Chapter 334

"Drum! March!"

On the south bank of the Huai River, after Qingji saw that the generals of the Wu army basically had a foothold on the opposite bank, he immediately ordered the entire army to cross the Huai River.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The dull and murderous sound of war drums once again resounded throughout the Huaihe wilderness.

At this time of the fierce battle, all the boat divisions behind the Wu army had already rushed to the Huaihe River.

This means that the Wu army's battlefield can be placed on a large boat, and then use military vehicles to crush the fleeing enemies.



A general of the Wu army shouted violently, and holding a bronze spear, he pierced an enemy soldier's chest with a single blow, and after poking a bloody hole, he kicked the enemy away.

The basic organization of the Wu army is five people, and five people form a combat unit, so after killing an enemy, Wu pawns pull out a broad sword from his waist and cut off the opponent's head!

Seeing the fierce appearance of the generals and soldiers of the Wu army, the soldiers of the coalition army of the princes were all frightened, and their livers were torn apart.

Because almost every soldier of the Wu army will cut off the head or left ear after killing an enemy, use it as a mark, and put it in the cloth bag attached to his waist...

For a time, there was a lot of mourning!
Rivers of blood!
Because of the stimulation of the twentieth-level military title system, all the soldiers of the Wu army fought the enemy bravely.

They have a very high fighting spirit!
The enemy who fled across the other side also became the title of military merit in their eyes.


"Wu Manzi is crazy!"

"This is a group of lunatics! Evil ghosts!"

"Run away!"

The coalition forces of the princes have collapsed across the board.

As more and more officers and soldiers of the Wu army landed on the shore and showed a momentum of destruction, the coalition forces of the princes could not stop it at all!
Soldiers of the Wu Army were like ghosts crawling out of hell. For convenience, some of them beheaded an enemy, hung his head around their waists, and continued to chase the enemy soldiers in a hurry.

How can such a scene not make people feel frightened?

The soldiers of the allied forces of the princes were terrified, wishing they could have two more legs so that they could escape faster.

This is the difference in the military service system between the armies of the countries of the Central Plains and the army of Wu, resulting in a completely different gap.

In this era, the armies of the vassal states were mainly composed of the official army and the aristocratic army.

Most of the public armies were built when the princes of the Western Zhou Dynasty were entrusted to establish the country, and the main members were scholars and farmers among the people.

The main job of a scholar is to practice martial arts and fight, and he acts as a soldier in combat.

Farmers are ordinary people. Except for the old, weak and disabled, all adult men must receive military training, three seasons of farming, one season of martial arts, and a big exercise every three years.

In case of war, you must obey the dispatch at any time and serve as infantry. The service period depends on the length of the war!

The aristocratic army is an army set up by officials in their own fiefs, and the soldiers are mainly soldiers and farmers in the fiefs and their surroundings.

Some of the larger cities also have Yijia, some of which belong to the monarch, and some belong to the doctor.

In this way, Yijia became a supplement to the army of the government and the army of the family.

With the gradual disintegration of the well field system, the military tax was expanded again.

Some practice land taxation, such as the land tax system implemented by the Six Ministers of the Jin Dynasty, which means conscription and taxation are based on the number of acres of land, and its targets are mainly farmers.

Farmers living under the combined system of military organization and local administrative organization, produce and participate in military training in normal times, assemble into an army in wartime, order generals in the Taimiao, distribute chariots, armor, and weapons, and disarm and return to the fields after the battle, retaining the "soldiers in the field" farming" tradition.

Aristocrats above small and medium-sized served as soldiers, and they generally did not participate in productive labor.

In peacetime, they wear weapons, engage in martial arts and various military activities, or participate in government affairs. In wartime, they are the backbone of the army and serve as military positions at all levels.

The armies of the countries in the Central Plains were entrusted by the Zhou royal family.

Ministers and officials of various countries have their own independent military organizations, including clan troops and private troops.

These troops were organized on the basis of feudal affiliation.

In addition to the nationals, the main components of the armies of various countries also enlisted the peasants who belonged to them to serve.

The power of the monarchs of the countries in the Central Plains gradually weakened due to clan strife and foreign wars, as well as the rebellion of the people and the resistance struggles of the peasants.

However, some senior officials are gradually becoming stronger, and the military power of the country is inevitably divided and even disintegrated by the senior officials.

At the same time, the military organizations of local counties and counties continued to grow and develop, and the armies of counties and counties gradually became very capable troops.

It's like the teacher of Shenxi from Chu State!
Different from the military-agricultural integration system of all the countries in the world, the Wu State implemented a military recruitment system.

With the expansion of the scale of the war, the conscription work in the countryside has become more and more impressive, but the conscripts have no salary and have to provide their own weapons and food.

The recruiting system solves this problem!
Wu's standing army is composed of carefully selected soldiers with strong combat power, and the state will pay for weapons, armor and rations. Elite troops, such as the Huben Army, the Habayashi Army, and the trapped camp, will also be paid salaries.

With the implementation of the [-]-level military merit title system in Wu State, all Wu army officers and soldiers who have military merit titles will also have their salaries issued.

This, to a certain extent, enhanced the combat capability and morale of the soldiers.


"Get out!"

Seeing that the allied forces of the princes really fled completely, Qihou Chujiu finally came to his senses and ordered to retreat impatiently.

But, it's too late!


Wu Jun's chariots have been transported by warships, a total of [-] chariots, enough for the weak princes' coalition forces to drink a pot.

Because in the previous Huai River War, the military vehicles of the coalition forces were basically destroyed, and none of them survived.

And on this kind of flat terrain, almost a flat field, the chariot soldiers are undoubtedly crushing existences in the face of the fleeing enemies!

How can a man with two legs outrun a war horse with four legs?



On the galloping Wu army chariot, the Wu soldiers waved their long spears and immediately killed the fleeing enemies nearby without mercy.

Facing the enemy not far away, the crossbowmen on the chariot followed suit with their bows and arrows, and shot an arrow accurately, killing them.

This is destined to be a one-sided massacre!

"Do not kill me!"

"Surrender! I surrender!"

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the soldiers of the allied forces of the princes could only throw their weapons aside and knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

For those who surrendered, Wu Jun could not kill them.

So they were caught by the soldiers who came after them, and they were guarded like driving cattle and sheep.

In this campaign, the Wu army killed more than [-] enemies and captured more than [-] people.

This also included many princes and high officials, all of whom were captured alive by Wu Jun.

How to deal with them is a difficult problem for Qingji.


Can't kill!

You can't let it go easily.

It doesn't seem to be of much use if you keep it!

How can it be?

(End of this chapter)

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