Liu Rengui was very surprised, and couldn't help asking: "The situation in the waters of Binggang is top secret, how did Guard Gao find out?"

Gao Biaoren said complacently: "The two years I spent in the Wonu Kingdom were not in vain, and I met many powerful people."

"Many of these people have been dissatisfied with Suga Ezo for a long time, and naturally they happily sold the information to us."

Liu Rengui's heart moved, and he immediately asked, "How powerful are these people?"

How could Gao Biaoren not know what he meant, and said with a smile, "It's very big, big enough to accomplish what you want to do."

Liu Rengui smiled and said, "That's good. But we'll talk about it later, let's deal with Su Worulu and his navy did they build their camp?"

Gao Biaoren said: "I'm not very clear about the specific situation. Let my subordinate Wang Hu and Wang Duwei tell you. He personally led people to do the investigation, and he understands it more clearly."

Liu Rengui immediately understood what he meant, which was to let Wang Hu participate in this battle on behalf of the Protectorate of the East China Sea.

Speaking of which, Gao Biaoren, the Protector of the East China Sea, was a bit miserable, so Li Shimin gave him a Zhechong mansion's troops, the kind that mixed land and water.

This force is barely enough for him to maintain the situation on Chikushi Island. By the way, he will explore the surrounding islands and bully the natives on the Ryukyu Islands.

Facing the Wonu people and Ainu people in the north, there is nothing they can do.

If you want to attack the Japanese slave country, you can only cooperate with the East China Sea Fleet.

Datang puts the most emphasis on military merit, and the scale of this military operation is huge, so military merit must be indispensable.

As the protector, he had to seek benefits for his subordinates, otherwise the protector would not be able to sit still.

Asking Wang Hu to introduce the enemy's situation is actually a statement.

When assigning tasks later, let Wang Hu and the others participate.

Naturally, Liu Rengui had no objection. Although the main force of this operation came from the East China Sea Fleet, Gao Biaoren had key information.

Later, he wanted to carry out some operations on Wonu Island, and Gao Biaoren, the governor, was also needed to take the lead, so the two sides were actually on equal footing.

It was originally a cooperation between the two parties, and it was right to give the other party some credit, otherwise he would not be easy to mess around in Donghai in the future.

After all, strictly speaking, the entire East China Sea is under the jurisdiction of the Protectorate of the East China Sea, despite Gao Biaoren's actual jurisdiction is only the small area of ​​Chikushi Island.

When the Wonu Kingdom and the Ainu people are conquered, the entire East China Sea islands will be brought under his management, and he will become one of the top officials in the Tang Dynasty.

It is necessary to have a good relationship with him.

So Liu Rengui said: "Where is Wang Duwei? Call him over."

Gao Biaoren said: "It's just outside the door, Dudu Liu can just call him."

Liu Rengui ordered someone to call him in.

After a while, Wang Hu came in, and first bowed to the two of them: "See Duhu, and Liu Dudu."

Gao Biaoren said: "Tell Dudu Liu about the layout of Su Wolu's camp."

Wang Hu also knew that whether he could participate would depend on the experience, and said, "Here, Su Wolu's camp is not far from the harbor. The joint camp built with earth, wood and thatch as a structure stretches for several miles."

On the sand table, he drew the joint camp of Su Wo's army into the deer, marked all the roads, and the deployment of troops.

Liu Rengui soon had a clear understanding of the situation there, thought for a while and asked, "Is the land heavily guarded?"

Wang Hu shook his head and said: "The Suwo family is extremely powerful in the Wonu country, and it is invincible to control the government and abolish the king."

"Su Wo Rulu is not worried about someone attacking them from the land, so the guards are not strict, and it is more to prevent people from entering here by mistake..."

Liu Rengui said: "Then if I ask you to lead a team to sneak over from the land and set fire to the camps everywhere, would you dare to go?"

Wang Hu was very surprised. In fact, when he was scouting the enemy's situation, he also thought of this idea according to the actual situation.

Blocking the channel on the water and setting fire to the ship, and simultaneously coordinating the burning of the joint venture on land, can defeat Su Wolulu with little effort.

These days he was quite complacent about it, and he was even ready to make this proposal after meeting Liu Rengui.

If you show your military talents, you may be able to get reused.

Unexpectedly, Liu Rengui just listened to him introduce the enemy's situation, and immediately came up with a better way.

This is called a real general, no wonder he can become the commander-in-chief of the East China Sea Fleet in a short period of time.

