Chapter 289 Stupid Yinan

Just when Chen Jingke was worrying about how to find all these people, an opportunity appeared.

He found out that June 23 was the anniversary of the death of Wang Yu, the husband of Princess Tong'an.

In the 21st century, it doesn't matter what the death day is or not, but it was a very important thing in ancient times. On this day, the descendants of the deceased must pay homage.

It is not necessary to go to the tomb. Some people are not convenient in other places. They just need to ban entertainment on that day and set up incense tables at home to offer candlelight tributes.

Among Wang Yu's descendants, Wang Fangyi, the only seedling, who is young and has not yet become an official, lives not far from the capital, so he must come back to pay homage.

Otherwise, it is unfilial, and no one can afford this crime.

It is already the beginning of June, and there are only ten days left before Wang Yu's death.He decided to find an excuse to go to Princess Tong'an's mansion that day, and he must keep Wang Fangyi.

As for the excuse, it's not too easy to find, isn't it only right and proper to take the little son out to play at the aunt's house.

Even if he didn't bring his little son along, and he had the audacity to visit as a prospective son-in-law, there would be no problem.

If it doesn't work, someone can stop Wang Fangyi on the way. In short, there are many ways.

Afraid of forgetting this matter, he also told Yi Nu and Yu Zhu: "Help me remember one thing."

"I'm going to visit Princess Tong'an on June 23, so I'll be notified three or four days in advance so I can make preparations."

The two little maids didn't ask why, and solemnly recorded the matter in their notebooks.

While Chen Jingke was busy collecting talents, the outside world became turbulent because of the court's successive actions.

Faced with the imperial court's pressing force, the gentry did not sit still.

First, they criticized the imperial court verbally and in writing. They dare not openly oppose the academic and political system, which is equivalent to offending all scholars in the world.

Instead, they aimed at the "Nine Classics" annotated by Hongwenguan, criticized and slandered them from various angles, and criticized these books as worthless.

It's just a matter of directly saying that the emperor deliberately misinterpreted the original intention of the sages and used them to enslave and poison living beings.

At the same time, they also began to attack the clan and the ministers in the court. A certain clan bullied men and women in Yurou Township, and a certain minister was arrogant and domineering and disregarded human life...

In short, in a very short period of time, almost all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty became big villains.

Even Zixiaoguan and Chen Jingke were no exception. They were sprayed as lackeys of the royal family, who raped and killed civilian women and so on.

But fortunately, they still had concerns and did not target Sun Simiao.

Their means are not limited to this. In addition to building up public opinion, they also use practical actions to obstruct the establishment of the academic and political system.

First create difficulties in the census work, and confuse the uninformed people to evade or even resist the census, in order to consume the energy of the court.

In addition, they also used the officials they wooed to find various excuses to oppose and delay the establishment of the school.

It can be said that their actions were very successful, and the whole basin of water was muddied for a while.

However, from the perspective of the overall situation of the whole country, the basic situation of Datang is still as stable as Mount Tai, and it has not become chaotic as the gentry expected.

Li Shimin said excitedly: "Let Chen Jingke's elders be right again. The gentry are just a bunch of paper tigers. They look scary, but in reality they are just three tricks. After playing with them, they will be at their wit's end."

But Changsun Wuji shook his head and said, "To say they are paper tigers is biased. The most powerful part of the gentry is the network of relationships they have weaved for hundreds of years."

"However, His Majesty separated them from Guanlong and Xungui by feuding the country, and separated them from poor families by studying politics and imperial examinations, breaking their network of relationships."

"If they lose their relationship network, they will become fish out of water. If they can't jump up, they can only be slaughtered by you, but you need to beware of them jumping over the wall in a hurry."

Li Shimin's mood gradually calmed down, and he said: "That's true. The most worrying thing is that they want to overturn the table if they can't win in the card game, and collude with foreign enemies to invade Datang."

Changsun Wuji nodded and said: "Liaodong, Xue Yantuo, Western Turks, Southwestern Yi and Feng's are all possible. Your Majesty should warn the frontier troops to take precautions so as not to be taken advantage of by the enemy."

Li Shimin said: "I had expected this a long time ago. The Western Turkic side has Hou Junji to deal with it."

"There is no need to worry too much in Liaodong. Gao Jianwu is a cowardly and conservative man. He didn't dare to invade when Jieli was so powerful, and he dare not now."

"Xue Yantuo..." At this point, he took out a memorial and said, "You will know it after reading it."

