Chapter 443 Journal
The result of the conversation between the two was naturally not surprising. After returning, Wu Chang said with a face of shame: "But let the mother decide."

Everyone naturally knew what it meant, so the two families happily discussed the engagement.

The date of marriage is set in two months, there is no way, Wu Chang will have to pay double poll tax if they don't get married again.

Although Datang actually abolished the poll tax, it doesn't sound good to hear about it.

Afterwards, Chen Jingke asked Wang Fangyi what he had said with a gossipy face, but he kept a secretive face and didn't say anything.

It was Wu Shu who found out the details from Wu Chang, and then Chen Jingke was about to laugh like crazy.

It turned out that when they met, he expected Ai Ai to be speechless for a long time.

In Wu Chang's own words: Three sticks can't make a fart.

Chen Jingke never expected that Wang Fangyi, who usually speaks and behaves well in the world, would have such a dull side.

But this is also good, the personalities of husband and wife must complement each other.

Wu Chang has an extroverted personality, and she is a master inside and out, or she has been imitating Wu Shu.

After all, for her, Wu Shu is the first-hand teacher, teaching by precept and example.

But she also has a big shortcoming, lack of assertiveness in major matters.

This is very obvious in normal times. It is Wu Shu who decides on big things, and she will do them.

Wu Shu once wanted to exercise her ability to be independent, but she didn't fall asleep for two days of worry, and she was hesitant to do things.

When Wu Shu saw this, he put out his thoughts in this regard.

Wang Fangyi is introverted and very assertive.

These two people seem to be perfectly complementary in character. As for whether they can get along after marriage-there is no such thing as whether they get along or not in ancient times.

Once married, unless there is a major change, they will live together.

So they must learn to work with each other until the day when the husband and wife get along well.

For this marriage, it can be said that all aspects are very satisfied.

Zixiaoguan belongs here, and finally married the eldest girl, and she is still such an excellent young man.

It is also 1 happy to have a relationship with Princess Ann's mansion and the medical saint, and the girl is so good.

The royal family was delighted, too, and it couldn't have been a better situation than a relationship of in-laws going round and round.

All three are satisfied, and the opinions of others do not matter.

However, no one dared to say anything. After the news broke out, more people admired and praised it.

All officials of the Korean and Chinese military, celebrities in the capital, and anyone who has a relationship with them all sent a congratulatory ceremony.

Even various schools of Taoism sent congratulatory gifts to the third girl.

At this lively moment, Qibi Heli finally returned to Beijing.

First, he went to the palace to meet the emperor, expressed his loyalty, and thanked the saint for saving his life.

Li Shimin comforted him and praised him for his loyalty.

When he came out of the palace, he didn't go anywhere, he came directly to Zixiao Temple to pay his respects to Chen Jingke.

After the meeting, he paid homage directly and said: "Thank you Chen Zhenren for your righteous words, and this relationship will always be remembered by He Li. If you have any assignments in the future, please do not hesitate to order."

Chen Jingke hurriedly said: "General Qibi, you are being polite. To tell you the truth, I was entrusted by Uncle Yuchi to do this. If you really want to thank him, you should thank him."

Qibi Heli asked in surprise, "E State Duke?"

Chen Jingke said: "Yes, when my brother Yuchi Xunyu served under your command, he was taken care of by you. Uncle Yuchi has always kept this in mind."

"This time you are in a crisis, he wanted to stand up and support you. It's just that he has offended many people with his reckless temperament. If he came forward, he might do bad things with good intentions."

"Considering this, he found me and asked me to help intercede with the saint."

Qi Bi He Li was moved and said: "It is said that the Duke of E is the ultimate righteous, and today he is well-known. I should personally come to pay my respects."

Then he said to Chen Jingke: "I also know the risk of this matter, dare to speak for me at the risk of the world, no matter what, I will accept this favor."

Chen Jingke was naturally polite again.

After that, the two had a brief chat. Through his narration, Chen Jingke roughly knew what he had experienced after parting with Wang Fangyi and others.

It's actually very simple, Qibi Heli's prestige in the tribe is extremely high, and the rebels also took advantage of his unpreparedness to control him, and then rebelled in his name.

When he regained power and led his troops to find his own people, he quelled the rebellion and killed the leader of the rebels with little effort.

