Chapter 94 You Are the Music

The gentleman is not a newcomer who has just stepped into the mysterious field. It is reasonable for the mouse he sent to follow to be discovered by him.

Chen Lun also expected that it would not be so easy, so he was going to find another way.

It was already late when I returned to Jack's manor from the association meeting.

But he found that the living room on the first floor of the villa was still lit.

Opening the door and going in, she found Floyd sitting on the sofa, and raised her head slightly when she heard the sound of him opening the door.

"You're back."

A familiar voice came.

"I've said it many times, don't wait for me, Floyd."

Chen Lun said softly, came to the table, picked up the water Floy had prepared for him, and took a sip with his head raised.

Floy shook her head lightly without responding.

After a while.

"Tomorrow...I want to go to the opera house once."

she said softly.

Chen Lun was slightly taken aback, not knowing why she suddenly had this idea.

But he didn't ask much, and nodded after a little thought.

"Go, you can call Connie with you."

Floy shook her head.

"Can you go with me?"

She paused and added:
"The Dolphin Opera House in the outer city, I haven't been able to go there before..."

Chen Lun glanced at her in surprise, Floyd meant that it should be just the two of them.

He gently put down the water glass, hummed, and said:
"of course can."

A smile appeared on Floy's face.

Chen Lun returned to the room.

He turned on the desk lamp, sat by the window, took out the title page, and planned to study it further.

After spending some time, he read the text from the beginning several times.I have repeatedly looked at the front and back and the details of the various places, and I have also tried to look backwards and look at it from different angles...

In the end, Chen Lun came to the conclusion that there was no difference.

There is just a rule, every time he looks at it, his Sanity will decrease by 1 point.

Even the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the title page had an attraction, not only sucking away his reason, but even wanting to suck away his spirituality and heart.

It seems eager.


Chen Lun and Floyd returned to the outer city again.

They went to visit Mrs. Caroline and were graciously invited to drink a cup of scented tea, which is said to be the latest brewing method developed by Mrs. Caroline.Chen Lun didn't get anything out of drinking, but under the psychological effect, he seemed to feel that the drink was a bit better.

Declining the invitation to stay for dinner, Chen Lun secretly told Bianmu Babu to take good care of Mrs. Caroline.

Babu barked twice, and flatteringly licked Chen Lun's big hand to show his understanding.

Chen Lun secretly took out a [Low-sequence Conspiracy Faction Mysterious Substance], like rubbing a gray mud pellet casually, and fed it to Bub.

It backed away with some disgust at first, and then smelled something, and this gray ball had a strange attraction, so it couldn't help but swallow it in one gulp.


Chen Lun patted its head and chuckled lightly.

After Babu digested this mysterious substance, his body would become more sensitive, and he would be able to reduce his presence in the eyes of others.Although it is not yet an extraordinary creature, it is still much stronger than ordinary hounds.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Lun took Floyd away from No. [-] Denton Street and went to the Dolphin Opera House.

Approaching the gate of the Opera House, Chen Lun saw many numb-looking people coming out of a warehouse on the side of the road.Most of them were dressed in tatters, and their bodies were dirty and seemed to have not been washed for a long time.

"There's 'Crow's Shelter'."

Floyd explained from the side.

"I usually ask Connie to read books to me at home, and I know a lot about Amber City... That warehouse is a shelter for the low-level civilians in the outer city. You only need to pay a copper kroe to rest in it for a while." night."

She shook her head slightly, seemingly sympathetically.

"But it's very crowded inside, there's no bed or bedding, and there's no place to take a shower... There's only a bench for sitting and sleeping.

If the seat is full, you can only sleep on a hemp rope.Often dozens of people are hung on one rope. "

Chen Lun silently looked at these people.

He understands that tragedy is the keynote of this world.

The so-called laughter is just a treasure that few people have.

"Let's go."

The door of the Dolphin Opera House is open, and the ticket office at the door has three windows.

Chen Lun bought a ticket and walked in with Floyd.

Although it is an opera house, it is actually more like a vast park.There are many vegetation and forest gardens, as well as artificial lakes and marine aquariums.

One reason why it is called "Dolphin Opera House" is that there are dolphin performances for viewing in the ocean aquarium here.

