Chapter 322
Wu Guo's second reform has achieved certain results.

In terms of the legal system, with the promulgation of the "Fa Jing" and under the order of Qing Ji, officials and scholars from all over the country interpreted it, even the illiterate Li Shu can know some of the legal provisions of Wu State.

Economically, the state of Wu encouraged farming and weaving, and prohibited farmers from entering mountains, rivers, lakes, and marshes to make a living, so that they could be content with their own occupations.

This undoubtedly stimulated farmers' enthusiasm for production to the greatest extent.

In terms of military affairs, the State of Wu implemented a [-]-level military title system, encouraging soldiers to fight the enemy bravely. Even slaves or prisoners can gain freedom by killing the enemy, and ordinary people can also stand out.

In terms of education, the state of Wu established the Jixia Academy, which once again attracted talented people from all over the world to enter Wu, forming a situation where a hundred schools of thought contend.

At the same time, the State of Wu also regards the Jixia Academy as the highest institution of learning, and it has become the cradle for the State of Wu to cultivate talents!
It's just that the series of reforms in the Wu Kingdom, especially the abolition of the well field system, the opening up of fields and borders, and the practice of allowing free trading of land undoubtedly violated the interests of the old aristocracy.

The old aristocratic families in the Wu State are no longer in good standing, but the Central Plains countries such as Qi, Lu, Wei, Song, etc. are deeply dissatisfied with Wu State's approach.

Because the state of Wu also encouraged Li Shu from other countries to settle in Wu.

Anyone who settles in Wu, regardless of their origin, noble or slave, can be given land, houses and farm tools, exempted from corvee for five years, and after five years of farming, the land can be given to those who cultivated it!

This caused a large number of Li and Shu from various countries to flee to the State of Wu. As the situation ebbed and flowed, all the countries naturally resented the State of Wu, and the princes also remembered their hatred and celebrated their taboos.

The feudal lords issued warnings to Qingji one after another, demanding that the state of Wu should no longer accept refugees, restore the well field system, and abolish all the economic decrees of the state of Wu in the new law.

However, how can Qing Ji make them get what they want?
Wu's internal affairs do not allow other countries to interfere!


Fengtian Temple.

Qingji was holding a court meeting with his officials, and the atmosphere in the huge court hall was rather dignified.

Because Qingji had just received a spy report, under the lobbying of the Chu people, he decided to take Qi as the leader and unite Chu, Song, Wei, Lu, Teng, Xue, Zhu, Ju, Tan, Cao, Chen, Dun, and Xu to form a joint alliance. The fourteen countries are preparing to form an alliance in Xuedi to attack Wu.

As the leader of the alliance, Qihou Jiang Chujiu has issued an ultimatum to Qingji.

If the Wu State does not agree to terminate the reform, it will be attacked by the coalition forces of the princes of the fourteen countries, and even the country will be destroyed!
Why is there such a big commotion?
It's just because Jiang Chujiu had long wanted to dominate, but he didn't dare to provoke Jin, the old hegemony, and had been pretending to be his grandson for many years.

Qi's hegemony seems to be unstoppable.

Last year, in the sixth year of Wu Wang Qingji, under Bo Tong's three-inch tongue, the Jin State decided to mobilize the princes with Zhengqing Shimarting to uphold justice for Cai Houshen, and called on the princes of the world to gather in Zhaoling.

Shi Yang and Qi Guoxia, Lu, Song, Cai, Wei, Chen, Zheng, Xu, Cao, Tai, Zhu, Dun, Hu, Teng, Xue, Qi, and Xiaolu, a total of eighteen princes, gathered in Zhaoling together. The business plan to defeat Chu.

This is the largest alliance of princes initiated by one country in the Spring and Autumn Period, and it is also the last reflection of Jin's past glory and hegemony.

During this meeting, Shi Yang made Chu's greedy and ugly behavior public, and announced that: the alliance between Jin and Chu signed by the two sides of the alliance to eliminate soldiers is now invalid, and Jin is the only legal overlord of the Central Plains.

