At the naval camp of the Japanese slaves on the coast, Su Wo was woken up by his panicked men.

He had a bad temper and was angry at first, but when he heard the enemy attack, he woke up instantly.

Without even wearing armor, he put on his shoes and ran outside, and then he saw a scene that made him tear up.

Half of the harbor was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and the fire was still spreading to the shore.

But after all, he is the most powerful person in the Wonu country besides Suga Ezo, and he has a very strong psychological quality.

Soon he came to his senses and said, "Gather everyone together immediately and don't let them run around."

"You take people to inquire about intelligence, see where the enemy comes from, and how many people there are."

"You, you, you still have you, you take people to save the boat...those burning boats are gone. Clear out a isolation zone to block the flames, and save as many as you can."

As his commander issued orders one by one in an orderly manner, the Wonu Navy, which was in a panic, gradually restored order.

At the beginning, some people went to spy on the military situation, some people rescued the ship, and some people were on guard...

Seeing this, Su Worulu's face finally looked better, and he began to put on the armor with the help of his subordinates.

But at this moment...

"Whoosh!" An arrow came from the darkness and shot him in the back.

"Ah." Su Wolu screamed and fell to the ground.

He was standing in the light of the fire, and he had just summoned the soldiers. This scene was watched by many people, and everyone panicked immediately.

"Protect the general, protect the general..."

"The enemy attacks the enemy...there are enemies on land..."

"The general is injured, the general is injured..."

Everyone shouted one after another, shouting everything, and this panic quickly spread throughout the army.

Shocked, they suddenly heard that the commander was attacked and injured, and they were completely flustered, not knowing what to do for a while.

Su Wo Rulu was not hit critically, but the injury was not serious, and it took a long time before he came out panting.

Seeing that the camp was in chaos again, he stood up forcibly and prepared to stabilize the morale of the army.

However, before he could open his mouth, he heard shouts of killing, and then someone shouted in half-baked Japanese language:
"The Heavenly Army of the Tang Dynasty is coming, run quickly."

"Su Wo is dead, run away."

"Everyone run away, Su Wo is dead."

The morale of the panic-stricken Japanese slave sailors completely collapsed. The people who were still trying to put out the fire dropped the tools in their hands and ran away.

If one person runs, there will be a large group, and then spread to the whole army.

At the same time, the camp was full of fires, and the wooden barracks were the best fuel.The fire started with the wind and spread quickly, and the joint camp quickly became a sea of ​​​​flames.

Seeing this, Su Wo was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

Seeing that he couldn't do anything, his personal guards immediately left the army to protect him and fled.

Seeing the commander-in-chief fleeing, the remaining Japanese slave sailors who were still persisting also collapsed completely.

It was Wang Hu who attacked Su Worulu and set fire to him.

He led people to the side of Su Worulu's land camp, sneaked up on the patrolling personnel, snatched some Japanese slave uniforms, put them on, and walked into the camp openly.

He stayed in Zhuzi Kingdom for a long time, specialized in spying on intelligence, and learned the language of Japanese slaves.

Although the words were not authentic, they still got mixed into the camp.

Without him, dialect.

Su Wo's [-]-strong army was conscripted from all over the country, and there were people from all over the place, and their accents were also strange.

Hearing his strange accent, the other party thought he was from a small place, so he wouldn't suspect Tang Jun.

So he wore the Japanese slave military uniform, and successfully sneaked into the camp with a few of his men, and took one of them together.

When the fire broke out at sea, he also led people to set fire to create chaos, and suddenly heard someone shouting that the general ordered the army to gather.

At that moment, a bold idea appeared in his mind, let the deputy general lead everyone to continue to set fire to create momentum, while he himself led a few of his men and ran into the camp behind the rebels.

At this time, the Japanese Nu Navy army was in a state of confusion, and no one noticed the abnormality of their group at all, they only thought that they were ordered to gather.

In this way, he successfully approached Su Worulu.

When everyone else obeyed the order to leave, Wang Hu took advantage of the chaos and hid in a dark corner, and shot Su Wo with a cold arrow behind his back.

After releasing the arrow, he didn't dare to stay where he was, and quickly fled back.As for whether Su Worulu was dead or not, he didn't know, but he was sure that he shot the enemy general.

After reuniting with his men, Wang Hu quickly led everyone to a safe place when he saw that the fire had started.

The camp that stretched for several miles quickly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and people could feel their faces burning a few feet away.

He couldn't help but rejoice that he didn't withdraw in time because of that little military merit, otherwise he would probably have been buried in the flames by now.

