Chapter 335 Plot Loophole
Just when Xuanzang received the gift from Chen Jingke, Datang's Journey to the West has also been serialized to the third issue.

The content of this chapter is also wonderful, it can be regarded as a small climax, and it is also the last foreshadowing before the chaos in the heavenly palace.

They respectively talked about the official conferment of Qitian, traveling in the heavens, stealing flat peaches, holding a flat peach banquet, and going down to heaven again.

It's just that compared with the original version, Chen Jingke has added a lot of content, mainly the part about traveling in the heavens.

It's about Sun Wukong being crowned the Monkey King and doing nothing all day long.Today I go to this heaven, tomorrow I go to that heaven, and the day after tomorrow I go to another place. In short, I just can’t stay idle.

Through the perspective of Sun Wukong, it shows readers a more detailed view of heaven, and also allows readers to understand the specific duties of Taoist gods more clearly.

This paragraph is written in a witty way, which not only describes the magnificence of the heaven, but also is interesting to write.

For example, Monkey King went to the Moon Palace to pull the red thread and tie a chicken and a duck together.

Then there was a chicken and a duck in the world who fell in love, and then the pair of chickens and ducks were killed as evil spirits.

To send the womb, secretly put a pig in the belly of a donkey.Then a donkey gave birth to a pig in the world, which frightened everyone.

Such a plot will definitely be scolded in the previous life, and it has nothing to do with the main plot. Why do you write so much?Isn't it cheating money?

rnm money back.

But now it is the Tang Dynasty, and the types of novels are still relatively simple and routine. The appearance of Journey to the West at this time can be said to be at the crushing level.

Not only did everyone not feel that the part he added, Traveling the Heavens, was superfluous, on the contrary they watched it with relish.

Thanks to this, the new mythology system of Taoism has gradually gained popularity and become familiar to more and more people.

Monkey King played around and caused trouble everywhere. Although he didn't make any big mistakes, he still made small mistakes.

The immortals were so disturbed that they finally went to the Jade Emperor to complain.After some discussion, the immortals decided to find him something to do, preferably something that would be more leisurely and face-saving.

I don't know which wise man came up with the idea to suggest him to guard the Peach Garden.

Seeing this, Qiu Yangbai slapped the table with a smile: " are really smart to let a monkey guard Taoyuan."

Several students around shook their heads, knowing that he must be watching Journey to the West.

He has been fascinated since he saw Journey to the West for the first time, and he has watched those serialized episodes over and over again.

Not only that, but also went to the street to collect the versions processed by all the storytellers.

In his own words: "I want to collect all the editions into volumes and store them."

He didn't know how many difficulties his own behavior had created for the later generations of 'Western scholars'.But it is precisely because of his behavior that countless "Western scholars" have been supported.

These are all things for later, so let’s not press them for the time being.

Seeing that the immortals arranged for a monkey to guard the Taoyuan, the readers who laughed were not only Qiu Yangbai, but also many people.

As the story brews and ferments, Journey to the West is not only popular among the people, but also attracts more and more scholars.

Although they said that they were just little Doyle, they were more honest than each other, and rushed to buy the new issue of Mochizuki Tan at the first time.

If you can't grab it, you can find a way to buy it at a high price. If you can't buy it, you can only go to a storyteller to listen to it. In short, you must hear the latest issue before giving up.

Regarding the author's arrangement of monkeys to guard Taoyuan, some people think it is a failure, and some people think it is a foreshadowing.

But the follow-up plot soon told them that this was indeed a foreshadowing.

The monkey began to steal the flat peaches, and because the Queen Mother's Pantao Club didn't invite him, he ran to the venue and ate all the delicacies, and then ran to the Taishang Laojun's fairy mansion to eat all the elixir because of his drunkenness.

After waking up, he realized that something was wrong, so he prepared to run away.Before leaving, he went back to the place where the Peach Festival was held, and packed up the leftovers for the monkeys and grandchildren to eat.

When the queen mother came to the flat peach banquet, she found that the place was already in a mess.

Knowing that it was Sun Wukong who had fled back to Mount Huaguo, the Jade Emperor finally got angry and sent King Tota and the Third Prince Nezha to lead the heavenly soldiers and generals to crusade.

The book ends here abruptly. If you want to know what happened next, please listen to the next chapter.

Readers have long been accustomed to the author's disposition, and began to wait patiently after swearing at "a dog who talks about dreams out of chapters".

However, during the waiting period, they were not idle, but looked around for fellow fans to discuss the plot.

