Chapter 984
Since Wu Zixu was appointed as the general to pacify Zhongshan, Wu Jun changed his previous tactics and organized a full-scale attack against Zhongshan Rong.

Because Zhongshan people were rebellious, even the old and weak, women and children dared to attack Wu soldiers, so Wu Zixu ordered decisively that if one person rebelled, the whole family would be killed.

One family rebelled, and the whole village was slaughtered.

This caused Zhongshan people to be afraid of Wu Jun's strength, and the practice of frequently attacking Wu Jun soldiers has been improved.

Immediately afterwards, in order to attract the Zhongshan army in the Taihang Mountains to fight, Wu Zixu deliberately sent the people of Zhongshan, especially the old and weak women and children, to Longxi County and Shu County in batches of tens of thousands.

Just as Qingji and Wu Zixu guessed, the Zhongshan people couldn't sit still.

After all, those old and weak women and children are all from the fathers and folks of Zhongshan Country, maybe they are their parents, wives and children, how can they abandon them?

The Zhongshan people had no choice but to fight, intending to rescue their fathers and fellow villagers.

However, Wu Zixu, who had expected this for a long time, deployed a lot of iron cavalry. Once the Zhongshan soldiers came out to attack, they would directly surround them and kill them...

After this and that, the Zhongshan people dared not fight anymore, and could only watch helplessly as Wu Jun sent his relatives away, and they might say goodbye forever.

In grief and indignation, many Zhongshan people chose to fight Wu Jun, but some rational Zhongshan people became deserters and left with their parents, wives and children.

In order to pacify Zhongshan as soon as possible and eliminate all rebel forces in the territory, Wu Zixu sent people to poison the river and set fire to the mountain.

Such vicious methods really worked.

A large number of Zhongshan people had to escape from the deep mountains and old forests, and were eventually shot and killed by the Wu army, or passively put down their weapons and surrendered.

The time has entered the 32th year of Wu Wang Qingji, which is 482 BC, the beginning of August in the lunar calendar.

As King Zhongshan led his subjects and troops out of the Taihang Mountains and surrendered to the Wu army, the Zhongshan Kingdom, which had existed for more than [-] years, officially declared its demise.

Qingji and Wu Zixu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief that Zhongshan people were so knowledgeable.

After all, they don't want to make things too extreme.

After the fall of Zhongshan State, Wu State truly unified the world.


The capital of Wu State, Xianyang.

At this time, in the Chongzheng Hall, Qingji held a grand court meeting, and all officials with a rank of more than six hundred shi must participate on the spot.

Qingji rewarded Sun Wu, Wu Zixu, Tian Rangju, Gong Zizhang, Gong Zixi, Xu Menchao and other meritorious ministers according to their merits.

Food towns, fertile land, mansions, gold, jade silk, official titles, etc., whoever can be rewarded to them, Qingji will reward them one by one, and it must be as good as one wishes.

The rest of the soldiers will then be rewarded one by one according to their merits.

This is a huge expenditure for Wu's finances.

However, in Qingji's view, it was totally worth it.

"The land of Zhongshan is located in Hejian County."

"The land of Yan is located in Shanggu County and Yuyang County."

Qingji made such an arrangement.

The territory of the State of Yan is quite large, but it has not yet reached the Liaodong area. It is more than enough for the State of Wu to govern two or three counties.

If there is a suitable opportunity, Qingji might launch a Northern Expedition to take down the land of Liaodong.

With the addition of Hejian County, Shanggu County, and Yuyang County by Qingji, there are already 45 counties in Wu State at this time.

The current territory of Wu State starts from Liaoxi (Yuyang County) in the east, reaches the Amu Darya River in the west, occupies Lingnan (including Vietnam and part of Burma) in the south, and reaches Yinshan and Hetao in the north.

It is similar to the Qin Dynasty in history, and it is similar to the Han Dynasty.

If you have to say that the territory of Wu State is different from that of the Han Dynasty, it should be the two places of Liaodong and North Korea...

"Confucius, how is the compilation of "Song of Wu" going?"

Qingji set his sights on the Zuo Prime Minister Kong Qiu.

As a master of rites and music, Kong Qiu had long been entrusted with the important task of compiling "Song of Wu" by Qingji.

As the saying goes, etiquette cannot be discarded. For a country, etiquette and music are second only to "Rong" and "Sacrifice". Therefore, Qingji was ingenious to compile a ritual and music belonging to the state of Wu, which will be passed on to future generations and let people know. The world remembers its greatness, the greatness of Wu.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the compilation of "Song of Wu" has basically been completed, and some pieces of music are still in the stage of debugging and rehearsal, but they can be played at any time."


Qingji nodded slightly.

At this time, Dazai Wenzhong came out with a wat in his hand, knelt on the floor, and said in a loud voice: "Your Majesty, today is set, the four seas will be one, and the hearts of the people will be convinced!"

"The minister is not talented, dare to be the first in the world, invite the king to come to the throne of the emperor, change the dynasty, think that China's Zhengshuo will determine the orthodoxy of the world!"

"Boldly, I invite the king to rule the world!"

With Wen Zhong taking the lead, the officials of the Wu Kingdom, who had secretly rehearsed for a long time, immediately knelt down and said in unison: "Please come to the world, Your Majesty!"

At the end, Uncle Zhong Cheng, who is good at "stealing, rape and playing tricks", kowtowed and said: "If the king does not rule the world, the minister will not be able to kneel here!"

"My lord! You are the destiny, the eternal holy king that all people look up to!"

"It is the king, it is you who established the great cause of the great unification, an unprecedented great cause!"

"The land of the great king, crosses the quicksand in the west, and ends in Beihu in the south. There is the East China Sea in the east, and Daxia in the north. Wherever people go, there are no servants!"

"Even the ancient Chengtang Zhouwen, Tang Yao, Shun Yu, Three Emperors and Five Emperors, their merits and virtues are far inferior to the Great King!"

As soon as the words came out, the officials deeply agreed, and they all kowtowed their heads on the floor, just like Bo Tong, planning to kneel forever.

In fact, Qingji has the intention of being king.

At this time, he is actually the king of the world.

However, there is still one name missing.

This title is very important.

To this day, does Qingji still use modesty?

No need!

The great achievements he has established do not have to be like those later emperors, who have to be hypocritical and cover up, so that he dares to come to the position of the lord of the world.

"Second and third sons, please get up."

Qingji raised his hand, and said slowly: "The fate is in Wu, and the hearts of the people are in Wu. If you don't take advantage of the will of heaven and follow the hearts of the people, you can rule the world and rule the world, it's not justified."

"However, the widow is the emperor, how should the ceremony be arranged? What are the regulations?"

This is a difficult problem.

According to the past practice, it seems that celebrating Ji only needs to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth, and send people to pray to the ghosts and gods of mountains, rivers and rivers.

However, as his own "Royal Great Ceremony", Qingji didn't want to do it too sloppily.

According to the past regulations, it was too sloppy and did not show Qingji's dignity as the emperor.

If some charters are to be reformulated, where should we start?

Kong Qiu pondered for a while, then said: "Your Majesty, I think that the Grand Ceremony of the Son of Heaven should be more grand and justified."

"The destiny lies in virtue. Now Zhou De has collapsed and ceased to exist, but Wu De is flourishing. Therefore, the Zhou family should be allowed to transfer the artifact to the Wu room, so that the emperor of Zhou will abdicate."


Qingji was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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