I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 88 Repression in Asylums

Chapter 88 Repression in Asylums

"Okay... it's amazing!"

Rebecca exclaimed.

Gabila beside her also widened her eyes.

The two girls didn't expect that the owner of the "Witch's House" actually knows "magic"!
Professor Molimer looked very surprised, but soon returned to normal, but his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Lun secretly smiled.

It's no wonder that the fins kicked against the iron plate. No one would have thought that there was a giant shark hidden in the small pool.This [Sequence 8-Navigator] has encountered a "shipwreck".

However, he could see that Rosa, like him, did not kill the enemy. At most, the fins were only slightly injured and suffered a little.Obviously, this strong man who hides his identity and lives here doesn't want to cause too much commotion.

Rosa suddenly frowned slightly.

She glanced at everyone and pointed to the door.

"You can go, my shop is closed."

Professor Mollymer nodded to her, took off his hat as a gesture, and left first.

Now that the other party issued an order to evict customers, Chen Lun did not dare to stay longer, and walked out of the store with Rebecca and her friends.

Just before leaving, he noticed that Rosa gave him a deep look.

The dilapidated store doors were tightly closed, and the lights were also extinguished.

Before Chen Lun had time to appreciate Rosa's speed of getting off work, he found that Professor Molimo had disappeared, and Yufin and her little brothers under the steps looked at the entrance of the market as if they were facing an enemy.

"Block the exit! No one can let go!"

A man in a high-necked windbreaker said solemnly.

Dozens of investigators were seen filing in, orderly dispersing their positions, and controlling the crowd in the market.Some of them were also separated and entered the shops on both sides in order, or interrogated or arrested.


Chen Lun thought secretly.

At this time, a short-haired woman standing beside the man in the windbreaker suddenly cast her gaze in Chen Lun's direction.

Her eyes were lavender, and her deep eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

[You are being watched by [Spirit Vision]!Information will be snooped! 】

The sapphire earrings on Chen Lun's ears suddenly shimmered, and the next second——

[The judgment takes effect, exempt from this snooping! 】

The short-haired woman swept across the two noble ladies Rebecca Gabila, and then the black-haired young man beside them without stopping.

Finally, his eyes fixed on the fins.

"[Deep Sea faction] [Sequence 8 - Navigator]... Commissioner Roderick, she is right!"

The short-haired woman said in a deep voice.

A man in a windbreaker named Roderick strode towards him, followed by four investigators holding flintlock rifles.

"Whitely, code-named 'Fin', leader of the Wharf gang, a transcendent in the wild...The crime violated a total of [-] laws. According to the "Sun Code" and "Containment Regulations", the sentence is death."

He calmly explained the crime of Fish Fin, and the other four investigators raised their guns.

"Damn it! Shelter!!"

The fish fin roared, and the mist shot out from the whole body with a bang, and the hands were covered with electric arcs.

When she stepped on it, the whole person flew out like a cannonball, and shot at Commissioner Roderick head-on.


Roderick raised his hand lightly, and a black light burst out.

In the next second, the fins were frozen in mid-air, eyes widened but unable to move.

A black light wave spewed out from Roderick's palm, penetrating through the finned chest.

boom! !

A mouthful of blood spewed out from the fish's fin and flew backwards.

After rolling for a certain distance, she gritted her teeth and struggled to get up, and took out an umbrella from the worn-out rucksack.


She opened her umbrella, aimed at a group of people in the shelter and pulled the trigger.

Zi-boom! !
A red flame bullet the size of a golf ball flew out of the chamber, and landed among the investigators in an orange arc.

With a bang, the flame bomb exploded and turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The investigators were on fire, howling and screaming in the flames.

"It really works..."

Fish Fin spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm and snorted coldly.

But before she could be happy, Roderick took out a black glass bottle and threw it into the flames.

The glass bottle shattered, and the black liquid splashed like ink, poured on the flame, and extinguished it instantly.Even the burnt investigator recovered as before after the wound was covered with black liquid.


Fin's eyes widened.

