The Tang Dynasty started from saving Empress Changsun

Chapter 288 The Famous Ministers and Generals of the Future

Chapter 288 The Famous Ministers and Generals of the Future
Chen Jingke ran out of Ganlu Hall in a little embarrassment, and the waiters around couldn't help laughing.

They heard the emperor's mocking voice outside the palace just now, so they naturally knew that this was a sign of favor, and they became more polite to Chen Jingke.

After running far away, Chen Jingke looked back with lingering fear, and Li Shimin's sarcastic voice seemed to be still echoing in his ears.

Naturally, he couldn't hide his plan from Li Shimin, as Xiaobaicai's father was so angry.For him, it's just a verbal output, the kind that doesn't use dirty words when swearing.

But fortunately, in the end Li Shimin gave him face and agreed to get Wu Yuanshuang into Baiqisi.

As for Wu Yuanqing, after all, the decency that the eldest son should have should be preserved, and the Tang Dynasty did not allow father and son brothers to serve in the same army, so he was given a moderate idle position.

All in all, Chen Jingke has the capital to handle them, and he is not afraid of them making trouble for Wu Shu.

Going back to the temple and telling Wu Shu about this matter, she was naturally very happy and let him take advantage of it, but the bottom line has never been broken.

She is the Sun family's wife, and losing her virginity before marriage is a big stain, so Chen Jingke has only had a sex addiction, and has nothing to do with it.

The two of them reviewed the recent events together to see if there were any omissions.

Since taking charge of Zixiao Temple, Wu Shu's talent in a certain aspect has been activated, and his scheming and wrist have been improved like a rocket.

Chen Jingke is also used to discussing things with her and listening to her opinions, which is why he hasn't made any big mistakes recently.

The only thing that makes Wu Shu dissatisfied is: "If you don't publish the article targeting the gentry in such a hurry, you can post it a month or two later, when the matter is a foregone conclusion."

Chen Jingke explained: "It is no exaggeration to say that the sage's attack on the gentry was all because of my persuasion. What would he think if I, the initiator, were timid?"

"Furthermore, Zixiao Guan can rely on His Majesty's trust today. If you lose trust, you will be beaten back to your original we must act as vanguards at critical moments."

"With this statement, we can truly stand on the same front as the saint, and we can enjoy the glory and wealth with peace of mind in the future."

It is very dangerous if morality is not matched and merit is not matched.Which one of the Guanlong Group and the emerging honorable class has not made great military exploits for the Tang Dynasty?

Zixiao Temple has indeed made merits, saving the queen's life and controlling the disease of the royal family, this is not a small contribution.But that's not enough, they have to make a political statement.

This statement was not only for the emperor, but also for the Guanlong Group and the Xinxing nobles, telling them the position of Zixiaoguan.

Only those who have merit and a firm stand are eligible to share the final fruits of victory.

With this statement, Li Shimin will pay more attention to and seriously consider the feasibility of any new policies he proposes in the future.

Doing so will definitely be targeted by the gentry, but it doesn't matter.There was no Zixiao Temple three years ago, so it would be a big deal to start all over again.

What's more, although the power of the gentry is strong, the strength of Taoism is not weak. As the leader of Taoism, Zixiao Temple is not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch.

Wu Shu also understood this truth, so he could only say helplessly: "Hey, that's the truth, but it's still too dangerous to do so."

"You have to be careful for a long time to come, don't give them a chance."

Chen Jingke comforted: "Don't worry, I'm fine, I won't even go out, and I'll bring ten or eight guards with me when I go out."

Wu Shu warned: "Don't go to crowded places... In short, don't go out."

After finishing the mundane affairs, Chen Jingke returned to his small courtyard.The two little maids were especially attentive today, their eyes full of charm.

Well, you don't need to count the days, just looking at the expressions of the two of them, Chen Jingke knows that the half-month period has come, and today is the day to eat meat.

But he was not in a hurry, he shut himself in the study and started taking notes after comforting the two of them.

In the recent period, what shocked him the most was undoubtedly the appearance of Liu Rengui. This big boss who should have risen in Li Zhichao appeared ahead of schedule.

Under the instigation of his little butterfly wings, Datang became more and more unrecognizable, and now his advantage of being familiar with the plot has almost lost its effect.

He also hesitated about this, lost the advantage of the plot, what should he do next?
But soon he figured out one thing, it seems that he hasn't used the plot advantage much so far.

Almost all of them are doing things relying on the knowledge of previous lives and the vision of 2000 years beyond the times.So the plot advantage may have an impact, but the impact is far from as great as imagined.

However, it's fine if you don't have the plot advantage, but if you have this advantage but don't know how to use it, you'd be stupid.

The matter of Liu Rengui reminded him that he could discover and train famous generals and ministers during Li Zhi and Wu Zetian's period in advance.

