Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 1010 Alexander I of Macedonia

Chapter 1010 Alexander I of Macedonia

After the fall of Tire, tens of thousands of Wu soldiers and mercenaries ransacked the city.

All valuables that could be taken away were taken away, not even chickens and dogs were left behind, not even rations.

The Wu army and mercenaries who returned with full load left a lot of suffering for the people in this kind of city.

Qing Ji did it even better. He waved his hand and said, "Raze this city to the ground!"


As the order of celebrating Ji was passed down, all kinds of buildings, such as city walls, drawbridges, houses, wells, etc., in Tire were destroyed brick by brick.

The more than 3 Tyrians who survived this battle were sold as slaves by Qingji.

There are no slaves in Wu, so these people will only move around in Western countries, Central Asia, and West Asia...

After capturing the city of Tyre, the Wu army launched a powerful offensive against various cities in Palestine.

In Gaza, the Wu army also encountered stubborn resistance. It took more than a month and paid a very heavy price to break through Gaza City.

Qingji would not be merciless when dealing with enemies who dared to stand firm, so he directly turned the Gazans into slaves just like the Tyreans, and sold them out.


The time has entered the 44th year of Wu Shihuang, that is, 470 BC, the third month of the lunar calendar.

After a rest, Wu's expeditionary army continued to march towards Macedonia.

Macedonia is located on the northeastern edge of Greece, bordered by Thessaly in the south, Mount Olympia in the middle, Illyria in the west, and Thrace in the east.

According to natural and geographical conditions, Macedonia is clearly divided into two parts: Upper Macedonia, located in the west, has a vast territory, vertical and horizontal mountains, dense forests, suitable for animal husbandry, and is the basic residence of Macedonians.

Lower Macedonia is a coastal plain bordering the Aegean Sea, suitable for agricultural development.

Due to its secluded location, Macedonia has been in a backward state for a long time and has been basically excluded from the international life of Greece.

The rough and brave Macedonians are more like Spartans than Athens, and they are also regarded as Greeks in a non-strict sense by other ancient Greek city-states. Many Greeks even call them alien barbarians.

About 200 years ago, Perdiccas I led a nation of Macedonians to move eastward from their homeland on the banks of the Hariacommon River, set their capital at Egai, and established the Ajid dynasty.

To this day, Macedonian power has crossed the Axius River eastward and conquered the Thracian tribes there.

It is worth mentioning that Macedonia is a monarchy, but the Citizens' Assembly still plays a role.

In the Hippo-Persian Wars, Macedon was attached to the Persian Empire and was forced to join the Persian army.

Therefore, strictly speaking, Macedonia is not a province of the Persians, but an independent kingdom.

When Qingji led the Western Expeditionary Army across the Aksius River, the Macedonians sent envoys to ask for peace, expressing their willingness to submit to Wu.

Such a result is undoubtedly a happy one.

"Grandfather, do you really want to accept the surrender of the Macedonians?"

After the Macedonian envoy left, Wu Ji asked in confusion.

After all, within the territory of the Great Wu Empire, apart from the princes who established the state, there was not a single vassal state with a different surname.

Could it be that the Kingdom of Macedonia will become a special case?
Hearing this, Qing Ji just smiled lightly and said, "Wu Ji, do you know what the King of Macedonia is like?"

"Know a thing or two."

Wu Ji said slowly: "It is said that during the Ionian rebellion that led to the outbreak of the Hippo-Persian War, Alexander, who had not succeeded to the throne, had an unfriendly attitude towards the Persians."

"After the war broke out, Alexander led his troops to attack the Greeks with the Persians."

"It's just that in the end Alexander betrayed the Persians, causing the Persians to return home in defeat."

"Grandfather, this is a man with a head and a mouse at both ends. It is not credible. If Grandfather wants to wipe out the Greek city-states in one go, you must get rid of the Macedonians first."

Qing Ji slightly nodded and said, "That's right. Wu Ji, my thoughts coincide with yours."

Now, the reigning Macedonian king is Alexander I, an ancestor of Alexander the Great.

His name Alexander means "guardian of mankind".

Alexander III, Alexander the Great.

The two "Alexanders" are more than 100 years apart.

The Macedonian king Alexander I who is now in power can be regarded as an outstanding monarch.

On the eve of the outbreak of the Hippo-Persian War, Darius I sent his general Megabazus to various parts of Greece to ask for land and water, symbolically asking the Greeks to submit to Persia.

When the mission came to Macedonia, Alexander's father Amyntas I received them.

At the banquet, the Persian envoys even asked the beauties from the Macedonian harem to attend the banquet, but Amintas agreed because he was afraid of Persia.

When the Persian envoys began to touch the beauties, Prince Alexander, who was on the sidelines, couldn't bear it anymore.

He came up with a trick, falsely claiming to let the beauties go back to the house to dress up more beautifully, send them all back to the harem, and then call a group of Macedonian lads dressed as women to serve the Persian envoys, and kill them all by surprise.

Because the mission never returned, Megabazus sent Bubalus to lead a team to Macedonia to question the crime.

However, Alexander resolved the crisis by marrying his sister Igaia to Bubalus.

After the death of Amyntas I, Alexander I succeeded to the throne, but soon the Hippo War began in full swing.

Although Alexander had previously been hostile to Persia, under the coercion of the Persian general and Darius' son-in-law Mardonios, Macedonia was forced to submit to Persia and become a vassal of Persia.

After Xerxes I succeeded to the throne, he launched a second invasion of Greece. Alexander also marched with the Persian army and won the trust of Mardonius.

However, Persia was defeated in the Salamis naval battle that broke out ten years ago, and was unable to continue the war of aggression.

After the defeat of Persia, Alexander was sent to Athens to negotiate peace with the Greek city-states as the agent of Mardonius.

Convinced that Greece was powerless against Persia, he advised the Greek city-states to make peace, but was rejected.

Although Alexander cooperated with Persia, the "Greek lover" did not really side with Persia, and still provided supplies and opinions to other Greek city-states from time to time.

Moreover, Mardonios' plan was leaked to them on the eve of the battle of Brady, which gave the Greek coalition a complete victory in this battle.

The remaining Persian troops under the leadership of Artabazus had to retreat across the board to Asia Minor.

The [-] Persian soldiers who escaped from the battlefield were attacked by the Macedonian army led by Alexander at the mouth of the Struma River, and most of them were killed...

In view of this, how can Qingji rest assured that such a "little brother" will keep this kind of [-]-year-old boy?
"Wu Zhang."

"My son is here!"

"You lead [-] warriors one step ahead and enter the Macedonian capital of Aegai, and I will lead a large army to follow. If the Macedonians refuse to let you enter the city, attack immediately, and there will be no mistakes!"


Qingji had made up his mind to destroy the Macedonian Kingdom, not simply make it surrender.

People's hearts are unpredictable.

Qingji knew very well that if he wanted to really conquer the Macedonians, he must not allow them to have a state.

Just like the Persians.

What are the benefits of formal surrender?
In case Qingji further conquered the Greek city-states, the backyard caught fire and the Macedonians rebelled, then Qingji might regret it too late.

(End of this chapter)

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