The little pride in his heart disappeared without a trace, and he said in admiration:

"Liu Dudu is brilliant, a certain person is willing to be a pawn."

Liu Rengui was very satisfied with his attitude, but he was afraid that the troops of different attributes would not obey the command, which was why he asked Wang Hu to attack from land.

The poor cooperation between the province and the navy will affect the direction of the war.

But he didn't order directly, after all, Gao Biaoren was sitting next to him, and if he wanted to formally mobilize the other party, he had to greet him first.

So he said: "Guardian Gao, look at it?"

Gao Biaoren smiled and said, "You are the commander-in-chief in this battle, you can just order what to do, don't ask me."

"Then I won't be polite." Liu Ren said with a serious face after thanking him, "Wang Hu obeys the order."

Wang Hu bowed and said, "The last general is here."

"I order you to lead a battalion of troops to march by land and approach the enemy camp in ambush, and set fire to the enemy camp everywhere when you see a fire at sea."

"Remember, your purpose is to create chaos, don't engage the enemy easily, and focus on saving your life."

Wang Hu took the order loudly: "Here."

Then he saluted the two of them and exited the cabin, got down on the boat and headed towards his headquarters.

Liu Rengui called the messenger again and said:
"Send an order to General Cai Yang, ordering him to lead half of the troops to block the waterway on the right, and not to let a single enemy ship go."

"Here." A messenger went to send an order to Cai Yang on the other boat.

"Order the whole army, prepare sulfur, kerosene, rockets, fire boats, etc., and follow my orders to set fire to the enemy ships."


The entire fleet came to life completely, and everyone began to prepare for the battle under the command of their superiors.

The fleet slowly approached Hyogo Port. It usually took more than half an hour to complete the journey, but this time it took a full two hours.

First, a small boat approached and brought news that Wang Hu had already brought people ashore and was lurking towards the agreed place.

Liu Rengui looked terrified, and ordered the reconnaissance team to clear the enemy patrol boats outside the port.

He himself led half of the warships to the left channel, and the other half of the warships sailed to the right channel under the leadership of Cai Yang.

It was almost dawn at this time, and it was also the time when the sky was darkest, and it was also the time when people were most sleepy.

In the port of Hyogo, a patrol boat floated on the water like this. The five patrol officers on board were lying on the deck and sleeping soundly, unaware of the small boat quietly approaching in the distance.

Soon the small boat came to the side of the patrol boat, and it was Datang's scout clipper.

I saw a few strong men in special leather jackets, with short knives in their mouths, slipped from the clipper to the water power, and swam quietly to the side of the patrol boat.

They wear water ghost clothes made of sea otter skin, and they will not get frostbite if they stay in the sea for a while in winter.

No matter how long it takes, people are not sea otters.

The few people gently grabbed the side of the boat, communicated with each other with eyes and gestures, and quickly worked out a plan.

Two of them stretched out one hand to hold each other, and another person swam up to them, grabbed the side of the boat with both hands, and stretched out his feet to step on their hands.

The three of them exerted their strength at the same time, and this person quickly left the water and jumped onto the boat, but the boat did not shake much.

When he arrived on the boat, the person quickly climbed and fell on the deck, and waited for a while to see that the other party was still sleeping tightly before starting to act.

He first greeted a companion, and together they bowed their waists and tiptoed to the head of the sleeping five people.

They took off the short knife they were holding in their mouths and exchanged glances, one covered his mouth and the other stabbed his heart with the knife.As for why not cut and roar... the one who stabs the heart and dies is the fastest.

In this way, the two cooperated and quickly solved five enemies.

After that, they pulled their companions into the boat, changed into enemy clothes, and rowed the patrol boat to the inner harbor.

Along the way, I encountered two more patrol boats, one of which was also lazy and sleeping, and was easily resolved.

There was a man on guard in the other boat, but he had no defense against the scouts of the Tang army who were also driving the patrol boat, and was easily approached to solve it.

Afterwards, the road was unimpeded and directly entered the harbor.

And behind them, a huge fleet followed in silently.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Liu Rengui couldn't believe that things would go so smoothly, and he also despised Su Wolulu to the extreme.

He didn't know that he was found in his lair, so he dared to say that he had the ability to command troops. The small country of Japanese slaves just didn't know it.

But at the same time, it also reminded him that he must do a good job in patrol work in the future, and he must not follow in the footsteps of the other party.

In fact, this is really unfair to Su Wo. It's not that he was unprepared, but he didn't expect that someone inside his house would sell the waterway.

