Chapter 333

Bandit Zhi looked at Fan Li who had already been tied up by Wuhuada, and then at the Wu Jun soldiers who were discussing on the school grounds, his face was full of pride and complacency.

"Fan Li, death is imminent, you are still so calm, I really admire you."

Bandit Zhi sneered, and said, "However, no matter what, next year today will be your death day!"

"Rogue Zhi, you have already betrayed? Your Majesty guessed rightly. He knows people and faces but does not know his heart. Your Majesty treats you well. Why did you betray Wu and join the enemy?"

Fan Liyun asked calmly.

"Hahahaha! The king of Wu treated me well. However, compared to the conditions offered by the Marquis of Qi, the treatment given by the king of Wu is simply nothing!"

Robber Zhi said bitterly: "Fan Li, today I will sacrifice your head to the flag."

Afterwards, Robber Zhi stood at the front of the high platform again, looked at the thousands of Wu soldiers on the school field, raised his arms and said, "Soldiers, as the saying goes, a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a virtuous minister chooses a master to serve!"

"The king of Wu is mean and ungrateful, he is not a gentleman! Now I have contacted the Marquis of Qi, and I wish to respect the Lord of Shangqing, enfeoff a county, and inherit nothing!"

"If you are rich, you will never forget each other! I, Zhan Zhi, can get this glory and wealth, so naturally I can't forget you brothers who have followed through life and death!"

"Now, follow me to kill Fan Li, burn the Wu people's supplies, and go to the Marquis of Qi together!"


"Go to the Marquis of Qi! Go to the Marquis of Qi!"

On the school grounds, the generals of the Wu army shouted loudly.

Almost all of them are the old troops of Robber Zhi, those thieves who used to follow Robber Zhi to cause chaos in the Central Plains.

They are no longer satisfied with the status quo!
However, there are also quite a few people who have changed their minds and decided to start a new life.

They lived well in Wu, and some of them even married wives and had children, so how could they be willing to rebel with Bandit Zhi?

Moreover, half of the officers and soldiers of the Wu army on the school grounds were from Wu people, so how dare they rebel against Bandit Zhi?

That's what I said, but Robber Zhi, as the main general, has a certain prestige.

At this time, if no one stood up and stood up to contend with Robber Zhi, I am afraid that the civil strife in Wu State would be inevitable.

"Mang Mao, behead Fan Li! Sacrifice the flag! Make a move!"


With the wave of the complacent Bandit Zhi, the lieutenant man Mangmao who was standing aside pulled out the long sword from his waist with a serious look on his face.


A stream of blood spurted out.

Robber Zhi suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and lowered his head unconsciously, only to see that a bronze sword had penetrated his body.

It's Mang Mao!

Robber Zhi stared, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

However, Mangmao didn't give him a chance to speak anymore. After pulling out the sword, he sealed his throat with the sword again, causing Robber Zhi to fall straight into a pool of blood, dying of breath.

When he died, Robber Zhi was still dumbfounded, apparently unable to believe that such a thing would happen.

The officers and soldiers of the Wu army on the school field also looked terrified, still in shock.

Mangmao directly cut off Robber Zhi's head, picked up his bloody head, and shouted loudly: "I'm ordered to kill the thief!"

"Zhan Zhi's rebellion is an unforgivable crime! I will be ordered by the king to kill the rebels! This time only the leader will be punished, and the rest will not be questioned if they give up resistance!"

Hearing this, the soldiers immediately knelt on the ground in unison, and said in unison: "The king is ten thousand years! The king is ten thousand years!"

Mang Mao hastily untied Fan Li again.

"Doctor Fan, I have wronged you."

"It's okay."

Fan Li just smiled lightly, and said: "Root Zhi is dead, the general should take the place of Robber Zhi."

Robber Zhi's official position and the old mangmao can be taken over, but there must be no title of senior doctor and the food town of [-] households.

Mang Mao is also a ruthless person.

Originally, Mangmao was Bandit Zhi's confidant. He came from a lowly background and was a slave. Later, he followed Bandit Zhi to fight in the north and south. When he entered Wu, he was promoted to Bandit Zhi's deputy, and he was trusted by the latter.

It's a pity that Bandit Zhi never expected that Mangmao, whom he trusted, had already betrayed him and killed him to claim credit for Qingji!

Huai River line.

The battle between the Wu army and the coalition forces of the princes was in full swing.

After the defeat on that day, the coalition forces of the princes had to retreat to the north bank of the Huai River, build barriers, and prepare enough arrows to resist the invasion of the Wu army on the opposite side.

Wu Jun also cut down nearby trees and bamboo poles to make rafts to forcefully cross the Huai River in order to defeat the coalition forces of the princes earlier.

The Wu army's offensive was very swift and fierce. Even relying on simple bamboo and wooden rafts, they were able to rush to the opposite enemy's barrier without fear of death.

Moreover, under the cover of the trebuchet, the coalition forces of the princes on the opposite side were obviously fighting a trapped beast.

It was only a matter of time before Wu Jun completely crossed the Huai River.


"Fire arrows!"

"Stop them!"

Qihou Chujiu stood on the archery tower, shouting orders, trying to command the soldiers of the headquarters to resist the powerful offensive of the Wu army.

But, it's just dying.



One after another, stone bullets fell from the sky, cutting through the sky, like meteors from the sky, and fell on the position of the coalition forces of the princes in an instant.

The barrier, which was originally made of simple rammed earth and trees, was crushed in an instant, and the soldiers inside were either dead or injured, crying.

The Wu army has hundreds of trebuchets, which are enough to fire a large number of stone bombs in an instant to cover the crossing of its own soldiers.

In the case of such an extremely high death rate, the coalition forces of the princes, who were originally a group of mobs, could not stop it at all.

"Monarch! I can't stop it! Withdraw!"

Shangqing Guoxia on one side advised him.

At this moment, quite a few soldiers of the Wu army rushed to the shore by relying on bamboo rafts and wooden rafts, braved the rain of arrows, and fought hand-to-hand with the soldiers of the coalition forces of the princes.

"Don't withdraw! Why do you want to withdraw!"

Qi Hou Chujiu said angrily: "There are still more than [-] soldiers under my command, why can't I fight?"

Qihou Chujiu is still dreaming of the dream of turning defeat into victory.

Hearing this, Guo Xia couldn't help sighing: "Your Majesty, Wu's army is fierce and invincible. The soldiers and horses of Xu Guo and Chen Guo have already retreated, and they are overwhelmed. If this continues, the only ones who are still holding their positions here are I am in the army!"


"These snobs!"

Qihou Chujiu couldn't help but look gloomy.

This is really a husband and wife who are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when the disaster is imminent!
It is conceivable that the troops of Xu Guo, Chen Guo and other vassal states will withdraw.

These improvised coalition soldiers have mixed combat effectiveness and low morale. It is okay to fight a smooth battle, but if it is a tough battle, it may be completely unreliable in a downwind battle!

(End of this chapter)

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