After 30 or [-] years, even if I lie at home and do nothing, I can exert influence on the court.

What he has to do now is to carefully recall the big shots of Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, and see which ones can be collected.

But unfortunately, he doesn't know much about this period of history, and he doesn't know much about the big shots of this period.

And what he knows, there are very few that can be used by him.

Not to mention the elders like Changsun Wuji, Li Ji, and Cheng Yaojin, people like Chu Suiliang, Yu Zhining, Li Yifu, Xu Jingzong, and Shangguanyi have almost made their fortunes and there is nothing he can do about it.

People like Pei Xingjian and Master Xu Yu are all from aristocratic families, so as long as they are talented, there is no shortage of opportunities for advancement, and there is nothing he can do about it.

If you want to find it, you can only look for someone like Liu Rengui, who has a relatively poor family background and has not yet made a fortune.

Soon he locked on to the target.

One is Wang Fangyi, this one is both civil and military, and has never lost a single battle.The famous Suiye City, which is the city where the great poet Li Bai was born, was built by him.

He is the grandson of Princess Tong'an, Li Yuan's same mother and sister, but he is not his own grandson. Princess Tong'an has only one daughter and no son.

As the eldest son of the concubine, Wang Fangyi's father automatically possessed the status of the first son, but it was a pity that he was also a short-lived person and died very early.

He has been dependent on his widowed mother since he was a child, and Princess Tong'an, who has no son, regards them as thorns in the flesh and finds fault everywhere.

There is a difference between closeness and closeness, Li Shimin naturally helped his aunt unconditionally, so he ordered Wang Fangyi's mother and son to move to live in another courtyard in the countryside.

In the reign of Emperor Gaozong, Princess Tong'an finally died, and Wang Fangyi's mother and son were able to return to the capital, because the relationship between Wang and Empress was reused by Li Zhi.

Let me explain, he also has another identity, the cousin of Li Zhi's Queen Wang.

Because of this identity, he was reused by Li Zhi, and because of this identity, he was feared by Wu Zetian, and he was relegated and died of depression.

It can be said that his life was also full of tragedy.

It is precisely because of this that few people know about his reputation. In fact, in terms of talent, he can definitely be ranked among the top ten in Tang Gaozong's period.

Wang Fangyi should be 16 years old this year, and he is living in poverty with his widowed mother in the countryside.According to historical records, he repaired dilapidated houses and farmed the fields to make ends meet.

This time should be the most difficult time for him. If I show up to help him, I should be able to accept his heart.

It's very simple to help him, just find a chance to get him to Baiqisi.

As for whether Princess Tong'an has any objections, who cares about her.There is no need to worry about Li Shimin, a ruthless person who can kill even his own brother, really cares about an aunt?
All right, write down this name, and find someone to inquire about his situation in a few days.

In addition to Wang Fangyi, there is another well-known "famous general", that is Xue Rengui.

Why put quotation marks, because his record is a bit unworthy of the title of famous general.

He made his fortune because of Li Shimin's outstanding performance in the battle of Goguryeo, and was promoted exceptionally.

However, you can understand who his boss is, Xuanwu gate guard Zhang Shigui, one of Li Shimin's most trusted generals.

In the script, Zhang Shigui was the big villain who persecuted Xue Rengui, but in real history he admired Xue Rengui very much, and it can be said that he was raised as a disciple.

It is worth mentioning that Xue Rengui did not enlist in the army, but took the initiative to ask Zhang Shigui to join the army.

A young man whose family was in trouble, went directly to the leading general and told him that he wanted to be a soldier.Then the general readily agreed and appointed him as his pro-army.

If there is no trick in the middle, I am afraid no one will believe it.

It's just that there is no record of the relationship between the two in history, and everyone can only guess that the elders knew each other.

Anyway, Xue Rengui became Zhang Shigui's pro-army as soon as he appeared on the stage.

During the Battle of Goguryeo, Zhang Shigui gave him the easiest opportunity to make meritorious service, and only then did the story of the young general in white robes appear in the storybook.

Three Arrows Ding Tianshan is also very watery, because the coach when he conquered Tie Le was Liu Shenli, and he was only a deputy general.

Later, the commander-in-chief of Ping Liaodong was also Li Ji, Su Dingfang and others, and he was also just a lieutenant general.

Counting these achievements on his head is really a bit disrespectful of martial arts.

The first time he led the army independently was the battle of Dafeichuan with Tubo. The result was a big defeat, loss of soldiers and generals, and Datang completely lost the buffer of Tuyuhun.

From then on, Tubo's soldiers could reach the border of the Tang Dynasty directly, threatening the Hexi Corridor and the Protectorate of the Western Regions.

Although someone explained that it was some of his subordinates who disobeyed orders and acted without authorization that caused the big defeat.But as a coach, he can't even control his generals. Isn't this a small problem?
Because of the failure of this battle, Datang could only passively defend against Tubo for the next ten years.It was not until Hei Chi Changzhi and Lou Shide defeated Tubo ten years later that the situation was completely reversed.