After that, he led his tribe back to the original station, reappointed his confidants to manage it, and returned to Chang'an quickly.

Chen Jingke also briefly introduced him to the situation in the capital. In short, everything is fine.

After chatting for a long time, Qibi He Li got up to leave, and Chen Jingke personally sent him to the gate.

The next day, he went to Yu Chigong's house with a gift to express his gratitude. It happened that Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong were also there, and the four of them talked happily.

Time passed quickly, and the imperial court's arrangements for Xue Yantuo and the entire grassland and desert gradually unfolded.

Officials were dispatched to manage the Monan area, and a railway to Dingxiang City was already planned.

Li Shimin made a bold statement: "Datang will spend five years repairing this railway, and completely bring Monan into the sphere of rule."

To build a railway in five years was quite slow in previous lives, but in this era it is a serious project.

It is thousands of miles from Chang'an to Dingxiang City, and the steel needed is an astronomical figure for this era.

What's more, there are various complex terrains to be encountered along the way. Among other things, at least a river-crossing bridge must be built on the Yellow River.

This would be impossible in any other dynasties. Li Shimin dared to do this because of the cement, which is so easy to use for building cities, bridges, and roads.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the bridge across the river can be repaired with cement, it can only be said that this is an attempt.

If you don't try, you will never fix it.

However, Li Shimin was still very clear-headed. Knowing that the railway was not easy to repair, he adopted the method of segmenting the road.

It is repaired section by section. If one section is not completed, the two honesty can be connected together, so that the railway can be put into use ahead of schedule.

Then connect the sections of the railways in series to form a unified channel.

Doing so can greatly alleviate financial pressure and resistance from all sides.

Naturally, this plan was supported by the ministers.

They have already seen the effect of the train with their own eyes. If they can really build one, it will indeed be able to effectively control the grassland.

Not only will the grasslands benefit, but traveling to and from the Western Regions will also be much more convenient.

Regarding Mobei, Li Shimin decided to maintain the status quo.

"First the south and then the north. Only when Monan is well governed can we plan for Mobei. Otherwise, we can only implement the rule of imprisonment, which will waste the country's financial resources."

So the imperial court canonized Tuomozhi as Yitebushi Khan, and made him govern Xue Yantuo.

But paper can't contain fire, and all kinds of doubts about Qianqi's surprise attack on Xue Yantuo's tent were quickly noticed.

Although there is no direct evidence, everyone has already determined that he betrayed Yi Nan and his son.

It is even more difficult for him to win the recognition of many tribes since he was already unable to convince the crowd.

It can be said that his Khan is completely in name, except for his own troops, no one can command. Xue Yantuo has actually split into more than ten tribes.

Without Yi Nan's deterrence and coordination, the grassland fell into chaos again, and it became commonplace for various tribes to annex each other and kill each other.

This further prompted many small tribes to migrate to Monan, and their families joined the Tang Dynasty and became the people of the Tang Dynasty.

As for these people, Datang is also full of goodwill, as long as all the people who come come have their household registration, they will be allocated a pasture for grazing.

If you don't want to live a hard life as a nomad, you can still migrate to the interior to settle down, and the state will allocate land.

It's just that they are given some remote and desolate lands, and it takes a lot of effort to cultivate and accumulate manure.

This is something that can’t be helped, the familiar land already has an owner, so we can’t drive away the original owner and give them the land.

But for tribes who intend to integrate into Datang, this is already a very good condition.

It is much better than living a precarious and hard-working nomadic life in the grassland.

Unknowingly, two months later, Wang Fangyi officially married Wu Chang.

The wedding ceremony was very grand and lively, all the dignified and respectable knots in the capital came to participate, and the big officials who were outside the border also had people send congratulatory gifts.

Let people see the power and luxury of Zixiao Temple and Tong'an Dachang Princess Mansion.


After this incident was over, Chen Jingke's life returned to calm again, and he went to the academy to teach step by step every day, and studied Gephysics with teachers and students.

He had just arrived at the office that day, when Cheng Huailiang came over angrily, and said angrily, "These students are really lawless, do you, the dean, care about anything?"

Needless to say, Chen Jingke knew what happened, and said with a smile, "Are you quarreling again?"

Cheng Huailiang said angrily: "It's not just a quarrel, if I don't go, there will be a fight."

