Chapter 444 The Ancients
I don't know if I'm fed up with the quarrels of the students, or I really like running newspapers, or both.

Anyway, Cheng Huailiang acted vigorously and urged Chen Jingke to enter the palace to ask for an order, while he himself went to Zixiao Temple to ask for advice.

Chen Jingke knew that this was a serious matter, so he didn't evade any excuses, so he went to the palace.

When Li Shimin heard about his intentions, he didn't directly say yes or no, but asked:

"Is it necessary to open a journal for this matter? Can't we create a new column on Wangyue Tan and Shuoyue Tan?"

Chen Jingke said: "There is still a need for this. Gephysics can only progress through communication."

"And it also needs an authoritative organization to standardize it, so as not to become a trick of the magician to harm the people."

Saying the word "magic stick" in his capacity was full of joy, and Li Shimin couldn't help laughing.

"The idea is good, but if we do the Gewuxue that we have worked so hard to research, won't it be learned by others."

Chen Jingke said: "This is inevitable, but the knowledge that really involves the core will definitely not be written on it."

"For example, the method of making soda ash, we will only tell the world that there is such a thing, but we will not tell them the specific method of making it."

Li Shimin nodded and said solemnly: "It's not impossible to open another journal in this way, but it's still the same sentence, supervise and don't let outsiders take advantage of it."

Chen Jingke said solemnly: "Don't worry, I know it well."

With the permission of the imperial court and the free assistance from Mochizuki Tan, the "Science" magazine came out smoothly.

But at this time, it is only the school newspaper of Qiuxuan Academy, and it is not sold to the public.

No one knows that Datang's be precise, the third journal was established, and no one knows what role this journal will play in the future.

But for many students of Qiuxuan Academy at this time, the appearance of the school newspaper is simply timely rain.

Finally, I have a channel to share my discoveries and conjectures with my classmates, and I can also find new inspiration on this.

It is much more convenient than private communication—even though there are only a thousand students in Qiuxuan Academy at this time, even the staff is less than 1000 or [-] people.

However, the emergence of a professional journal gave students a better stage to express their opinions, and private spats and almost fights almost disappeared.

The campus once again restored the harmony of the past.

Chen Jingke also settled down again, and worked with his classmates to establish a mathematical, physical and chemical framework and fill it in and perfect it.

When he was busy in the academy that day, a Taoist boy came to him panting, saying that something serious happened to Zixiao temple, the master asked him to go back quickly.

Chen Jingke was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat, and he rushed to Zixiao Temple before he could ask carefully.

When I arrived at the door, I found that everyone was normal, and it didn't look like something serious happened. Could it be that the matter was temporarily covered and did not spread?
As he thought so, he was led all the way to an attic by the messenger.

Treasure Medicine Pavilion.

Is this the pharmacy of Zixiao Temple? Could something have happened here?
He walked in without anyone notifying him and opened the door, and found that Sun Simiao and a large group of people were discussing something around a table.

Even Yihe, Yilian, Zhou Xiang and others were there.

Only then did he relax a little bit, don't care what happened, as long as no one was killed, there is room for redress for other things.

When everyone saw him coming in, they all stepped forward to say hello.

"Master, what happened?" Chen Jingke asked after wiping off his sweat.

Sun Simiao said with a serious expression: "It's not that something happened, it's just that we discovered something very remarkable... Guanshi He, you are the most familiar with the specific process, tell him about it."

He Dachun, the director of Baoyao Pavilion, said excitedly: "Today we purchased a new batch of medicinal materials. When I inspected them, I found strange lines on the keel."

"After I checked, I found that it didn't look like it was formed naturally, but more like it was engraved on it. I didn't pay attention to it at first, thinking that someone was bored and engraved for fun."

"However, after checking all the keels, I found that more than half of them have lines, and many of the lines are exactly the same..."

Hearing this, Chen Jingke's brain exploded, and he didn't hear a word of what he said later, and there was only one thought in his mind:
keel?Man-made textures?Still have many of the same textures?

No, no, no, no, it won't be Oracle.

Although he didn't study this aspect, he still knew what oracle bone inscriptions were.

It can even be said that what is known is relatively clear. The earliest oracle bone inscriptions were discovered on the keel in history.

Now it is both keel and texture, which makes it hard not to think about it.

If the oracle bone inscriptions were really discovered, it would be a truly sensational discovery.

Seeing his expression, everyone knew that he should know this thing, at least he knew it, and this thing was very unusual.

