Chapter 96 The True Legacy

Dangdangdangdang...! !

There was a loud bang.

The gentleman suddenly felt that half of his body was numb, and the strong force was transmitted, and the silver shield almost fell out of his hand.


A mouthful of blood spit out of his mouth.

"How could a [Sequence 9] be so strong?!"

A cry of disbelief came from the silver kettlehead.

Whoosh-! !

The ferocious dark golden figure swung another punch, and his entire arm drew a curved arc, bypassing the silver shield and attacking him.


The gentleman was shocked.

He gritted his teeth and burrowed into the ground, and the silver shield in his hand was retracted in due course, like the umbrella bone folded into the original cane shape.

Chen Lun's snake arm swung in the air, the gentleman had already escaped from the ground, and his body fell half out of thin air.

"Want to run?"

Chen Lun snorted coldly.

He turned his fist into a palm and grabbed the gentleman, but was pushed away by the head of the silver pot, and finally only brushed against the opponent's shoulder.


The gravel fell, and the gentleman's figure had disappeared.

This is the ability of [Sequence 9-Tomb Robber]. It is not slow after escaping from the ground, but if the gentleman thinks that he can escape by doing this, he may have underestimated Chen Lun's tracking ability.

In the big snake form, his senses have been strengthened again, not to mention that although he missed the last grab, his fingers touched the opponent's shoulder.

At that moment, Chen Lun cast [Snake Kiss] and injected extraordinary poison into the gentleman.This extraordinary toxin is not only lethal, but also an excellent tracking pheromone.

"Floy, you wait for me here..."

Chen Lun turned his head and said something to Floyd.

"I'll be back soon."

As soon as the words fell, he turned into a dark golden afterimage and disappeared in place.


Hypericum Girls School.

In the corner of the campus, the soil in a garden suddenly opened.

Majli slowly crawled out, wiped off some of the dirt on his body, and stumbled towards the dormitory area.

The door of the staff dormitory was knocked open, and he almost fell to the ground.

Holding the table, he took off the silver pot on his head, revealing the face of a young man with a dejected face and bleeding from the mouth and nose.

"Is he really [Sequence 9]...Even if it's a hidden path, it shouldn't be this powerful!"

Marjry wiped the blood on his mouth and nose and muttered.

"Gentleman" is Margery's pseudonym, as a false identity for activities in the mysterious society.His real identity is a lecturer at the Goldwed Girls' School, responsible for helping the professors sort out the textbooks and prepare lessons, and sometimes substitute for one or two classes when they are too busy.

Margery came to the desk and sat down, took out the medicine box and bandaged himself.

After such a long time, he has been unable to use historical regression to recover.But in the process of bandaging the wound, he suddenly spit out another mouthful of black blood, and his pupils shrank slightly.

"It's a big trouble... I don't have a good solution to this extraordinary poison except for going back to history."

Margery wiped off the stinky black blood casually with a tissue, forcing himself to calm down.

"Let's ask the teacher for help..."

He gritted his teeth and made this decision.

If he didn't have to, he didn't want to do it.Firstly, it was because of my greed and carelessness that I was almost killed, and I would be looked down upon by the teacher.Second, it is easy to expose the current identity of the teacher and attract the attention of the Red Apple Church.

The teacher is now having a headache with the pursuit of those red lunatics, and a little carelessness will cause more serious consequences.

Margery quickly finished writing a letter, and then took out an unremarkable textbook from the bookshelf.

He opened the textbook and took out a green bookmark on one of the pages.


He let out a long breath, and carefully held the green bookmark in his palm.

This was something he accidentally found in the tomb when he first entered the mysterious association. It was placed together with the bookmark, as well as a silver pot and a silver walking stick.

These were originally buried in the lower part of the tomb. As a transcendent of the [Earth faction], tomb robbery is Margery's forte, so it is easier to find them.

Margery also once guessed who buried these things, but he didn't find the answer, and only regarded it as his own adventure.

He had already figured out the silver pot and silver walking stick, but he still couldn't figure out this green bookmark.

He once used the means of reading the past and the present, tried the extraordinary power of various factions, and finally pried the green bookmark through [conspiracy faction] [Sequence 8 - Locksmith].Although it was not completely successful, a title page accidentally fell from it.

He found that this title page had a strong attraction, but he couldn't look at it for a long time, otherwise his mind would be sucked away and he would lose control on the spot.

Since he couldn't figure it out, he simply traded it to someone else, trying to get others to figure it out for him.As long as the target is tracked with the hands and feet done on the title page, the results can be recovered.

It's just that I didn't expect that the target selected this time was not a simple [Sequence 9], whose strength far surpassed myself.Margery regretted it too much, and now he only thinks about how to save himself.

Since the green bookmark was pried open by him that time and the title page fell off, no matter how hard he tried after that, there was no response.But Margery has a hunch that it is definitely not simple, and there must be deeper secrets.

Margery packed up his things, took the letter and was ready to go out.

The moment the door is opened.

What came into view was five jet-black and shiny fingers, which were like knives and pierced towards his throat.

"Get out of the way!!"

Margery shouted inwardly, and his body tried to dodge aside.

But in the next second, he heard a plain command:

"Stand up obediently."

The shell-shaped necklace on the opponent's chest shimmered. For some reason, Margery was distracted for a moment at this critical moment.

Puff -! !

Blood was like ink, splashed on the wall.

A head flew down, and while rolling, one could still see Margery's shocked expression.

The headless corpse collapsed.

[Kill Majerry (gentleman), a member of the History and Ritual Association [Sequence 8-Historian] (Earth faction), get 3000 experience points! 】

[History and Ritual Association's favorability towards you has decreased!Currently disgusted! 】

Chen Lun walked into the room calmly and closed the door behind his back.

He checked the room first, and found that there was no hidden backhand, then picked up the distress letter written by the gentleman, opened it, glanced at it casually, and then set it on fire.

Then he started to pack his spoils.

The gentleman's silver pot and silver cane, a green bookmark, a tennis ball-shaped man-made [creature], three copies of low-sequence mysterious substances, and more than a hundred gold pounds.

Chen Lun called it a good guy!
Although the "gentleman" is a bit insidious, he is actually a generous person... so rich, I still don't forget to send him a courier.

Originally, Chen Lun wanted to follow him after the association meeting, but the mouse he followed was trampled to death by his foot.

Now the other party came to the door by himself again, I don't know what was going on in his mind.

[Philip's relic has been obtained, complete the hidden C-level mission: Philip's legacy! 】

[Get mission rewards: You have already got them, what more rewards do you want? 】


Chen Lun was stunned.

  There are also recommended tickets from other beauties!

  Thank you ducks! (*▽*)
(End of this chapter)

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