Chapter 955

Seeing that no one was paying attention to the surroundings, and there was no ear on the wall, Fan Li, who was squatting in the corner and eating meat buns with Qingji, said, "Your Majesty, I have something that I don't understand. May I tell you, Your Majesty?"


"If this bank lends money, and the borrower dies, will the money he borrowed during his lifetime be written off, or will it be left to the family to inherit?"


This is a difficult problem.

However, it is difficult to celebrate the taboo as a time traveler.

"If the family members are willing to inherit the property of the borrower during his lifetime, the money previously borrowed from the bank must also be inherited. If the family members are unwilling to inherit the property of the borrower during his lifetime, it will be canceled."

"Your Majesty Yingming."

Qingji believes that it is necessary for the State of Wu to establish a "Law of Inheritance" so that when related cases occur, the judges will feel troubled and at a loss as to what to do.


The time has entered the 31th year of Wu Wang Qingji, that is, 483 BC, the first month.

At the end of the new year, Ji Ran got his wish and stepped down from the position of Dazai.

Prime Minister Zuo Wenzhong officially became the new Dazai of Wu.

With Ji Ran's resignation and his adoption, Wu Guochao, Sangong Jiuqing ushered in a new personnel transfer.

Dazai Wenzhong is responsible for handling major affairs of the country, assisting King Wu in governing the country, and is the head of the officials.

Guowei Sun Wu and Grand Sima Wu Zixu are responsible for managing the country's military affairs and mastering military power. They obey the orders of the King of Wu in wartime and can mobilize the army according to the talisman of the King of Wu.

The censor Fan Li and the censor Zhongcheng Bo Tong were in charge of the country's criminal constitution and regulations, and ordered them to rule the court.

The prime minister on the left, Kong Qiu, and the prime minister on the right, Deng Xi, one was in charge of the inside and the other was in charge of the outside, both were Dazai's assistants.

The above is the "Three Dukes" level, and the next is Jiuqing.

Bong Chang Zhuyong, in charge of the etiquette of the ancestral temple, has a high status and is the head of the Jiuqing;
Lang Zhong Ling Heifu, in charge of palace guards;
Weiwei Goujian, in charge of the palace gate guards;
The imperial servant Shenxi is in charge of the imperial horse and the state horse administration;
Ting Wei Li Ke, in charge of judicial trials;
Daxing Lingyanghu, in charge of foreign affairs and civil affairs;
Zongzheng covered up the rest and was in charge of the affairs of the royal family and clan;
Govern Su Nei Shi Zengdian, in charge of taxation, money, and financial revenue and expenditure;
The Shaofu was left to take charge of the taxation of mountains, seas, ponds and official handicrafts exclusively for the royal family.

There are also Dagongling Ganjiang and Dazaoling Luban, which belong to the sequence of Jiuqing.

In fact, Qingji has already considered moving out the system of three provinces and six ministries.

Because with the continuous expansion of Wu State's territory and complicated government affairs, the number of ministers needed by the court must also increase, otherwise the administrative efficiency may be somewhat low.

However, for now, Wu Guochao's implementation of the Sangong Jiuqing system is barely enough.

Qingji plans to implement the system of three provinces and six ministries after he unifies the world to take care of all aspects.

Qing Ji still takes good care of Ji Ran when he retires.

Qingji granted Jiran the title of "Grand Master", enjoying the treatment of the three princes, with continuous annual salary, and also canonized Jiran as "Jingyang Lord". All the land rent and tax in Jingyang County were used as Jiran's annual salary, which is equivalent to Jiran's future salary. Enjoy the food town of a county.

However, it will not be hereditary. After Ji Ran passes away, the land rent tax in Jingyang County will be nationalized.

This is a privilege given to Ji Ran by Qing Ji.

It is worth mentioning that Ji Ran, who was the Dazai before, has been given [-] households by Qingji in the past few decades, and the rest of the fertile land, houses, manors, gold, jade, etc. powerful.

However, Ji Ran declined Qing Ji's kindness.

"Your Majesty, I can accept the titles of Taishi and Jingyang Lord, but the rest of the salary, food, land rent and tax of Jingyang County, and the belongings of gold, jade and silk, please take it back. I dare not accept it even if I die!"

Ji Ran knelt down and said sincerely.

"Ji Ran, why do you refuse to accept?"

Qingji frowned.

Ji Ran sighed and said: "Your Majesty, although I have made contributions to the country, the ones I ask for are not for fame or profit. I hope that Great Wu will rule China and Kyushu, and end the war in this land from now on!"

"Now, the minister has retired after his accomplishments, and he has a reputation before and after his life. It's even lucky."

"Your Majesty, please take back your food, fertile land, and house for the country's use. In this way, I will have no regrets!"


Ji Ran's words were so high-spirited and upright that the officials above the court were all in admiration.

Ji Ran, like the late Jizha, devoted himself to the Wu Kingdom and died.

Moreover, after their death, their family property is automatically handed over to the state treasury, and they do not leave any private property with their descendants.

Their descendants will not be able to survive if they do not live up to their expectations.

Of course, the descendants of Ji Zha and Ji Ran all served as officials in the state of Wu.

"Ji Ran, why are you bothering?"

Qingji sighed and said: "The world is bustling with people, all for profit. I know that you are high-spirited and upright, and you are known as a hermit. However, if the second or third son seeks an official position, he should enshrine his wife and son, become rich and powerful, and establish a family of his own. merit."

"Now that you are resigning from office and returning to support, if you don't leave private property to your descendants, how can you bear it?"

Hearing this, Ji Ran smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, it's not that I didn't leave any legacy to my children and grandchildren."

"The minister can leave fifteen hectares of land and eight hundred mulberry trees. If there are fields and mulberry trees, the descendants of the minister will have no worries about food and clothing."

According to the level, as a Dazai, Ji Ran can get 350 Dendrobium per month and 4200 Dendrobium per year.

Calculated according to the standard of Wu Guotaizai Zhiwanshi, Ji Ran's salary is enough to support his family life, and there is a large balance.

The 100 hectares of land required by Jiran, one hectare is [-] mu, and the annual income is based on the three-year cropping system of the three types of fields. times.

If the income is calculated in millet, the annual income is at least 650 shi!
The combined modern catty is 17750 catties, and the income is quite considerable.

In addition, Ji Ran's family also has 800 mulberry plants for silkworm brocade weaving.

Ji Ran's source of income, in addition to salary income and family land income, is the income from a large number of rewards.

However, as far as Qing Ji knew, Ji Ran had the style of a sage in ancient times, he was diligent and thrifty in managing his family, and his life was quite poor.
Ji Ran lived frugally, and whenever there was a famine in some places, he would always take the initiative to donate his property and express his heart.

Otherwise, the income from food, salary, fields, mulberry trees, houses, manors, shops and other industries under the name of Jiran would be an astronomical figure.

Take out any item at random, and Ji Ran can become a very rich and powerful person.

"My widow, no."

"Your Majesty..."

"No need to say any more."

Qing Ji waved his hand and said, "Ji Ran, you have worked hard and made great achievements for the widow and the country of Great Wu."

"The widow sees it in his eyes and remembers it in his heart. If you don't reward you and let you bless the descendants of the country, how can the widow have the heart? How can the people of the country have the heart?"

"Ji Ran, by doing this, you have indeed left a clear name for yourself, but this is injuring others into injustice!"

"How do you let the world view the widow? How can you bear it?"

Hearing this, Ji Ran reluctantly accepted Qing Ji's reward.

(End of this chapter)

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