But then he was not idle, and led a group of men to guard a direction, and when he saw a Japanese slave who escaped from this direction, he went up and hacked to death.

Sitting on the sidelines like this really picked up a lot of heads for him.

A battle of intentional calculation and unintentional calculation started suddenly and ended abruptly.

The East China Sea Fleet of the Tang Dynasty wiped out the navy built by the Japanese slaves with the effort of half the country.

A touch of orange appeared in the eastern sky, and soon a round sun jumped out of the water, and the sky finally dawned.

Looking at the burning enemy ship on the sea, Liu Rengui did not fail to try to rescue it.

It's just that the fires at sea and on land are linked together, and the water in the bay is about to be boiled, so I can only give up this idea.

"Haha..." Gao Biaoren walked up to him with a big smile, and said, "Congratulations to Governor Liu, you will be famous all over the world for destroying the [-] Japanese slave army in the first battle."

Liu Rengui couldn't hide the joy on his face, but he didn't get carried away, but said: "Thanks to Gao Duhu's information, otherwise it would definitely not be so smooth."

This is not false at all. He just got the news that more than a dozen ships recklessly chased the enemy ships in pursuit of military exploits, entered the dangerous area marked on the chart and sank on the rocks.

Despite timely rescue, hundreds of people were still drowned and dozens of people were missing.

If the army does not know the information and directly breaks into the dangerous area, the consequences can be imagined.

It can be said that Gao Biaoren's intelligence accounted for more credit for this battle to be fought like this.

But in any case, this battle was won by the main attack of the East China Sea Fleet, so their contribution is greater.

Afterwards, when the two of them came together, don't worry about burning the fire, and send someone to arrest the Japanese slaves and defeat the soldiers.

Gao Biaoren said: "The Japanese slaves have strict laws, and if they desert, the whole family will be demoted to slavery."

"These defeated soldiers either fled into the deep mountains and old forests and never came out again to protect their families. Or they gathered together somewhere around and returned to the country together."

"We just need to send people to search around, and we should be able to catch quite a few... These are the vanguard of our future attack on the Japanese slave country."

Liu Rengui nodded and said, "Okay, I'll send someone to arrest the rout soldiers."

In order to return home, these captives will definitely desperately attack their homeland, and with a little training, they can become a sharp weapon in Datang's hands.

In fact, in the form of the Wonu country, many people do not consider themselves to be Wonu people.

Not long ago, Wonu Island was divided into hundreds of countries, and even now it is divided into different forces. In private, everyone still uses their original names to call their ethnic groups.

They don't have much sense of identity with the name Wo Nu Country, but because the Wo Nu Country is too strong, they have to surrender.

In this case, they can naturally submit to the more powerful Datang.

With a little brainwashing, in order to go home and reunite, we can launch an attack on the 'oppressor' Wonu country.

The fire burned for three days and three nights before it was gradually extinguished, and the entire harbor and surrounding miles were reduced to ashes.

All the more than [-] warships of the Japanese slaves were burned, and [-] naval officers and soldiers suffered heavy casualties. Less than [-] returned after the war.

Of course, more of them became Datang's captives.

At this time, the high-ranking Japanese slaves were still immersed in the dream of training the navy to defeat the Tang army and take back Chikuzi Island, giving Datang a slap in the face.

When he heard the news that the entire navy that was training was annihilated, he thought someone was joking with them, and Soga Ezo even chopped off two messengers.

It wasn't until they saw the dying Su Worulu with their own eyes that they had no choice but to believe the news, and then the whole country was shaken.

Su Wo Eizo, the number one powerful minister, and Su Wo Rulu, the commander of the navy, naturally became the chief culprits, and were unanimously condemned by the government and the opposition.

Even though Suga Ezo is powerful, he is almost helpless in the face of this situation.

Why use almost, because in the end he still thought of a solution.

A few days later, news came out that Soga Irika, who had fled back to Asuka Okamoto Palace, died of shame by caesarean section.

How to say that sentence, 'he is still young', 'he's older than the Chinese New Year', 'everyone is here' and another sentence is 'everyone is dead'.

Su, I'm almost dead, so it seems petty to hold on to a dead person.

What's more, he still had to make atonement by caesarean section. According to the rules, you should give him the last dignity.

Soga Ezo re-occupied the commanding heights of morality, and successfully transformed from a defeated man to an old man who was suffering from the loss of his son.

Those who opposed him were naturally unwilling to let it go, but the power of the Suwo family was too great, and there was nothing they could do.

So, everyone began to discuss how to face the next problem.

The first is to determine who the enemy is and how many there are.

