Chapter 210 Scientific Methodology

What should the traveler do most if they want to fundamentally change the times?Imported advanced ideas?Climbing black technology?Revolution?

Neither, but the introduction of scientific methodology.

Otherwise, no matter how advanced the ideas are, there will be no soil for survival, and no matter how many technologies, there will only be an alternative rigid system and stagnant technology.

Scientific methodology is the fundamental method to solve all problems.

Teach people to look at and solve problems in a scientific way, and if this concept is deeply rooted in people's hearts, countless people will stand up and solve various problems one after another.

New ideas, new technologies, and even revolutions spring up like mushrooms after rain.

However, scientific methodology cannot be created by shouting a few slogans. We must first tell everyone what science is and establish a system so that this concept can be established.

And this is undoubtedly a cumbersome and huge project.

Personal strength is limited. Even if he has the advantage of being a prophet, it is impossible to solve all problems by one person. It is necessary to include as many talents as possible.

There are two sources of talent, one is self-cultivation, which is the purpose of his compilation of teaching materials.

The second is to find like-minded people.Lu Cai is undoubtedly a person worth wooing, and this is the purpose of his coming here today.


Lu Cai was very interested in this physics book, and he was very vocal about studying the principles of everything.If someone else gave it to him, he would definitely think that the other party was arrogant.

But he didn't think Chen Jingke was such a person. The two had known each other for a while, and he knew exactly what kind of person the other was.

Since the other party dared to claim to study the principles of all things, he must have something to rely on.He was very curious about what was in this book that would allow Chen Jingke to be named physics.

Flipping it open, rows of horizontally arranged text greeted my eyes. Lu Cai was just not used to it and was not surprised.He had read the math book brought by Chen Jingke before, which was also typesetting horizontally.

After the introduction of new mathematical symbols and vertical calculation methods, horizontal typesetting is indeed more suitable.

He simply got used to the horizontal sorting, and he quickly devoted himself to reading.

Although he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked when he actually saw the contents of the book.

Why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west?
Why does the ship go far away, the hull disappears first, and the mast disappears last?
Why can it rain only when there are dark clouds?

Why is there a rainbow after the rain?
Why did the apple fall from the tree instead of flying into the sky?
Why do objects falling from heights get faster and faster?
What shocked him was not these questions. Since ancient times, countless people have raised questions about these questions, and he himself had similar questions. There is really nothing to say.

What shocked him was that the answer was actually given in the book.

'The sky is like a chicken, the sun is like a yellow chicken, the celestial body is round like a pellet and revolves around the sun, and the earth is the same.The earth revolves around the sun from west to east, so the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. '

"Because the ground is like a projectile, the hull of the ship disappears first when it goes far away, and then the mizzen mast disappears."

"Clouds are water mist that condenses into rain."

"Gravity makes the apple fall to the ground."

"Gravity acceleration..."

This is a complete subversion of the previous cognitive system, especially for religious ghosts and gods, which is a head-on crit, which can be called violent theory.

Lu Cai always thought that he was radical enough, but he didn't expect that this young man was far more radical than himself.

But for a materialist, instead of feeling scared, he was even more excited, and couldn't wait to read the following content.

How the earth revolves around the sun, how water circulates, how the acceleration of gravity is calculated...

What kind of small hole imaging, what reference object, what relative speed...

In short, this book Chen Jingke takes common natural phenomena as the starting point, and uses the science knowledge he has learned in his previous life to answer.

It involves astronomy, geography, physics, chemistry, biology and other subjects, which can be said to be a hodgepodge.

But these questions are not random, which one is used and which one is not, which one is first and which one is last, all after careful consideration.

By connecting the answers to these questions in series, a relatively complete knowledge system can be formed.

For example, rainfall leads to water circulation, and then leads to atmospheric circulation, wind, rain, thunder, and so on.

For example, gravitation and gravitational acceleration lead to a whole set of basic mechanics theorems and calculation formulas.

The concept of elements is derived from the fact that crops need fertilizer and people need food.

Adding water to quicklime produces heat and turns into slaked lime, leading to chemical replacement reactions, and then to the law of energy conservation and so on.

As mentioned earlier, what he has to do is to establish a framework system.With the system, people can study various problems according to the logic in it.

With the guidance of the system, people can deeply explore the inner connection of things and make breakthroughs in science.

However, considering practical issues, this book covers relatively little astronomy, which is too sensitive.

He also simply clicked on the theory of daily travel, which is used to explain the changes of day and night, four seasons and some common phenomena.

He didn't dare to say anything about the eight major planets. Li Shimin probably would have exploded if this thing got out.

But astronomy is the least important thing when the basic sciences have not yet been established.

When the basic disciplines are established, even if Chen Jingke doesn't do it, there will still be people who will do the research, so he didn't make any fuss about it.


The above knowledge is actually equivalent to the science level of junior high school, but it is already very advanced for the ancients.