And what the monkey did in this chapter also caused a lot of controversy.

"Sun Wukong went to Yuelao Palace to randomly match strings. Luckily, Yuelao found out that he had only harmed two chickens and ducks. What if the people who were led were two unsuitable people?"

"Yes, if you ration a beautiful woman to a blind and lame beggar, wouldn't that be a tragedy?"

"Put the pig's fetus in the donkey's belly. If it were put on a human body... I can't even imagine the consequences."

"That's right, monkeys are too indiscriminate between right and wrong, so they are not kind."

Of course, some people defended him: "After all, monkeys have not received moral education from humans, so it is understandable that they don't know."

"That's right, and he only tied strings to the chickens and ducks, but he didn't show any affection, which shows that he still knows the seriousness. After being kicked out by Yuelao, he never had any affection, which shows that he has repented."

What caused controversy was not only the good and evil of monkeys, but also the setting of letting monkeys guard Taoyuan.

Most people think that the author made a mistake. In order to promote the plot, how could the immortals let a monkey guard the Pantao Garden?
There are also a few people who insist that there must be a follow-up, maybe this is a foreshadowing, and the author will make such a low-level mistake at the level of the author.Let everyone not express their opinions in a hurry, and you will know after the follow-up plot.

Chen Jingke is naturally aware of these disputes, so he is not surprised.

Because in the previous life, there were many controversies and speculations about the fact that the immortals let the monkeys guard the peach garden.

After the introduction of the Conferred God system, more and more people believed that it was a conspiracy to prepare for the follow-up Journey to the West Buddhist Dachang.

Chen Jingke is not interested in the Fengshen system, so naturally he would not adopt such a setting.

He made a patch later, and the arrival of the catastrophe blinded the hearts of the immortals, causing them to make misjudgments on some seemingly insignificant things.

And the accumulation of these little things will accelerate the doom.

However, these will not be revealed until the full text of Journey to the West is published, so let everyone discuss it now.

According to the hype experience in previous lives, the more controversial the more traffic, the more popular it is, and it is the same in ancient and modern times.


On this day, Yihe found Chen Jingke again, and said, "Really, the next issue of Havoc in Heaven will be stopped after the update is over. Is your new book ready?"

Chen Jingke said with some headaches: "I said you can urge me, but can you not urge me once a day, I am trembling when I hear your voice now."

Yihe covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Then you hurry up and give me the new story, and I won't rush you."

Chen Jingke said helplessly: "There is still one and a half months before the next issue. Why are you so anxious? You can write a novel if you want to, and you don't need to revise it. Don't worry, nothing will be missed."

Yihe smiled and said: "I know, I just came here to remind you, so that you don't forget."

Turn around and run away after speaking.

Only Chen Jingke was left angrily and said: "Look at you, look at what it looks like now, and don't pay attention to my majestic Zixiao Guan Shaoguan at all."

Wu Shu laughed, leaning back and forth, and said: "That's right, she is so hateful that she doesn't even take our real person seriously. Tomorrow, I will find someone to marry her and see who dares to marry her."

Chen Jingke said bitterly: "You think I dare not, hmph, I will marry you together."

Wu Shu patted his chest pretending to be frightened, and said, "Oh, I don't want it, I'm so scared... Poof, haha..."

Chen Jingke knew that he couldn't talk to her, and he was the one who would suffer if he continued talking, so he turned around and left.

Wu Shu also got up and followed, saying: "My real man, are you angry? Where are you going?"

Chen Jingke said in a muffled voice: "Go to the warehouse in the outer courtyard to have a look. I don't know how much Journey to the West has been printed."

Wu Shu also knew that the joke should not be too much, so he said along the way: "I know, there are more than [-] copies."

"Furthermore, Maoshan, Longhushan and other major book printing houses are also working hard to print. When the next Hope Monthly Talk is published, all of them should add up to more than [-] volumes, enough to cover most cities in the country."

Chen Jingke said as he walked: "It's good, but I don't think it's enough. The current sales volume of Mochizuki Tan has exceeded 16 copies, and it has affected millions of people."

"And there are countless people who like Journey to the West. Compared to these [-] volumes, it is nothing more than a splash."

Wu Shu said: "The influence of the book can't be compared with Mochizuki Tan in the short term."

Chen Jingke said distressedly: "But we need to build momentum in a short time now."

Wu Shu suggested: "Then don't stop the serialization, the publication of the whole book and the serialization will be carried out at the same time."

