Chapter 97 S-Class Monster! (Please follow up!)
After Chen Lun killed the gentleman, he didn't stay in that dormitory for long.

He returned to the Dolphin Opera House and picked up Floyd who was waiting there.

Seeing that Chen Lun had returned safely, Floye was secretly relieved.

Jack Manor.

Chen Lun turned on the light, sat at the desk by the window, and carefully looked at today's spoils.

He first picked up the tennis ball-shaped man-made [trick], remembering that it was traded by the gentleman from the "hammer" during the association gathering.

[D-level creepy thing-corona brilliance]

Item description: A masterpiece from the hands of a craftsman, a fine product forged with extraordinary power. The appearance is in the shape of a metal ball, and the interior is exquisitely crafted. There are as many as [-] precise parts.

The ticking of time, the moment of youth, is the brilliance of the sun and the crown of death.

Item effect: One-time incendiary bomb, the supernatural flame released is amazingly powerful.Can be instant, can be timed.

Item cost: Until the moment before the trigger, you can't let go, you need to wear the crown of death for the enemy yourself.


Chen Lun showed a dead fish face.

According to the previous description, I thought it was a pretty good [Trickster], because it is a one-time consumable, so the power may reach [C-level], and it can be fully charged into the hole card library.

As a result, after reading the final usage cost...

Isn't this tantamount to dying with the enemy?
If the situation is a little worse, if there is some accident, even only oneself will be burned to death, and the enemy will have nothing to do with it.It's completely a piece of shit, no wonder a gentleman is useless until death.

I don't know why he bought this thing...

Chen Lun put away the extraordinary incendiary bomb, and realized that Mr. "Hammer" of the mysterious association was probably a [craftsman] from the Church of the Sun.

[Sun faction] [Sequence 8-Craftsman]

Craftsmen with the power of the sun can stay behind the scenes and use extraordinary power to forge [unpredictable things], or they can charge forward and kill the enemy.

This is a very special sequence, because the matter of forging [Surprise] is not as simple as imagined.In Chen Lun's impression, it seems that the [Craftsman] of the Church of the Sun is the best at it.

But as a member of the Church of the Sun, why did "Iron Hammer" go to the mysterious association.

Chen Lun shook his head without thinking too much.

He then picked up the silver pot, which was bigger than his head.It is said to be a silver pot, but it is more like a silver pot. There is no water outlet, and it can only be used to hold things.

[D-level creepy thing - stars in the brain]

Item description: A vessel with the power of stars. It looks like a strange silver pot. If you look closely, you can see that there are fine starlight embellishments on the smooth surface.

It seems to be left over from an extraordinary person who has been deceiving for many years, deceiving others for a long time, and finally deceiving himself-what is the way forward, in my mind.

Item effect: Wearing it on the head can slightly weaken the mysterious pollution, insight +10.

Item cost: If you wear it for a long time, you will fall into a negative state of self-deception.


Chen Lun frowned, he was very interested in this silver pot head.

The [Surprise] that can increase attributes is not bad, but it still increases special attributes by 10 points, and the effect of weakening the mysterious pollution is the icing on the cake.

"Overall, it has reached the ceiling of [D-level monsters]."

Chen Lun nodded, and picked up the silver cane again.

[C-level weird thing - gift of astrology]

Item description: A cane that contains the power of the stars. It has a long history and exudes an ancient aristocratic atmosphere.

It seems to be the posthumous transformation of a dedicated knight, fighting to the end is his tribute to the stars.

My passing across the sky is like your tears.

Item effect: There are five shape-changing devices, the regular one is a cane, and the changing shape is sword, spear, whip and shield, which are indestructible and unstoppable.

Item cost: After using it, please praise the stars, otherwise you will be cursed.

"This cane..."

Chen Lun stroked it, feeling the coldness above it.

In the battle with the gentleman, he has already deeply realized the power of this weapon.It has many changes, making it difficult for the enemy to guard against, and its applicability is also very wide. It can be used as the main weapon for a long time.

And its price is very small, it is a very rare top-quality [Surprise Object].

Chen Lun put down his cane, and finally picked up the green bookmark.

The next moment, his eyes gradually widened and became round!
"This is……!"

[S-level creepy thing - Four Seasons Bookmark (incomplete)]

Item description: The bookmark that contains the power of destiny seems to be missing the rest of it. It is currently a quarter of the whole. It has endless vitality and is a symbol of spring.

It has its own name - Jingzhe.

Item effect: endow vitality, extraordinary lignification, part of the power of creation.

Item cost: Sanity is used as fuel, the rest is unknown.

S-rank monster? !

Creation? !
Chen Lun was taken aback.

"Good guy... this is too scary!"

He held this plain green bookmark carefully, and was terrified. He had never seen such a high-level [Surprise], and he didn't know how to do it.


A thought suddenly flashed in Chen Lun's mind.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, so he picked up a fruit knife on the table, pointed at the back of his hand——

A light knife.

The skin was cut and a drop of blood flowed out.

He quickly picked up the bookmark and aimed at the wound.

A faint green light flickered, and the cut skin healed and returned to its original state.As a price, his sanity is reduced by 1 point.

"Phew... it's really feasible, so isn't this equivalent to a mobile 'water spring'?!"

The smile on Chen Lun's face was even worse, and he almost didn't call out the word "Niubi".

Next, he made various attempts on the [Awakening of Insects] bookmark, and found that if combined with the feature of [Molting Skin], the consumption of sanity points would be reduced, but the effect was not compromised.

This is good news for him.

Although there is [Maggie's Tears] to increase the recovery speed of sanity, his sanity limit is only 8 points after all, which severely limits the use of the bookmark [Jingzhe].

"As for other effects and abilities..."

Chen Lun calmed down and thought carefully.

He can understand "giving life force", but he doesn't understand "extraordinary lignification" and "power of creation", he just doesn't understand it.

"Perhaps it will have to wait until the future, when its own sequence is higher, before it can display its true strength."

Chen Lun secretly thought about it, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

But in the next second, his expression froze.

Because he felt a message from the bookmark of [Awakening of Insects], which roughly meant to let him stick it between his eyebrows.

Chen Lun hesitated for a moment.

He knows that all the [Surprises] above [A level] have some active characteristics, and simple communication is one of them.

"Since you have everything in your hand, why bother to shrink back?"

Chen Lun made up his mind, gritted his teeth, picked up the [Jingzhe] bookmark, and put it on the center of his eyebrows.

--boom! !
He opened his eyes and saw a tree.

A towering tree that soars into the sky without seeing the whole picture.

Hundreds of thousands of vines grow in front of it, intertwined and wrapped around an old book.

On the cover it says--

"Philip's Adventures in Wonderland"!
(End of this chapter)

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