The idea of ​​Shi Yang's move is to use the alliance of princes to improve Fan's international reputation, and by the way, restore the dwindling hegemony of Jin.

As a result, Zhong Xingyin, Shi Yang's most iron ally, was rejected because he asked for a bribe from Cai Guo, so he raised an objection to Shi Yang, saying that it would not be profitable for the princes of the Jin National Assembly to attack Chu State on behalf of Cai Hou, and the Jin State would not get any benefits.

Shi Yang is also aware of Xun Yin's intentions, but think about it, the Zhongxing family is the best family friend of the Fan family, and now the conflict between the six ministers of the Jin Kingdom has escalated, the reforms of the various ministers are gradually improving, and there is a new round of competition among the aristocratic families. About to start.

In such troubled times, why bother to offend one's best ally by seeking benefits for other countries?
Under the leadership of Shi Yang, the coalition forces helped Cai Guo destroy the pocket-sized Shen State as a reply to the princes.

Later, Shen Zhuliang made a small victory in the Fangcheng area, so the meeting in Zhaoling came to an end.

The poor performance of the Jin people disappointed the princes of the Central Plains, and their prestige dropped to freezing point.

The whole world knows that the Jin people can no longer be trusted, only the Jin people themselves don't think so.

This naturally created an opportunity for Qi Guotuba!

"The people of Qi are wolves with ambitions. The second and third sons, this is the end of the matter, what should my country of Wu do?"

Qingji's face was also quite serious.

It's not that he didn't think about the consequences of his own implementation of that kind of decree.

However, the state of Wu is different from the state of Qin when Shang Yang reformed later.

The Qin State still has the strength of Weihan, which can repel the invading enemy. At worst, it will retreat in the pass, and wait until the coalition forces of the princes retreat, and then fight out to regain the lost ground.

But what about Wu?

In addition to the dense water network and the high mountains and long roads in Wu State, it is a flat river!
There are quite a few places that can be defended, but there is basically no pass that is really as solid as Qin's, one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men can't open it!

How to fight this battle?
"Your Majesty!"

Dianke Kongqiu held the Yahu first, and said: "I think it is not impossible to agree to the request of the Marquis of Qi, abolish the new law, and restore the well field system!"

"This coalition led by the Qi State has a total of [-] countries participating in the alliance. It is so powerful that it cannot be resisted by our Wu State! If there is any country in the world that can resist an alliance of this size, only the Jin State !"

"Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

With the appearance of Confucius, ministers such as Shaofu Beili and Taifu Shenxi all stepped forward.

"My lord, what Dian Keqiu said is absolutely true."

"Wu is invincible against the Allied Forces of the Fourteen Nations! If so, why can't we restore the well field system to avoid the suffering of wars and chaos among the people of the country?"

"Exactly! Your Majesty, it's nothing more than a well field system. My country of Wu can restore the well field system and make a promise to other countries that we will no longer absorb people from other countries into Wu, and prohibit refugees from entering Wu!"

"My minister agrees!"

Many ministers agreed with the proposition of Confucius and others.

However, Qingji was obviously not satisfied.

At this time, Tingwei Boshen, who was good at trying to figure out the heart of celebrating taboos, had no choice but to bite the bullet and come out: "Your Majesty, I think it's wrong!"

"How can the king's edict be changed from day to day? Now, the princes only ask us to restore the well field system in Wu Kingdom, and prohibit refugees from other countries from entering Wu to settle down."

"This is harmless to the Wu country, but why is the king shameless? Why didn't my Wu country lose its prestige?"

"As the saying goes, you can see the whole leopard from a glimpse, and you can know the autumn from a leaf!"

"At that time, the feudal lords will make further progress and further demand that Wu Guo ban all new laws and overthrow them all. Wouldn't Your Majesty be forced to agree again?"

 It is an inevitable result that the feudal lords will attack Wu. Attracting a large number of people from other countries to Wu, just like the reform of Qin State and Shang Yang, will inevitably cause public outrage.

(End of this chapter)

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