Bang bang bang! !
There was a burst of intensive gunfire, flames shot out, and bullets poured down like rain.

Fish Fin wanted to escape, but Roderick had expected it long ago, and the hand that was glowing with black light was aimed at her.

"The soul almost wants to sleep peacefully, how dare the body move?"

"Do not!!"

Fish fin stood there uncontrollably and was covered by firepower.

Countless bullets landed on his body, bursting out bloody flowers.

With a bang, the fin fell to the ground.

Panting heavily like a dead fish, she lay in a pool of blood, and the extraordinary power of [Sequence 8] supported her, making her not so easy to die.

The short-haired woman stepped forward and sighed softly.

"I have investigated you, Whitley. You are from a poor family, and you are lucky to go out to sea for your family... But you shouldn't act recklessly as an extraordinary person."

She held a revolver and aimed it at Fin's head.

"I'm sorry, but I'm your executioner, Mona."

- Bang! !
Chen Lun took a step forward and blocked Rebecca's eyes, preventing her from seeing the bloody scene.

Rebecca hid behind Chen Lun, holding on to the corner of his clothes tightly.Gabila pretended to be brave, but found that her hands were trembling slightly and sweating coldly.

Roderick waved his hand, and a black shadow flew out of Fish Fin's corpse, was sucked into his palm, and captured.

"Good job, Mona."

He lightly appreciates it.

"But don't talk so much nonsense next time. To deal with this kind of bastard that endangers the stability of the empire, just kill it directly."

The short-haired investigator Meng Na lowered her head slightly and did not respond.

Roderick waved his hand, and the subordinates around him quickly restrained the corpse and retrieved the umbrella on Fish Fin.The black-clothed boy of the Wharf Gang was also shot to death in the battle just now, and the corpses were disposed of uniformly.

Meng Na raised her head and looked at Chen Lun and the others.

Chen Lun watched Meng Na approaching from a distance.

"Another familiar character..."

he thought.

The famous official character of the previous life 1.0 beta version, Mona.

As an ordinary person, he held a high position and eventually served as the special commissioner of the shelter.All the wild transcendents who underestimated her, even the players, were severely taught by her.

It proves what is the prestige of a mortal.

The law of the mysterious field - "Only the extraordinary can defeat the extraordinary" has been broken countless times by Meng Na.

"Good night, three, I'm the investigator Mengna, I would like to remind you, don't publicize what you saw tonight, otherwise we will visit the door. In addition, it is best not to come to this kind of place in the future..."

Mona showed her identification.

"This place has been blocked now, the shelter will take over, please leave immediately...

Finally, may the moonlight mother-in-law watch. "

After she finished speaking, she saluted, then turned and left.

Chen Lun looked at her back and suddenly felt familiar from her.Then I thought of it, the mysterious association that I accidentally broke into when I visited the former site of the Pompeii manor that night.

"She's a 'civet cat'...!"

Chen Lun was determined in his heart.

What happened today, I met so many people from the mysterious field in one night.After thinking about it, the man in the lead might also be...

Pulling his eyes away, he focused on the leading man in the windbreaker, and then observed his wrist.

A string of bells loomed on his sleeve.

"'Black Skull'...?!"

Chen Lun was shocked.

The host of the mysterious association turned out to be a special commissioner from the shelter!One of the members "Lingmao" is also the eyeliner inserted in it!
What are they trying to do...?
An idiom flashed in Chen Lun's mind——

A net is exhausted!
Shelter Fishing!
This special commissioner set up a bureau to gather the wild transcendents in Amber City, and in the end, he would definitely make a thunderous move to suppress them one by one!

The killing of fish fins today is the best proof.

"I still don't want to go to association gatherings...it's too dangerous..."

Chen Lun flashed panic.

But the next moment, he realized something was wrong with him.

"Why am I so scared... That's right, the side effect of [Maggie's Tears] triggering the guardian..."

He realized something.

Emotionally sensitive at this time.

 Thanks to the beautiful woman-in fact, salted fish is also pretty good with 2 monthly tickets!
  Thank you for your votes!

  Praise to all of you!
(End of this chapter)

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