However, Datang quickly answered this question for them. Liu Rengui led the fleet to wander around the largest ports and seaside cities in the Wonu Kingdom for several times.

The huge fleet frightened everyone immediately, especially those 90-meter and 60-meter-long giant ships, which can be called giants, and their visual impact is even stronger than their actual combat power.

Emperor Shu Ming, who was already frail and sickly, was startled and frightened, and fell ill.

Suga Ezo hurriedly took control of Kyoto, and found the best doctor to treat Emperor Shumei, and at the same time deal with the immediate crisis.

Facing Datang's threat, he felt that he couldn't just be scared like this.

So he sent envoys to board the ship to accuse Datang of attacking the vassal state for no reason, because he would be scolded by the people of the world for being unkind and unrighteous.

Liu Rengui's answer was very simple. He divided the fleet into groups to clean up the entire Japanese slave sea area, and sunk all ships that went out to sea, whether they were warships, merchant ships or fishing boats.

Wonu is an island country that is extremely dependent on fishery resources. If you can't go to sea for a day, a large number of people will go hungry, and if you don't go to sea for three days, countless families will go bankrupt. The people will soon be unable to support them.

The helpless local lord can only ask for help from above, hoping to resolve the crisis as soon as possible.

At this moment, a piece of news came out from nowhere and quickly spread throughout the entire Wonu country...

The reason why the Tang Dynasty sent troops to the Japanese slaves was because the emperor did not respect the sages of the Tang Dynasty and refused to bow down to meet the wishes of the sages of the Tang Dynasty.

This is great, originally everyone was still resenting Datang for invading them, but now they all turned their guns on the Emperor...

As I said before, the Wonu country was split into hundreds of countries, and everyone fought against each other.

Because the strength of the Japanese slave country was stronger, it gradually overwhelmed other countries and became the monarch of the island.

However, the reason why the Japanese slave country was able to unify the island country is directly related to the canonization of the Han Dynasty.

Many countries on Wunu Island admired the powerful Central Plains dynasty and regarded themselves as vassals.

The lord of the Wonu Kingdom saw this, and arrived at the Han Dynasty one step ahead of time to obtain the canonization and the golden seal bestowed by the great Han Dynasty.

Relying on the canonization and gold seal of the Han Dynasty, the Wonu Kingdom persuaded many small countries to join itself, and its strength came to the fore.

In the name of the Han Dynasty, the remaining countries that refused to surrender were conquered. After hundreds of years of management, the current Wonu country was established.

Therefore, the Japanese slaves have been vassals of the Central Plains Celestial Dynasty since ancient times, and they are even proud of it. It is normal for a vassal state to bow down to the suzerain state.

Your emperor refuses to kneel down to worship the Tang emperor. This is a proper act of forgetting one's ancestors.

It's all right now, and the suzerain country sent troops to crusade.

Emperor, come out and admit your mistakes quickly, and appease the anger of the heavenly kingdom, otherwise we will rise up and rebel.

For a while, Emperor Shu Ming became the biggest culprit.

When he heard the news, Emperor Shu Ming, who was already sick in bed, was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

Suga Ezo, who got the news, hurried into the palace and yelled in his heart when he saw the dying Emperor Shumei.

Knowing that this time there is really going to be a new emperor, but the question is who will be the emperor for a while?
However, the news must be blocked right now, so that outsiders cannot know that the Emperor is about to die.

Then quickly resolve the dispute with Datang and send Tang Jun away.

Otherwise, once domestic forces colluded with Datang, he would no longer be able to control the situation.

So he quickly sent a new envoy in the name of the emperor to see the commander-in-chief of the Tang army, and brought an apology form.

However, Liu Rengui flew into a rage just after reading the beginning, left the apology on the messenger's face, and drove everyone away.

Now the envoy of the Japanese slave is confused, what do you mean by this?

If there is anything wrong, let's discuss it. You drove us down without saying a word. I don't know how to correct what is wrong.

Hei Malu, the deputy envoy of the Japanese slaves, treated Gao Biaoren very politely back then, so he visited him in private as an old friend, and only then did he know what the problem was.

"The monarch of your country of slaves dares to call himself the emperor of the kingdom of the rising sun. Isn't this a big treason? There is only one emperor in the world, and that is the sage of the Tang Dynasty."

The envoy of the Wonu Kingdom finally understood what the problem was, so let's go back and discuss what to do.

At this time, Su Wo Eizo couldn't care about these things, so he hurriedly wrote a new apology form, calling himself the king of the Japanese slaves.

This time, Liu Rengui reluctantly accepted the form of apology, and then entered into formal negotiations.

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