Chapter 555
As the saying goes, the sea is inclusive of all rivers, and tolerance is great.

How could Qingji not know this truth?

For dialects, characters, customs, etc., the local Baiyue people can be allowed to keep them when celebrating taboos.

However, the language and characters of the state of Wu must be promoted in Baiyue.

This is imperative, there is no doubt about it.

Accompanied by ministers and guards, Qingji boarded the boat and experienced some features of Longchuan's mountains, rivers and lakes, and then went to a Tuntian area in Longchuan County for inspection.

Where the Yue people live in the south, the buildings are very different from those in the Central Plains.

It is well known that the form of residence is closely related to the natural and economic conditions of life of various ethnic groups.

For example, the nomadic people in northern Saibei mostly live in tents that are convenient for migration.

As in ancient times, the Xia tribes in the Central Plains mostly lived in cave dwellings, semi-crypts or bungalows built on the ground.

In contrast, the ancient Yue tribe in the south lived in a nest-like "dry column" house, that is, a two-story building with a wooden (bamboo) structure.

The lower layer raises livestock such as cattle and pigs, and the upper layer lives for people, which can prevent the humidity of the southern climate and avoid all kinds of ferocious beasts, insects and snakes.

Existence is reasonable?
Not necessarily.

It's just that there must be some truth in the existence and development of things.

There are not a few Wu people who have settled in Panyu and Longchuan.

Since the State of Wu conquered the land of Lingnan and set up prefectures and counties to rule, it began to spare no effort to develop the six counties of Lingnan.

In addition to encouraging Li Shu to settle in Lingnan, Wu Guo also sent many prisoners here, allowing them to settle in Lingnan and multiply.

Therefore, here in Longchuan County, Qingji can see some buildings with the style of the Central Plains.

"My lord, including Panyu and Longchuan, the rice produced in most places in Nanhai County can already be self-sufficient."

Seeing Qingji looking at the farmers who were plowing, Sun Li could see what was going on in his heart, so she spoke out.

Because, this is really a big deal.

The Yue people, like the Huaxia people, belong to the farming civilization.

It's just that for thousands of years, the Chinese people's farming technology has continued to develop, and they have long since broken away from the ignorant form.

The Yue people are still at the most primitive stage, living on farming, fishing and hunting.

Because simple farming can't satisfy the appetite of Yue people's aborigines.

They can't even fill their stomachs, so how can they devote themselves to farming and development?

However, after Wu Guo entered the Lingnan land, he brought advanced farming technology. This is an important reason why most places in Nanhai County can achieve self-sufficiency in agriculture.


Qingji immediately walked to the ridge of the field, looked around, and looked at the farmers who were working on the field, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

What is the difference between today's Lingnan and the Jingman land when Tai Bo went to Wu?
It was spring plowing, and under the sultry weather, the farmers were wearing short jackets and were wielding hoes and digging the fields, or driving the oxen to plow the fields, or opening a canal to irrigate the fields...

Like the native land of Wu, the main crop in Lingnan is rice.

Rice was first domesticated by the ancient Yue people in the south.

The Hemudu culture thousands of years ago proves that the ancestors of the Wuyue people were already growing rice.

The historical birthplace of rice is in Lingnan.

About [-] years ago, Niulandong in Yingde was probably the birthplace of rice farming in the world...

"Your Majesty."

Driven by curiosity, Qingji walked slowly towards the farmland.

The farmer who was still working in the farmland hurried forward to salute Qing Ji.

The prisoners sent to Lingnan were different from the local Yue people to a certain extent.

For example, the Baiyue people's complexion is darker, stronger, and even bare upper body.

The most distinctive feature of the Baiyue people is that they "chisel their teeth and paint their teeth".

This is another custom of the Yue people, which is "chiseling teeth" (tooth extraction).

This custom is called chiseling and beating teeth.

This is an act of consciously using artificial methods to extract (or hit or knock) some healthy front teeth.

In addition to chiseled and painted teeth, the biggest characteristic of Yue people is "broken hair tattoos".

The Yue people's tattoo method is to "carve their muscles and use Qingdan to nip them".

Broken hair tattoo, that is, cut short hair and tattoo (tattoo).

It is similar to "vertebral bun" and "scattered hair", which are popular hairstyles of ancient Yue people.

"Tattoo" is a way of self-protection because the ancient Yue people "learned water" to avoid dragons.

This is a multi-functional cultural custom, which contains various cultural meanings such as tribal symbols, totem worship, and coming-of-age ceremony. It is an ancient and mysterious custom.

The Wu people, like the Yue people, belong to the ethnic group with broken hair tattoos.

In the past, Taibo and Zhongyong lived in Juwu, "the tattoos were cut off, showing that they are not usable."

However, after hundreds of years of continuous integration between ethnic groups, the nobles of Wu State, including most of the people, have been inclined to the Central Plains in terms of cultural customs, rather than "broken tattoos".

Compared with the "de-Baiyue" Wu people, the Baiyue people still retain the most primitive cultural customs.

In addition to chiseling teeth and painting teeth, cutting hair and tattooing, there are also different customs and habits such as eating clams, divination with chicken bones, making alliances with arms, and taking advantage of market days.

Among them, the custom of taking advantage of the market day makes Qingji especially cordial.

Because Qingji was originally from Guangxi in his previous life.

The custom of taking advantage of the market (going to the market) has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and some places in the south still have the custom of taking advantage of the market until modern times.

"Old man, can you show me the bamboo hat on your head and the shovel in your hand?"

Qingji came to the crowd, looked at an old farmer who was nearly fifty years old with gray temples, and asked with an amiable look.

Gentle and polite!

This is Qingji's attitude.

Because, Qingji couldn't guarantee whether these Yue people could be his ancestors...

Of course, after thousands of years of continuous blending, all ethnic groups in Huaxia have long been regardless of each other, and the same blood flows in their bones.

This is cultural identity.

"My lord, please."

The old farmer couldn't understand what Qingji said, but with Sun Li translating, he could communicate.

Qingji took a look at the old farmer's bamboo hat and stone shovel, and looked at them carefully.

"Your Majesty, the style of the bamboo hats in the south of the Lingnan is different from that in the Central Plains, or even in our native country of Wu."

Sun Li, who was following him, introduced: "The Southwest Lily is made of bamboo, but it is made of fish felt. Its top is round, more than one foot high, and its circumference is quite drooping."

"There is a hat like a bag, but the top is tilted, like the tun of a field snail, so it is called a snail hat."

Hearing this, Qing Ji couldn't help nodding his head slightly.

Luo hat is a kind of bamboo hat, but it is not equal to bamboo hat, just like "a white horse is not a horse".

(End of this chapter)

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