Chapter 494
The one who dared to stand up and sing against Confucius in public was a middle-aged man who was eight feet tall, had his hair tied up in a cloth crown, and had a majestic face.

"He... who is he?"

"It's Deng Xi! It's Deng Xizi, a Chinese doctor of Zheng Guo!"

"It's actually Xizi? Xizi is not in Zheng, why did he go to Jinling?"

"I don't know anything. It is said that Deng Xizi and Ji Silu, who is in charge of Zheng Guo, are at odds, and they are in conflict. This time, I think he took refuge in Wu Guo."

After Qingji learned that the middle-aged man was Deng Xi, he was quite surprised.

Who is this Deng Xi?

Deng Xi is a pioneer figure of the School of Famous Masters.

The initiator of the "School of Discrimination of Names"!
However, Deng Xi's real achievement is in the rule of law, so his academics are mainly legalists and famous scholars.

Deng Xi was the first to oppose the idea of ​​"rule by rites", and his main ideological tendency was "lawless kings, not rites and righteousness".

As we all know, Zichan "cast a punishment book" when Zheng Guo was in power.

However, Deng Xi was even more radical than Zichan, dissatisfied with some of the policies implemented by Zichan, and once "counted the difficult policies of Zichan".

Deng Xi also compiled a written law and engraved it on bamboo slips, known as "Bamboo Punishment".

Moreover, Deng Xi also gathered people to give lectures, recruited disciples, imparted legal knowledge and litigation methods, and also helped Li Shu to fight the lawsuit as a similar litigator.

Deng Xi can also be called the number one lawyer in the late Spring and Autumn Period...

Under his advocacy, a new trend of thought emerged in Zheng Guo.

It's just that people like Deng Xi are not tolerated by the old family after all.

Historically, Ji Silu, who followed Zichan and Uncle Zi and was in charge of Zheng Guo, couldn't deal with this situation, so he "killed Deng Xi and used him as a punishment".

They killed their people and used their methods, which shows the rationality of their bamboo punishment.

At this time, under the attention of everyone, Deng Xi slowly stepped onto the debate stage, and after bowing to Confucius, sat across from each other.

Kong Qiu was very disgusted with Deng Xi.

This person's Legalism is completely different from his Confucianism.

Since his debut, Confucius has been advocating Zhou Li and governing the country with benevolence, but Deng Xi is precisely against this theory of Confucius.

Even so, Kong Qiu's face was not salty, and he bowed to Deng Xi and said: "I would like to hear about the evil nature of my step, so that the world can learn from it!"

Hearing this, Deng Xi said seriously: "Evil is the nature of human beings."

"Because human nature is evil, we need laws and regulations; people in the world are born interested in profit, so there is competition for wealth and land; people are born with greed, so there are thieves, violence and killing;

"The evil of human nature must be corrected by the law."

"Use the rule of law to prevent evil desires, and use the rule of law to guide human nature, so that human nature can be good and orderly."

"Confucius empty-handedly said that human nature is good. He attributed the merits of governing the world to the goodness of human nature, and attributed the crimes of troubled times to the evil of human nature. He just wanted to reiterate the theory of benevolent government, rule of man, and restoration, and return to the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties."

"This is condoning evil deeds, blinding childishness, and truly hypocrisy!"


Kong Qiu was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him, then snorted, and said disdainfully: "You are talking about the inherent evil of human nature, but you talk about thieves, violence, and killing. Don't you know that human nature is good at the beginning?"

"Is it true that all people in the world are born evil?"

"I don't agree with you!"

"If a baby is like a chaotic and ignorant baby, can a baby know what is evil and what is good?"

Hearing this, Deng Xi laughed lightly and said, "Confucius talked about babies."

"Then I will ask Master, is greed an 'evil'?"

"Greed is naturally evil."

Kong Qiu replied without thinking.

Greed is the original sin, no doubt about it.

Deng Xi then said: "When the baby is born, it will snatch the breast to feed itself. Isn't it greedy? In this way, isn't the baby evil?"

"Everyone in the world begins with a baby, and a baby is the beginning of a human being. Since a baby is still greedy, doesn't that prove that human nature is inherently evil?"


Kong Qiu was speechless for a while.

In the middle of the move!
Deng Xi is sophistrying!
According to Deng Xi, babies who steal breasts are indeed greedy and "evil".


All the scholars present applauded Deng Xi.

Sitting on the Sifangtai, watching Qing Ji who was arguing between Confucius and Deng Xi, he couldn't help smiling.

In fact, Qing Ji is ambiguous in the debate on whether human nature is inherently good or human nature is evil.

He did not agree with Deng Xi's statement, nor did he agree with Confucius' statement.

But Lao Tzu's statement coincides with Qing Ji's.

Because, in Qingji's view, at the beginning of human beings, the character has not really formed yet.

There is no theory of good and evil for babies, it should be nurtured the day after tomorrow.

This trip to Jixia Academy also benefited Qingji a lot.

At the very least, Qingji has already placed Lao Tzu and Deng Xi in the ranks of Shang Qing for his own use.

One of the two is a Taoist, the other is a Legalist (famous school), and each has its own strengths.

Even if Qingji can't entrust them with important tasks, he won't drive them away, or put them on the shelf and ignore them.

Lao Tzu is of great use to the state of Wu now, after all, the state of Wu is "governing by doing nothing".

As for Deng Xi, the legalist theory is too extreme, and it is undeniable that it is beneficial to the state of Wu, but Qingji does not want to adopt it at this stage.

Because in the past ten years, Qingji has carried out several reforms, so there is no need to continue to toss about.

Changing orders from day to day is not a good thing for a king or a country.

When the basic situation of Wu State is stabilized, it may be a few years later, maybe more than ten years later, Qingji will appoint Deng Xi to carry out the third reform in Wu State.

However, not now.

For Deng Xi, Qingji has other uses.


In Fengtian Temple.

Qingji was wearing a black and red-striped mian suit, a flat sky crown on his head, and a Longyuan sword pinned to his waist, sitting upright on the majesty's platform.

Sun Wu, Fan Li, Bo Tong and other officials and officials also wore Jinxian crowns on their heads, black court clothes, and ribbons around their waists, and they sat down according to their ranks.

Everyone looked at their noses with their eyes, their mouths with their noses, and their hearts with their mouths, very solemn and solemn.

"Xuan, envoy Shen Baoxu from the state of Chu has an audience—"

On the side of the platform, as the order of the CRRC government, the rubbery voice screamed.

This extremely penetrating voice was quickly conveyed.

"Xuan, envoy Shen Baoxu from the state of Chu has an audience—"

The sound of the announcement echoed throughout the palace, and it lasted for a long time.

And Shen Baoxu, who had been waiting outside Fengtian Hall for a long time, entered the hall step by step with a serious look on his face.

"Shen Baoxu, the envoy of the Chu State, see the king! The king is ten thousand years old!"

After coming to the middle of the Fengtian Hall, Shen Baoxu paid homage to the Jiji ceremony sitting on the Majesty's altar to show his submission.

This is the gift of the monarch and his ministers.

Shen Baoxu represented Xiong Zhen, and represented the state of Chu to greet Qingji as a monarch and minister.

At this time, Chu State, being forced to do nothing, has become a vassal state of Wu State——

A rather special vassal state.

And Shen Baoxu came this time to pay tribute to the state of Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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