Therefore, Xue Rengui is indeed worthy of being a famous general.

But it would be embarrassing to say that he has no real talents and knowledge. He is indeed very brave in battle, and the aliens he fights are afraid of him.

There is also a certain strategy and strategic vision, which can be used as a counselor for military affairs.

But he can be the chief of staff, he can be a fierce general, but he cannot be the commander in chief.

But this is already good, and it is a talent worth investing in.

Moreover, his parents died early and his family was in trouble, and he still failed to achieve anything in his 20s.It wasn't until Li Shimin conquered Liaodong that he mustered up the courage to join the army under his wife's persuasion.

Now find him and recruit him into the Baiqi Division to train him, and he will become a ready-made general in a short time.

Thinking of this, Chen Jingke wrote Xue Rengui's name on the paper again.

Then the next name is about to come out, Lou Shide, the big man who is covering for Xue Rengui.

You may be very unfamiliar with this name, and you rarely see this name in film and television dramas, but in history he is a famous figure and general with both civil and military skills.

The record of history before his fortune is only one sentence, he was a Jinshi at the age of 20, and then he disappeared.There is no record of who are the famous elders in the family, and who are the fathers and grandparents.

One must know that the history books will record in detail the famous people from their ancestors, such as Hou Junji, Liu Rengui, and Xue Rengui, whose families have fallen.

There is no mention of Lou Shide's relevant situation, and there are countless people who have been treated like him in history books.

If you sum up the rules, you will find that generally there is only one possibility for such a situation, which is not from a famous family.

They even came from relatively low backgrounds, so low that those who wrote history books didn't bother to record them.

However, judging from his ability to read, and the fact that he was admitted to the Jinshi of the Zhongming Classics at the age of 20, he was not born in poverty.

There is a high probability that they are rich households in the local area, or relatively small poor households.

This kind of person is also worth cultivating. According to his age, Lou Shide should be only eight or nine years old at this moment, and he happened to find him as an apprentice.

Thinking about the records about him in history, Chen Jingke became excited.

He won the Jinshi first, and then he threw a pen and joined the army.He has a strong personality and can endure what ordinary people can't bear. He can be called the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

He was victorious in all battles, and Tubo, who was in full swing, had no choice but to kneel before him.

He is especially good at farming and development, and he starts farming wherever he goes.When others lead troops to fight, they need to transfer rations from the rear, but he produces and uses them himself in battle.

Fighting a long-term war of attrition can be called invincible in the world.

During the Wu and Zhou Dynasties, the situation in the Western Regions was maintained only by the support of his farmland in the west.Wu Zetian appointed him as the prime minister and also let him serve as the ambassador of Tuntian.

Chen Jingke is particularly greedy for his farming and development skills. If it is placed in the Ningyuan area (Fergana Basin) with favorable geographical conditions, it will not take many years to turn it into a Datang advance base.

Then Datang can achieve complete control over the Western Regions without relying on the food and grass in the Central Plains.It can even use this as a basis to compete with the Arabs for the supremacy of Central West Asia.

The fourth name is a bit unexpected, Li Xiaoyi.Just by looking at the first two characters, you can tell that it is Li Tang's clan.

In fact, he is indeed the clan, the son of Li Shentong, and the younger brother of Li Daoyan.

This rare early wisdom was highly valued during Gaozong's period.

Because of Xue Rengui's defeat in Dafeichuan, Datang could only take a defensive position in the face of Tubo.

His famous battle is to lead troops to quell Li Jingye's rebellion.

However, Li Zhi was dead at that time, and Wu Zetian took over the power alone, and began to eradicate Li Tang's clan in order to become the empress.

Li Xiaoyi, who is outstanding and capable of commanding troops, naturally became the primary target, and was relegated to a place of bitter cold to die of hatred.

It can be said that if he hadn't met Wu Zetian, he would have a high probability of becoming such famous generals as Li Xiaogong and Li Daozong.

Now that history has changed, if nothing else happens, he should be able to make a difference in the future.

Getting him to Baiqisi can not only make friends with him, but also reassure Li Shimin, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.


Then he wrote down a few more names, one of which was Di Renjie, but he put a question mark behind the name.

The reason is very simple. Although Di Renjie is not from a famous family, his family has been officials for generations. It is not known whether his family will give Zi Xiao face.

After some screening, he wrote down the names of more than a dozen people, but more than half of them didn't know where they were, so they could only look for them slowly.

But he is not superstitious about these celebrities, and it doesn't matter if he finds the best one.

There are many talents in the world, but most of them lack a bit of luck and have not found opportunities to display their talents.

As long as education is done well, there will be more great talents emerging in a steady stream in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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