Lu Cai read very hard, he had to carefully consider every question and even every sentence, even so, he couldn't understand most of them.

But the part that he could understand gave him enough inspiration and answered many of his previous questions, which also made him more and more convinced that the content in the book was true.

The more he believed that this knowledge was true, the more he wanted to study it.

Seeing that he was about to indulge in it, Chen Jingke had to remind: "Mr. Lu, how is this book?"

Lu Cai raised his head in a daze, and then came to his senses, couldn't help exclaiming: "It's really a rare book, I don't know how the real person knows this knowledge?"

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "I have another teacher, and later I learned Confucian classics from my master. These are all taught by my original teacher."

Lu Cai asked: "I don't know who the master is, and where is the fairy house? Can a real person recommend it for you?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said, "They are no longer in this world."

Lu Cai thought he was no longer alive, and regretfully said, "Ling Shi is really a god, I wish I could ask him for advice in person."

Immediately he said excitedly: "The real person is also a genius, and he can master such advanced physics at a young age."

Chen Jingke said: "You think too highly of me. These are actually just the basics of physics. I haven't had time to learn the really advanced knowledge."

"This..." Lu Cai didn't know what to say. In his opinion, the knowledge was too deep to imagine, but the other party said it was just the foundation.

Then his original master's inheritance, how deep his research on physics should be, it makes people yearn for it.

Seeing him taking the bait, Chen Jingke slowly stated his purpose: "Mr. Lu should be able to see that this knowledge is good for the country and the people."

"I have no intention of cherishing myself with my broom. I want to teach this method to the people of the world so that they can study it together."

"In this way, we can not only benefit the world with this method, but also gather the power of everyone to study deeper physics knowledge."

Lu Cai said in admiration: "A real person is a man of high integrity, and Lu admires it."

Chen Jingke continued: "However, Mr. Lu should also know that this study is not favored by the mainstream, and it is extremely difficult to promote it."

Lu Cai said with deep empathy: "It is indeed the prejudice of most people to emphasize classics and despise material things. If a real person prints and publishes this book, I am afraid it will be difficult to accomplish anything."

Chen Jingke said: "So I am going to take two steps. The first step is to make this book public and attract talents who are interested in Gewu to join."

"The second is to establish a school in Zixiao Temple, recruit some poor families from the bottom, and teach them physics."

"Physics enthusiasts who go to Laige can also be placed in the school, and everyone can study and study physics together, and they can also be teachers to those students."

Lu Cai thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "This method costs a lot of money, even with the power of Zixiao's observation, I'm afraid it won't last long."

Chen Jingke said confidently: "Money is not a problem. Not only can I solve the funding required for research, but I can also give everyone a salary. So that they can concentrate on studying physics without any worries."

Lu Cai saw that he was so confident, so he didn't ask any more questions, but said: "If so, this method is indeed a good method. If there is no emperor's order, I would like to go."

Chen Jingke looked at him poorly, and said: "Actually, it is precisely for this reason that I came to see Mr. today."

Lu Cai said with a troubled face: "This... Xie Zhenren's love, it's not because I don't want to go, it's really the emperor's order."

Chen Jingke knew what he was thinking. The officials of the Hongwen Museum, who are serious and honest, are now in the eyes of the emperor, and their future is still very good.

It is impossible to leave a good official and go to Zixiao Temple to be a gentleman.

He is an all-rounder, and Gewu is only a small part of all knowledge for him, it is just a hobby.

It is impossible to give up everything else for the sake of hobbies.

So before Chen Jingke came, he knew that he would refuse, and he also thought of a way to deal with it, saying: "Mr. Lu misunderstood, I am not asking you to resign and join the academy, but I hope to use your reputation."

"The more knowledgeable a person is, the easier it is to be arrogant. I am afraid that those who like to study things will despise me because of my age, and thus despise the study of physics."

"That's why I want to invite you to serve as the academy's sacrificial wine. If you have time, go there and help me clean up the place. You don't have to worry about the saint, I will go and ask for his consent."

Having said that, he got up and saluted solemnly: "I also ask Mr. Lu to help me."

Lu Cai quickly came over to help him, and said: "How can this be done? You are kind to Lu, how can I accept your gift?"

Chen Jingke couldn't stand up and said: "Mr. Lu promised me to get up."

Lu Cai couldn't help it, so he could only say: "Lu Mou agreed, the real person please come quickly."

Only then did Chen Jingke get up, and said happily, "With Mr. Lu joining, this matter is over."

Lu Cai was half helpless, half delighted to be valued, and said: "Lu Mou is just a mediocre person, why is a real person like this?"

Chen Jingke smiled and said: "Mr. Lu is modest, if you are mediocre, there are no smart people in the world."

Lu Cai shook his head helplessly at first, and then said sternly: "You can go to the academy to help, but please forgive me for the sacrifice of wine, I absolutely cannot agree."

(End of this chapter)

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