Chapter 211

Chen Jingke had already expected his refusal to be the sacrificial wine.

It is obviously unrealistic for the dignified Hongwenguan bachelor to go to a small school as a sacrificial wine, even if it is only in name.

He didn't expect Lu to agree to it, the biggest purpose of this trip was to get the other party to agree to go to the academy.

As long as he gets involved, feels the purity of scientific research, and enjoys the sense of accomplishment brought about by overcoming difficulties, he will find that being an official is the dirtiest and most tiring thing in the world.

After that, if there is a little bit of trouble in the official career, he will abandon the official position and leave.

Sun Simiao is the most typical example. He was obsessed with medical research, and within a few days of being invited to be an official, he couldn't stand the stalking and doggoing in the officialdom, and resolutely resigned.

So after Lu Cai refused, he didn't continue to force, but pretended to be regretful and said: "That's really a pity."

After that, the two began to study the contents of the physics book, mainly Lu Cai asked questions, and Chen Jingke explained to him.

After the explanation by professionals, all the previous puzzles suddenly became clear, which made Lu Cai even more excited.

Chen Jingke was also secretly shocked by the other party's ability to accept and learn. He really deserves to be an all-rounder, and he really understands every point.

It's so rewarding to teach this kind of students - I'm such a good teacher.

Once you immerse yourself in learning this kind of thing, the time will pass very quickly, and before you know it, it's time to get off work.

They got off work in the afternoon, which meant they even forgot their lunch.

Lu Cai said embarrassingly: "It's really rude, even let the real person accompany me until now, even lunch is useless..."

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "It's nothing, that's how learning is. Once immersed in it, you will forget the time and forget your hunger. I often do this."

"Okay, it's not too early and I should go back. The book is left for you, you read it slowly, and if you don't understand something, go to Zixiaoguan to find me."

Lu Cai said happily: "Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient, and I'll see you off."


I didn't feel it when I was busy, but my stomach started to growl when I was free.

He wanted to buy some snacks to fill his stomach, but in such a place close to the palace, no vendor dared to open his eyes and come to sell things.

When we arrived at the boundary of Zixiao Temple, there were more people selling things.The small square at the entrance is a market, and there are people selling everything.

But there is no need to buy it when they are all at the door of the house. All the way back to my small courtyard, I can smell the aroma of barbecue from a long distance away.

He was very puzzled, where did the fragrance come from?Is this a hallucination or what?
After pushing the door and entering the courtyard, I realized that it was not a hallucination, but someone was actually grilling meat.I saw two little maids sitting around a brazier, eating very happily.

"Ahem." He coughed dryly and said, "What are you two doing?"

The maids were very happy to see him come back, Yuzhu said braggingly: "My real man, you are back, look at this is Yi Nu's elder sister's grilled sparrow meat, it's so delicious, you can try it."

Chen Jingke was hungry, so he would not be polite.I walked over to pick up a bunch, and found that the roast was really good, the color was golden, and it looked very appetizing.

After taking a bite, the skin was crispy on the outside and the meat inside was tender and delicious. He couldn't help but praise: "Okay, it's so delicious. I didn't know you have this skill before Yi Nu."

Yi Nu laughed and said: "Didn't you have the opportunity to do it before? Today, the fishing net caught many birds that wanted to steal. It's a pity to lose them, so I moved my mind."

While he was talking, he saw a turtledove tied headfirst into a fishing net, fluttering and struggling for a while and then stopped moving.

Chen Jingke understood everything, this is really waiting for the bird.

In this era, there was no large-scale hunting or large-scale use of pesticides. There were so many birds, overwhelming the sky.

When the crops are about to mature, special personnel must be sent to the fields to guard and drive them away, so birds have been regarded as pests for a long time.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. Although birds can eat insects, when the number of them exceeds a certain limit, they will cause harm to crops and become harmful.

In short, two words, balance.

Chen Jingke ate more than a dozen of them one after another before he felt less uncomfortable in his stomach, and then slowed down to taste them.

There is one thing to say, the game tastes really good once in a while.The fly in the ointment was that the birds were small and didn't have much meat, and he didn't even eat half full after adding up to a dozen of them.

On the contrary, she looked at the two maids very puzzled, Yuzhu asked: "The real person didn't eat lunch, or is it that sister Yi Nu baked too deliciously?"

Chen Jingke swallowed the meat in his mouth, and said: "There are all of them. There is nothing to say about Yi Nu's craftsmanship. I really didn't eat at noon."

Yi Nu was puzzled and said, "Didn't you go to visit Xueshi Lu in the Hongwen Hall? Didn't he take care of you?"

Chen Jingke said: "The two of us are too fascinated by research and learning, it's been a while since we recovered, and we forgot to eat lunch."

Yuzhu said distressedly: "Xueshi Lu is really rude, real person, please eat more, I will pick the bird from the Internet and let Sister Yi Nu roast it for you."