Changsun Wuji took it and looked it over, showing a shocked expression, and said after a while: "I really can't believe that such a wise and powerful man, Yi Nan, would make such a stupid mistake."

Why are you? It turns out that Yinan came up to play, asking to make his eldest son and son a Khan.

To put it bluntly, he divided Xue Yantuo into several shares while he was still alive, and distributed them to his favored son, which can be called a typical representative of self-tweeting.

Li Shimin said sarcastically: "Hehe...Xue Yantuo is becoming more and more powerful and showing signs of replacing the Eastern Turks. Originally, I was still thinking about whether to take advantage of his power to send troops to conquer."

"Who would have thought that he would divide up his family by himself. Xue Yantuo would split up immediately after he died, and it would no longer be a trouble to the Tang Dynasty."

Changsun Wuji said: "Yes, His Majesty should immediately agree to his request and canonize his two sons as khans, lest he go back on his word."

Li Shimin said: "I will issue an edict tomorrow morning."

Changsun Wuji said again: "But we have to be careful, this is Yi Nan's plan to deliberately paralyze us."

Li Shimin said deeply: "The auxiliary machine understands me, and this is what I worry about. But no matter what Yi Nan plans, we have to make it come true."

There are no fathers and sons in front of power, and it is only a matter of one sentence for him to make his son a khan.But if in the future he regrets and wants to take back the Khan position of a certain son, it will inevitably lead to father and son turning against each other.

It doesn't matter whether he wants to paralyze Datang, or he really wants to divide the family between his two sons.When he came up with this idea, the ending was already doomed.

That's why Li Shimin and Changsun Wuji ridiculed him for being stupid.

Li Shimin said again: "Yi Nan is in the prime of life, I am afraid that he will really become the second Xieli in his lifetime. So we plan to place the descendants of the Eastern Turks in Baidaochuan, what do you think of the auxiliary machine?"

Changsun Wuji pondered, "Bai Daochuan is right under Xue Yantuo's nose, and both sides have feuds. If His Majesty places East Turkic here, it may cause the barbarians to renounce."

Li Shimin said: "Even if you don't do this, Xue Yantuo can be united with Datang? After several years of recuperation, Datang has recovered."

"With glass, white sugar, and the Indochina Peninsula as a granary, our Tang Dynasty can be said to have enough food for soldiers, and it is time to use troops abroad."

"It's just that sending troops requires a famous teacher. Xue Yantuo has always pretended to be very respectful to Datang, and it's not easy for me to use troops against him."

"Placing the Eastern Turkic Tribe in Baidaochuan, Yi Nan must not be able to bear this tone. Once he sends troops to attack the Turkic tribes, my Tang Dynasty will have a reason to send troops."

"Several fights like this can not only train our Tang's cavalry, but also weaken Xue Yantuo's power. It can serve multiple purposes."

"Besides, the strength of the Eastern Turks will inevitably be damaged if they are caught in the middle. We can take this opportunity to disperse them and move them to the south."

"Give them Han names, wear Han clothes, teach them how to farm and weave, and within ten years they will become, Tang people."

Changsun Wuji knew that this must be influenced by Chen Jingke, but he himself quite agreed with this assimilation policy.

In other words, when the Eastern Turks just surrendered, he supported the dispersal and resettlement for enlightenment.

It's just that Li Shimin himself was conservative at the critical moment and listened to Wen Yanbo's advice to preserve the Turkic tribe.

Later, Chen Jingke was born, which completely reversed Li Shimin's cognition in this regard, and made him choose the method of scattered placement and education.

After so many years of tossing, he finally returned to the starting point, and Changsun Wuji couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After talking about Xue Yantuo, the two brought the topic back to the beginning.

Li Shimin said: "Feng An has always wanted to separate the territory and become king, so I will fulfill him. Among the people who visited Zhuzi Island this time, one of them is his son Feng Zhidai."

Changsun Wuji said in admiration: "Your Majesty is wise, if no one is willing to be your enemy with Datang, I believe he will make the right choice."

"In this way, Liaodong, Xue Yantuo, Western Turks, and Lingnan Feng's are all nothing to worry about, and only the Southwestern Yi are left."

Li Shimin said: "Although the judgment of the Southwestern Yi is uncertain, they are divided into several large tribes, and there are countless small tribes under the large tribes. Without a unified voice, it will be difficult for the gentry to contact them."

"Even if some tribes can be persuaded to rebel, it is difficult to have too much influence on my Tang Dynasty."

