Chapter 336 Brothers Reunion
The time has entered the end of April, and a major event has temporarily diverted the attention of Chang'an people from Journey to the West, that is, the triumphant return of Duke Junji of Lu Kingdom who conquered Gaochang.

Although the Tang Dynasty has destroyed countless countries in recent years and reproduced the grand occasion of the Heavenly Dynasty, the destruction of the country is still a matter worthy of special mention.

Li Shimin sent Prince Li Chengqian out of the city for thirty miles to meet him, and more than a hundred thousand people in Chang'an City came out of the city to welcome him.

Chen Jingke, Cheng Huailiang and Qin Huaidao also went to greet them. They didn't want to join in the fun, but to welcome their brothers.

Qin Huaidao complained: "This General Hou is also very face-saving. It took five months to go, and almost seven months to come back."

Cheng Huailiang said with a smile: "Praise merit, it is inevitable, and it is also allowed by the court, there is nothing to criticize."

The so-called boasting of merit means that if there is no special order when the army is triumphant, the general in command can walk a little slower, and can show off his martial arts when passing through important towns.

It can be regarded as a small commendation for the meritorious soldiers.

But Chen Jingke pointedly said: "I'm afraid it's not just for boasting, maybe it's a guilty conscience and deliberately delaying time."

Qin Huaidao said puzzledly: "Guilty? The destruction of the country in the First World War and the frightening of the Western Turks have contributed so much. Why should I be guilty?"

Before the matter was confirmed, Chen Jingke didn't want to say much, and said: "I'm not sure, I'll know when I meet Xun Yu and ask."

Cheng Huailiang seemed to have thought of something, showing a thoughtful expression.

Qin Huaidao still wanted to ask, but Gui Beike simply gave me a chance and changed the subject: "I know what Xun Yu has become. The weather in the Western Regions is dry and dry, and it must have turned into white charcoal."

Hou Junji laughed and said, "I'm already white enough, if I'm whiter, I'll really be white charcoal."

Cheng Yaojin was very reconciled, but he also knew what was wrong with the question, so he could only wait for his brother-in-law to come back and ask.Hearing us discussing the issue of my brother-in-law's skin color, I also interjected:
"They say it's weird. Ah Weng's skin is fair, but my father-in-law's skin is just a little fair and not considered fair, but it turns white again when I get to my little brother. It's so strange."

Chen Jingke replied: "Is it inherited from generation to generation? It's strange."

Hou Junji seemed to have remembered something, he showed a weird smile, and said, "Fortunately, there are only eight of our brothers, Wu Xunyu, and my sister-in-law is like my aunt, otherwise Huai Dao would be able to turn off the lights when he goes to bed at night."

"Pfft ha ha..." Gui Beike smiled, and imagined a scene where Cheng Yaojin found his wife in the evening, and then saw a pair of white teeth.

I narrated the scene, which made Hou Junji laugh too.

Attracting people around to look sideways, Qin Huaidao was not quite happy at first, but when we saw that it was Chen Jingke, we immediately recovered.

None of the three are brothers-in-law, one is the real brother-in-law, and the other is the mascot brother-in-law. I really have nothing to say.

As long as the other party is Fantian, I don't care.

Cheng Yaojin gritted his teeth and looked at the two of them. If the occasion was right, I would hate to have to punch each of them.

Soon there will be no horses to report, and the small army is only ten miles away.

After a while, Tan Ma came to report again, and Xiaojun was only seven miles away.

The greeters who were chatting together in private immediately packed up their appearances and lined up according to their identities.Cheng Yaojin, as the prince's guard, ran over to do guard work.

Soon, the small army appeared behind the eyes, and tens of thousands of troops meandered more than ten miles away.

Knowing that the crown prince welcomed him personally, the soldiers were very excited and shouted long live, Qin Huaidao also waved excitedly.

Li Chengqian, Xue Wanjun, Ashinasheer, Qibi Heli and others thanked him later.

The specific process is just a table, Chen Jingke and Hou Junji have been looking for Yuchi Xunyu's figure, but unfortunately they did not see it.

Hou Junji was even more unfamiliar with that situation, and said: "Xun Yu's rank is still too high, and he is qualified to stand behind on such occasions. It seems that I am also very unusual. Let's talk about it when I return home."

Chen Jingke was about to nod, but found that no one outside the crowd was waving desperately.I can only see an outline to see the specific face, and I am not sure if it is Yuchi Xunyu.

He said to Hou Junji: "He looked over here, waving his hand, it looks like Xun Yu."

Hou Junji looked up and was sure, but as cunning as I was, he waved his hand and explained while waving:

"It doesn't matter if I am right or wrong, let's say hello first. If it is true, I will admit my mistake. If it is true, I will have nothing to say later."

Gui Beike complained: "You are so cunning, you actually play tricks on your brother."

After speaking, he raised his hand and waved it vigorously.

The person on the opposite side saw the two of us waving, and responded even more coldly.

At that time, Gui Beike and we were almost [-]% sure that the opposite was Yuchi Xunyu, and the opposite was outside the crowd with white skin, which seemed very vague to us.

