I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 93 The Familiar But Weird Title Page

Chapter 93 The Familiar But Weird Title Page
The next morning.

After Chen Lun had breakfast, he picked up the newspaper Connie ordered from the table.

He flipped through a few pages, and finally saw a small job advertisement in a corner.

"It's the secret code of the mysterious association."

Chen Lun understood.

Yesterday he learned from the code in the newspaper that the association gathering that was supposed to be held as scheduled was postponed until today, and the code he saw now was a reconfirmation.

He pondered for a while, and finally decided to go.

Although it can be basically confirmed that "Black Skull" and "Civet" are people from the shelter, he also needs to contact other people in the association to find clues to [Philip's legacy].

"It shouldn't be time for them to completely close their nets, otherwise they wouldn't be hunting 'Fin' alone..."

Chen Lun thought to himself.

But he had a hunch that it would not be too late for the shelter to make a big move, and his time was running out.

late at night.

Chen Lun did not take the road to the former site of the Pompeii manor, but chose the previous exit, the drain of the water beach in the outer city.

He prepared to hide his identity in advance, wearing a top hat, and completely wrapped his face with a black scarf, leaving only a pair of eyes.Through his strong memory ability, he familiarly bypassed the winding sewers and returned to the catacombs.

Dim light bulbs illuminated the round table, six people arrived early, and "Fin" was absent as a matter of course.

"Welcome back, Mr. Spades."

Wearing a mask, the black skull greeted lightly.

"Please sit down."

Chen Lun took his seat calmly.

Iron Hammer remained indifferent, meditating irrelevantly.Scholars were reading books leisurely, and the civet cat and the gentleman were talking carefully, as if they were talking about some irrelevant topics.The miser was playing with a few gold coins on hand, jingling.

Another ten minutes passed.

"Looks like 'Fin' won't be coming tonight, let's get started."

Black Skull looked at his pocket watch and said softly.

Chen Lun glanced at him calmly, secretly said good acting.

After everyone heard the host's words, they started the first round of trading on their own.

There was nothing special about it, Iron Hammer sold another metal tennis ball-shaped man-made [trickster], and exchanged two copies of low-sequence mysterious substances from the gentleman.

The others had their own deals. When it was Chen Lun's turn, the gentleman said first:
"Mr. Spade, I have a relevant document about your request last time... You can take a look at it first. If you are interested, we will talk about it in detail."

The head of the silver pot shook, took out a manuscript and handed it to Chen Lun.

Chen Lun picked it up and saw that there were fine pinholes on one side of the manuscript, like a title page that fell off from a notebook.He looked closely at the text above:
"—Hey, friend, I'll tell you a secret.

I have been to a strange place, met a lot of strange things there, and gained a lot of strange things.I don't know what it is, but there is a strange familiarity.

I'm sorry I can't tell you how to get there, because I can't figure it out myself.

But I can tell you about my experience..."

A paragraph of text was smeared with blue-black ink, and then several keywords were written below, namely "fate", "nature", "nightmare" and "love".

"—I found that there, my extraordinary power was affected, and it became stronger and weaker. When it was strong, it could even burst out with power beyond its own sequence, and when it was weak, it was worse than ordinary people...

If I use one word to describe it, I think 'absurd' is the most appropriate.

...I also met my true love there, she helped me a lot, and built a 'love nest' for us, we lived in it, so we don't have to worry about strange things happening.In this way, I can also have a foothold to slowly explore that place.

The experience recorded below is only shown to you from my own perspective..."

The content of the title page ends here.

The signature of the signature is a name Chen Lun is familiar with - Philip.

The time is June 4405, 6 in the solar calendar.

It has been 13 years since the present, and 2 years since the last entry in Philip's diary.

[Discover special mysterious books! "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland" (seriously mutilated)! 】

Chen Lun remained calm, holding the title page in his hand, but secretly complained in his heart:
"The other mysterious book is Tu Yile. If you really want to become stronger, you have to look at Philip... And this anger has continued to name your own book, which is a real punishment."

Now it seems that most of Philip's belongings buried here are in the hands of the "gentleman".Even if it is not in his hands, it has a great connection with him.

"Mr. Gentleman, I am very interested in the content recorded on this paper. I don't know how you want to trade."

Chen Lun said in a hoarse voice.

There was a humming chuckle from the head of the silver pot, and he immediately said:

"Since Mister Spade is interested, that would be great... But the follow-up content is not on me. If Mr. Spade wants it, he can prepare a [C-level strange object], or ten copies of low-sequence mysterious substances in exchange. ...At the next party, it will not be too late for us to make a deal."

"too expensive."

Chen Lun said in a deep voice.

"Oh, oh, it's not expensive at all, the content behind is guaranteed to satisfy you, and it's worth the money!"

The gentleman with the silver pot head expressed his views with exaggerated body language.

Chen Lun pretended to ponder, and then gritted his teeth and agreed.

After the silver kettle head confirmed the deal, he tapped his fingers on his thigh, looking very happy.

The next part of the information exchange was full of dull content. Chen Lun didn't pay attention to it, but thought about how to get what the gentleman had.

He doesn't plan to exchange real money, it's too expensive, and there's no guarantee that it's all of Philip's belongings...

The best way, of course, is to grab it!
The urinal head didn't have any good intentions, because when he read the title page just now, he felt that his sanity had somehow decreased by 1 point.

This is not the SAN value lost after witnessing the mysterious content, because my [Maggie's Tears] did not trigger, it was more like being sucked away by the title page.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, the title page stole his sanity and hid it strangely.

Is it in the river?This is not in the river.

Chen Lun had never seen such a bizarre thing.

For the time being, he couldn't figure out why the title page of "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland" would steal other people's sanity, but he knew that the gentleman must be taking advantage of this feature and preparing to do something.

"This is the end of this session's party. Everyone knows the old rules, so I won't say much."

Black Skull got up and arranged for everyone to leave.

The gentleman is the first person to leave this time. He moves slowly towards the side door of the tomb, and then chooses a fork in the room to leave.

Then a big black mouse followed him quietly and slipped in.

kick tap...

Gentleman swayed and looked happy, tap-dancing down the dark passage.

The heels of the leather shoes made a crisp sound on the ground, reverberating slightly.

He trampled the mouse to death, spattering a pool of blood.

"Ha ha……"

Yin Hutou turned around and glanced at the tomb behind him.

"Little tricks."

(End of this chapter)

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