Could it be that, as guessed, these lines are a kind of writing?
If so, that would be amazing.

He Dachun continued: "I just copied these lines and found that it looks like a kind of writing..."

"So I found the editor-in-chief Yihe. After reading it, she also thought it was a kind of writing that she had never seen before."

Yihe nodded and said: "I asked everyone to check it together, and everyone agreed that it looked like text, but they were not sure... so I invited the temple master."

Sun Simiao said: "After I read it, I thought it looked like writing, but I had never seen it before. I thought you were well-informed, so I asked you to come and take a look."

Chen Jingke nodded excitedly, and said to He Dachun: "What you copied, show it to me."

"This is it." He Dachun pointed to a stack of papers on the table and said.

Chen Jingke walked to the table in two steps in three steps. When he saw the symbols on the paper clearly, his heart almost jumped out of his chest with excitement.

"Oracle bone inscription, it's really an oracle bone inscription, haha..."

His gaffe shocked everyone. Although it is a happy thing to find a character that has never been seen before, it is not so happy.

There have been many kinds of scripts in the Central Plains. In the pre-Qin period, even a country had a kind of script.

Maybe these keel bones are engraved with the characters of a small country.

Chen Jingke couldn't care what they were thinking, and flipped through the papers back and forth several times.

The more I watched, the more excited I was, and at the end I danced with joyful siblings.

It's Oracle, it's Oracle.

It was similar to what he saw in books and online in his previous life, and he even saw several characters he knew.

Seeing him getting more and more excited, everyone showed worried expressions, are you crazy?

Everyone looked at Sun Simiao, asking him to think of a way.

Sun Simiao knew his disciples very well, and he had long been used to the strangeness. He asked, "Do you know this oracle... oracle bone inscription?"

Chen Jingke replied casually: "I know part of it, this is the writing of the Yin and Shang Dynasties."

Yin Shang's writing?
Although everyone was surprised, they didn't really understand what Yin Shang characters meant, so they didn't really understand why he was so excited.

There is no archeology these days, and no one doubts the existence of Xia Shang, and the civilization of the Central Plains has eliminated many kinds of scripts.

In their view, this Yin Shang script is just one of many scripts that have been eliminated.

Their bland reaction made Chen Jingke feel like a cow playing the piano, and the excitement faded a lot.

This kind of joy must be shared with people who know how to do it to be happier, and it is too uncomfortable to tell people who don't understand.

He is too familiar with this feeling. He was very interested in oracle bone inscriptions in his previous life and bought several related books.

When discussing this matter with people around me, basically no one is interested.

Some people even think that it is not the writing of the Shang Dynasty, there is nothing to study, and there are quite a few people who hold this attitude.

In desperation, he can only discuss with people online.

This is true in the 21st century, let alone in ancient times.

But so he explained patiently: "There are many historical legends about the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, but the real objects we have seen so far are only limited to the Zhou Dynasty."

"The Xia and Shang dynasties only exist in legends, and there is no physical evidence to prove their existence."

"With keel bones and oracle bone inscriptions, it can be proved that Yin Shang really existed. It can also be used to study and understand the social structure and conditions at that time."

Everyone looked at each other, and one person couldn't help but said: "Does the existence of Xia, Shang and Zhou still need to be proved? So many books have recorded it."

Many people nodded their heads and said they thought so too.

But not everyone thinks this way, Yihe showed a thoughtful expression and said:
"The existence of Xia, Shang and Zhou does not need to be questioned, but there are too few records about that period of history."

"Now that we have oracle bone inscriptions, we can have a more detailed understanding. Maybe it will allow Datang to realize the grand occasion of the rule of the Three Dynasties."

Only then did everyone nod their heads to express their approval. The rule of the Three Dynasties is the perfect world in Confucian fantasy.

It's just that there are too few records about the three generations. No one knows what that period was like, so they can only imagine it out of thin air.

Now that there is writing, maybe the rule of the three generations can really be realized, and everyone is excited at the thought of this.

Chen Jingke shook his head secretly. Although everyone was happy, the reasons for their happiness were different.

The discovery of oracle bone inscriptions is really important to Chinese civilization. It proves that the Chinese civilization has a long history and has never been cut off.

It proves that the Huaxia ethnic group is the aborigines of this land, not alien races.

It proves that this vast land has been ours since ancient times.