But there are a lot of people on our side, and the clothes the two of them wear are the kind they usually wear, so the possibility of identifying the wrong person is small.

Here, Qin Huaidao and others have finished the reception work, and Xiaojia got off his horse again and headed towards Chang'an City.

The people along the way cheered one after another: Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng...

Chen Jingke is okay, he just thinks that her daughter can be considered successful if she can get to that point, but that's all.

What I am doing now can also be famous forever. It is necessary to envy others.

Hou Junji was the same, his face was full of envy and... disappointment.

Chen Jingke is well aware of what a good brother thinks, but there is no other way but to sigh.

Unless Cheng Huailiang is now separated from our brothers, then I will throw away everything I have now and start from scratch, just like Du He.

However, according to the historical records of later generations, Gui Beisi is a guy with a long life, and I have nothing to wait for.

However, the present Xiao Tang is not the same as the later generations, and the enfeoffment system is missing.If Cheng Huailiang delays going to seal the country to enjoy the blessings, I will have a chance to succeed.

But that old man has been cunning all his life, so he will definitely choose the first batch of distribution, but leave it to the front to see the situation.

Even if the country is sealed off in the future, there is a small probability that they will go to the fiefdom, but let their son go.

Anyway, no matter how you look at it, Hou Junji escaped from being a mascot in his life.

All the way back to the capital, it was supposed to be the emperor who greeted him and offered the captives to the Taimiao, but Li Shimin still did not show up.

When they heard the news, everyone showed a look of surprise and understanding.

Let the prince greet the past that can be explained on his behalf. The sacrifice of the Taimiao captives is of little significance. It can be said that it is the privilege of the emperor. Let the prince do it for you.

What is the emperor thinking?Or is there something wrong with your body?

But for the princelings, no matter what the emperor thinks, it is a happy event worth celebrating.

Even if I have no opinion, no one dares to question the emperor's will.

After the captives were presented, the emperor held a grand welcome banquet for the triumphant soldiers in the palace.That time the emperor finally showed up, his face was very good and his speech was full of air, dispelling the rumors that I was sick.

But the more this is the case, the more people suspect that I asked the prince to offer prisoners on my behalf. What does the emperor think?

It's a pity that the emperor's thoughts are as deep as the abyss, we can guess it at all.

It is possible that all the soldiers participated in the banquet, and only the low-level and some people who made small contributions could come.

Yuchi Xunyu was finally not qualified to appear on the scene that time.

The brothers were delighted to reunite after a long absence, and immediately found a place to catch up.

The main thing was that Yuchi Xunyu told the story of the war, focusing on my meritorious service, and the brothers were all very happy for me.

Hou Junji patted my shoulder and said enviously: "Without that credit, he will have worries in the future."

Yuchi Xunyu didn't notice me like you, and said in a low voice: "Hey, originally you thought about fighting a battle and making some meritorious service, then you came back to retire and waited to inherit the title."

"But now you find that you really hate fighting. That's what a man should do. You may have been in the army for a long time before."

Hou Junji's expression was quite natural, but he didn't express his inner thoughts to displease his brother, but said: "Is this just right? It just so happened that he made a small contribution that time, and he was able to stand firm in the army." Heels."

Chen Jingke also felt sorry for me from the bottom of his heart, saying: "The most rare thing in life is to find the goal. Congratulations to him for finding it."

Yuchi Xunyu smiled and said: "Hey, thank you, it's just that you were in Beijing before, and you had to rely less on them outside your home."

Chen Jingke patted his chest and said, "If you are worried, I will leave it to you, sister-in-law."

"Pfft haha..." Hearing those words, even the depressed Hou Junji couldn't help laughing.

Yuchi Xunyu reacted half a beat faster, but he also reacted very slowly, and cursed: "Well, he is Chen Jingke, he is really a thing... He is waiting, and you will go to Sun Zhenzhen and Wu Niangzi when you turn around. His ugly face tells us."

Chen Jingke quickly made amends and said: "Oh, why is he so funny. Okay, okay, it's your mistake, do it, don't be angry."

Of course Yuchi Xunyu was really angry, he laughed and cursed a few words before passing.

At that time, Cheng Yaojin also slipped back quietly. I was Dong Gongwei, who was defending the crown prince just now, and ran over just when I was on duty.

When my brother-in-law and brother-in-law met, it was natural to have a lot of pleasantries.

After sitting down again, Gui Beisi rolled her eyes and asked quietly: "Brother, why did they come back so quickly?"

Yuchi Xunyu said: "When I came back, there was no mission. In order to preserve the strength of the soldiers, I naturally walked faster."

Cheng Yaojin turned pale, and said: "My brother, don't talk about those falsehoods."

Yuchi Xunyu chuckled and said, "He knows all about it, so what's the point of asking? Let's praise the small towns along the way."

Gui Beike and Hou Junji had already guessed what I wanted to ask, and they didn't stop me, because we also wanted to know whether the guessed thing happened or not.

Did Cheng Yaojin disappoint us? Sure enough, he asked this question: "It's really a compliment. Could it be that they have a guilty conscience about what they did in Dichang?"

