Chapter 89


Under the reflection of Ziyue, Chen Lun called a taxi and planned to take Rebecca and her friends home.

In the carriage, Rebecca suddenly felt that Mr. Jack had become a little taciturn.

"Mr. Jack, what's the matter with you?"

Rebecca asked concerned.

Gabila, who was sitting next to her, also looked at Chen Lun curiously. Rebecca had introduced to her quietly just now that this handsome black-haired young man was her tutor.

"If only I had such a handsome tutor... The way he protects Rebecca is really manly."

Gabila was secretly envious.

"It's nothing."

Chen Lun showed Rebecca a smile from the past, resisting the wild thoughts in his mind.

The side effects of [Maggie's Tears] are greater than he imagined, and any emotion will be magnified.

Even if he saw a stray cat on the street at random, he would feel pity and worry about its fate.

The slightest sign of trouble will remind him of the actions of the shelter just now, and he will become vigilant.

In order not to be too affected by his emotions, Chen Lun closed his eyes, leaned gently on the back of the chair, and let himself go.

"Mr. Jack, my birthday is coming...will you come to my birthday party?"

Rebecca said.

Her tone was a little expectant, but also a little apprehensive.

Seeing Mr. Jack's "tired" look, she was a little worried that her invitation would be too abrupt, which would cause the other party's displeasure.After all, because of what happened just now, he worried a lot about himself.

"Oh... Miss Rebecca's birthday?"

Chen Lun slightly opened his eyes, showing a tired look, and then said softly:

"Of course, I will."

"Thank you, Mr. Jack!"

Rebecca's inner joy, a playful smile.


outer city.

The corner of a tavern.

"Horseman, I really can't take it anymore! Do you know what it's like to pick shit and piss on people all day long?!"

Goutoujin finished drinking and smashed the wine glass on the table.

He wore a mask of pain and pulled his hair.

It took a few days to run from Novice Village to the metropolis so far away, and was about to complete the rare C-level task, but was stabbed in the back by Polaris and Su Keying.

In the end, the C-level task failed inexplicably, and he wanted to get back the place, so he gave another second to a strange NPC.

After working so hard to level up the wolf in the Xinshou Village farm, it fell back.The Iron Fist Gang is now occupied by an NPC named "Jack". The three of them were directly expelled from the gang and became jobless.

Without Mr. Dolly's guarantee, their identification certificates expired, and now they can only do odd jobs in the outer city to make ends meet.

The side quest was not found, but Goutoujin found a temporary job in a businessman's house, made a living, and unlocked a new side job.

It's just that this sub-profession is a little bit upscale, it's called [dung manservant].

As the name suggests, it is a servant who specializes in handling excrement for people...

"I'm not going anywhere!"

Forgotten sighed.

"Who would have thought that my dignified "God's Love" internal test pioneer would end up working in a factory...Although I also unlocked a sub-profession [Factory Storyteller], it is really torture to tell stories to a group of factory workers every day...

That environment was really stinky, now that I think about it... Ugh! "

Wang Wang Wuji seemed to smell the smell of sweat and feet again, and immediately retched.

Seeing his reaction, Goutoujin also thought of what happened to him, and followed the chain reaction.




The centaur drank the wine quietly, with silent sweat streaming down his forehead.

He couldn't help but be thankful, because he found a job in a barber shop and became a [Barber Apprentice].Although it is not very decent, it is much better than these two guys.

It's just that he accidentally shaved a man's head for a guest in the past two days, and was given a bitch by his boss Sang Ou.

"What should we do next? The time for the internal test is running out. If there is no gain, it will really be nothing!"

Goutoujin wiped the corner of his mouth and said unwillingly.

"How about we go find Polaris and them?"

Wang Wang Wuji hesitated, but still made this suggestion.

Gou Tou Jin frowned and looked at him in surprise.

"Well... that's a way."

The horseman thought for a while.

"They should be on the thigh. Our previous mission was against them... It seems that they won in the end."

After speaking, the centaur called the waiter and asked him to serve three more glasses of wine.

Then he said in a deep voice:

"Those who achieve great things don't care about small things. Actually, we don't have much enmity with them. As long as we can share some opportunities, this internal test will be a success."

Wang Wang Wuji nodded and said in agreement:
"Well, it's okay to bow your head now, we're only thinking of the guild... When the public beta comes, the brothers will remember us well."

Only the dog head gold is not convinced.

The original script was supposed to be Polaris and Su Keying begging them, why is it the other way around now? !
"Goutoujin, if you are upset, we can talk about it later when we take off."

The horseman advised.

"It's just two casual players. Behind us are the three largest guilds. In the future, they will only beg for our share."

"...Okay! But didn't Polaris delete your friend?"



The sound of whipping echoed in Chen Lun's room.

huh - huh!

Chen Lun raised the whip in his hand and slapped himself on the back severely.

[Skill [Animal Imitation LVMAX] effect has been strengthened! [Philip's Whip] has expired! 】


Chen Lun stopped and put the whip into the grape ring.

In the next second, his expression froze, and he slowly opened his arms.


I saw that his whole body was covered with dark golden scales, as if he was wearing a layer of golden armor covering it all.

Under the sweat-stained black hair, there is a pair of snake pupils.

The muscles on the body squirmed, and the scales rubbed against each other, making a crisp sound.

He raised his hand, spread his palm, turned his vertical pupils, and stared at two of his fingers—one of which was glowing with green light, and the other was stained with shiny black paint.

"The characteristics are five at the same time. In this state, my strength has increased a bit... Let's give this state a name."

Chen Lun's characteristics slowly dissipated, and he showed a smile.

"Big snake form."

The whole system is based on [Snake Body Incarnation], with other characteristics added to form a transformation technique that enhances the overall strength.It can enable Chen Lun to have high-speed movement, strong flexibility, high defense, keen observation and various offensive methods.

At the same time, extraordinary toxin is also his forte.

So the name of this form is very appropriate. Of course, it is not an exaggeration to call it the "Python Man Form".

Chen Lun wiped his body and took a shower.

When I returned to the living room on the first floor, I found that Floyd and Connie were discussing something.

"Ah, Mr. Jack... Butler Binoz from Pompeii Manor sent us an invitation letter. Tomorrow is Miss Rebecca's birthday party, so I plan to go out with Miss Froy to buy a dress."

Connie said.

And she has long wanted to change into her daily attire, so when she plans to go out, she picks out a few.

"That's it..."

Chen Lun remembered Rebecca's invitation last night. Since it was his birthday, of course the etiquette should be proper, and Connie could help him bring a gift back.

But soon he had a new idea.

"Connie, after you guys come back from shopping, I have something to ask you..."

(End of this chapter)

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