First of all, the Port of Hyogo at this time is a very remote place. In the original history, it was not developed until the relocation of Kyoto to Tokyo in the Nara era.

He hid the navy here without anyone noticing.Even within the Wonu country, only some high-level officials know the exact location.

Secondly, the area of ​​the mouth of Hyogo Port seems to be vast, but in fact most places are either densely covered with hidden reefs, or the water level is too shallow to pass large ships.

It also took him a long time to figure out the situation in the nearby waters, and he lost many ships and lives for this.

Don't say that Datang didn't know that they trained an army here, even if they knew, they couldn't get in.

If you dare to rush in rashly, the complicated water situation can also make your opponent suffer.

However, in front of the inner ghost, all of this has become a display.

The exit to the sea was successfully blocked, and more than 100 small boats and sampans were put into the water from the big ship.

There is a crew member on each fire boat, and following an order, they sail in groups of three or five boats to the wonu boats docked at the pier.

More than [-] large and small warships, fishing boats and sampans are docked at the dock in an orderly manner, like rows of vegetable beds.

From this point, it can be seen that Su Wo is really not an idiot, and the military discipline is relatively strict.

However, this also gave Tang Jun a chance. The fire boats kept passing through the gaps deliberately left, and quickly penetrated into the formation of ships.

Stop the fire boat and light the prepared incense, and these Tang soldiers rowed back in a group of three or five people driving the stolen Japanese slave navy boat.

This is also planned in advance, after sending the fire ship to the appropriate position, steal the enemy's small ship and return.

Under the incense is gunpowder, and when the incense burns out, it will ignite the gunpowder and ignite the surrounding firelighters, causing the whole ship to catch fire.

It's just that this time it was not so smooth. Not all the fireboats could be delivered to the scheduled location quietly, and many groups were discovered.

But here comes the problem. It was too dark and the Japanese slave soldiers who found the fire boat were not sure what they saw.

In addition, he had never experienced a real battle, lacked the vigilance he should have, and only yelled loudly to warn, and did not dare to go forward to intercept directly.

The people who sailed the Tang army were prepared to sacrifice before they came, so they ignored it at all.Row the boat hard and rush in, plunge into the fleet of Japanese slaves and take out the flint to directly ignite the fire boat.

This is also what was agreed before coming here, steal the ship back without being discovered, and set the fire ship as the primary goal when it is discovered.When they die, their military merits will be received by their families.

The ignited fireboat instantly turned into a big fireball, and the flames ignited the surrounding ships under the blowing of the sea wind.

This is not over yet, there is also a wooden barrel on the fireboat, which contains fierce fire oil.

The fire burned violently, the wooden barrel exploded with a 'boom', and the fire oil splashed everywhere...

"It's on fire, it's on fire, put out the fire." Now there was no need for anyone to warn, and the Japanese slaves knew what happened, and the whole harbor fell into chaos.

It's just that the incident happened suddenly. Except for a few witnesses, most people thought it was a fire, and didn't realize it was an enemy attack.

Even if I heard someone yelling for enemy attack, I thought it was because I was frightened and yelled.

However, they soon realized that something was wrong. There were too many fire points, and new fire points appeared one after another.

Even if they don't believe it anymore, they know that they have been attacked by the enemy.

Watching the fire ignite on the fleet deck in the distance, Liu Rengui looked stern and asked, "How many people have returned?"

The deputy general replied: "Only 49 people have returned, and there are still [-] people who have not returned."

Liu Rengui's face remained unmoved, but he punched heavily on the ship's side, saying: "Send the order to attack and avenge the brothers."

The lieutenant was shocked. If he continued to wait, someone would definitely come back. Marching at this time was almost equivalent to giving up the rest.

But the war opportunity is fleeting, and it is impossible to give up the entire war just to wait for dozens of people.Without hesitation, he turned around and conveyed the military order downwards.

"Dong dong dong!!!" The war drum sounded, which was the signal to launch a general attack, and all ships began to press forward according to the battle plan.

The archers stood on the side of the ship in turn, and the logistics staff ran back and forth to move bundles of rockets.

Someone lit the brazier again...

The ship moved slowly.

"Everyone... get ready." At this moment, the herald shouted angrily.

All the archers looked awe-inspiring, picked up a rocket, ignited it in the brazier and put it on the bow to prepare for shooting.

"Sixty degrees to the left, shoot."

"Whoosh..." Sparks flew out of the ship and fell to the target in the blink of an eye, igniting pieces of ships, and occasionally a few screams could be heard.

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