Yuchi Xunyu's complexion changed, he looked right and left to see if anyone was paying attention to us, then lowered his voice and said: "Shut up, I want to talk about that matter outside, we will talk about it when we go back."

Cheng Yaojin finally realized that the matter was right, and said in surprise, "He means...Jing Ke's conjecture has come true?"

Yuchi Xunyu nodded heavily and said, "It's come true...well, I said it."

Cheng Yaojin turned his head to look at Li Chengqian, who was proud of himself next to the emperor, his eyes were full of unbelievable, how dare I.

Then I looked at Chen Jingke again, and I could guess what would happen after the incident, that brother is even more like you.

Gui Beike shook his head at me and signaled that I wanted to discuss that matter outside.

Cheng Yaojin also knew that the matter was serious, so he nodded before speaking.

Soon after the banquet, officials from the Ministry of Disrespect stood up at the emperor's signal and read out the rewards to the officers and men.

Li Chengqian was changed from Lu Guogong to Chen Guogong, and one hundred households were added to Shiyi, and some gold and silver treasures were rewarded.

In fact, my title of Duke of Chen was confirmed as early as last year when this minor change of title was made.It's just that I'm in the capital, so I'll be rewarded with military merits now.

As for the food towns, they are all imaginary now, and the imperial court will take them all away when the feudal kingdom comes up.But it is also a status symbol, which is still meaningless.

All my generals have no rewards, so I will repeat them one by one.

Yuchi Xunyu became a cavalry captain and guerrilla general because of his meritorious service.

Xiaoqiwei is an honorary title, and guerrilla general is a military official, which is also the highest rank of general.

But crossing that threshold is a general, belonging to the ranks of low-level generals, which is already very rare for a person who is over 70 years old.

The eight of Chen Jingke are also sincerely happy for me. Without the title of guerrilla general, I have the qualification to lead an army alone.

Regardless of whether you have this ability or not, at most you have no qualifications.

Ability can be improved quickly. It is true that Xing Yuchi's family does not have outstanding generals. It is the same to send a few to assist me.

The qualification to be an independent leader is really too important, and a small minority of people have been soldiers all their lives to get to that point.

Especially Yuchi Xunyu had already decided to join the army, without that qualification, he could fly straight from the start.

It was inevitable for the brothers to celebrate again, except for Chen Jingke who was drinking, the other eight of us were not drunk at all.

The banquet didn't start until the morning, and everyone went back to their homes.

The eight of Chen Jingke also had no plans to drag Yuchi Xunyu Bingzhu to talk at night, but urged me to go home quickly.

I have been away from home for less than a year, my parents, wife and children know how much I miss, and my brothers can get together anytime, so don't spoil the scenery today.

Yuchi Xunyu was also anxious to go home to see his wife and children, and ran back home before handing over his hands and apologizing.

The eight of Chen Jingke strolled down the small street, chatting with each other.

It's just that Hou Junji's mood was a little high and low, and he spoke with his head held high.

Chen Jingke knew what I was thinking, patted me on the shoulder and said: "In that world, there are many ways to realize the value of life. It's just to be an official, join the army and fight, and you have to draw a circle to lock yourself up."

Hou Junji nodded, and said, "You know, you've actually accepted it a long time ago. It's just that I was a little stimulated today, and it will be fine tomorrow."

Only then did Cheng Yaojin realize that I was normal, he opened his mouth to comfort him, but he knew what to say, at first he could only shut up and keep talking.

Hou Junji squeezed out a smile and said, "Don't do that, it will make you happier...By the way, Jing Ke is still recruiting people for this Gewu class? What does he think of you?"

Gui Beike smiled and said: "Yes, there are two most important points in Gewu research, and he has one of them."

Hou Junji asked curiously, "Oh? Which two points?"

Chen Jingke stretched out his finger and said: "One has no talent, seven has no money. He has no money, so he can do that job."

Hou Junji said dejectedly: "You thought he would say you have no talent."

Just when Gui Beike was about to comfort me, I cheered myself up again, and said, "Don't worry about it, it's better than one thing, isn't it? In a few days, you will go to the Gewu class to finish class."

Chen Jingke said: "Okay, as his husband, you promise to teach me everything."

Hou Junji yelled and cursed: "Get out, are you taking advantage of me? You are as easy-talking as Xun Yu...don't run away."

The eight people talked, laughed and played all the way, and soon went home separately.

Chen Jingke also heaved a sigh of relief. It doesn't matter whether Hou Junji came on a whim, or he was really interested in Gewu, no goal is always something to be unhappy about.

Back home, Hou Junji and Cheng Yaojin told their family Aye that Chen Jingke's guess had come true.

Gui Beisi and Qin Qiong were very surprised, and then said: "Be careful in the past few days, there may be some changes in the capital."

That turn of events came more slowly than we thought.

On the seventh day, when Chen Jingke and we were about to find Yuchi Xunyu to reminisce about the old days, we heard that Shen Li Chengqian and Xue Wanjun, officials from Yushitai in the early dynasty, had plundered and executed prisoners privately in Dichang.

(End of this chapter)

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