Chen Jingke said: "You can't just eat meat, but it's okay to roast it all. I will send it to Master and Sister Wu later, so that they can also taste Yi Nu's craftsmanship."

In fact, he felt a little tired after slowing down, not because of Yi Nu's craftsmanship, but purely because of the seasoning.

Without chili and cumin, can barbecue be called barbecue?

Many seasonings in later generations have not been used at this time, resulting in the inability to make many dishes or the taste they should have.

It seems that it is time for people to collect it.

Thinking of this, he said: "Yi Nu, let someone inform my three cronies tomorrow, let them come to the temple, and say that I have something important to discuss."

Yi Nu laughed lightly, she naturally knew who the 'huppenggouyou' were: "Okay, I'll send someone to invite them over tomorrow morning."

After baking the ones in her hand, she said again: "There are pastries in the room, how about I get some for you?"

Chen Jingke said: "Go, and bring a pot of water by the way."

After a big meal, Hesai finally filled his stomach. During his break, Yi Nu found a food box and put the rest of the barbecue in it.

He picked up and gave some to Sun Simiao and Wu Shu respectively.


There was nothing to say all night, and he went to the backyard early the next morning.First, I went to the small school to check the training facilities. The construction has basically been completed, and it will be ready to use almost tomorrow.

Then they found Xu Shanying and the other five, and said, "Okay, now you can tell me your answers."

Xu Shanying and the five of them handed in a page of paper each, and he took it and read it one by one, and he really thought so.

First, he took out Xu Shanying's answer and asked, "You said that soldiers are the swords in the hands of the monarch, why do you say that?"

Xu Shanying groaned for a long time before saying: "Because we are acting according to the king's orders. We will do whatever the saint tells us to do."

After speaking, he looked at him anxiously.

Chen Jingke nodded and said, "It makes sense."

Xu Shanying breathed a sigh of relief, he thought he would be reprimanded.

Chen Jingke changed another answer and said, "Yan Feng, you said that the meaning of soldiers' existence is to kill, why?"

Yan Feng replied: "Soldiers are used to fight. Once the world is peaceful, soldiers will go to Kuma and release Nanshan."

Chen Jingke said: "Okay, it makes sense."

He also randomly selected a question for the remaining three people, and the answers were all similar.

The army is the sword of the monarch, it is used to kill, and its purpose is to kill the enemy.

Chen Jingke couldn't be said to be disappointed with this answer, after all, he was already psychologically prepared.After deliberating for a while, he said:
"From your own point of view, your answer is not a problem. And it's really embarrassing for you to answer such a question."

This is a bit hurtful, Yan Feng couldn't help asking: "I'm so bold, I want to hear what real people have to say."

The other four all showed worried expressions, for fear that he would anger Chen Jingke.

Chen Jingke smiled slightly, and did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically:
"Scholars pay attention to self-cultivation, regulating the family, governing the country and the world, and also building a world of great harmony. Why can't soldiers have similar pursuits?"

"There are also many types of killing. Killing for the sake of killing or to vent anger is an evil act against humanity."

"To protect the people of one side and to give the race a living space, that is a just act. At least from our own standpoint, it is just."

After all, they had also read books, and they could understand what he said, and they were even more surprised because they could understand.

It seems that this really makes sense, and the soldier suddenly became taller when he said it this way.

Chen Jingke paused, gave them time to react, and then said: "So the army is a violent organ of the state."

"The meaning of its existence is to protect the safety of one side and expand the territory; its purpose is to be loyal to the emperor, patriotic, protect the border and the people. What do you think of this answer?"

The five people glanced at each other, Xu Shanying said hesitantly: "That's good, I'm very excited to hear it, but I always feel weird."

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "I know why you find it strange, because some people have been trying to belittle the soldiers and want to trample the soldiers under their feet."

"However, these issues are things that big people should consider, and we can't control it and don't worry about it."

"Now let me tell you why the responsibility of the military is to protect the country and the people..."

"If you want to understand this problem, you must first understand where soldiers come from and why they exist..."

"A small mouth is a person, a medium mouth is a family, and a big mouth is a country...One individual forms a family, and each family forms a country. The country should in turn protect the family and the people. The three are interdependent."

"...We come from the people, and every grain of food we eat comes from the hard work of farmers...People must know how to be grateful."

"Protecting the country and the people is also protecting your own family and wealth, that's why I said it was a military accusation."

"Those who slaughter the people to vent their anger at every turn, one counts as one, should go to hell and suffer forever..."

The front is still normal, although the viewpoint is novel, it sounds really tall, Xu Shanying and five people are very excited.Believe it or not, anyway, there will be bragging capital in the future.

But listening to them, they felt that something was wrong. What's going on?Why are you making fun?
While trembling, who will stop him from dying?

(End of this chapter)

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