It's just that Sun Simiao and the others don't understand this yet, they just feel happy that these words may help the Great Tang realize the rule of the Three Dynasties.

But in any case, it is a good thing to discover Oracle so many years in advance.

According to historical records, the earliest discovery of Yin and Shang ancient relics was in the Song Dynasty, and bronze wares were discovered.

However, in fact, the earliest Chinese people discovered the antiquities before the Yin and Shang Dynasties must not be the Song Dynasty, and perhaps every dynasty has such antiquities unearthed.

It's just that it was not valued by the people at that time, and it was easily destroyed.

Fortunately, the bronze ware, the fragments of those pottery and other utensils were probably destroyed as garbage.

There are also oracle bones for writing. No one cares about this thing, and if it is picked up, it will be thrown away as garbage.

The possibility of being eaten as a medicinal material is also very high. After all, keel is a traditional Chinese medicinal material, which is said to be able to cure all diseases.

The so-called keels are animal bones buried underground in ancient times. A large part of the keels discovered in the boundaries of Henan, Shandong, and Shaanxi are oracle bones from the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

The history of China's use of dragon bones as medicinal materials can be traced back to more than 1000 years ago. During this period, it is unknown how many Yin Shang oracle bones were ground into powder and eaten into the stomach.

Some people speculate based on the traces of human activities and the archaeological remains of the Yin and Shang Dynasties that there are at least hundreds of thousands of pieces or more... Just thinking about it will make you feel like a knife is piercing your heart.

Now that he has traveled to the Tang Dynasty, it is natural to find a way to protect it so that the oracle bone inscriptions can be seen again as soon as possible.

It is believed that there are hundreds of thousands more oracle bones, which will help to crack the oracle bone inscriptions.

And with these oracle bones, the society of the Yin and Shang Dynasties will be reappeared in the world, and records of the history before the Yin and Shang Dynasties may be found.

Thinking of this, Chen Jingke immediately said: "Order to collect and protect all these oracle bones, at all costs."

He Dachun immediately said: "Here, I'll give you an order, but I'm afraid we can't do it with our strength alone."

Chen Jingke said: "Well, I will ask Taoism to help. By the way, take some of the oracle bones you found and pack them up. I will go to see the saint right away."

Hearing that the emperor was going to be alarmed, everyone became more serious.

He Dachun immediately took some relatively complete oracle bones and carefully put them in a box.

Chen Jingke once again told them to collect the oracle bones before rushing away.

After returning to his small courtyard, he locked himself in his study, began to recall the oracle bone inscriptions he had seen in his previous life, and then tried to translate the words in front of him.

As I said just now, he was very interested in oracle bone inscriptions in his previous life and had learned about its history.

I bought a lot of books privately, and also bought a "dictionary" of oracle bone inscriptions, and I often discussed it with people on the Internet.

Historians and philologists in previous lives have deciphered more than two thousand oracle bone inscriptions, and he has compared each of them.

The reason is that on the one hand, I like it, and on the other hand, I want to see if I can make some extra money.

The Museum of Chinese Characters offered a reward of [-] yuan to anyone who could decipher any unknown oracle bone inscriptions.

He wanted to make a fortune, but he also pretended to study it, and even sent an email to the museum's mailbox.

Unfortunately, no reply was received.

By the day he crossed, it was said that only two people had won the 10 yuan bonus.

Although he didn't research anything, he has seen what others have researched.

One year in the college entrance examination, a lover of ancient Chinese wrote a composition in oracle bone inscriptions and got full marks.

He also secretly wrote an article and posted it on the Internet, but it was sprayed by many people.

But in any case, being able to write essays in oracle bone inscriptions shows that he really has a certain understanding of this stuff.

Although I have forgotten many of them after not using them for a long time, I can still remember most of them in comparison with Oracle.

The piece of oracle bone inscriptions copied by He Dachun has about 130 characters.

Why use approximately, because in these "words", there must be some normal cracks in the lines instead of words.

The final result is that he can only translate fourteen of the more than 100 characters, and the impression of the other ten or so characters is a bit vague, and he can only roughly guess what they mean.

No way, it's been so long since I haven't used it, I almost forgot about it.

But these words are enough, I believe Li Shimin will be happy to see this kind of thing appear.

He considers himself a descendant of Yanhuang orthodox Chinese, and he even plans to change the method of the era.

Now that the writings and ancient objects from Yin and Shang came out in this era, the political significance of them is too great.

(End of this chapter)

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