Chen Jingke frowned slightly, and said, "Are you already fighting? Are these people very capable of doing things?"

Cheng Huailiang looked at him speechlessly, and said, "Is this called strong hands-on ability? Let you take care of it. You must say that proper disputes can promote the progress of science. What about now?"

Chen Jingke said: "I still think so now. Gephysics has made rapid progress in recent months, and the results have been very fruitful, which has a great relationship with this open and lively academic atmosphere."

Gephysics is in its infancy and foundation-laying stage, and the students who have initially glimpsed the palace of science are very excited.

After all, Chen Jingke did not come from a professional science background, and he only knew a general direction of development, and his knowledge of each link was very limited.

For the students, there are too many unknowns, and everyone has different ideas.

As a result, disputes arose, and sometimes they could fight for a long time for a seemingly simple matter.

Everyone wants to prove that their idea is right and the other party's idea is wrong.

With a little guidance, the students can burst into high enthusiasm and devote themselves to research.

After all, only real scientific research results can prove that you are right.

Everything will not go so smoothly, there will always be some people who want to refute the other party verbally, and sometimes they speak in a hurry and inevitably want to use the most brutal way to solve it.

But brutal methods can solve the problem, but cannot solve the problem, especially in science.

And once this kind of thing starts, the consequences will be very bad, so he also attaches great importance to it.

"This matter really needs to find a proper solution, otherwise it will be extremely detrimental to the development of the entire discipline."

Hearing this sentence, Cheng Huailiang, who was very familiar with him, his eyes lit up, and said, "Do you have a solution?"

Chen Jingke nodded and said: "Let's set up a journal. If you have any opinions, let them express in the journal, reduce the chance of face-to-face, and the anger will not be so big."

Cheng Huailiang said happily: "What kind of form does Mochizuki talk about? Alright, I've wanted to engage in this kind of thing for a long time."

"It's a pity that the imperial court's control is extremely strict. Except for the Mochiyue Tan and Shuoyue Tan in your hands, no new newspapers have been approved so far."

"If we can run a school newspaper in our school, it will indeed solve many problems and promote Confucianism, but I don't know if the imperial court will allow us to do this."

Chen Jingke said: "I went to the sage to talk about this matter, but our journal is similar in form to Mochizuki's talk, but the content is inconsistent."

"Mochizuki Tan is a comprehensive journal, and what we want to launch is a professional journal, which specializes in introducing knowledge in science."

"Don't think about selling it externally at the beginning, it's only used as a communication item inside the campus."

"When the society has a certain degree of acceptance, it will be released to the outside world."

"And we have to distinguish between internal and external. The version used inside the campus is one issue a week."

"There is no limit to the amount of content. As long as there are highlights that pass the review, they can be published. We are not afraid of too much or not enough."

"The version released to the outside world is tentatively scheduled to be once a month. Only mature and sufficiently progressive things can be published on it."

To put it simply, the internal version is used for communication and discussion, and some conjectures can also be published on it.

The export version is authoritative, and it must be a conclusive and non-controversial invention.

It is also very simple to only publish in the small courtyard in the early stage. This era is simply a desert of science. Chen Jingke cooperated with Confucianism to add the basic science of science to the academic and political system.

But this foundation of science is still at the stage of popular science, and it is still very early to truly form a universal learning of mathematics, physics and chemistry.

So starting a national science journal at this time means that there is nowhere to spend the money.

Build a campus version first, which can save costs and accumulate experience.

Cheng Huailiang naturally understood his thoughts and said, "Okay, let's do it like this...but what about printing?"

"It would be too troublesome if it is engraved, and the cost of printing with movable type is too high, or let Zixiao Temple print it for you?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said, "I'm busy with my own affairs at Zixiao Temple, how can I have time to help the academy print hundreds of periodicals."

"Let's go in two steps, first use wax printing to support it, and then create a set of lead movable type...Since we have established a journal, movable type printing will be done sooner or later."

"It's better to do everything right now than to do it in a hurry when things come to an end."

Cheng Huailiang thought about it, and said, "That's a good relationship. I'll set up a printing department and a school magazine right away... By the way, what's the name of the school magazine?"

Chen Jingke didn't even think about it: "It's called science."

(End of this chapter)

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