Next to it is the opera house.

Chen Lun and Floyd went straight into the opera house and handed the tickets to the ticket inspector at the door.The latter tore the ticket and left the ticket stub for the two to keep.

The ticket Chen Lun bought was a seat closer to the front, so the price would of course be a bit higher, but he doesn't care about the little money now.Floy has sensitive senses, but after all, she has no vision and cannot see specific images.

We can only try to keep her closer to the stage so that the voice can be heard more clearly.

After the two sat down, Floyd said softly:

"Thank you."

When she bought the ticket just now, she heard Chen Lun's special instructions, and knew that the seat was at the front.

Chen Lun smiled and did not respond, but said:

"It's about to start."

As the audience took their seats, the ticket inspectors closed the doors of the opera house.

The curtain on the stage opened, and several opera singers appeared in exaggerated costumes.

The play being staged is called "The Dumb Clown," and it tells the story of a dumb boy who is sold by his parents to be a clown in a circus.

The dumb boy was bullied in the circus, but because he couldn't speak, he could only hold it in his heart.When he was angry, he didn't dare to make a move, so he could only use exaggerated movements and expressions to vent and cry out silently.

But unfortunately, the more excited he is, the more funny he looks, the happier others laugh.

Between the cello solos, the dumb boy danced wildly on the stage, and the narrator sang in an aria:
"Promise me, if you suffer pain, don't tell others to seek sympathy, because you are unique in the world, even your pain is unique, it is so unique that no one knows.

The sympathy of others will only banalize your pain, make it less unique, and degrade your personality with it.

Singing high to lead the mountains to respond, sighing to leave the empty valley alone...Why is everything so quiet at this moment? "

When the tone was raised, the violin suddenly inserted.

The opera reached its climax.

The head of the circus had an affair with a certain noble lady who came to see the performance. The father of the noble lady was furious because of this, but the head of the circus was afraid, so he pushed the dumb clown as a scapegoat, and finally he was killed by the gunman in public. Died on stage.

The head of the group and the noble lady went away and lived a happy life.

The end of the song.

From beginning to end, no one loves clowns.

His death didn't matter, and his heart was unheard.

Chen Lun and Floyd followed the crowd to leave, and Floyd remained silent the whole time.She listened carefully to the whole opera, and the experience of the dumb clown was very similar to her, so she was easily thrown into it.

It's just that one opened his mouth and said nothing, and the other didn't see anything.

"Who is the author of this play?"

Floyd was a little curious.

Chen Lun looked up at the poster outside the opera house, which had the author and introduction of the opera on it.

"Howard the Tragedy Writer."

After hearing the name, Floy nodded slightly.

Chen Lun didn't want her to be affected by the sadness of the opera all the time, so he proposed to take her to the Ocean Aquarium, and Floyd hummed.


The dolphins jumped out of the water and swallowed the small fish thrown by the keepers.

With a splash, he dived into the water again.

The two stood by the glass fence, watching the performance inside.

"You said, do I look like that 'dumb clown'?"

asked Floyd.

Standing beside her, Chen Lun felt that her mood was somewhat negative.

Heart sighed.

"You're different from him, Floy..."

Chen Lun said, wanting to comfort her, but he didn't know how to continue.

Perhaps as Floy said, she had never been afraid of death before, because being in the dark was no different from death.

But he saved her from the darkness and let her see what sunshine is.

It's just that the sunlight was so dazzling that she couldn't see her fingers.

And the countdown to death is like a scorching sun, and the water of life under the sun is slowly evaporating.

"Sorry, I know I'm being too negative."

Floy pretended to be relaxed.

"But don't worry, I'm just feeling a little emotional... if only someone could listen to 'dumb clown'."

"Floy, the deep voice is inaudible to the ear, but as long as someone is listening, then he himself is music..."

The black-haired young man in front of him stared straight ahead, speaking flatly.

Floy was slightly taken aback.

She suddenly had a longing, longing to open her eyes again and look at his side face at this time.


Even if that person can't hear my heart, as long as he is listening, I am his most beautiful music.

I'm not a "dumb clown"...

I am your "Sister of Tranquility"—


  There are also recommended tickets from other beauties!


(End of this chapter)

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