Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 1011 Victory and Defeat of the Western Expedition Army

Chapter 1011 Victory and Defeat of the Western Expedition Army


Just as Qingji expected, the Macedonians didn't really want to submit to themselves.

When Wu Zhang led [-] Wu soldiers and asked to enter Egai, the capital of the Macedonian Kingdom, he was severely rejected by the Macedonians.

So there was a disagreement, and Wu Zhang gave the order to attack.

The war between the Wu army and the Macedonians officially broke out.

In order to destroy the Macedonian Kingdom, Qingji mobilized 8 cavalry, all elite Wu soldiers, and [-] mercenaries.

A total of 14 horses stormed the city of Aegai, and at the same time they did not forget to divide their troops to attack various cities and villages in the Kingdom of Macedonia.

The aggressive actions of the Wu army finally aroused great dissatisfaction among western countries and city-states.

The Kingdom of Scythia on the northern shore of the Black Sea, as well as the Thracians, all fought to reinforce the desperate Macedonian Kingdom.

Various city-states such as Athens and Sparta in the south sent troops to join the war.

Qingji then adopted the method of besieging points to fight for aid, surrounded the city of Aigai, and annihilated all the reinforcements who came to support them one by one.

After more than three months of fierce fighting, the Wu army and its mercenaries finally broke through the city of Gailan, annihilated the reinforcements from Thrace, the Kingdom of Scythia, and various Greek city-states, and won a complete victory.

After destroying the Kingdom of Macedonia, the Wu army took advantage of the momentum of a great victory, and like a snowball, recruited 20 mercenaries, plus more than 25 cavalry from Wu, for a total of nearly [-] troops, marching mightily towards the Greek city-states and go.

The first to bear the brunt is naturally Hot Spring Pass.


Mid-July of the lunar calendar.

Full of ambition, Qingji gave the order to attack Wenquan Pass.

Thermopylae is located on the coast of the Aegean Sea in the east of Greece. It is surrounded by mountains and sea, and the terrain is extremely dangerous.

However, Qingji believed that with his 25 troops, he could easily destroy the Hot Spring Pass.

"How many troops are there at Hot Spring Pass?"

Sun Die replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, according to reliable information, on the Greek side, Athens, Sparta and other 72 city-states participated in the war, with about 6000 people on foot and on horseback."

"In addition, there are Macedonian, Thrace, and Scythian remnants of defeated generals, totaling no more than [-]."

Hearing the enemy's strength, Qingji couldn't help narrowing his eyes, feeling a little worried.

The war has progressed to this point, can they still use so many troops to fight?
This is something Qingji didn't expect.

However, the battle force is 25 vs. 5, and our own troops are almost five times that of the enemy!
What is Qingji afraid of?
"Grandfather, you should be more careful."

Wu Ji frowned and said, "My grandson heard that Xerxes led an army of 30 to [-] people, and it was here at Hot Spring Pass that they were blocked by [-] Spartan warriors."

"The Spartans killed tens of thousands of people twice with [-] warriors, which shows how tough they are."

"That's a fallacy."

Qing Ji waved his hands and said, "At that time, Sparta had more than 300 people. It was mainly a 7000-man defender with [-] Spartan royal guards and [-] second-class frontier infantry as the core."


Wu Ji was silent.

Wu Zhang who was beside him said, "Father, my son thinks that this battle should be decided quickly."

"Our army has 25 horses, and food and grass have become a huge problem. Although the Israelis have funded a lot of food and grass, there are also food and grass collected from Thrace, Lydia, Macedonia and other places, which can supply the army for a month. But the army rations after one month, I'm afraid..."

Qingji waved his hands and said, "After breaking through the Hot Spring Pass, it is enough to directly occupy the various city-states in Greece and collect food on the spot!"


The previous Wu army was able to occupy the entire territory of the Persian Achaemenid dynasty in accordance with this method.


The next day, Wu Jun launched a fierce attack on Hot Spring Pass.

According to the usual practice, the mercenaries rushed forward bravely and acted as cannon fodder, so Wu Jun did not suffer any casualties.

After several days of bitter fighting, Hot Spring Pass was finally conquered by the Wu army.

Wu Jun and the allied forces fought a big battle in Boeotia.

Almost at the same time, a fierce battle broke out in the Aegean Sea between the fleet of the Wu army and the fleet of the Greek city-state coalition forces.

But at this time, Qingji fell ill and had to stay at Wenquan Pass, waiting for good news from Wu Zhang, Wu Ji and the others.

This is really sick!
Qingji lay on the bed, a little annoyed.

However, he still sent people between the battlefield and Hot Spring Pass to pay close attention to the battle situation.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Sun Ji led [-] cavalry into the center of the Greek coalition army, and gained a lot!"

"Explore again!"

"Your Majesty, a great victory in the Aegean Sea! My great Wu navy sank more than 2000 enemy warships, captured more than [-] people, and captured countless!"

"it is good!"

"Your Majesty, the Macedonian and Thracian cavalry suddenly circled around and attacked our flank from behind!"

"Explore again!"

"Your Majesty, the Greek coalition forces have launched a full-scale counterattack! However, they have been repulsed by the army led by King Liao!"

"Explore again!"

"Your Majesty, it's not good! The Medes, Assyrians, and Lydians in our army's phalanx... those barbarians have rebelled! They are attacking our army's central army!"

"Your Majesty, Huangsun Ji is under siege, but King Liao has rescued him!"

"Your Majesty, something is wrong!"

Just when Qingji was a little bit astonished, another guard hurried into the tent of the Chinese army and told Qingji, "There is a big fire in the west! That is our army's granary! Those Assyrians and Medes Yi Di is rebellious!"

"They burned our army food and grass!"


Qing Ji couldn't help but suddenly change color.

"Quick! Let Wu Ming... send troops to suppress it!"


The bad news came one after another, and before Qingji could calm down a bit, the news of the defeat of the frontline army had already reached his ears.

Due to the rebellion of the mercenaries, Wu Zhang and Wu Ji had to flee back to Wenquanguan with the defeated soldiers and stabbed them in the back.

"Father, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. After the minister is gone, quickly lead the army out of Hot Spring Pass!"

"I... can never accept such a defeat."

Qingji felt very uncomfortable.

Seeing that all the city-states in Greece were about to be wiped out, this expedition to the west was over. At a critical moment, they were actually defeated?
The disgraced Wu Zhang sighed, knelt down on one knee, and saluted Qingji: "Father, it's my son who is incompetent."

"I didn't expect the people in the army to fluctuate. Alexander and the Greeks colluded with the barbarians and rebels in the army, so that our army was defeated! Father, retreat first!"

"Revenge later!"


Qingji was silent.

"His Majesty!"

The generals of the Wu army all around knelt down one after another.

Such a defeat is also unacceptable to them.

Fortunately, the loss was not too great. The Wu Empire's family has a great career, so it is not impossible to take revenge in the future.

In case Qingji died in Wenquan Pass, they would not be redeemed if they died a hundred times, and the Wu Empire might never have the chance to take revenge in the future.

"I... have a splitting headache!"

"His Majesty!"


Qingji suddenly felt "dizzy", and accidentally fell on the bed.

Taking advantage of Qingji's fainting, the generals hurriedly put Qingji on the carriage and fled in embarrassment.

Naturally, Qing Ji didn't really have a splitting headache.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he didn't pretend to be unconscious at this time?
(End of this chapter)

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