Chapter 95

It's getting late.

The opera house had already ended, and when Chen Lun brought Floy out of the aquarium, there were not many guests left.

The two walked on the gravel path, with the artificial trees on both sides whirling in the wind.

Chen Lun stopped suddenly.

"what happened?"

Floyd wondered.

Chen Lun didn't make a sound, and silently glanced around, the sudden sense of crisis in his heart still didn't dissipate.

The next second, a hand stretched out from under his feet and grabbed at his ankle.

Chen Lun had no expression on his face, he didn't hide or evade, and stomped on him.

Bang! !


There was a buzzing scream.

The sneak attacking hand was kicked and retracted.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared on the ground not far in front of Chen Lun.

Wearing a suit, with a silver jug ​​on his head, and holding a silver cane.

It is the "gentleman" of the mysterious association.

He stamped his feet angrily and kept shaking his right hand.His palms had already started to turn black, apparently because he was kicked by Chen Lun's [Scorpion Tail Needle].

"Pain Pain!"

From the silver jug ​​on the gentleman's neck came a voice.

"Mr. Spades, your extraordinary poison is really annoying."

The blackened part on the palm was spreading to the wrist, the gentleman acted decisively, and he did not know what extraordinary power he had exerted, only to see that the outline of his body began to become unreal.


There was a strange flipping sound.

The figures of gentlemen appeared and disappeared one by one, like the pages of a book being turned.

Finally, the phantom figure stagnated and reunited with himself.

The blackness on the palm disappeared and returned to its original appearance.

"Huh... so dangerous!"

The gentleman made an exaggerated gesture of wiping his sweat, but in fact he just wiped the surface of the silver jug.

"[Earth faction] [Sequence 8-Historian]?"

Chen Lun narrowed his eyes.

The way the other party dealt with Transcendent Toxin just now is obviously a skill unique to [Historians].By looking through the history, I found myself a few seconds ago, and then used the history overlap to restore the state.

This is a very strong life-saving skill, but it will also be very restrictive.

First of all, according to the opponent's current sequence level, you can browse through your own history within ten seconds at most, and it should consume a lot of energy.

The "dangerous" he said is probably the same...

"how did you find me?"

Chen Lun looked at him calmly.

"Oh, of course I found it based on that piece of paper..."

The gentleman spread his hands to explain.

"That has my historical imprint on it."

He tap danced a few times on the spot, then shrugged his shoulders and laughed twice.

"I'm just curious, why didn't Mr. Spade get drained by that title page...? You know, I have killed several extraordinary people in this way."

Chen Lun frowned slightly.

What does the other party mean?
In the previous mysterious association, the gentleman sold the title page, killed other members, and then used the pre-made tricks to find the person, and then picked up the body?
So insidious, but also a gentleman... Bah.

It's just that the title page absorbs a little bit of reason, it's not enough to kill people...

"Is it because I am a [Fate Faction] sequence, or because of [Maggie's Tears]...?"

Chen Lun secretly guessed.

Through the prompt box description, the title page is from "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland". There are only a few places where he and Philip have a relationship, but he doesn't know the specific reason.

In short, there seemed to be something special about him that prevented him from being sucked to death by the title page.

"But it doesn't matter anymore. Now that you're here, Mr. Spade is not dead, he must die."

said the gentleman.

As soon as the voice fell, his figure jumped up and swung his cane down.

Woo! !

With a light push from Chen Lun, Floy was thrown into the air, and the latter landed firmly outside the battle circle.Immediately, he dodged, and while avoiding the cane, he appeared beside the gentleman.

The five fingers were beaked, pecking at his ribs.

A blood arrow flew out.

The gentleman turned around at the limit and was almost pierced by this stork peck, but the sharp black fingers still scratched a wound on his waist.

"Mr. Spade is so fast!"

Surprise came from the head of the silver kettle.

The cane in his hand kept on, and as he twisted, he swung horizontally, hitting Chen Lun's head.

- Woo! !
The cane pierced the air and let out a burst of air.

Chen Lun didn't dare to underestimate this blow, and decided to continue to use his speed to deal with the opponent.

He took half a step back, narrowly dodging the cane, and the wind of the cane lifted his black hair.The next moment, when he was about to stand up and launch a counterattack, he found that the cane suddenly became longer, and a spear tip emerged from the front end, stabbing it like a spear!
Chen Lun subconsciously released the scale protection, but still felt a tingling pain.

As sparks overflowed, he was pushed a few meters away by the cane turned into a spear, and his legs dragged two long marks on the ground.

Before he had time to check his injuries, the cane suddenly fell out of joint again, turning into dozens of connected spikes, whipped like a steel whip!

A silver light streaked across the night, and countless spikes reflected the moonlight, like a galaxy in the universe.

Chen Lun was disturbed by this sudden change, and found that he missed the opportunity to dodge and had no room to move.

He made a decisive decision, took out Connie No. [-] from the grape ring, and threw a high-flammation fireball while taking a whip.

crackle! !
boom! !

Two loud noises were produced at the same time.

Chen Lun flew upside down and rolled, spilling a string of blood beads. With his palm on the ground, he turned over in mid-air and finally stood firm.

He frowned slightly, the scales on his chest and shoulders fell off, and a layer of flesh was cut off by the opponent's strange cane, dripping with blood.

Looking up, Chen Lun's eyes froze.

"What a thrill, Mr. Spade, almost burned to death!"

The cane in the gentleman's hand retracted, and at some point it turned into a large silver round shield again. The ground was covered with flames ignited by bursting sparks, but he was unharmed.

Obviously, he just used his shield to block the high-burning fireball.

The two fought against each other for several moves, but Chen Lun was at a disadvantage.

Floy on the side pursed her lips and clenched her little hands tightly.

"I don't want to hide behind him anymore, I want to help him..."

She whispered to herself.

There was a long silence.

As if listening to something.

"It's okay, I don't have much time anyway, give me the strength."

Floyd said calmly.

Black light bloomed between her fingers, and it seemed that it would explode in the next second, but she suddenly raised her head again, and the black light dissipated.

bang! !
A deafening bang.

"How come so fast?!"

A gentleman's shocked voice came from the silver pot head.

His body fell back violently, and the raised silver shield was hit violently!
He saw a dark golden figure flashing in front of him, with arms like pythons, fists like cannons, continuous afterimages fell on the silver shield.

Every punch is a [rhinoceros collision]!
Every palm is [Bear Strike]!
On Chen Lun's scaly face, there was a ferocious smile, and a pair of snake pupils were cold and bloodthirsty.

Orochi form!
(End of this chapter)

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