Chen Jingke said: "Serialization will affect the sales of books."

Wu Shu shook his head and said, "You published Journey to the West not to make money, but to promote Taoism and suppress Buddhism. As long as the goal can be achieved, why are you obsessed with how many books you sell?"

"And the serialization is very slow. It won't be finished in one or two years. Most people with purchasing power may not be able to wait for that day."

Chen Jingke slapped his forehead and said, "Hey, I'm confused again. I just thought about selling more books and forgot the original purpose. Sister Wu, you woke me up again."

Wu Shu said happily: "This is what I should do... as long as you can figure it out."

Chen Jingke nodded, and then said cheerfully: "Now I see how Yihe is urging me to write a new book."

Wu Shu couldn't stop laughing, as the person next to her pillow, she knew very well that her real person didn't even write a single word.

She also asked in private, and Chen Jingke's answer was always: I know it well, and I'm not in a hurry.

Out of trust in him, she didn't ask any more questions.But judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that the real person in his family is just perfunctory Yihe.

While talking and joking, the two came to the warehouse, opened the door and saw stacks of books stacked inside, like a hill.

Tian Dachun introduced: "The [-] volumes of these books were printed more than a year ago. Later, you said that they would stop printing if they were not published for the time being. Some time ago we re-typeset and rushed to print, and printed another [-] volumes."

Chen Jingke nodded and said, "That's right, how much can you print by this time next month?"

Tian Dachun replied: "Another [-] copies can be printed... The main reason is that there are few people, and we have to divide people to print Mochizuki Tan. If we can add some people, we can print more."

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "No need, our book printing house mainly prints our own books, and basically does not contract outside work, the current scale is enough."

Tian Dachun was a little disappointed, but he didn't continue to encourage him.

The staff of the printing shop are basically the old people and the family members of the internal personnel. The personnel composition is single, and they are relatively harmonious with each other. There are not so many nonsense things.

After expanding the scale, it can indeed increase the power in one's hands, but the addition of new members will also complicate the personnel composition, and various conflicts will increase, which is not necessarily a good thing.

After instructing them to print as many books as possible, Chen Jingke went to Wangyuetan's office again, found Yihe and said, "Journey to the West continues to be serialized, don't ask me for new books in the future."

Unexpectedly, Yihe smiled and said: "That won't work. We want to serialize Journey to the West, and we also want your new book. Save the time when the serialization of Journey to the West is over, and your new book hasn't been finished yet."

Chen Jingke was furious, looked around and said to Zhou Xiang: "Take good care of her, what a woman looks like every day, see how good our Shu'er is."

"Haha..." It was good that he didn't say the last sentence, and everyone in the office laughed after he finished speaking.

Zhou Xiang said cheekily: "Miss Wu? That's fine, I think He'er is doing well."

Everyone laughed again, but this time it was Lian Yihe who made a joke together.

"Bah." Yihe's pretty face turned into a red cloth in an instant, she got up with a light spit and pulled Wu Shu out, "Sister Wu, let's go, ignore them."

"Wait for me." Yilian also stuck out her tongue, got up and chased after her.

After they left, Chen Jingke asked, "How are you doing now? Hasn't she nodded yet?"

Zhou Xiang laughed and said, "Her father only passed the filial piety period in July this year, you know."

Sisters Yihe were sold by the mistress of the house, and their father did not owe them anything, on the contrary, he was very good, so she decided to take practical actions to honor her father for three years.

Calculating the time, this July happened to be the third anniversary of her father's death.The meaning of Zhou Xiang's words is that she can get married after the filial piety period has passed.

"Oh." Everyone in the room started booing.

"Good boy, you actually hid it from us."

"Tell me honestly when I won it."

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ol

"Ha ha……"

Zhou Xiang was not angry either, no matter what others said, he just laughed.

Of course, everyone said that there was no malice, just a joke.

After laughing, Chen Jingke said: "Okay, you are not bad, the Taoist temple will hold a wedding for you."

Zhou Xiang couldn't close her mouth when she smiled, and said, "Thank you, Master."

Outside the door, listening to the noise coming from inside, Wu Shu asked: "Have you really decided to marry him?"

Yihe put a strand of hair on her forehead behind her ears, and said with a slight smile: "Well, he is very nice, and treats me well. And if you marry him, you don't have to leave Zixiao Temple."

Wu Shu stepped forward and grabbed her hand and said, "Alright, so we can always be sisters."

(End of this chapter)

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