Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 321 Jixia Academy

Chapter 321 Jixia Academy
"Your Majesty, that's wrong!"

Kong Qiu hurriedly took a step back, bowed to Qingji and said, "The ruler is the ruler, and the minister is the minister. How can the ruler and the minister ride in the same car? Such a violation of the etiquette of the ruler and the minister is an overreach, and the minister dare not do it."

Kong Qiu was a very well-behaved person, but Qing Ji could also tell that this was not what Kong Qiu had in mind.

After all, a sage who can be called a "teacher of all ages" like Confucius is only indifferent to fame and fortune after all, but he has not achieved true purity of heart and ascetic desires!
"Hahahaha, Kong Qing, why not? I respect you, and you have made great contributions to our country of Wu. Don't say that you ride in the same car with me, or let me give you this 'Xia chariot', What's the matter?"

As he spoke, Qingji made another "please" gesture.

Confucius half-pushed and half-approved, followed by boarding the Xia chariot, and together with Qingji received the admiring eyes of the people in Jinling City.

This is the treatment that heroes can only enjoy!

In the state of Wu, it is often the generals who have made illustrious military exploits that they can ride in the same car with Qingji when they return in triumph.

Now, Qingji is doing this, isn't he explaining to Confucius that you are a hero of Wu?
"Kong Qing, this time the widow transferred you back to Jinling, you don't blame the widow in your heart, do you?"

"I dare not."

Kong Qiu quickly lowered his head and said.

In fact, on the way from Kuaiji to Jinling, he was full of slander for Qingji's practice.

Kong Qiu was a little apprehensive, because he had written many times before, admonishing Qingji to take back his order and not to implement the "Fa Jing", which is a severe law, in the state of Wu.

However, Qingji obviously took Kong Qiu's advice as a deaf ear.

This made Confucius very upset.

So in a fit of anger, Confucius came up with the idea of ​​retreating to the mountains and forests, and sent a memorial to Qingji to resign.

However, what Confucius waited for was not Qingji's order to punish the crime, or the news of the withdrawal of the "Fajing".

Qing Ji transferred Confucius to Jinling, waiting for his appointment.

This made Kong Qiu feel empty in his heart, very uncomfortable.

He didn't know what kind of fate was waiting for him!
Qingji will not kill himself, but he may put him on the shelf and never reuse him again, or drive him out of Wu...

This is obviously not what Confucius wants to see.

Because Confucius came to Wu State for several years and served in Kuaiji County for more than a year. He has outstanding achievements and is highly praised!

Kong Qiu, who had made some achievements in Kuaiji County and had a chance to show off his ambition, obviously didn't want to be left out in the cold by Qingji and leave Wu country again in despair.

"Kong Qing, I want you to be a pianist and take charge of important affairs of the country. I don't know what you want?"

"Sir, obey the king's orders!"

Dian Ke is one of the nine ministers, with a high position and authority, but in the final analysis, the power is not as great as the prefect of Kuaiji County.

Fortunately, Kong Qiu is not a person greedy for power, and he doesn't care about this.

To be promoted by Qingji to be one of the ministers of the Nine Ministers, to Kong Qiu, it is tantamount to allowing him to enter the power center of Wu!

"About the post of governor of Kuaiji County, does Kong Qing have anyone to recommend?"

Qingji asked again with great interest.

"Your Majesty, I think that my disciple, Ran Geng, the former Chancellor of Kuaiji County, may succeed as the governor of the county."

"You really do not shy away from close relatives."

"Your Majesty!"

Confucius was taken aback, thinking that Qingji was not very satisfied with his proposal to appoint Ran Geng as the governor of Kuaiji County, so he said quickly, "Your Majesty, Ran Geng has outstanding talents and is well versed in Confucianism. There are quite a few Vietnamese."

"However, there are so many people in Yue, it is difficult to teach them one by one, and I am afraid that they will not be able to naturalize all of them in my country of Wu for a while. With Ran Geng here, he can continue the law of administrative civil servants in Kuaiji County, more than ten years later. , Wuyue and Wuyue can truly become one family!"


Qingji agreed to let Ran Geng be the governor of Kuaiji County.

This made Confucius very pleased.

In fact, Qingji could also see that Kong Qiu didn't have much selfishness in this matter.

The sheriff of Kuaiji County has great power, and Qingji is not at ease if it is replaced by ordinary people, so he has arranged a lot of eyeliners in Kuaiji County to monitor Kong Qiu, Ran Geng and others before, and if there is any misconduct Qingji will be able to take them down immediately!
"Your Majesty, I still think that the legal provisions in the "Fa Jing" are too harsh and the punishment is too heavy."

"Why can't Your Majesty use morality to educate the people of the country like the ancient sages, instead of aggravating punishment?"

Confucius still insisted on his own way.

Hearing this, Qingji just chuckled and said: "Kong Qing, if it is not a last resort, how can I punish the people severely and rule the people?"

"In today's world, people's hearts are not old, and it is impossible for Kong Qing to return to the era of Yao and Shun. Therefore, I must make the best use of the situation!"

"This time I let you go back to Jinling, and I also let you perfect some unreasonable provisions or punishments in the "Fajing"."

"Your Majesty Yingming!"

Qing Ji has been in the top position for a long time and is also a time traveler, so he naturally knows that he can't blindly use severe punishments and harsh laws to govern the country, otherwise he will only end up like the Qin Dynasty and perish for the second generation.

Furthermore, the national conditions of Wu State are not the same as those of Qin State at that time.

Professional things still need professional people to do it.

Although Confucius was not a Legalist, he was a great generation of Confucianists, the originator of Confucianism!
With Kong Qiu's benevolent heart, he will definitely be able to improve the relatively harsh "Fa Jing" and make Wu's legal provisions more reasonable.

"Kong Qing, there is one more thing."

Qingji said again: "The widow intends to build a Jixia Academy in Jinling. In order to open the thoroughfare of Kangzhuang, a high-end house, so as to attract scholars from all over the world to enter Wu, encourage them to write books and talk about it, and encourage them to participate in and discuss politics. .”

"In addition to the scholars who govern the country, regardless of farmers, craftsmen, big businessmen, etc., anyone who has a skill and is outstanding can be awarded the title of 'Superior Doctor', which is used to teach disciples and carry forward the theories of each school."

"The widow is the head of the school, and you, Confucius, will sacrifice wine for the school, manage the Jixia school for the widow, and manage the Jixia school for the state of Wu, cultivate talents, and teach people tirelessly."

Hearing this, Kong Qiu's eyes widened immediately, and he said excitedly, "I will obey the king's order!"

The Jixia Academy that Qingji wants to establish is naturally roughly the same as the Jixia Academy in Qi State in history.

It's just that this Jixia Academy in Wu State is more of a cradle for cultivating talents, and it is the highest school in Wu State.

In Qingji's vision, Jixia Academy will be a comprehensive institution of higher learning that includes engineering colleges, law schools, agricultural colleges, and medical colleges.

In its heyday, the Jixia Academy of later generations accommodated almost every school of thought at that time, among which the main ones were Taoism, Confucianism, Law, Ming, Bing, Nong, Yin and Yang, and the schools of weight and severity.

During its prosperous period, Jixia Academy gathered about a thousand wise men from all over the world!

What Qingji has to do is to use these talents to cultivate more talents for Wu.

Even if the land is cultivated well, it may be awarded the title of Doctor!

(End of this chapter)

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