency, the Viscount, let's leave here first."

"You said so."

Viscount Pompeii nodded, followed Chen Lun and left the studio with his wife and daughter.


After returning to the Pompeii manor.

The viscount's family still had lingering fears, and what happened today felt like a nightmare.

Viscount Pompeii entertained Chen Lun graciously, and there were still words of thanks at the dinner table.After repeated toasts, the Viscount became drunk.

He began to sigh, expressing that he didn't know people well, not only did he not see his old friend Barney for many years, but he had ulterior motives.Even the adopted son Vigerui actually wanted to harm them.

But when it came to the mysterious domain, he suddenly shut up.

after dinner.

The Viscount appeased his wife and daughter, and then left Chen Lun behind.

"Mr. Jack, please stay, I have something to show you."

Viscount Pompey said solemnly.

Chen Lun nodded.

He noticed Rebecca in a wheelchair, being pushed away by Madam Pompey.She turned her head and looked at Chen Lun with a grateful smile.

Chen Lun took off his top hat and stroked his chest in response.

Immediately afterwards, Viscount Pompeii took Chen Lun up the wooden stairs of the villa and headed up.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Jack..."

Binoz followed beside Chen Lun, whispering.

"Easy to do, Steward Binoz."

Chen Lun waved his hand.

But the deference on Binoz's face was even more obvious.

"You are a noble man."

[Binoz's affection for you has increased!Currently in reverence! 】

Chen Lun frowned.

Does this count as getting through the Pompeii manor?

Viscount Pompeii led Chen Lun to the art exhibition hall, and then gently twisted the long sword scabbard on a pair of knight armor on the left.


Chen Lun was surprised to see that the wall next to it moved slowly, revealing a small side door.

"You're laughing, Mr. Jack, this is my real collection..."

said Viscount Pompey.

He stretched out his hand to signal Chen Lun to go in.

When Chen Lun walked into the secret door, he found that the space inside was not large, but the cabinets were all exquisite and beautiful.

Jewelry, jewelry and even weapons, all kinds and varieties.

They shine brightly in dim light.

"No wonder the little animal I assigned didn't find it here..."

Chen Lun suddenly noticed a deer head hanging on the wall, its eyes rolled, and it looked at Chen Lun.

[C-level monster - wall-mounted deer head]

Item description: A mysterious specimen containing natural power. It looks like a deer head, which is the same as it was in life.

Suspected to be left behind by a certain extraordinary creature, when it was hunted down, it was still guarding the person it wanted to protect until its death.

Item effect: It has the functions of detection and protection, can isolate the sight of malicious people, and hide the items you want to protect.When an intruder is found, it will sound a warning and release a deadly gas to kill the enemy.

Item price: Guarantee the continuation of Pompeii's bloodline, otherwise it will be cursed.

Chen Lun slowly looked away.

It seems that the Viscount Pompeii's family is not simple.

He sighed to himself.

"Mr. Jack, please choose whatever you like from the collection here."

said Viscount Pompey.

Chen Lun glanced at the Viscount. In fact, the other party brought him here because he must have understood that there are extraordinary things here, which are of great use to him.Only this kind of priceless mysterious item is worthy of his great kindness.

Perhaps this is a situation that will only appear after the favorability reaches a certain level.

Chen Lun walked through rows of exhibits, turning a blind eye to those priceless treasures.

His attention was suddenly attracted by a drop-shaped sapphire earring.

Stepping forward and gently picking it up, he received a reminder:

[C-level monster - Tears of Maggie]

Item description: Earrings containing the power of nature, the appearance of a drop-shaped sapphire.

It seems to be the tears of an extraordinary creature.

"If I see you, it will be many years. It is both near and far, both real and illusory.

How should I greet you?Only tears, only silence..." - Maggie

Item effect: It can isolate most spiritual attacks, mysterious pollution and divination exploration, and has the effect of increasing the speed of sanity recovery.Charm +5 after wearing.

Item cost: After triggering the guardianship, the emotions will be sensitized, lasting for twelve hours.

(End of this chapter)

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