"What's more, I have already allocated some artillery to Daoyan. With his ability and artillery, the Southwest Yi can't make any waves."

Changsun Wuji was completely relieved, and said: "In this way, Your Majesty can relax and solve the troubles of the gentry in one fell swoop."


Although the gentry is powerful, the Guanlong Group is the one who really holds the sword.Most of the key positions are people from Guan Long and Xinxing Xungui.

With their support, the opposition of the gentry seems to be very loud, but it hardly has any substantive effect.

What's more, this move has also been supported by poor families and local big households.

As Li Shimin said before, it is the poor and the grassroots that benefit the most from the government-university system.

They are the biggest sufferers who monopolize knowledge and monopolize the path of being an official.

Ordinary people don't even have enough to eat, so it doesn't matter whether they are officials or not, as long as their families don't lack money and have the capital to study and become officials.

But if you want to study, you will find that knowledge is in the hands of the nobles, and if you want to be an official, you will find that the path is blocked.

It can be said that they feel deep pain and disgust towards the tyranny of the gentry.

It's just that they were weak and didn't dare to offend the gentry. Now that the imperial court took the lead and supported by Guanlong and nobles, they naturally didn't want to be lonely.

To start a school, you need land and a school building, right?We sponsor for free.Lack of money and food, right?We donate.

Under the joint efforts of the three parties, academies sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, and soon most prefectures and counties completed hardware preparations.

Even in some places, even students have been recruited in sevens and eighties, just waiting for the teachers appointed by the imperial court to take their positions.

At this time, Datang had a total of 360 and 550 counties in [-] states, and there were almost [-] counties after Jimi Prefecture was removed.

With so many states and counties, if one prefecture has one state school and one county has one county school, there are a total of two thousand academies.

Each academy needs [-] students if calculated with ten students.

Even though Li Shimin had a lot of talents in his pocket, he couldn't fill such a big vacancy.

But this matter couldn't trouble him, and he didn't even need to worry about it, the teacher's matter had already been resolved in all sorts of ways.

Yihe found Chen Jingke and said, "Really, Kong Jijiu wants Mochizutan to make an announcement on his behalf."

Chen Jingke asked curiously, "Oh, what kind of announcement?"

Yihe said: "You can see the announcement of the recruitment of teachers."

As she spoke, she handed over a few pages of paper.

Chen Jingke took it over and read it again. The article was indeed written by Kong Yingda.The content is very simple, and the opening chapter directly states that as a descendant of Confucius, he will inherit the legacy of his ancestors.

At the same time, I also told everyone that as the successor of Confucianism, we should also inherit this ambition.Now that the country wants to establish a system of official schools, this is the best stage for Confucian disciples to realize their aspirations.

He called on Confucian scholars to take the initiative to apply to be a teacher in the academy.

There is no need to be afraid of failing to teach students well. All recruited teachers will be trained and will not be allowed to teach until they are qualified.

Of course, you can't be a gentleman for nothing, there are benefits.

All the students of the academy can enjoy a salary, and a relative of Enyin can enter the school without examination.If you have been teaching for five years, you will be ranked first in the imperial examination, and you can become an official directly after ten years.

Moreover, this preferential treatment is limited to the students recruited this year, and the students recruited in the future will no longer enjoy any preferential treatment except salary.

After reading this article, Chen Jingke couldn't help sighing: "The sage and Kong Jijiu are really smart. Once this announcement is issued, the unemployed scholars will not be crazy."

"This move not only solves the problem of teachers, but also trains a large number of reserve officials for the country. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

Yihe nodded and said: "Your Majesty is of course wise...then we will help send out this announcement?"

Chen Jingke said affirmatively: "Publish, not only post, but also publish in the most conspicuous position."

Yihe had expected it a long time ago, and was not surprised by this result, and said, "That's fine, I'll put it in the first article."

The facts are indeed as Chen Jingke said, when this announcement was issued, those scholars who were underappreciated went crazy.

They flocked to the local inspector's office to sign up.

Of course, not everyone wants it, and they still have to go through the selection process.The exam questions are public and are divided into three parts.

The first part is to randomly select a copy of the Nine Classics and Calculation Sutra for dictation.

The second part is the translation of the scriptures written silently by myself.

The third part is to write your own sentiments.

The questions are not difficult, but enough to pick out a qualified teacher.

While the outside world was busy going around, Chen Jingke, who was far away in Beijing, also became busy.

The one-month period he agreed with Baiqisi had arrived, and it was time to invite Li Shimin and others to watch the game.

(End of this chapter)

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